Chapter 289 The draft begins!

June 6th is undoubtedly a highly anticipated day for fans in the United States and Dragon Country.

It is daylight saving time now, and it is 8 p.m. in the United States. Not only American TV stations such as TNT, but also CCTV here in Dragon Kingdom live broadcast the entire draft process for the first time. Now it is daylight saving time, and the time difference is about 14 hours. It is 8 p.m. in the United States. , in Yanjing, it was early 10 o'clock in the morning, but it happened to be Saturday, which gave many Dragon Kingdom fans the opportunity to stay in front of the TV.

Last year's No. 1 pick in the NBA draft was Yao Ming, and this year...

Frankly speaking, Lin Dong's name is still slightly less widespread than Dayao in the Dragon Kingdom.

But when it comes to young fanatic fans, it is definitely worse.

After all, he has one advantage that Yao can never match - he is handsome and stylish!

The simple appearance is very destructive to young people... In Stern's words, it is like a superstar!

There are countless basketball fans in Long Country who have been waiting in front of the TV in the early morning, nervously watching the NBA draft scene that they have never seen before.

The scene of children appearing under the talent show in suits and leather shoes shocked the people of the Dragon Country in this era. They were both seventeen or eighteen years old, but the gap between the Americans and the people of the Dragon Country seemed huge. So big...

Everyone was waiting anxiously. Director Sun, who was in charge of the commentary, kept teasing the atmosphere in a relaxed manner. The SuperSonics will use the No. 1 pick to sign Lin Dong. This is something that CCTV has known for a long time, and no matter how you look at it, , this matter seems to be a certainty, which makes Director Sun’s rigorous explanation even dare to predict it.

And until the draft started, when Schultz walked on stage and handed over the draft list, and the host read out the name on the spot...

The fans of the Dragon Kingdom are excited. The highest basketball hall in the world, the NBA with countless strong men, actually has the top pick in two consecutive drafts from the Dragon Kingdom!

The mother who came from Texas and the father who flew from Japan, two old enemies who had not seen each other for almost seven or eight years, were playing the role of husband and wife in the audience.

"Dragon Kingdom is proud!"

The conversation between the two enemies in the audience was obviously impossible to be captured by the camera.

"Long live Lin Dong!"

Old Lin originally wanted to praise his wife a few words. After all, women like to compliment her, but he didn't expect that he would get angry as soon as he opened his mouth.

Lao Lin was suddenly startled when he was so good: "How dare I?"

Although the company now has the capital to survive for the time being, there are still troubles. How can she think about men? Besides, after living like this for so many years, I have long lost interest in men.

But... she really enjoyed the feeling of bossing around in front of Old Lin, just like when she had no job and no money, Old Lin always liked to dress up as a high-minded intellectual in front of her.

Yang Dong gave him a cold look: "Is this how you pick up girls in Japan too?"

Act like I have the ability to support the family, and I should be the boss at home, bah! This evil old social thought!

Yang Dong saw the camera pointed towards them and frowned to remind Lao Lin.

"Why don't you dare? When you said that I can't make money even if I go out to work, you had to force me to provide you with a husband and a child, how courageous you were!"


And Lin Dong was obviously not the only one at the scene.

He shook his head in confusion, and then quickly kept smiling in front of the camera. This time he was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word.

"Your hands, haven't you eaten? Hold on tightly! Is there a thorn in my waist?"

Now, who is more capable?

"First pick, Seattle SuperSonics, Lin Dong!"

There is no idea of ​​getting back together, I just want to give my son a good public opinion environment. If the outside world in the United States knows that his parents are divorced and his mother is a wealthy single woman, then after his son becomes famous, various topics will be discussed. Those unscrupulous paparazzi made it up.

"Hey!" Lao Lin responded quickly, then hugged his wife's waist - his ex-wife's waist. Taking advantage of this sudden good luck, he couldn't help but praise: "Why is your waist so thin? You don't exercise less, right?"

What the camera captured was a loving couple and a perfect family. Only such a family could educate such a perfect son.

Lin Dong, on the other hand, is wearing a blue and white porcelain Tang suit. He is two meters tall and has extremely well-proportioned muscles. He looks tall and handsome in this tight-fitting Tang suit that shows off his figure.

He walked up to the stage and accepted the letter of appointment, the maximum-salary rookie contract, and the SuperSonics No. 23 jersey from Schultz.

Choosing this number is a choice that the Sonics, Bob Myers and even Stern are particularly concerned about.

Competing against Jordan and challenging Jordan, this is what the Sonics expect from Lin Dong!

Both American fans and Dragon Country fans responded with fierce expectations and applause.

The most special jersey number for the NBA, the second non-American draft pick, and the most lights on this night undoubtedly belong to Lin Dong.

......... The second pick belongs to the Phoenix Suns.

Frankly speaking, among all the current evaluations of this rookie class by the US media, Dwyane Wade, who fought against Lin Dong for two rounds at the World Championships without losing, is undoubtedly the best player in this class of rookies except Lin Dong. Most valuable player outside.

But the Phoenix Suns already have Marbury who is at his peak, and Penny Hardaway who is still at the end of his peak. This season's failure is also based on the fact that the two missed almost half of the season.

The Suns don't lack guards, they lack an excellent center.

Second pick, Phoenix Suns, Chris Bosh, No. 9 jersey!

The third overall pick belongs to the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Thanks to the fact that the SuperSonics wanted Lin Dong and the Suns didn't want a guard, the Cavaliers used the third overall pick to get what they wanted, Dwyane Wade, who is known as the best American player in this year.

Since Lin Dong is the benchmark, and he is known as the only newcomer in this class who can compete with Lin Dong, the Cavaliers also gave Wade the same jersey number.

Third pick, Cleveland Cavaliers, Dwyane Wade, No. 23 jersey!

The next pick belonged to the Nuggets, who selected the same popular pick.

Fourth pick, Denver Nuggets, Carmelo Anthony, jersey No. 15.


Lin Dong observed the choices of each team with great interest in the audience.

Although history can be modified, it also seems to have a rather peculiar continuity and self-repair.

Except for the huge changes in the ownership of the top three picks due to his own arrival, the other stars seem to be back on the right track of history.

TJ Ford went to the Bucks and still wore his No. 11 jersey; Darko Milicic was selected by the Pistons with the fifth overall pick. Kaman went to the Clippers during the World Championships, and Pietrus also went as usual. Golden State Warriors…

Another thing that appeared at a different historical point is that Jay Williams, who was originally supposed to be the second overall pick in 02, chose to return to play at Duke University after losing to himself at the Nike Summit and suffering from a strained ligament. Because the injury kept his competitive status average, or maybe because he felt that this year's rookies were too perverted... he wanted to avoid it. In short, he did not submit a draft application to the league.

Schultz was a little on tenterhooks, a little worried that the Iguodala he was interested in would be selected early by others. The guy's performance in the trial training was indeed very good, and he had plenty of talent to tap.

Fortunately, there were so many good prospects this year that the teams with the lottery numbers were unable to take care of that guy and finally waited for the 17th pick.

——Seventeenth pick, Seattle SuperSonics, Iguodala, No. 9 jersey!

The young Iguodala happily stepped forward to accept the appointment letter and jersey number from Schultz. He could be on the same team with the Asian Jordan who is now in full swing in the United States. There are also famous players like Payton on the team. He is very interested in the SuperSonics. Also very satisfied.

Schultz breathed a sigh of relief when the dust settled, but he immediately began to worry about Sakuragi Hanamichi again.

This guy has been training with the team for a year, and his progress is very rapid. If he hadn't deliberately failed in the trial before the draft, frankly speaking, both Schultz and Payton would feel that this came from The Japanese red-haired boy is the most valuable player besides Lin Dong. This guy's defense is amazing, his rebounding ability is top-notch, and he has no shortage of physical fitness, willpower, etc. More importantly, he listens to Lin Dong. , and is also happy to be a green leaf for Lin Dong. The two of them get along very well! This alone is worth spending a lot of money on Schulz, who wants to build a team around Lin Donglai!

Putting him in the second round is just to maximize the benefits for the team. If another team really takes the lead in signing this guy, Schultz has made up his mind to sell his blood before he can play. I exchanged it before I came out.

Under the stands, Sakuragi Hanamichi was sitting next to Lao Lin next to Lin Dong. At this time, he was rubbing his hands nervously. It was not that he was worried that no one would want him, but that he was worried about being selected by other teams. He wanted to Staying in the SuperSonics, he has his brother, his teacher Payton, and even his boss Schultz is very nice to him!

He likes this place.

Sitting on his left was Rukawa Kaede, who was even more nervous than him. He sat upright and stared at the mouth of the host on stage.

Behind these two people, there were also the equally nervous Coach Anzai, and another guy who had just come from Japan and was very familiar to these two people.

"Hey! Guys, don't be nervous!" Stephen proudly stuck his head out from behind the two of them, patted the two little guys on the shoulders and encouraged them: "Relax, this is just a small scene!"

Stephen just came back a few days ago.

After Lin Dong mentioned it intentionally or unintentionally, and with the confirmation of Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede, Supersonic also learned that there was such a very talented trainer in distant Japan.

So Schulz used a contract with an annual salary of 18 US dollars to invite the guy back from Japan. The interview process was very satisfactory. Now he is the personal trainer of Lin Dong, Sakuragi Hanamichi and the new Iguodala. .

"You said it lightly, you come and choose one to try..." Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede subconsciously answered him in unison.

"Hey, it's like I don't dare to choose!" Stephen said proudly: "As long as the NBA dares to ask for it..."

"The 6th pick in the second round, SuperSonics, Hanamichi Sakuragi, jersey No. 10!"

The chat between the three people suddenly stopped.

The No. 10 jersey is obviously a very special number for both the SuperSonics and Sakuragi Hanamichi...

For Hanamichi Sakuragi, this is the starting point of his basketball career and his first jersey number.

For the SuperSonics, this is a retired jersey number. It originally belonged to the current SuperSonics head coach, Nate McMillan!

(End of this chapter)

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