Chapter 306 Learned a skill

The Wizards' locker room at this time...

"Michael, you can't do it!"

After a detailed examination, the team doctor issued a serious warning: "I can already feel a little bulging. If you go in again, there is at least a 10% chance that the injury will recur!"

"That means there is still a 90% chance of no recurrence?" Jordan smiled and lit a cigar. I am afraid he is the only one in the Wizards who dares to light a cigar in the locker room.

Frankly speaking, he is not like this usually, but in this extremely tired moment, he needs to give himself some adjustment.

The team doctors were shocked. Is this guy serious? Does he know how valuable his leg is?
When this guy came back last year, the stock market value of all the companies related to him rose sharply. Nike's stock price directly rose by 31%. How much is that? That’s an unimaginable amount of money!

When this guy retired, the Dow Jones index plummeted 125 points in one day, Nike's stock price fell 4%, sales dropped by US$2.5 million, and even indirectly caused a major financial crisis for the entire United States!

This leg is much more valuable than gold or diamonds!


"No!" A flash of light flashed from Jordan's eyes: "There's no need for 18 times... 10 times is enough!"

Head coach Doug Collins couldn't help but cover his face. He knew this guy better than the team doctor. Once a decision was made, it would be impossible to pull him back.

With a will that transcends limits, physical strength cannot be what binds each other.

This is not a simple super rookie, but a king who really plans to conquer the NBA, just like himself back then!
To deal with such a person, unless you are stronger than him and unless you find his weakness, all other factors cannot be a restriction on him.

Lin Dong looked towards Dayao when he came on the court.

Jordan's mind recalled Lin Dong's expression when he barely made that super long 3-pointer.

The team doctor was still racking his brains to organize the language: "No, no, no, not 10%! Every time you make a large movement and every time you jump with all your strength, this risk will continue to increase!"

Under his own oppressive defense and time constraints, the kid chose to reluctantly shoot. This should have been a normal choice. It didn't matter whether he scored or not. But the moment the shot was released, Jordan noticed it. There was a trace of awkwardness hidden on his face...

After the entire first half of the fight, Jordan already knew very well what level Lin Dong was at, and through the boy's eyes, Jordan could clearly see that the boy still had the will to surpass what others imagined!
This kind of person, like himself, will not lose his physical strength, his heart, or the boiling blood in his body.

"This..." The team doctor was speechless. How could he give a number? What number does this give?

Even a 1% risk of injury is unacceptable!

The arena scene now feels like Yao has been forgotten. As soon as the two teams came on the stage, there was an endless stream of voices shouting for Jordan and Lin Dong.

And myself...

No matter how perfect a person is, they will all have shortcomings, just like I also have shortcomings, and I have found that kid's weakness, and it's time to decide the winner!
The second half begins.

Just like the most durable engine, even if it really runs out of oil, you can pee in it and it will still run like "kong, kong, kong, kong".

It's break time.

Jordan asked with a half-smile: "How much increase? Give me a number every time!"

Want to push yourself physically? Or, as onlookers thought, Lin Dong might be physically exhausted by him in advance?
These people oversimplify both God and God’s opponents.

As the king of the CBA and the top pick in the NBA draft, he even led the team out of the Eastern Conference and into the Finals in the playoffs last season.

"That means I can jump 18 more times before I'm 18% injured, right?" Jordan burst into laughter and reached out to touch the team doctor's head: "Okay, I remember, I won't jump more than times. of……"

Jordan threw the half-burned cigar directly into the water glass.

Just a month ago, at the Busan Asian Games, which started on September 9, he returned from the heavy NBA training and led the Dragon Kingdom to defeat the South Korean men's basketball team and win the men's basketball championship of the 10th Asian Games, achieving the goal of men's basketball. The feat of winning five consecutive Asian Games titles.

Frankly speaking, this resume is amazing enough even in the history of the NBA, and it is enough to blind a lot of titanium alloy dogs in the world of basketball. But I didn't expect that when I returned to my hometown where I deserved the most applause, it turned out to be nothing. Uncontroversial backdrop.

I can't help it, mainly because those two are so eye-catching.

Dayao saw Lin Dong's eyes. In just over a month of getting along with the Shanghai Sharks, Dayao had already seen Lin Dong's potential, and in this exhibition game, whether it was the NBA or the Dragon Country, they were all focused on a strong recommendation. Lin Dong's calculation naturally didn't care that he was robbed of some limelight, so he smiled at him and shook his head.

The game started, SuperSonics had the ball.

The battle between the two was not over yet. Payton, who received the baseline ball, pulled the ball just past the midfield and then successfully handed the ball to Lin Dong.

"Lin Dong! Lin Dong! Jordan! Jordan!"

"The battle of the century!"

The arena immediately erupted into bursts of fierce cheers, but it did not affect the two people who were facing each other in the slightest.

At this time, they looked at each other, and the heavy breathing at the end of the second quarter had stopped. They looked quite calm and seemed to have regained their strength. But Lin Dong knew very well that this recovery was only superficial and completely different from the sufficient reserves in the first half.

When a high-intensity battle begins, the little physical strength the two of them can recover will soon be exhausted.

5 minutes, whoever can maintain this restored state for more than 5 minutes is likely to be the final winner.

This first goal is the one that determines the momentum of the second half. Jordan will definitely do his best to defend.

Lin Dong took a deep breath and was about to throw out his signature cross-flower change, but suddenly saw Jordan taking a big step forward.

At this time, Jordan's hands were like a big net, and the span of his legs was also very wide. The separation of his left and right legs almost crushed Lin Dong's breakthrough direction from left to right in advance.

Close press, death coil? !
Payton's famous stunt is also his current defensive stunt.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Dong's mouth. Although this move was a defensive move, he was very familiar with it.

No matter how perfect a move is, it will have its flaws, and this move is the same.

That is the consumption of physical energy. When using death coil, the physical energy consumption of the defender is greater than that of the attacker, because after you put on this all-round defensive posture, it already means that you are attacking in all directions. You must be strong and highly concentrated, and your body must not relax for a moment, otherwise you will not be able to cope with the attacker's sudden attack at a certain point.

The attacker, however, can be prepared.

Just like everyone is competing, I am sitting, but you are squatting, see whose legs get weak first?

If this is a critical moment that determines victory or defeat, then you have no choice but to fight, but the second half has just begun...

You can not rush to attack, and slowly increase the success rate, while resting yourself and wearing down the opponent.

Lin Dong steadily controlled the ball and made tentative attacks to stretch Jordan's physical strength. The attack time of 24 seconds was consumed to only 10 seconds before he started to move.

But with this move, I felt the difference between Jordan's hand and Payton's death entanglement.

If Payton's death entanglement is a real, airtight net, then Jordan's defense at this time is more like an illusion where reality and fiction are intertwined.

In fact, his movements were not as "dead-hearted" as Payton's, and there seemed to be many flaws, which made Lin Dong feel that if he had tried to break through a few more times, it would have been easier than breaking through Payton.

But it was precisely this kind of "never mind" and flaws that gave Lin Dong a particularly awkward feeling.

If you only have one or two flaws, then you must attack according to them. But if you really have no defensive flaws, then we don't have to worry about it, just attack it and it's over.

But the opponent seemed to have flaws everywhere, but every flaw made Lin Dong feel that it was not fatal, which made it difficult to choose.

Just like when you enter a restaurant and only see one package A or package B, it's very comfortable. It's either A or B. It's not difficult to choose at all.

But if you enter a restaurant and see a lot of messy stir-fried dishes, you want to eat this, and you want to eat that, but when you order this, you feel it’s a little less interesting, and when you order that, you feel it’s a little less interesting, or not perfect. This is really annoying. …

In this mentality, two changes of direction and a strong breakthrough from the left seemed to have little effect. With Jordan's defense, he went from the top of the arc to the left bottom line for a three-pointer, but he failed to break through.

Lin Dong was secretly surprised.

This defense that seems to be full of flaws seems to have some tricks... Is this taking advantage of my own experience and mentality? Do you let yourself be disturbed by emotions when doing something and not be determined enough?
This feeling really appeared in Lin Dong's mind for the first time. Unfortunately, he had already passed the zone in the first half and fell out due to physical problems. Now he can't open it again.

Two sudden attacks and two changes of direction failed to get rid of Jordan, but there were only 2 seconds left in the attack time.

Lin Dong had no choice but to turn over and fall back after a strong thrust.

But the previous invincible state could not be continued. Under the complex emotions, as soon as the ball turned over, Lin Dong knew that the ball was missing when he felt Jordan's physical strength.

Pass the ball? Time is running out.

At this time, Jordan had completely blocked his sight. Lin Dong estimated the direction of the basket and forced the ball to throw.

I saw the basketball drawing an arc in the air, followed closely...

The basketball hit the rim and flew into the air. Lin Dong's pupils shrank suddenly and he was blocked!
Although both sides had several successful defensive rounds in the first half, this ball was different and I really couldn't get rid of it.

The time that was wasted, the awkwardness caused by that kind of insubstantial defense... was ruined.


Lin Dong grinned.

Is this the flaw you found? Is this how you deal with me?

These guys are so clever...Thank you, I learned another skill!
(End of this chapter)

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