The Road to Stardom: Start as a Slam Dunk Master.

Chapter 19 Super Rookie VS Super Rookie

Chapter 19 Super Rookie VS Super Rookie
"Hello." Rukawa Feng actually took the initiative to say hello to Lin Dong, who was opposite him.


"I heard that you defeated that third-year Fujima Keyji?" Rukawa Kaede said calmly: "Then it seems that as long as I defeat you, I can force that guy out."

Lin Dong smiled: "Come on."

It's now!

Almost at the moment Lin Dong opened his mouth, a ray of light passed through the corner of Rukawa Kaede's eyes. While dribbling, his body's center of gravity was pushed forward with his left shoulder as the starting point.

Immediately he felt the unwavering power of the opponent's counterattack. Rukawa Kaede did not choose to fight forcefully. Instead, his body suddenly rotated like a top, dribbling with his right hand instead of dribbling with his left hand. His ultra-low center of gravity was as fast as lightning. figure.

Relying on the rapid shift of the center of gravity, he grabbed the upper hand in the first step, pinned the opponent's right leg behind his back, and at the same time drilled towards Lin Dong's right side without hesitation.

"So fast!" Nobunaga Kiyota in the stands couldn't help but open his mouth, as if he was secretly measuring the comparison of each other's speeds.

Mu Shenyi and Xiandao Zhang smiled slightly.


This is also what Rukawa Kaede is thinking at this moment.

But the next second... Rukawa Kaede, who had already broken through Lin Dong's side and left him behind, suddenly froze.

Where's the ball? !
His forward movement suddenly stopped, and he turned around suddenly, only to see that the opposing Xiangyang first-year student had already turned around and charged forward.

It turned out that it was not him who left him behind, but the other party who left him behind.

The ball was stolen, and what's even more frightening is that I didn't feel it at all just now. How did this guy do it? !

Rukawa Feng's eyes suddenly shrank, but with this moment of hesitation, he had no chance to pursue him.

If Miyagi Ryota's dribbling makes people feel as fast as light lightning, then Lin Dong is like a hurricane sweeping everything.

Not only is it fast, but it also has an explosive impact.

There is no clumsiness in him that belongs to a 1.9-meter tall man, and he even feels much more flexible than many small guards!

His steps are also quite big. He started dribbling from the half-court three-point line in Xiangbei and rushed to Xiangyang's half-court area in only two steps!
"Ah! You stinky fox! The ball I managed to grab with great difficulty! You actually threw it away!"

At this time, the entire Xiangbei army was pressed into the offensive front. Akagi, who was the last to follow, had even positioned himself inside Xiangyang. The closest one was Rukawa Kaede, but he was already thrown away by a large distance in this flash of lightning. The distance is so far away that there is no time to catch up?

Except for Sakuragi Hanamichi's angrily shouting, everyone else froze in place for a while, watching the back of Xiangyang's first-year freshman cross the court in a few strides, and then jumped up easily, a standard three steps. For a layup, he put the ball firmly into the basket without any fancy.

Lin Dong turned around, caught the basketball that fell from the basket, and placed it outside the sideline without any fireworks.

The numbers on the electronic scoreboard also jumped.

2: 0.

Xiangyang took the lead and got a good start.

"Amazing wingspan and reaction speed." Xiandao couldn't help but admire: "Xiangbei seems to be in trouble."

"Isn't it just a layup? I thought he was going to dunk it." Kiyota Nobunaga chirped: "That Rukawa Kaede is too showy and doesn't live up to his name. Otherwise, how could he be cut off the ball so casually? ?”

"One goal can't prove anything, but if you give the opportunity to open the show, you won't waste any extra energy..." Mu Shenyi's eyes revealed a look of appreciation: "Maybe he doesn't think it's necessary, it's very Sophisticated, this guy doesn’t look like a newbie… What’s his name?”

"Lin Dong."

Mu Shen watched as the guy named Lin Dong returned to his own half and gave Hanaxing a high-five. His face was still as calm as at the beginning, without any change in expression, and all the Xiangyang team members also They all looked like they were taking it for granted, and no one even specifically applauded the newcomer to express encouragement...

His eyes narrowed slightly: "It seems that Teng Zhen does have a very powerful helper."

The entire arena didn't come back to reality until this moment.

"Xiangyang! Xiangyang! Xiangyang!"

"Lin Dong! Lin Dong! Lin Dong!"

dong dong dong dong!

Xiangyang's cheerleaders screamed at the top of their lungs and their shouts were deafening. "Why was it cut off?" Mitsui Shou pouted, with a look of displeasure on his face: "I wasted a good assist..."

"Ah! You damn fox! Won't you pass it on to me? Pass it on to me! You can't beat me, it's really hateful!"

"I'll throw it away faster for you." Rukawa Kaede replied coldly,
"Wow wow wow! What did you say! How do you know if you haven't tried it?"

Rukawa Kaede ignored Sakuragi Hanamichi, and his eyes stayed on Lin Dong for one more second.

There is no doubt that the ball was cut off by the opponent, but the problem is that I really didn't feel like it was being cut off at the time...

Is the opponent moving too fast?Or was he just careless?
"It's okay, come again." Takenori Akagi encouraged him. It was just the first ball. At this time, we must stabilize our morale.

Miyagi Ryota turned back, received the serve with the cursing Sakuragi Hanamichi, and dribbled the ball across the half court.

When he was in the paint just now, he didn't see clearly the action of the first-year Xiangyang rookie stealing the ball.

However, as the trump card of Xiangbei's forward line, he was conceded by the opponent one-on-one at the beginning. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to confidence and a weakening of one's own morale.

He trusted Rukawa Kaede's one-on-one ability, and he had to let him make up for it.

"One more!" Miyagi Ryota raised a finger and looked at Mitsui Hisashi aside.

The opponent Taku Ito immediately shifted his center of gravity slightly to the right, preparing to block his passing route, but the next second, Miyagi threw the ball in the opposite direction without looking back.

The ball was passed steadily to Rukawa Kaede's hands again.


Rukawa Kaede took a deep breath and did not choose any more fake moves, nor did he hesitate at all.

The moment he caught the ball, his center of gravity was pressed, and all the muscles in his body tensed at this moment.

Dribbling with the right hand, the left shoulder is lifted up, using physical confrontation to find the opponent's center of gravity.

Just by looking at the opponent's size, one knew that the strength should be greater than his own. Sure enough, the left shoulder that he pushed forward with sudden force seemed to hit a wall of sighs, and it actually didn't move at all.

But confrontation was not his purpose.

The purpose of seeking physical confrontation is to make the opponent's legs rooted to the ground. Now that they are rooted to the ground, it will be even more difficult to keep up with the start led by oneself.

The tense muscles exerted force at this moment, and Rukawa Kaede suddenly took a step with his right leg, taking off like a catapult!

This is always the only way to win on the court. It seems simple, without those too many fancy fake moves, but when used to the extreme, it is a return to nature and nothing can be broken!
Rukawa Kaede was very confident in his explosiveness and speed. Even when he faced the so-called strongest Immortal in the practice match, he did not lose even half a point in these two points alone.

But the next second, he saw those eagle-like eyes and the face with a faint smile.

The guy who should have taken root has actually kept up with him like a tarsal maggot!
Both of them were extremely fast. With the explosive start, Rukawa Kaede went from the three-point line to the free throw line in just the blink of an eye. However, the opponent's defense and iron wall-like strength made him feel It's hard to make even half a step forward.

Rukawa Kaede suddenly stopped and jumped up high.

He originally expected to see a trace of surprise or panic on that face, but what he saw was still that faint calmness.

Lin Dong also stopped suddenly and jumped up. His pace was almost exactly the same as Rukawa Kaede's. He was taller than him, his wingspan was longer than him, and he even jumped higher than him!

The big five-fingered hand instantly crossed Rukawa Kaede's line of sight, not only blocking his view of the basket, but even blocking the basketball shooting route!
"Pass the ball!" Miyagi Ryota shouted behind him.

A gleam flashed in Rukawa Feng's eyes.

The basketball comes out of hand.

But follow...

The basketball that flew out of his hand was knocked down by that big hand without any suspense.

 The next few days will be the climax of the competition, it will be very enjoyable. After reading what I wrote, even I can’t help but want to praise him^^
  But friends, I want to try my best to push it next week. It is said that the test push of light novels requires more than 120 readers, and the current reading rate is still less than half.Not being able to get into the recommendation position is a heavy blow to both the author and the book. Therefore, I urge everyone to keep reading as much as possible during this period. New books need everyone's love and care to thrive. Thank you all.


(End of this chapter)

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