Oh my god, ancestor, how many ex-girlfriends do you have?

Chapter 213 Those who believe in my evil god will have eternal life

Ao Fang caught Hongyun's body in mid-air and found that it was very shriveled. He couldn't help but feel cold in his heart.

This Xu Xian's sword is too evil.

"It seems that we can only invite the evil god..."

He glanced at Hongyun and suddenly felt cruel in his heart.

Hong Yun had just died and his body was still there, just in time to be sacrificed to the evil god.

Ao Fang turned into a human form and flew into an ancient temple deep in the Golden Dragon Valley.

Inside the ancient temple.

There is a statue of a god with four arms and eight eyes. It has an evil look.

"Lord Evil God, Hongyun sacrifices to you, please help me!"

Ao Fang threw Hongyun's body under the statue, made a strange mudra with his hands, and muttered something.

In the void.

Chen Pingan stared at all this curiously.

What the hell is this evil god?

The dignified five-clawed golden dragon clan still worships such evil ways?

He sent a message and stopped the thirty-three-year-old cicada who was about to enter the ancient temple to attack.


A ball of flame fell on Hongyun, and he was burned to pieces in a blink of an eye.

A flame rose up like a small snake and poured into the statue.

The statue's eyes suddenly turned, and its body moved, making bursts of rattling sounds.

"Lord Evil God."

Ao Fang was overjoyed. He felt that after the evil god absorbed Hongyun, he actually exuded a powerful aura from the fourth level of the Saint Realm.

Entering the fourth floor of the Holy Realm is enough to take care of Xu Xian and Da Chan outside.

"My five-clawed golden dragon clan is in crisis, and we ask Lord Evil God for help."

He said in a deep voice.

"Okay, this evil god will help you."

The statue grinned, and suddenly the statue turned into a ray of light and projected into Ao Fang's body.

In an instant, half of Ao Fang's energy and blood were sucked away, and his cultivation level suddenly rose to the fourth level of the Saint Realm.

"Whoever believes in my evil god will have eternal life."

Ao Fang stood up and walked out slowly, an evil smile appearing on the corner of his mouth.

"Lord Evil God, help me kill those two guys."

Ao Fang said suddenly.

"Don't worry, your five-clawed golden dragon clan has worshiped my evil god for so many years, and I will not treat you badly."

The evil god inside Ao Fang said.

After saying this, Ao Fang turned his neck, and suddenly three heads grew out. These three heads turned out to be the heads of evil gods, and they looked weird and abnormal.

As soon as his figure moved, he appeared in the depths of the void.

At this time, six arms grew out of Ao Fang's shoulders, each holding a sword.

Counting the original two arms, there are eight arms in total.

With four heads and eight arms, the statues of Ao Fang and Evil God were almost the same.

"Evil God?"

Chen Ping'an was extremely interested and looked him up and down: "Who are you? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Haha, you ignorant young man, there are still many things you haven't heard of!"

Ao Fang smiled coldly, and rushed over with a movement of his body. In an instant, his eight arms were waving at the same time, and the sword light rained down like raindrops all over the sky.

Chen Pingan calmly swung his sword and broke Ao Fang's attack.

He intended to test this evil god of unknown origin, so he retained his strength.

Both of them were sword cultivators. After fighting fiercely for more than ten breaths, Ao Fang suddenly withdrew thousands of feet away.


There was a tremor in the void, causing the thirty-three-year-old cicada to float unsteadily and sway here and there.

Chen Pingan also tried his best to control his body shape.

what happened?

He was slightly startled, and then he saw a ball of colorful light suddenly floating above Ao Fang's head.

As soon as this ball of variegated light appeared, it caused instability in the space.

The light slowly receded. A colorful hexahedron floating in the air.

"rubik's cube?"

When he saw that the square hexahedron looked like a Rubik's cube, Chen Ping'an was slightly startled, and then his face became surprised.

Could this thing be the Wan Nian Rubik's Cube, one of the seven immortal treasures in Xuantian Realm?

When Chen Pingan thought of this, he became even more curious about the origin of the evil god.

How did this guy control the Magic Cube of Ten Thousand Thoughts?

"go to hell!"

Ao Fang roared angrily, and the Rubik's Cube above his head suddenly flew up and hit Chen Ping'an.

Chen Ping'an felt like he was facing a formidable enemy.

Regardless of whether it is the Wan Nian Rubik's Cube or not, this thing cannot be underestimated.

In a hurry, he threw out the Zhenshan Treasure Seal.

The Zhenshan Baoyin turned into a big mountain in mid-air, blocking the path of the Rubik's Cube.


The two collided, and Zhenshan Baoyin was defeated and was actually knocked out.

The Rubik's Cube whirled, emitting strange sound waves, and the entire space vibrated. Chen Pingan felt that his brain was affected by the sound, and he felt a little dizzy.

"Liang Yihuan!"

Chen Pingan once again used the two ritual rings.


The two ritual rings were also thrown away, but the speed of the Rubik's Cube was also affected to a certain extent by the continuous obstruction of the two sacred weapons.

"The power of heaven and earth draws the earth as a prison."

Chen Ping'an softly uttered eight characters and pointed out.

At this moment, he performed the magic of the Holy Word.

The rules of heaven and earth came down and turned into a cage, trapping the Rubik's Cube in it.

Boom boom!

The Rubik's Cube hit continuously and broke through this invisible cage in just two times.

With continuous interference, the speed of the Rubik's Cube becomes even slower.

Chen Ping'an sneered and used the Qiyao Killing Sword Technique to attack fiercely.

Nowadays, this sword technique has been upgraded to the lower level of Saint level, and its power is naturally incomparable.

The Blood-devouring Demonic Sword was automatically promoted to the quasi-imperial weapon level.

Coupled with Chen Ping'an's cultivation at the tenth level of the Holy Realm, you can imagine how terrifying this sword will be, far exceeding the attack power of the Zhenshan Treasure Seal and the Liangyi Ring.

"What, reaching the tenth level of the Saint Realm?"

After Chen Pingan completely released his cultivation aura, Ao Fang was also shocked.

His body is only at the fourth level of the Saint Realm. Even with the help of the magic cube, it is difficult to stop the opponent.


The fierce and fierce sword light fell heavily on the Rubik's Cube as if it were the beginning of the world.

The surrounding space shook violently, and the Rubik's Cube flew upside down. On the way back, it suddenly disintegrated and turned into a burst of black energy and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

"not good!"

Feeling the vibration of the space, even the thirty-three-year-old cicada, who was proficient in the laws of space, screamed secretly, vibrating its wings at a very fast speed and fled from this place.

The aftermath of this battle was too violent. Fortunately, it was deep in the void and did not spread to the Golden Dragon Valley.

After breaking the Rubik's Cube with one sword.

Chen Changming felt so proud that he couldn't help but let out a loud roar.

"How dare you break my treasure!"

Ao Fang stared at Chen Changming bitterly, his six arms fell down limply, and the three heads around his neck were also shrinking.

"Is this the Magic Cube of Ten Thousand Thoughts?"

Chen Ping'an stared at Ao Fang, guessing and asked: "Is it imitated?"

"Haha, no comment."

Ao Fang's three heads suddenly shook, his nose moved, and he suddenly grinned: "The aura of the Immortal, no wonder it is so powerful, I won this battle unjustly..."

Finish this sentence.

Three heads and six arms disappeared at the same time. Ao Fang's body was shaken and his spirit became trance-like, as if the power of the evil god that dominated him at this moment disappeared. (End of chapter)

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