Douluo: Shrek won't accept it?Backhand Tianshui Academy

Chapter 46 The 1st Team Battle, Bear and Tiger Team

Chapter 46 The first team battle, Bear and Tiger Team

"Let's get ready for a team battle."

Ye Changge opened the door, Hu Liena walked in and said to Ye Changge.

"Group combat is not possible for the time being. Shui Bing'er is injured."

Ye Changge shook his head, "In the past few days, you will be paired with Shui Bing'er first, and I will be paired with Gu Qingbo."


Hu Liena's eyes widened when she heard this. Why should she go with Shui Bing'er instead of Gu Qingbo and Shui Bing'er?
At this time, everyone came back one after another and told Ye Changge about today's results.

The current situation is that each of them won one game in the individual competition, and each of them won two games in the double competition, except for Hu Liena and Gu Qingbo.

Except for Hu Liena and Gu Qingbo, who scored two points, everyone else scored three points.

No one suffered any injuries in today's individual competition.

Still a pretty good result.

Ye Changge nodded, but Hu Liena was reluctant, "I want to team up with you."

"You are relatively strong and can lead someone to victory. There is no need to waste resources with me."

Ye Changge shook his head, "Shui Bing'er and Gu Qingbo teamed up. Although they both have 2000 soul rings, they are still a little powerless when facing opponents with high soul power. So you team up with Shui Bing'er, and I and Gu Qingbo One group is more suitable.”

As soon as Ye Changge said these words, Hu Liena was immediately speechless.

I can only pray in my heart that Shui Bing'er's injury will heal faster.

Only then can he and Ye Changge continue to form a team.

Over the next two days, each of the six scored a few more wins.

Shui Binger scored three points, Gu Qingbohu Liena scored five points, and the others scored ten points.

Although the progress is not uniform, the bad games can be made up quickly.

Two days later, Shui Bing'er's injuries were healed.

Ye Changge then led everyone to prepare for the group battle.

As for the team’s name.

Ye Changge, who was a name-breaker, thought for a long time and came up with the Ice and Fire Team.

Hu Liena and Ye Changge are fire, while the others are ice.

"Hey, brother, did you bring everyone here today?"

The staff looked at the large group of beauties following Ye Changge and were once again amazed.

Pedestrians on the road also looked at Ye Changge with envy.

"We plan to sign up for a team battle."

Ye Changge ignored the staff's words and spoke calmly.

"Okay, there happened to be a team that just fell behind during the match. You guys can go in."

The staff quickly led seven people into the competition venue.

It was the first time for several of them to participate in a team competition, and they looked at the ring with curiosity.

In fact, compared to the individual competition and double competition, the arena is just a lot bigger, but there is not much difference in other aspects.

However, the audience here is much larger.

Seeing the appearance of this team, the attention of a large number of spectators was attracted.

Soon, the rival team appeared.

Four men and three women.

"This battle is between Team Ice and Fire and Team Bear and Tiger!"

Suddenly, the host's voice came out from nowhere.

As soon as he came on the field, the opponent released his martial spirit.

Basically, the martial spirits are white, yellow and purple.

There is only one yellow, yellow and purple one standing in the C position.

He should be their captain.

Their martial spirits were all like bears and tigers, and there was also a woman whose martial spirit was that of a leopard.

"Two tigresses, a leopard girl, a tiger boy, and three stupid bears."

Ye Changge quickly came to a conclusion.

The opponent does not have a control soul master, which is not a great advantage when fighting in a group battle.On Ye Changge's side, no martial soul was released.

Seeing this scene, the Tiger Team couldn't help but frowned.

You know, releasing the martial spirit before the start is a sign of respect for the opponent.

But the other party hid it, which made it clear that he looked down on himself and others.

And they looked confident.

This made the members of Team Xionghu feel a little angry for a while.


The captain of Team Bear and Tiger is a defensive soul master whose martial spirit is the powerful Vajra Bear.

He had long been envious and jealous of the beautiful women around Ye Changge, Ruyun, and now he didn't even take him seriously.

How could he bear it.

Soon, the Bear and Tiger team got into position.

"Hu Liena and I are responsible for the frontal assault, Shui Bing'er is responsible for containment, giving priority to restricting the opponent's agility attack type battle soul master from rushing in, Yu Hairou attacks from the side, and the others act according to the opportunity."

Ye Changge simply deployed tactics.

"Game start!"

Since this was the first group battle, Ye Changge's idea was that everyone should get used to it first. After all, the previous actual battles were meaningless.

So running in is very important.

However, except for Hu Liena, the cooperation of the others was quite tacit.

I saw Hu Liena quickly releasing the Sky Fox Transformation and Fox Fire Order, and rushing towards the powerful Vajra Bear.

But after all, the martial soul was not released, and the power of the soul skill was greatly reduced. The impact on the powerful Vajra Bear only broke his defensive soul skill.

The opponent's Leopard Girl quickly attacked Hu Liena.

At this time, Hu Liena had no one to respond.

Shui Bing'er's ice seal was given to the sudden attack-type tigress.

Yu Hairou quickly followed up and repelled it.

Seeing the agility attack tigress on the opposite side approaching again, Shui Yue'er and Gu Qingbo came to the front and worked together to repel it.

Hu Liena stepped forward alone, and after being attacked by the Leopard Girl, no one responded for a while.

Fortunately, Ye Changge took action in time.

Pulling Hu Liena's body back allowed her to escape the Leopard Girl's attack.

However, the other party seemed to find that Hu Liena's cooperation with the others was not very tacit.

Teammates couldn't understand Hu Liena's intention immediately.

Therefore, for a time, whether Hu Liena was attacking or defending, it was equivalent to doing it alone.

Only occasionally did Ye Changge free up his hands to help.

Although Ye Changge is powerful, he has not released his martial spirit after all.

The combat capability will naturally be greatly reduced.

Being able to suppress the strong-attacking bear man and the strong-attacking tiger man in front of him is already very good.

At the same level, suppressing two people who have activated martial arts without using martial arts is a rare fighting genius in thousands of years.

If the martial spirit is activated, everyone will naturally be able to defeat the opponent step by step.

But in order to build a tacit understanding, Ye Changge decided not to use martial arts. After all, the 2000 soul ring had a strong bonus on them.

Even without martial arts, they may not lose to their opponents.

What's more, there is Ye Changge who is holding the battle.

It is precisely because of this that Shui Bing'er and the other girls, even though Ye Changge suppressed two of them and Hu Liena restrained one of them, were evenly matched with the three people on the other side.

Now, the other side has obviously discovered that Hu Liena is a breakthrough for them.

The leopard girl and the agility-attack tiger boy quickly charged towards Hu Liena.

The powerful Vajra Bear restrained Hu Liena and prevented her from retreating.

Seeing this, Ye Changge pushed away the attack-type tiger man in front of him with one palm.

(End of this chapter)

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