Chapter 325 Signature Headbutt!

What is wide-angle viewing angle?

When you only know how to use your eyes to see things on the surface, while your eyes are telling you all kinds of information, they will also instill some wrong information into you at the same time, confusing your judgment and affecting your decisions.

But if you learn to use experience or instinct to automatically block those 'wrong' information, and then broaden your perspective and elevate your thinking to another level to look at the problem, what you see is no longer just The people are no longer shaking in front of you, but they are like chess pieces arranged neatly on the sand table. Looking at the overall situation, everything between the enemy and ourselves is instantly clear.

Those so-called experts with golf intelligence all have this ability to see the overall situation.

Sakuragi? Frankly speaking, he doesn't have it, and he can't practice it.

However, his thorough familiarity with this tactical theory and his persistence in asking Lin Dong to 'find loopholes' allowed him to find another way and possess some of these abilities.

It's difficult for him to explain the current situation on the court clearly, but he can clearly and instinctively determine where the team's rotation axis is.

At this moment, the defensive axis on the court was like a 'glowing light spot' that kept moving in Sakuragi's eyes, without any interference from the crazy running figures around him.

To him, this 'light spot' was like the position of basketball in the past, just like the position of Brother Gao Ren, forming a clearly visible perception point in his unique consciousness!
This formed his third instinctive perception point besides 'where is the basketball' and 'where is Lin Dong': where are the defensive loopholes!

I thought about the 250 million US dollars I had received, the new apartment I bought for my family, and my mother who finally lived a life without worries about food and clothing, and still had money to pay for medical treatment at the best hospital in the United States.

And Iguodala's position is too far away, which is the basis for Sakuragi's instinctive judgment of the 'loophole' just now, but maybe even he himself is not sure that he is basing his judgment on this...

This is an inevitable mistake when rotating defense. After all, the court is ever-changing and it is impossible for everything to be exactly the same as the rhythm you used in training.

Thinking about promising Anxi's father a championship ring, thinking about promising to accompany Brother Takato to win several championships, and even dreaming about proposing to Haruko in front of the whole world at the scene where he won his first championship.

Frankly speaking, at that moment, it should have been Iguodala who had problems with the team's operation. He did not predict the next move in advance. He was too far away from Wade.

Frankly speaking, Sakuragi really wants to get back to the happy, nervous self he once was.

Sakuragi Hanamichi's face suddenly turned pale.

Since coming to the SuperSonics and getting his first salary in life, Sakuragi has felt that many things deep inside him have quietly changed.

"Fake, are you making a mistake?"

I used to be always optimistic and pure, always free from distracting thoughts, and never disturbed by all external factors, because I really just loved basketball.

The fans at the arena suddenly burst into roars.

Sure enough, after a conversion, facing Lin Dong's defense, LeBron passed the ball to Wade outside the 3-point line without hesitation.

He was panting heavily, not because he was tired, he hadn't run a few steps, and it wasn't because of the collision just now. Both he and Lin Dong stopped in time.

Basketball seemed to be no longer pure, and nerves seemed to be no longer strong. At this time, there were curses on the court, and McMillan's livid face on the sidelines... Sakuragi Hanamichi looked at McMillan instinctively and nervously. , McMillan stood up angrily and walked directly to the referee's box.

"If he didn't just follow the rotation and switch to guard Boozer, why would he go to Wade's side!"

These things weighed him down so much that he could hardly breathe.

Wade jumped up without hesitation.


McMillan understood what Lin Dong meant, which was to ask him to give Sakuragi another chance.

Immediately, he saw Brother Gao Ren calling out to McMillan.

At this time, he was running towards Boozer following the tactical rotation requirements, but his subconscious perception, through the clues on the court, instinctively judged that the defensive loophole was about to appear on Wade, and it was a very strong instinct. Sensing it, he immediately turned around and rushed toward Wade.

"Coach!" Lin Dong didn't say much, just raised a finger at McMillan, and then gently shook his head with a sincere expression.

"Get him out! Get him out!"

Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!

"I bumped into Chandler last time, and this time I bumped into our Lin? Is this red-haired guy a spy arranged by our opponent?"

Even imagining that in distant Japan, whether it is a big shot like the governor of Kanagawa, or tens of millions of ordinary fans who love basketball as much as he once did, or many cute children, they are all sitting nervously. In front of the TV.

At this time, the closest person to Wade, apart from Sakuragi who was quietly rushing towards him, was undoubtedly Lin Dong who had just guarded LeBron.

Brent, who was originally responsible for defending Wade, had just moved his position due to defensive rotation. At this time, Iguodala on the other side should have made up for Wade in advance, but due to the defensive rotation just now, Iguodala was blocked. Iguodala and the rest of the Sonics moved too far, so that at this moment Wade had an absolute defensive gap.

Flustered, irritable, self-blaming, painful...Brother Gao Ren can't make mistakes, so the fault is his own. Why did he end up like this again...

A harsh sound fell on Sakuragi's ears.

The ball was scored, 33:26, and the score was actually recovered to within 10 points!
The Sonics bench was quiet. Payton sighed secretly, leaned back in his chair, and pulled the towel next to him to cover his face. MD was too lazy to look.

But now?

Each of these desires and expectations, how beautiful it is when you imagine and feel them, and how heavy the weight on your heart becomes every time they disappear due to your poor performance.

But when reality integrated all of this, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have no way back.

it's over...

As soon as Lin Dong rushed over, he collided with another guy who was rushing over. Although the two of them reacted in time at the moment of the collision, they were surprised and relaxed a little, so they didn't get dizzy after the collision. Wade left an easy pull-up opportunity.

He carries the hope of Japanese basketball, so the eyes that pay attention to him are like invisible shackles, completely locking the mountains on his back.

Sakuragi suddenly wanted to cry.

Wade has an outside line and is very accurate. Lin Dong only subconsciously glanced at Iguodala's position with the corner of his eye and knew that he was too far away and there was no time to cover up. At this time, he had to throw LeBron towards him. Wade tried his best to defend, but he didn't expect...

"I'll go, there's only 7 points left..."

Everyone is looking at him, staring at him. Every goal he scores can make countless hometown fans excited and excited, as if they have experienced it personally, and every mistake can make countless hometown fans cry. Despair, as if their dreams were shattered by Sakuragi himself.

Lin Dong and Yingmu both rushed towards Wade...

Does this count as patching a loophole?

Lin Dong was the closest to Wade at the time and found this big loophole on the outside. It was natural for him to cover the loophole. He was naturally helping the team to fix the loophole.

But what's going on with you Sakuragi Hanamichi?

Even if McMillan is killed, it is impossible for him to believe that Sakuragi Hanamichi, a guy who has not even run basic tactics well, can still discover Wade's loopholes two steps in advance?

If you make it clear, you are just running around again! Hasn't this become his signature?
McMillan loved and hated the guy who personally gave him the No. 10 jersey. He hated this guy for ruining his No. 10 jersey and his own vision. He is now extremely disappointed with Sakuragi Hanamichi.

However, Lin Dong still has to give him face. This guy is now the treasure of the team and his head coach. Whether the team can perform well or not depends entirely on Lin Dong.

"Get down if you make another mistake!" McMillan stopped walking towards the referee's seat and yelled at Sakuragi.

Sakuragi Hanamichi pursed her lips, and her face turned ashen in an instant.

After colliding with Brother Gao Ren, his so-called perception just now seems to be wrong, and his departure from the Sonics seems to have been a foregone conclusion. With his current mentality, he has no confidence that he will no longer do so in the next time. Made a mistake.

He got up silently, but the next second...

"Hey, good job." A big hand patted his back.

Sakuragi was startled and saw that it was Lin Dong.

Lin Dong grinned.

He knew that Sakuragi had really entered the state. With that ball just now, Sakuragi was fulfilling his previous request and filling the loopholes for the team!

McMillan couldn't see this, because it was impossible for McMillan to believe that Sakuragi, who didn't even understand basic tactics, could reach such a level.

And Sakuragi Hanamichi himself may not be able to tell, because this guy still plays instinctively more often. He knows what to do, but he doesn't know the principle of doing so.

And the only one who can see this is Lin Dong!
Because I know Sakuragi.

"Don't worry, it was my fault just now." Lin Dong said with a smile: "I should have believed that you could make up for that loophole, then I wouldn't bump into you."


Sakuragi Hanamichi's bloodless face turned slightly moist.

Was your judgment just now correct?
"Keep looking for loopholes and trust your own judgment." Lin Dong patted him on the shoulder: "This way I can safely leave my back to you!"

Sakuragi was stunned, her face flushed with surprise at first, but then it turned into deep doubt.

He has always had great trust in Brother Gao Ren, and he was very surprised to hear these words.

But he was not stupid either. The successive blows made him lose confidence in himself.

To be honest, at this moment, he didn't know whether Brother Gao Ren was comforting him or telling the truth, but he could tell that McMillan was really serious when he walked to the referee's box just now.

"Ikebana! Ikebana! Hi! Here!"

"Hahahaha, Hanamichi, are you going to break the 5-minute appearance record last time?"

"Okay, okay! I'm keeping track of the time for you. You only played for one minute today!"

Several familiar bursts of laughter suddenly rang in Sakuragi's ears. Sakuragi Hanamichi turned around blankly and saw that it was Mito Yohei, Takamiya Nozomi and a few others...

Lin Dong couldn't help crying and covered his face in confusion.

Mito Yohei and the others came here two days ago. He had just sold his shop and house in Kanagawa and packed everything up. He just didn't tell Sakuragi when he came here.

After all, Sakuragi Hanamichi has been performing poorly recently. Whether it's the commentary from the Japanese TV station or Mito Yohei's knowledge of Lin Dong, they all know that Sakuragi is in an extreme predicament at this time and is working hard. Learn to understand run and gun tactics.

Although the appearance of old friends may give him some spiritual support, it may also affect his studies. Therefore, Mito Yohei and others did not notify Sakuragi after they arrived. They just stayed at Lin Dong's house first, and then started Find a storefront in Seattle.

Today's tickets are naturally given by Lin Dong. After all, this game is related to Sakuragi's future. In addition to watching the game, Lin Dong also wonders if Sakuragi is in a desperate situation and suddenly sees Yohei and the others, will he bring anything to Sakuragi? Wooden some touches.

Now is the right time to speak out, but these bad friends...

Lin Dong also couldn't laugh or cry. Even if you don't comfort him, why are you still 'hurting people with your words'... Stimulation therapy is not suitable at all times.

But obviously, these guys know Sakuragi Hanamichi better than Lin Dong.

Hear their chirping, gloating, and laughing.

This moment reminded Sakuragi of the scene when they had just played in Shohoku, and these guys cheered and sprinkled flowers on the sidelines to celebrate how long it had taken them to leave the field with five fouls.

"These guys..."

Sakuragi Hanamichi's eyes moistened, and the pressure and baggage that had been lingering in his heart these days seemed to suddenly become far away.

After all, the chirping sounds of these guys "dissuading them to quit" are a scene that belongs exclusively to that summer, and also to the beginning of the dream.

Damn...what are you afraid of? !

Sakuragi suddenly felt worried.

He didn't get up immediately, but suddenly hit the floor with a headbutt.

Lin Dong, who was closest to him, was startled and didn't even try to pull him back. McMillan, Payton and others on the sidelines had their mouths wide open.

There was no way not to be attracted to him. This guy seemed to have a grudge against the Sonics' floor. The collision was so hard and loud that Iguodala, who was watching, couldn't help but get goosebumps.

This guy doesn't have a concussion, does he? Although his brain capacity is relatively compact...

Not only did they see it, but the entire arena also saw it. After all, the big-screen camera above the arena was pointed at him.

So in an instant, the entire arena fell silent.

The fans opened their mouths one by one.

Is this guy finally crazy? Have we gone too far?
But the next second, Sakuragi Hanamichi suddenly jumped up from the ground.

I saw that his forehead was red, but there was a huge bump that looked like a duck egg.

Sakuragi Hanamichi was in so much pain that he shed tears, but Keren seemed to have suddenly regained his former vitality. He raised his middle finger at the Sakuragi troops in the stands and roared angrily: "I hope I can do it!" You idiots!"

"Brother Takato!" As he said this, Sakuragi ejected and ran towards the baseline to pick up the ball with red eyes: "Give them one back!"

Lin Dong couldn't help but open his mouth, and then started laughing.

It seems that the stimulation therapy is effective...

"Okay, give them some color and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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