Chapter 322 Janeway Connection
The Cavaliers called the first timeout of the game.

Frankly speaking, Lucas hadn't figured out how to break the Sonics' tactics when he called timeout.

But as the team currently ranked first in the league in this year's regular season, they were beaten 15:4 at first, which was really a bit overwhelming.

It might as well call a timeout first to let the supersonic engine, which is already roaring, cool down.

Looking at the ugly players behind him, Lucas could only throw out his observation.

After a brief explanation of the supersonic rotation method, I can only give two fairly passive coping methods.

"The first is physical strength. They can't run for long like this. 3 minutes? 5 minutes? Remember, the longer your attack time is delayed, the more you hold the ball and protect the ball, the more conducive it is to consuming their physical strength, because They are running and consuming all the time, and they are much more tired than you!"

"Secondly, don't be dazzled by their movement. The offensive end must be successful. Give me a firm inside attack. If they disperse, concentrate and let them run! On the defensive end, just use a normal zone defense. Go inside a little more. Instead of losing defense inside and outside, you can guard the inside for me! Their 3-pointers can't always be accurate. Keep an eye on Lin Dong, Brent and Desmond's outside 3-pointers. Payton wants to Let him shoot well, his 3-pointer is not very good, I want rebounds, I must protect the rebounds..."

"The most important thing is not to panic! You are dazzled, and so are their runners. There are too many connecting points in this defensive rotation. People are not machines. As long as you don't make a mistake first, it will definitely be them!"


But after all, there was no other way. Wade rushed over with the help of LeBron's pick-and-roll, and saw Lin Dong waiting for him at the 'exit', forming a pincer attack with Payton who was chasing after him. Brent has switched to another defensive position to become a member of the rotation.

There is a gap in strength!
I saw that although the two of them took off almost at the same time, LeBron's height was a full twenty or thirty centimeters higher than Desmond!

His height, wingspan, explosive jumping, and strength confrontation, no matter which aspect is a comprehensive crushing, allowed Desmond to predict LeBron's movements in advance and even seize a more advantageous position to intercept, but he could not Still can't interfere with LeBron in the slightest.

Faced with the double-teaming of two people, he did not rush to take action this time. Instead, he tried to see clearly the rotation of the Supersonics and the real loopholes through the gap between the two people who double-teamed him.

But obviously, this is not realistic...

Lucas' timeout and analysis still had a certain effect. Although it was impossible to explain clearly the axis and loopholes of the Sonics' defensive rotation in just over a minute, it at least made the Cavaliers aware of themselves. What are you facing?

Besides, after all, there is still a violation of holding the ball for 5 seconds.

At this time, in Wade's eyes, it seemed as if the entire court was filled with Sonics. The figures that were constantly shaking were simply confusing and confusing. You couldn't tell who the Sonics were guarding against. , and I can’t tell who is the real vacancy and loophole now.

There was no problem with the SuperSonics' rotation. Desmond immediately came up to defend and faced off against LeBron who was about to catch the ball, but...

First, the pressing from the two people in front of you is too fierce, which not only blocks your line of sight, but also creates a great sense of oppression in your psychology, making it impossible for you to neither see nor calm down to analyze it. Know where the real hole in the field is that keeps shifting.

Without thinking, Wade directly threw the ball high to that location.

Just when he was a little restless, he suddenly saw a figure like "white moonlight" rushing to his side and making a pick-and-roll action.

How to fight this?
Wade was a little desperate.

Knight's ball.

Not daring to pass the ball randomly at this time, Wade tried to break through, but faced with the double-team pressure of Payton and Brent, and the distraction when analyzing the situation on the court, after all, he still made a mistake while busy. With Wade's control of the ball Ability, the ball was actually swatted away by Payton, Brent picked up the ball and scored on a fast break, 17:4, and the SuperSonics scored another 2 points.

LeBron's voice sounded loudly in the frontcourt, as if guiding him in the direction.

The timeout of 1 minute and 20 seconds ended quickly. Lucas was still chattering and the referee was already urging him to come on.


Wade maintained his rhythm and controlled the ball through the half.

The pick-and-roll is useless. Davis has already tried it before. With the Supersonics' current "following people" speed, it is just changing the position of the person guarding you. If LeBron comes over in the pick-and-roll, he might be flanked by him. It was replaced by Lin Dong and Payton.

And when the ball changed and Wade entered the half court with the ball again, the terrible press came again...

LeBron's big hands caught the basketball flying in the air.

Honor, faith, wealth, status!
He may still be unable to compete with and face Lin Dong, but Desmond?

Everything you lose must be taken back with your own hands!
dong dong.

The two landed at the same time, and were already very close to the basket. LeBron took the ball and only took one step forward to jump high towards the basket. Desmond had just been crushed by this guy who was picked in the 20s in the second round. , feeling unhappy, he rushed forward fiercely, his hands already on LeBron's shoulders.

Desmond's thinking is very clear. How dare a second-round pick show it off in front of him? And will you still use yourself as a breakthrough in the supersonic rotation system?
That's nonsense, even if it's a foul, you won't get this point!

A huge pull came from his shoulders, trying to push LeBron down.

LeBron knows that the two free throws have been obtained.

But...just two free throws? And it was a free throw almost given to him by his opponent?

At this moment, countless images flooded LeBron's mind.

He thought of the little bed given to him by the Walkers.

He thought of the man who came out of his mother's room with a mean smile on his face and gave his mother a tip.

He thought about how after he was abandoned by the school team, he had to do various chores to get a spot on the team donated by the team, and he was not able to enter the rotation.

He thought of the $100 that team manager Paxson gave him when they first met, giving him the money to take a taxi home...

No, I don’t want charity from others!
If you want to pull me down, I have to come down? If you want me to shoot free throws, I have to shoot free throws?

A ball of fire appeared in LeBron's eyes. At this moment, the emotions that had been hidden for half a year burst out in LeBron's heart. He was so strong that he dragged Des, who was almost hanging on his back. Mond jumped to his feet. At this moment, Desmond felt that he was not pulling a person, but a 500 kilogram wild boar!
The five fingers that were clasped on his shoulders actually failed to grasp it, and could only barely grab the back collar, and then made a 'tear' sound.

A dunk!
The basket shook violently.

Desmond was holding half of LeBron's clothes that had been pulled off, and LeBron was hanging shirtless on the basket like a god descending from the earth, which stunned the SuperSonics fans at the scene.

What kind of brute force is this...

While Desmond was still in a daze, the referee's whistle sounded.

"The goal is valid. Green No. 24 committed a defensive foul and received an extra penalty!"


LeBron roared as he landed. Wade laughed and touched his head. Next to him, Boozer gave him a high-five. The Cavaliers broke their scoring drought.

There was a buzz at the scene, probably because the dunk just now was so shocking that LeBron, who had put on a new jersey, did not encounter boos from the home court when he made free throws.

The free throw was made steadily, 17:7, SuperSonics had the ball.

Chandler once again pulled out for five-on-four, while Zasunas followed Lucas's advice and continued to defend the basket, forming a twin-tower protection inside with Boozer at the free throw line.

But this time, the Cavaliers' defensive strategy on the outside is different.

LeBron's 2+1 just now obviously boosted the Cavaliers' morale. In addition, Lucas' analysis and explanation of the SuperSonics tactics during the timeout. At this time, the Cavaliers were mainly defending Lin Dong, Brent and Desmond. 3 points from outside.


Lin Dong's breakthrough is certainly not something that LeBron, Wade and Desmond can defend alone, but so what?

If you can break out, then break out. As long as the Sonics' rotating offense cannot be played and Lin Dong needs to rely on Lin Dong's personal ability to score, the Cavaliers won't care at all.

How many points can you score by yourself?
This is not about beating up kids in kindergarten. Whether you are facing Wade's first line of defense, or you are rushing into the paint and facing Boozer and Zasunas' complementary defense, you are capable of solving everything. Everyone can do it. Admit it, but how many times can you solve it?
How much energy do you have to expend? Not to mention that in order to realize the SuperSonics' rotation defense, Lin Dong also needs to join the rotation lineup that is constantly running.

On this basis, if even the offensive end has to be solved by his personal ability, then this Sonics will no longer be amazing and scary, and it will just become a normal game again. The previous extreme firepower probably wouldn't last even five minutes!
It's the same score, but achieved through different means, and the effect is completely different.

It was Payton who finally got the outside opportunity.

The Cavaliers clearly laid out the open space, and only Boozer was staring at him two steps away, making a defensive posture that was at best disturbing his mentality.

You are given a wide open space, and there are fast break tactical requirements. If you don't make any shots, the opponent will put you in the Pacific Ocean and put all the defensive pressure on your teammates.

Payton only had 3 points to shoot.

Frankly speaking, Payton is really not good at 3-pointers. He has never practiced this well before. He just shoots a few casually during training. During completely relaxed training time, his open shot rate is only about -%. But in actual combat, this ratio cannot be guaranteed.

At this time, after all, it is related to the tactical defense of the whole team. There is still a little bit of psychological pressure. In addition, the balance of luck seems to be tilting towards the Cavaliers with LeBron's 2+1...

The arena was quiet, but Lucas on the sidelines shook his fist fiercely.

I knew you weren’t allowed!

The basketball hit the frame and Chandler desperately tried to squeeze in to grab the rebound, but he couldn't take advantage of the basket guarded by Zasunas and Boozer. The rebound was firmly collected by Zasunas.

Knight fast attack!

Wade caught the ball and took the lead. Lin Dong chased him and intercepted him at the three-point line in the frontcourt.

But Wade was not in a hurry, and steadily controlled the ball, waiting for the Cavaliers players to enter the court.

The SuperSonics' rotation started again, with Brent attacking first, followed closely by the team's dazzling movement.

But... the Cavaliers seem to have found a way to deal with the Sonics.

LeBron came up to set up a pick-and-roll for Wade, using the mismatch to contain Lin Dong and Payton behind Wade, forming a confrontation between LeBron and Brent.

LeBron immediately turned around and cut in the air, while Wade passed the ball high. LeBron relied on his physical advantage to ignore Brent's interference and steals, caught the ball in mid-air, and then inserted himself inside to beat the ball in singles.

The Cavaliers scored another 2 points, 17:9!

McMillan frowned on the sidelines, and Lin Dong and Payton also licked the corners of their mouths.

They understood the knight's intentions.

As expected of being the number one team in the league, they quickly found a solution...

Using pick-and-rolls and dislocations, as well as the special nature of the Sonics' rotation, Lin Dong and Payton are in turn subject to their own tactical rhythm and cannot be separated for individual defense.

In the end, there was a situation where LeBron played alone on any point in the Sonics except for Lin Dong and Payton, and then used his super personal ability to take advantage of it.

Single defense? Lin Dong and Payton can defend alone, but in that case, the SuperSonics' rotation will be broken, and mistakes will occur if other people's movements cannot be connected. Don't forget, there is actually another super scorer. As for Davis, that is also not someone Brent and the others can defend alone.

An extremely precise instrument is certainly powerful, but if something goes wrong... it will also be very troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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