Chen Pingan looked at the sound.

I saw a beautiful girl in a red dress with a bright and charming appearance, slowly walking into the auction house, surrounded by a group of guards.

The beauty in the red dress looked at Chen Pingan with bright eyes.

She just took a quick glance from a distance and spotted a peerless handsome man.

This man is so handsome.

She took one look and felt that her whole heart was beating wildly and her soul was about to fly away.

"Dude, take it."

A guard threw over a storage bag containing five thousand spiritual stones.

The boy quickly took it over.

After taking a look at the spirit stone, he immediately grinned and respectfully handed the jade slip to Chen Pingan again.

"Sir, here is the map for you."


Chen Pingan hesitated and did not answer.

When he entered Qingyue City, he appeared in his true self, so he knew very well what the beauty in the red dress was thinking. This kind of thing had happened countless times before.

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist, it's just a map."

The beauty in the red dress chuckled, staring at Chen Pingan with watery eyes, as if she wanted to stick to him.

It seems that this time I have to rely on my face again.

Chen Pingan felt quite helpless. It seemed that being too handsome was not a good thing. If he was too lucky, women would take the initiative to make friends with him wherever he went.

"Thank you so much, beauty."

Chen Pingan was not polite and extended his hand to accept.

Five thousand spirit stones are indeed nothing in the eyes of some people in Canglan Continent.

Just like he wouldn't take five thousand spiritual stones to heart in the wilderness.

"What do you call fellow Taoist?"

The beauty in the red dress blinked her beautiful peach blossom eyes and asked with a smile.

"My surname is Chen and my first name is Ping'an."

"Oh, my surname is Lu and my name is Bi Qi. I come from the Lu family in Biyou Mountain."

The beauty in the red dress also announced her family name.

Biyoushan Lu family?

Chen Pingan blinked, as if he had heard of this force.

The Lu family is an ancient cultivating family. It is very powerful and famous throughout the Northern Territory.

The Lu Biqi in front of her looks young, but she is already in the Void Spirit Realm.

And the guards beside her are all in the extraordinary realm.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, haven't you heard of my Biyoushan Lu family?" Seeing Chen Pingan's surprise, Lu Biqi was a little surprised and couldn't help but ask.

The Lu family in Biyou Mountain is famous far and wide. Who knows about it in the entire Northern Territory?

As the eldest lady of the Lu family, she is protected by a large number of transcendent realm guards when she travels. Anyone with some knowledge in Beizhou should recognize her.

"Of course I've heard of it."

Chen Pingan smiled coquettishly, then straightened his expression, clasped his fists in thanks and said, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Lu. I have something else to do, so I have to leave first."

Lu Biqi: "..."

At this moment, this beautiful lady was going crazy. She liked this handsome guy so much, but she didn't expect Luo Hua to be ruthless on purpose. He hurriedly took her map and wanted to run away.

This made her feel very unbalanced.

All in all, this lot of spiritual stone was wasted? How can there be any kind of help for no reason in this world?

Chen Ping'an was just about to leave when he suddenly heard Lu Biqi shouting from behind: "Fellow Daoist Chen, where are you going to buy the map?"

"I'm going to Qingming Yunyuan."

Chen Pingan said.

He didn't hide it. If this beauty was shameless, she would be followed wherever he said he would go.

"Well, are you going to Qingmingyunyuan too?"

Lu Biqi was surprised, then smiled: "Could it be that fellow Taoist also left for Xiaotong?"

"Laughing Copper?"

Chen Ping'an was startled and then understood.

A copper block that can laugh is just a laughing copper, right?

Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, the copper block in Qingmingyunyuan has been known to many people.

Chen Pingan felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

The more people know about it, the more dangerous the piece of copper becomes, and someone might get there first.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Canglan Continent, and there are many powerful people. Once it falls into the hands of the saint, it will take some effort to get it back.

"That's right..." Looking at Lu Biqi, Chen Pingan nodded lightly.

Lu Biqi smiled meaningfully, brightly and movingly: "Qingming Yunyuan is not on the map, Fellow Daoist Chen."

"Is it?"

Chen Ping'an was stunned and immediately put a ray of spiritual consciousness into the jade slip.

After some searching, he withdrew from consciousness with a bad expression.

Chen Ping'an glared at the boy fiercely and said angrily: "Return!"

"Sir, I've told you a long time ago that this is not a complete map."

The boy cried out.

Seeing Chen Pingan's shabby look, Lu Biqi felt funny in her heart. Shame and handsomeness appeared in the same person. No matter how you looked at it, she thought it was quite cute.

She pursed her lips and smiled, then stood up to smooth things over: "Fellow Daoist Chen, I also want to go to Qingming Yunyuan, why don't we go together?"

Chen Pingan: "..."

This little girl is really good at scheming. She guessed his purpose in just a few words, and then took advantage of the flaws in the map to travel with her.

Forget it, there are some things you can't avoid.

Unless this face is disfigured.

Chen Pingan sighed silently in his heart and began to accept the fact that he was the most handsome boy in Xuantian Realm.

So, I no longer resisted in my heart.

"Okay, Miss Lu."

Chen Pingan smiled and nodded.

Lu Biqi was overjoyed when she heard this. It was a wonderful thing in life to be able to go on an adventure with the person she loved together.

After leaving Qingyue City, a guard of the Lu family summoned a large fairy boat. Everyone boarded the boat, and the fairy boat took off, passing through the clouds and fog.

"How far is this Qingming Yunyuan?"

Chen Pingan asked calmly.

"We'll arrive in about three days."

Lu Biqi smiled.

Chen Ping'an's eyebrows moved slightly.

It seems that his cultivation level of reaching the Saint Realm is no longer of use.

The experience card will expire in one day.

However, if the Laughing Copper is still there, there is no need to cultivate to collect this copper block.

Chen Pingan asked: "Is this Xiaotong still in Qingming Yunyuan now?"

"Here, isn't Fellow Daoist Chen just trying to collect the laughing copper?" Lu Biqi was surprised when she heard this.

"An elder of mine told me about Laughing Copper a long time ago, but after so many years, there must be many people interested in Laughing Copper, so I'm asking you this."

Chen Pingan explained.

"I see."

Lu Biqi's face was suddenly enlightened, with a smile on her face, as if flowers were blooming on her face: "Over the years, countless people have tried to make fun of copper, but they have all failed. The consequence of failure is that the whole person will go crazy for a period of time."

"Crazy for a while?"

Chen Ping'an couldn't help laughing when he thought of the crazy old man in black he met in the Netherworld.

It seems that there are differences between copper blocks and copper blocks.

The part in the Netherworld seems to be more powerful, making people mad for life.

And this piece of copper in Canglan Continent only makes people crazy for a while.

"The lighter one lasts three days, the more serious one lasts for a hundred years."

Lu Biqi said.

"This laughing copper is very dangerous. Miss Lu, are you just watching the fun, or are you going to try collecting the laughing copper?"

Chen Pingan asked deliberately surprised.

"I want to try."

Lu Biqi looked serious and said: "This copper block is very mysterious. It is said that a supreme being once came and could not take it away. Many people think that this copper block is comparable to a fairy treasure and can only be obtained by those who are destined to get it."

"It's comparable to an immortal treasure..."

Chen Pingan was deeply impressed.

Since the system rewarded the first copper block, he encountered several copper blocks along the way and saw the magic of this copper block. (End of chapter)

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