I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 381 Akutsu's Awakening, No Disillusionment

Chapter 381 Akutsu's Awakening, No Disillusionment

Broken cement blocks kept falling into the deep pit. The audience all stood on tiptoe and looked into the deep pit, wanting to see the real situation.

"Is this guy going to do something?"

A high school student couldn't help but speak up.

Hear the words.

The faces of the people around him suddenly changed, and many of them showed fear in their eyes.

After all, this is just a tennis game. If someone gets killed, it will be troublesome.

"Hey, Akutsujin."

At this time.

Byodoin, who was standing on one side of the court, tilted his head and looked over, saying coldly, "If you're not dead, get up again."

After hearing his words, the eyes of the people around him changed slightly, especially the junior high school students in the loser group. They only knew that Byodoin was strong, but they had never seen the other party take action, nor did they know their specific personality.

At this moment, seeing the other party's indifferent expression, as if he didn't care about human life, they couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling.


Byodoin had just finished speaking.

The sound of gravel rolling down could be heard from the deep pit. Then, everyone saw Akutsu stand up slowly and walk back to the court slowly.


Feng's eyes were full of worry. He could see clearly that Akutsu's arms and feet were covered with scratches.

With every step he took, the other party would show a grinning expression, and it was obvious that his injuries had not yet been alleviated.


Being hit away by a ball in front of so many people was a great humiliation for Akutsu.


The physical injuries made him angry at the person in front of him, but also made him feel extremely fearful.

The other party is too strong.

It was just a normal reaction, but he could easily fight back his tyrant mode attack. This made Akutsu realize that when he fought against him a month ago, the opponent must not have used his full strength.

Take a deep breath.

The bloody aura that represented the will of a tyrant reappeared on him. Coupled with the scars on his face and body, he looked even more dangerous.

"Isn't this guy giving up yet?"

Off the field.

Hakamada, Akiniba and others frowned slightly.

They admitted that Akutsu was very strong, but it would be naive to think that this ability could shake Byodoin.


Akutsu didn't hesitate at all. After making up his mind to attack, he served the ball again.

Tap! !
Immediately, without saying anything, he rushed directly to the front of the net. With the blessing of the blood-colored aura, he was like a vicious wolf bursting out with ferocious intent, rushing towards its prey.

But it's a pity.

His opponent was never a prey; on the contrary, he was a professional hunter who was enough to terrify most people present.

The tennis ball flew out and headed straight for Akutsu's ankle.

Byodoin's point-shooting was extremely accurate, and his control of timing and angle was amazing.



However, Akutsu did not stop, but burst out with his momentum again, speeding up his movement and swinging his racket to intercept the tennis ball in advance.

"Super half volley?!"

Outside the court, St. Rudolph's Yuta Fuji exclaimed. This move was too similar to his signature move, the super half volley.

"Do not."

But Guan Yue, who was holding his hair beside him, shook his head and said, "This is not an ordinary volley. His speed, strength and even reaction ability have reached an extremely amazing level."

If Fuji Yuta's half volley is based on technique, then Akutsu not only has better technique, but his instinctive reaction ability also surpasses Mizuki's understanding of data.

In his opinion.

This level of half-volley has reached a point where it is impossible to accurately calculate at the data level.

Of course, this was limited by his ability, but Guanyue was also convinced that even Liu, Qian, and even the U17 staff officer Mitsuya could not understand and analyze the data of Akutsu's move.


Byodoin was also somewhat surprised by this half-volley: "This kid's speed and reaction ability have improved so much compared to before?"

"He must be hiding his strength."

Duke outside the court said confidently: "It is impossible for him to dare to challenge you, the leader, without any improvement in his strength."

"you are wrong."

Who knows.

However, Byodoin shook his head and said, "His physical fitness is indeed improving. This guy's talent is even greater than I thought."

The words fell.

Byodoin swung the racket and hit the tennis ball.

Sure enough, the impact from the racket proved his judgment. Looking at Akutsu again, he was already approaching the court.

"If I'm not mistaken, this kid's talent doesn't come from his usual training."


After professional training, Akutsu's strength improvement will not be worse than other players. But his talent is truly terrifying in the actual combat stage.

In the original one-goal match, when Byodoin defeated Akutsu with one goal, he did not think so much. This match made him discover the opponent's true talent.

"This is a monster made for the court!"

Something moved in my heart.

Byodoin also developed a strong interest. He really wanted to know to what extent the guy on the opposite side could grow under his pressure.

on the field.

The two kept fighting.

Akutsu, who was in front of the net, kept firing fierce tennis balls like a cannon, but Byodoin, who was at the baseline, always maintained a leisurely posture.

As the time goes.

A line of sweat gradually appeared on Akutsu's forehead.

"Damn it!"

The attack was at a disadvantage, and Akutsu's face became more and more ugly. At the same time, the various hormones in his body continued to rise due to the change in his emotions.

This made Akutsu even more excited, and his eyes gradually turned red.


A pure blood-colored terrifying aura suddenly burst out from his body, like a blood fountain, spreading out as if it were real.

And this time.

Akutsu's hair also turned visibly white. His expression, which was originally cold in tyrant mode, suddenly became ferocious.

“This kind of momentum?!!”

Off the field.

The hearts of Kaji, Kimijima, Omagari and others trembled violently.

Even though they had rich experience and a different perspective from ordinary high school students, they were still shocked by Akutsu's aura.



The white-haired boy in front of him looked like a monster that had emerged from a sea of ​​blood, giving people a sense of extreme danger.

"Is this guy still human?"

Under the shocked eyes of everyone.

The tennis ball hit by Akutsu created a huge gust of air that instantly submerged Byodoin Temple.

From Byodoin's perspective, a huge tennis ball suddenly appeared in front of him.

But it's different from the ordinary tennis dimension.

At this time, a scarlet light appeared all around Byodoin, making his whole body look extremely strange.


Facing the [Tennis Alternate Dimension] that Akutsu had brought up, Byodoin raised his brows slightly: "I didn't expect that this guy would enter this field in this way."

As a top master, Byodoin's mentality has long reached the point where he can remain calm even when faced with a mountain collapse.

The so-called tennis dimension may be very scary from the perspective of others, but to Byodoin, it is nothing more than the awakening of the deep consciousness in the human body.

But there are too many such consciousnesses.

Even the Byodoin Temple, which has traveled around the world, has not yet fully come into contact with the special abilities that have appeared so far, representing various types of consciousness.

The special ability released by Akutsu in front of him represented the most primitive violence and barbarity. It was the instinctive stress response of the creature, but it was still at the level of 'chaos'.

in other words.

The Akutsu in front of him only had the power, but he did not fundamentally transform the aura that was very familiar to Byodoin into an ability that he could fully control. Buzz!

next moment.

In the chaotic and desolate wilderness.

A ferocious white wolf pounced towards Byodoin in the dark night.


Looking at the wolf's open bloody mouth, Byodoin could even smell the stench emanating from it.

Be someone else.

He must have had a nervous breakdown by now.

However, Byodoin did not even look at it, but simply raised his right hand.

In an instant.

A cold light flashed by.

Under the white wolf's horrified gaze, its body was neatly cut into two parts, starting from its opening mouth.

But in reality.

A faint yellow light suddenly exploded behind Akutsu. At the same time, everyone turned their heads around and saw a racket with a big hole in it in Akutsu's hand.


The referee spoke, and the stadium suddenly became so quiet that only the sound of the wind could be heard.

"A-Akutsu's racket. Gulu!"

Xianghi pointed at the net with a trembling voice, where Akutsu's racket was hit through the middle.

“One ball!”

The expressions of Atobe, Oshitari and others were extremely solemn.

Even though the two had been fighting for a long time, Byodoin's only real shot was that one shot just now.


Even Atobe, who had very sharp eyesight, didn't catch how Byodoin hit the tennis ball over.

"What kind of competition is this?"

The players from other schools were also shocked. You know, it was only the second ball since the start of the game, but the effect of the two players' play reached the peak showdown of the previous shuffle battle.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The racket was pierced.

Akutsu's face turned red and then blue, and his bloodshot eyes stared at Byodoin as if he wanted to eat it up.

"This guy has a very fierce personality."

Not far away, Long Ya couldn't help but shook her head.

Akutsu's talent is undoubtedly strong, but his personality is something that even he finds very troublesome.

But after thinking about it, Long Ya felt relieved.

After all, this was a beast that even Byodoin had spent a month trying to tame. It was impossible for anyone else to suppress this person.

"Senior, cheer up and answer it."

At this time.

A clear voice with a smile came from outside the stadium.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look, only to see a young man in a red and black jacket throwing a black racket towards Akutsu.

Akutsu subconsciously held onto the racket, and his wrist suddenly sank down: "This kind of weight."

His expression suddenly changed.

"Fight seriously."

At this time, the black-haired boy who threw the racket, Ishikawa, smiled and said, "Senior, you should be more than this, right?"


Seeing this, the high school students' eyes changed slightly.

Although Ishikawa has a high status and is the undisputed number one among junior high school students, Akutsu has a personality that would slap even a passing dog, and he probably won't give face to anyone.

But to their surprise, after receiving the racket, Akutsu just muttered in dissatisfaction: "You're so nagging, I get it!"


Seeing this, everyone, including Long Ya, showed shocked expressions.

"That person actually..."

"It's normal."

Echizen beside him nodded and said, "The only person Akutsu fears is Ishikawa."

Long Ya's eyes changed.

He was still thinking about how to tame this beast in the future, but he didn't expect that someone had already tamed it.

"Shin Ishikawa"

Looking up at the other person, Long Ya narrowed her eyes.

He has been a wanderer in the world since he was a child. He lives a carefree life and travels around the world. But as long as he wants to do something, there is nothing he can't do.

But now.

However, he was repeatedly defeated by a boy who was even two years younger than him.

This made his desire to take away the other party's ability become stronger!

the other side.

As Akutsu returned to the baseline, the court became quiet again.

next moment.

Everyone was surprised to see that Akutsu, who usually had a rebellious personality, actually took the initiative to hit the tennis ball.

"Is he testing the effectiveness of the racket?"

Someone quickly realized that the weight of the racket in Akutsu's hand seemed a bit exaggerated.


At this time, Irie in the crowd said in surprise: "If I remember correctly, this racket should be the one Ishikawa used when he was in the back mountain, right?"


The ghost next to him nodded.

He had a good memory and recognized it at a glance. This was Ishikawa's special racket, which was heavier than the one used by the junior high school students in the loser group later.

"He achieved his goal."

Looking at Akutsu on the court, whose boiling aura was gradually returning to calm despite the bloody aura still surging from his body, the ghost continued, "I hope this kid can make a real awakening."

at the same time.

Byodoin Temple on the court also understood Ishikawa's intention.

"He really got the timing of his entry right."

Byodoin smiled.

Ishikawa, who also noticed that Akutsu was in an unstable state, took the opportunity of handing over the racket to calm him down.


No matter how powerful a force is, if it cannot be mastered, it will only have slightly greater destructive power.


Byodoin raised his head and fixed his eyes on the boy opposite him: "Akujin Jin, are you ready?"


Akutsu, who was also lost in thought, gradually became determined. Before this, all he wanted was to defeat Ishikawa and Byodoin.

but now.

Even with all his strength, he couldn't make any progress in his attack and suddenly realized that tennis was not as simple as he had imagined.

So, should he continue on this path?
In an instant.

All the past memories of playing tennis came to his mind, and he was a little dazed. When he thought about whether to cut ties with tennis, Akutsu's body suddenly shook.


He raised his head and looked at his opponent fiercely.



Without saying a word, Akutsu threw the tennis ball up again.

Swish swish! ! !
next moment.

Under the shocked gazes of the crowd, and covered by the bloody aura, four other figures exactly like Akutsu appeared at the same time.

"This is."

Seeing this scene, Mitsutani, the U17 staff officer, suddenly narrowed his eyes and blurted out, "No knowledge?!"

(End of this chapter)

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