The Road to Stardom: Start as a Slam Dunk Master.

Chapter 261 SuperSonics main force VS newcomers

Chapter 261 SuperSonics main force VS newcomers

Looking at the Porsche and the Rolls-Royce following behind him, Mr. Arap felt hurt driving his Mercedes.

Lin Dong was also a little embarrassed. He really never thought that his mother would arrange such a high-profile pick-up for him. At first, he thought that his mother just sent someone to give him the keys to the house.

Feeling that the luxury car following him was too eye-catching, Lin Dong quickly called the bodyguard and asked him to go back first. He only asked him to leave an address, and he would take a taxi back to his residence later.

Then the four of them had a casual meal. Alap had originally arranged a lot of preaching sessions, but looking at Lin Dong's demeanor, he probably wouldn't have any special feelings about his arrangements, so he simply skipped the trouble.

However, what needs to be said still needs to be said.

Hearing him euphemistically mention some traditions of Arab women, Lin Dong immediately understood what he meant. Yuya quietly winked at him, and Lin Dong also laughed dumbly.

I'm afraid this gentleman said it a bit late...but some of his words are right. You should not indulge in sexual indulgence at a young age. It is the same for Yuya and himself. You really need to exercise restraint on that matter.

He nodded and agreed with some of Arup's love advice, but he only heard Payton holding back his laughter next to him.

Arap frowned and asked why he was laughing, but Payton said seriously: "I completely understand! Completely agree! You know, my little daughter has just been born. When she is as old as Emil, I'm afraid my I feel the same as you..."

After saying a few words, Alara pulled Payton's hand, as if he was late for meeting him. But while he was waiting for him to go to the toilet, Payton pulled Lin Dong and whispered: "Actually, I have another girl who is already 9 years old." My son who is years old, what I hate the most is those parents of girls coming to my house and saying such things to me, ah..."

The reason why black and yellow-skinned people are not as popular as white people is mainly because 'freshness' is only one of the conditions for them to select prey.

Payton paused and said mysteriously: "My father-in-law warned me like this back then, but guess what?"

Fresh, strong, rich, handsome, famous, the full score is 10 points, each worth 2 points.

Yuya's originally good mood immediately turned into a bad mood when Peyton mentioned it.

"What's wrong?"

It's all nonsense that Asian boys are not popular in the United States.

These high school girls don’t care about your nationality or skin color at all. Compared with the same kind of white skin, they actually prefer dark skin and yellow skin. After all, young people like freshness.

Laura is more beautiful than him, has a better figure, and is as hot as a wild cat. In terms of socializing and seducing men, he has been dumped by others more than ten times.

"Lin Dong doesn't know that!" Yuya asked a little guilty: "Oh?"

"What are you talking about?" Yuya asked curiously.

"I want you not to listen to your father and give Lin a son as soon as possible, so that your status will be strong, just like the one in my family!" Payton laughed and joked: "Hey, don't worry, American high schools are not against falling in love, and universities are not against falling in love. You can take maternity leave to have a baby, so hurry up! Otherwise, if a handsome guy like my Lin goes to Lakeside High School, he may be snatched away by other girls in any minute."

Oh my god...

But if the target is Lin Dong... then even if all five major elements are gathered together, it will definitely be a perfect 10 points!

After the Nike Summit, when word came out that Lin Dong was going to Lakeside High School, the social butterflies and basketball cheerleaders in the school had their eyes glowing green. Lola, the cheerleader captain, was also the school belle of Lakeside High School. , has officially dumped her ex-boyfriend, and then stayed single for an unprecedented three months, planning to pursue this yellow man with a face full of lust!

They like strong people, they also like rich people, they like handsome people, and they even prefer famous people, because that can infinitely satisfy the vanity of the social butterflies in the school.

Lin Dong responded to her with a smile: "Of course!"


What's even more troublesome is that her father is the famous Steve Ballmer of Microsoft. Not to mention in Lakeside High School, she is absolutely the benchmark among Seattle's socialites... The opponent is too strong, okay Annoying.

"He had a grandson in his arms the next year, and got pregnant out of wedlock, hahahaha!"

Yellow skin often only accounts for two of the most, freshness and wealth. Black people have stronger sports talents and are more famous. They are fresh, strong and famous, so they are more popular than yellow skin. The reason why white people appear to be more popular is It’s because they have a little bit of almost everything.

Yuya originally wanted to laugh, but after hearing these words, he really couldn't laugh. He turned around and looked at Lin Dong with a bit of resentment.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with her relationship with Lin Dong, but there were already many girls at Lakeside High School eyeing Lin Dong, and there was no need for Payton to remind her about this.

When Payton drove him to the address given by the bodyguard, and listened to Payton's introduction along the way, Lin Dong finally understood how expensive a house his mother was talking about was.

Meise Island is a Chinese transliteration, also known as Mansha Peninsula. It is really on the island...

It is luxuriously connected to the main city through an independent cross-sea bridge.

Yes, the gate of your community is the security room, and the entrance of other people's community is a cross-sea bridge!

After the bodyguards came out to escort the two people in, they saw that their house was a single-family villa covering an area of ​​about 2200 square meters, with a sea view room facing the sea.

Equipped with a housekeeper who claims to be proficient in four languages, 1 servants responsible for cleaning, laundry, etc., a gardener responsible for the garden, a full-time driver, and a 4-person security team led by Sun Fei's bodyguard, ten Taking into account the two people's salaries, annual property taxes, facility maintenance, etc., the cost of using this villa alone is at least two million US dollars a year.

Although Lin Dong also prides himself on being a person who has seen the world, at this moment he still feels that he is a bit too country bumpkin. Payton was speechless for a while.

Although he and his boss Schultz knew some of Lin Dong's mother's background and knew that she was not short of money, they never thought that her son, who came to Seattle to study, could actually spend a lot of money to buy such a mansion. situation.

This... what kind of contract should the Sonics give him to satisfy the appetite of such a young master? Is a rookie contract or something like that enough to pay his servants... Payton already feels for his boss I have a bit of a headache!

Emotional card! Playing the emotional card well is the right thing to do!

"Now the team has begun to resume training. You can come and train with the team as soon as you get up tomorrow." Although he was shocked, Payton did not forget to explain clearly what he had to explain: "The intensity of the NBA is completely different from yours. No game I’ve ever felt before.”

Only when talking about this aspect, Payton regained a little confidence and said with a smile: "I am no longer in the state of neglecting training and playing with you before. Come and experience it, and I will also ask them to focus." I'll take care of you and spend this year's training time in Seattle, trying to break through the league's rookie wall by the time you first enter the league!"

Rookie wall?

Lin Donggang's passion, which had gradually calmed down after winning the World Championships, was easily ignited by three words.

The NBA has a rookie wall, and everyone knows it.

This is not only because the intensity of NBA games exceeds that of any other competition in the world, but also because no established NBA veteran is willing to let newcomers shine in front of them.

Everyone might be happy to see newcomers step on their 'enemies' to get to the top, but to have them serve as stepping stones for newcomers would be even more uncomfortable than killing them.

Any NBA newcomer who first enters the league will face targeting and pressure from these veterans once he performs well. As long as they are against each other, they will definitely kill you.

You can lose in the regular season, but the rookie must die!

There are only a handful of super talents who can break the rookie wall in the entire history of the NBA.

Not to mention the ancient players such as Chamberlain, Unseld, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. At that time, the NBA was not as professional as it is now. Their so-called "no rookie wall" was not only about their own excellence, but also different from the tests they accepted. related.

As for the superstars in modern times who can truly be said to have no rookie wall, they can be counted on both hands.

There are only six players like Jordan, Iverson, Magic Johnson, O'Neal, Olajuwon and Duncan. Even Kobe Bryant, Jordan's successor who is now highly praised by the league, was still abused in his rookie season.

And these six people, whether in the eyes of Payton now or Lin Dong from 2028, are undoubtedly great players in the NBA.

Do you want to be the seventh?

It’s really exciting just thinking about it.

A big house, a garage full of sports cars, these material conditions given by his mother only make Lin Dong's eyes light up at most. Compared with all these, Payton's words "rookie wall" are what make him feel real. Something a little blood-soaked.

That’s something you have to experience!

And such an opportunity soon arrived.

Early the next morning, he asked his bodyguard Fei to drive him to the SuperSonics Arena. After a brief introduction and integration, besides Payton, there was actually an acquaintance in the arena.

Tyson Chandler.

He was selected by the Atlanta Hawks with the third overall pick in the first round of the draft half a month ago...

The 01 draft is obviously very different from past history.

Kwame Brown, the original No. 01 pick, was replaced by Yao Ming. The basketball god abandoned the guy he was most optimistic about in his previous life and chose Yao Ming, who dominated the public trials. This wise choice also made the entire There have been great changes in the draft every year.

Tyson Chandler was supposed to be selected with the second overall pick by the Clippers, but now he was reduced to the third overall pick. Pau Gasol, who was supposed to be the third overall pick, was moved to the fourth overall pick. Selected by the Bulls and avoiding the fate of being traded, the Spaniard is now a member of the Chicago Bulls...

Kwame Brown stayed with the Clippers, while Chandler was selected by the Hawks.

Since the Hawks performed poorly last season and wanted immediate combat power, they chose Chandler to replace him with an All-Star forward.

It just so happened that Schultz wanted to mess up, and it was suitable to use this season to train new players, so with a wave of his hand, he sent away Rashard Lewis, the main forward of the team, in exchange for Tyson Chandler and a new player next year. ’s first-round pick.

Although it is just a change of position, anyone with a discerning eye can obviously see that this is a huge weakening of the SuperSonics' combat power this year. This is a clear sign that it is going to be ruined...

But even so, it does not affect the Sonics' "old people" to teach newcomers.

After the daily training in the morning, there was an intra-squad game in the afternoon. Payton did not hesitate to pull out the current full lineup of the Sonics, and then formed a team with Chandler and Lin Dong...

"Come on, rookies." Payton's smile made Chandler feel the fear of being raped: "You'll lose five hundred push-ups!"

Chandler swallowed, turned to look at Lin Dong, who had just tortured him at the Nike Summit, and said with a little fear: "Hey, buddy, can you cover me up?"

"How would you know without fighting?" Lin Dong said with a smile, his eyes already filled with flames of war.

SuperSonics main force VS SuperSonics newcomers + substitutes, the battle is about to begin!

(End of this chapter)

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