Chapter 73
Ye Changge walked onto the ring, and below the ring, stood people from Barak Academy.

Although they had not watched yesterday's game, they had heard of Ye Changge's reputation.

This is almost being called a god by people in the Tiandou Division.

How dare they deal with it?

Barak Academy is different from other teams.

The other teams, because of the appearance of Ye Changge, are much stronger than the original ones.

But the strength of Barak Academy can be said to be no different from the original.

It's completely like being beaten.

Especially their captain was shocked when he saw Ye Changge walking out.

He couldn't afford to offend someone who could destroy Team Thunder with one move.

He didn't know who Ye Changge was, but he knew who Yu Tianxin was!

The twin stars of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family were instantly killed with one move.

Then Ye Changge's strength is not so strong that he can fly?

Their Barak Academy has some strength, but it's not that strong.

He had heard that Ye Changge had directly crippled all the members of the Thunder Team.

After a month's rest, I was able to advance to the promotion round.

What if Ye Changge is beaten half-disabled by them?
Thinking of this, the captain of Barak Academy shivered even more.

"Why don't you come up?"

Seeing that no one of his opponents came on stage, Ye Changge couldn't help but frowned.

"I'm coming."

Lovki, the captain of Barak Academy, hurried onto the stage.

"I am Luofuji, the captain of Barak Academy, a level 42 agility-attack war soul sect. I hope you can show mercy."

Luofuji's voice was trembling.

"Oh, Lovki, okay, I will be merciful."

Ye Changge nodded, and at the same time gestured to his opponent with the back of one hand.

Ye Changge remembered that Luofuji, in the original work, frequently caused trouble for Shrek Academy because his father was an executive in the education department of the Balak Kingdom.

If you are the enemy of your enemy, then you are your friend.

Ye Changge would naturally show mercy.

"Wow, why is this guy so arrogant? He is the number one genius in our Balak Kingdom. How can he be so confident and not afraid of being beaten up later?"

"Yes, although Luofuji is a second-generation ancestor, he still has strength."

A group of spectators were puzzled by Ye Changge's somewhat arrogant actions.

"You are from the Balak Kingdom. You haven't watched the previous games. It's normal. You don't know that this Ye Changge wiped out an entire team with just one soul skill."

"One person destroys one team? Are you kidding me?"

"What he said is true. You know the twins of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin, that Yu Tianxin was violently beaten by Ye Changge some time ago."

"Although this Ye Changge is also over level 40, the strength he can display is comparable to that of a level [-] quasi-soul king."

Just when a group of spectators from the Balak Kingdom were doubtful, the two men on the field had already started fighting.

Luofuji is a second-generation ancestor, but he is not stupid. The person in front of him is definitely not something he can easily deal with.

Luo Fuji quickly used his soul skills to approach Ye Changge, facing Luo Fuji's sudden close combat.

Ye Changge just raised his hand and wrapped his arm with soul power to block Luofuji's blow.

"This, this, this, this, actually blocked Luofuji's soul skill just by raising his hand?"

The audience in the Balak Kingdom, who had been skeptical about what the Tiandou Division audience said just now, now completely believed it.

Not only the out-of-town audiences were surprised, but the local audiences were also extremely surprised.

"Ye Changge's physical fitness is very good, right? Did he still have some energy left yesterday?"

"This, if he didn't attack with all his strength yesterday, how terrifying would he be if he showed his true strength? It's impossible, can he beat the Soul King? Then this is too outrageous, right?"

"Okay, okay, you still have to practice."

Ye Changge said, and then gently knocked Luofuji away.After all, although this is a second-generation ancestor, he feels sorry for Shrek Academy. For this reason, he must be gentle to Luofuji.

The rest of the people at Barak Academy took a look.

The captain of his own family was slapped away.

These team members are just having fun.

"Who will go to the next game? Orlof, or you?"

"I'm not going, why don't you go up yourself."

Everyone in Barak Academy started pushing each other.

"Forget it, I'll go."

Suddenly, a man walked onto the ring.

Just when everyone thought that this guy was going to be beaten by Ye Changge again.

This guy suddenly said, "I give up!"

"This guy is so shameful. I thought he was so brave to challenge Ye Changge, but he gave up the moment he came up."

For a time, there were endless sounds of lamentation on the field.

"Really cowardly."

Listening to the voices of the audience, this person ignored them and walked off the stage.

Others, after seeing this guy's actions, said they had learned something.

have followed suit.

Of course, not all people in the Balak Kingdom are cowards.

There are also a few people who want to challenge Ye Changge.

And Ye Changge also kept his hands. Not only did he not use martial arts, he even only used one hand.

Throughout the game, only Ye Changge from the Tianshui team took action.

As for the Barak Academy team, four members gave in and three were defeated.

"Ye Changge faced three people, and he didn't even take a breath. He was using one hand. This fighting ability is really scary."

The audience couldn't help but sigh.

On the other side, Team Shrek also defeated their opponents.

They are all in a crushing posture.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing defeated an opponent of the Silvis Principality.

Immediately, Tang San looked at Ye Changge who was walking down the ring with an unkind expression.

As if sensing something, Ye Changge turned around and met Tang San's eyes.

His eyes were full of disdain.

With my current strength, it would be no problem to reach level 55.

In the promotion competition, it was quite easy to deal with Tang San.

However, I have to speed up my cultivation.

After all, if the Shrek Seven Devils mastered the seven-in-one fusion skill, Tang San would fight with him.

Suddenly a martial soul avatar burst out, and a Haotian avatar hit him on the head.

Maybe it’s really hard to bear.

However, the current Shrek Seven Monsters probably haven't mastered it yet.

I also have time to catch up slowly.

So Ye Changge is still not panicking at all.

Tang San looked at Ye Changge's stern expression and felt unhappy in his heart.

When I master the seven-in-one fusion skill, a Haotian avatar will smash you to death!

The master is now teaching them the seven-in-one fusion technique. If it is successful, it can directly increase his soul power to the soul saint level.

(End of this chapter)

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