Chapter 346 One versus two!

Lin Dong's eyes seemed to be fixed on Kobe's body, and he put his right foot forward to test.

Observing the defender is the primary task of the offense. The test step is the simplest and easiest offensive technique to test the defensive player's condition. It tests the defender's center of gravity and even forces the defender to move his center of gravity to create space for himself to break through.

But Kobe is obviously not someone who is easily shaken away by fake moves, and his concentration at this moment is unprecedentedly concentrated. Lin Dong's tentative steps were in front of him, and he couldn't even blink.

But what followed was a fake movement that turned into a real movement, and the tentative step towards the right front became a real step in an instant!

Kobe's pupils shrank suddenly.

There are many techniques for turning a fake move into a real move, and the technique for turning a tentative step into a real breakthrough is not a strange thing, but the problem is that there is a connection problem.

The test step is not a fake move like shooting. The moment you take a step, the master will not be simply deceived by your movements. The reason is that the master is not just observing your body movements, but also observing If you adjust your center of gravity, your movements can be faked, but if you adjust your center of gravity, you cannot fake it.

Kobe didn't even blink at his tentative steps just now, because he could feel that Lin Dong's center of gravity did not move at all with the steps, but was stable on the main body of his body, so he was guarding Lin Dong. Dong's center of gravity, not the leg he stepped out.

After all, a person's normal way of movement is to mobilize the body through the center of gravity, but at this moment, Lin Dong used the leg he stepped out to pull his center of gravity.

To put it bluntly and simply, it's like 'people run in front, but souls chase behind!' ', or 'Throw him out as a ball'!
The somewhat awkward way of exerting force means that compared to a normal breakthrough, the difference in speed may be less than 0.1 seconds, but in terms of the perception it brings to the defender, the difference is huge. This means that the defender’s perception and judgment of the center of gravity is wrong and will surely lose the first move!

This is the feeling Lin Dong gave Kobe at this time.

Lin Dong rushed in like a hurricane, and his first move allowed him to occupy a favorable position first, directly blocking the blocking route of Kobe Bryant's defense.

It would have been over if he changed someone else, but it was Kobe after all. His defensive skills may not be the strongest in the league today, but his attitude, reactions and athleticism are definitely the best among the best.

The sudden threat caused Kobe's pupils to shrink sharply at this moment, and he was highly concentrated. In an instant, the entire arena was blocked from interference, and Lin Dong's movements seemed to slow down for half a beat in his eyes.

All the muscles in his body were tense and mobilized in an instant. If Lin Dong's soul was chasing after him, then Kobe's body was chasing after him, and his consciousness was already ahead.

The blocking route has been blocked by the opponent. With Lin Dong's strength and speed, Kobe knew that this was a distance that he could not recover no matter what. However, top defenders knew one thing very well, that is, when facing top hunters, When eating, you have to give something away.

Kobe immediately gave up on blocking Lin Dong's breakthrough route, and chose a lateral direction with his open arms and moving thighs, forming a perfect pursuit in an instant.

What he gave up was the possibility of blocking Lin Dong, but what he gained was to build a line of defense at the very edge of the defense. It couldn't organize his offense, but it could block him from the side and prevent him from cutting into the basket to kill. O'Neal's chance!
At this time, one rushed forward and the other moved sideways to block. In the blink of an eye, the two of them had taken several steps forward.


The sneakers scraped against the floor and made a harsh sound. Lin Dong suddenly stopped and made a gesture to turn over. What followed was a back turn, but Kobe was not at all confused by the fake move of turning over. He knew that Lin Dong What Dong wants is not to score, so he is certain that he will not choose a fadeaway jumper.

Lin Dong turned over, and he immediately stopped and adjusted. When the sneakers stopped and turned on the floor, Kobe could clearly feel a violent vibration and friction in his knees. He didn't do it during a high-speed sprint. For Kobe, who has a habit of not slowing down and changing directions, such an action is not particularly difficult. In other words, as long as he is physically strong enough, courageous enough, and reacts quickly enough, most top players can do it, but it is harmful to the body. The loss is undoubtedly huge, and the physical exertion is not something they can easily adapt to.

But at this moment, focusing on the defense of the opponent in front of him, Kobe didn't think about those complicated things at all.

Two lion-like bloodthirsty eyes stared at Lin Dong tightly. All the thoughts in his mind and all the movements of his body only served one purpose, stop him!
The two of them changed directions without slowing down almost at the same time. Kobe knew that he could not do better or faster than the opponent, but just now the opponent had a fake turn, but he did not. This would undoubtedly give him a steal. Not as good as the slightest bit of speed back.

Sure enough, when Lin Dong turned his back, Kobe completed the second blockade almost at the same time as him.

But immediately after Lin Dong's figure, there was another flash, a short-frequency big pendulum clock, using his left leg to support all the center of gravity and body inertia thrown to the left.

While the basketball hit the ground and moved sideways, Lin Dong's center of gravity had once again shifted to the right side.

Not to mention Kobe, the superstars in the entire league are already familiar with this change of direction of the butterfly through the flower. They dare not choose to fight this rookie in the regular season. To a large extent, it is because he has this unique skill that makes everyone The team's superstars feel that they are not completely sure to cope with it, so they might as well let it go in the regular season and show an attitude that it doesn't matter whether the rookie wins or loses. Wait until the playoffs and see who meets whom before fighting...

Kobe has also studied the essence and difficulty of Lin Dong's change of direction countless times. Even though he knows that this is not Lin Dong's regular method, he will definitely use it at critical moments, which further strengthens Kobe's inner feelings towards this kid. Want to rush inside to kill O'Neal's judgment.

How to deal with this move?
There is nothing else, either let him pass, or you have to fight with your life and knees and rely on your reaction and speed!
Jordan was almost knocked down by this move because Jordan was old. Although his skills and experience were better than before, his reaction and speed were not as good as before.

But I am not old!
Kobe's eyes were wide open at this time, he clenched his teeth and puffed out his cheeks. He also used his right leg to support the ground like Lin Dong, resisting all the center of gravity and inertia, and moved towards Lin Dong again in an extremely fierce way. Block the direction of the change of direction.

This time it was half a beat slower than the opponent, but it was okay and I didn’t lose my defensive position!

Shifting his focus to this point and slowing down the opponent by a beat, Kobe knew very well that if Lin Dong chose to drift back at this time, it would be difficult for him to block shots or interfere with him.

But that is no longer important. This is a battle to protect the basket. If Lin Dong only wants a 2-pointer, then Kobe feels that he is the real winner.

But before this thought could turn around in his mind, what caught Kobe's eyes was not a straight-up move...

Lin Dong's eyes were shining brightly at this moment!

He has already developed the technique of changing directions without slowing down to the level that surpassed Ross's.

Every change of direction requires one of your legs and knees to bear the maximum weight and inertia of your body, while also supporting and completing the shift of your center of gravity!

This not only requires you to bear the force, but also requires you to exert force! This is extremely difficult, but only with this extreme difficulty can extreme speed be guaranteed.

Although the protection of McDavid's second-generation knee brace prevents your knees from suffering any loss during such changes of direction, it only ensures that you will not be injured and will not suffer wear and tear on the meniscus, ligaments and the like.

But when one of your legs and knees has just endured such an 'overload load', your legs will become weak...

Therefore, for Lin Dong, the most ideal state is to do such a change of direction without slowing down twice. Generally speaking, two extreme changes of direction are enough. When playing against Jordan in the exhibition game, only these two changes were made. Xiang had already thrown the basketball god away, and even when faced with his own non-deceleration and change of direction, Jordan didn't bother to defend anymore.

Not only Jordan, but also all the superstars and defensive masters in the league throughout the entire NBA regular season. Two extreme changes of direction were enough, but today, Kobe caught up with him!
You have to go beyond the limit.

Lin Dong's right leg was stretched diagonally again, and all the weight was transferred to the right leg.

I could feel the numbness in my right leg at this moment, almost a little weak, but I finally managed to hold on, and at the same time, I dribbled the ball behind my back. The third time I didn’t slow down and change direction!
A look of shock flashed in Kobe's eyes, having completely thrown himself away regardless of everything.

At this time, his consciousness was still catching up, allowing Kobe to force his right leg to support his body weight again.


After all, he was not an expert in this trick, and his legs and knees had not experienced Lin Dong's harsh training of changing direction without slowing down. No matter how strong his will was, he was unable to disobey the body's limit warning at this moment.

The weight of the pressure made the right leg of the sudden stop suddenly soften, and it was impossible to complete the support of this step, so that Kobe's center of gravity was 'suspended' in the middle by forcefully pulling it back with his will.

His left leg and body that wanted to step out lost control at the same time in an instant. He opened his legs and sat down, but Lin Dong had already stepped out from beside his seated body!

Moreover, Kobe, who was the best defender in the league and was selected to the All-Defensive First Team for two consecutive years, was directly thrown to the ground.

The entire arena was stunned at this moment, but they didn't shout out, because the moment Kobe fell down, another giant beast had directly faced Lin Dong!

Shaquille O'Neal!

The big shark was awakened with 120,000 energy, and his eyes were as bright as fire.

Even if the extraordinary performance just now was extremely exciting, it could not confuse this giant man who was thick on the outside but thin on the inside.

Kobe tried his best to defend, but even if Lin Dong passed him, he was already at the end of his strength!

His legs and feet were slightly weak at that moment, which caused his instantaneous explosive power to drop visibly... The only thing that remained undiminished was the pair of bloodthirsty eyes, which made O'Neal feel like he was being treated as prey again.

This guy can't pass the ball!
O'Neill was relieved.

Lin Dong, who passed Kobe Bryant, was already very close to the paint area. At this time, he only took one big step forward and stepped on the ground, then jumped up with the ball in one hand.

He didn't dare to jump with his right leg. That leg was so weak that Lin Dong felt that if he continued to use his right leg to take one more step, he would probably fall down.

It was the left leg that took off. The one extra second of buffer time allowed the strength of the left leg to be maintained well, and the height of the jump was sufficient. But the next second, the giant man in front also jumped.

The two looked at each other, and the flames in their eyes collided wildly. They both knew that the other would never take a step back.

But will is will, and as soon as Lin Dong made contact in the air, he could feel a destructive force pressing towards him.

The giant senior weighs a thousand catties...

This is a completely different feeling than the last round when he collided with O'Neal in the air.

Unable to fight, unable to stop, and unable to maintain the balance of the body at all!

I am completely exhausted.

Don’t always think that running 200 meters is just running two 100 meters. It may not be difficult for you to run two 100 meters. When you finish the first 100 meters at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, and at the same time continue to sprint the second meters non-stop. , then every meter in the future will increase your physical exertion and the burden on your body exponentially!

Kobe's defense has indeed reached its peak, forcing himself to the point where he had to do his best just to break through his defense.

Yes, he did it and broke through the first line of defense, but this second line...

The body is out of balance and there are only two choices.

Try your best to keep your center of gravity to avoid falling, and at the same time choose to pass the ball. Don't think that just making a shooting posture can trick O'Neal into hitting him randomly. Based on the opponent's experience, such actions that are obviously meant to deceive a foul will not deceive the opponent, but will only Increase O'Neal's inner vigilance about his tactical intentions.

And passing the ball is even more ridiculous. If you want to score, you can score without breaking through Kobe. You rush in desperately just to kill the giant man in front of you!

Then you can only choose another one.

Lin Dong allowed his body to lose balance and fall backwards. He gathered all the remaining strength in his body and ignited the last bit of fuel on his shot.

At this moment, the only thing in sight is the basket, and the only thing I can feel about my body is my own two 'hands'!
O'Neal's pupils suddenly shrank, and he could feel Lin Dong's determined shooting will. At this time, his big hand blocked the shot with all his strength.

Lin Dong turned his right hand to his left hand. When O'Neal hit his right hand, he transferred the last bit of his instinct to maintain body balance to his hand and threw the basketball.


The referee's whistle blew, but it did not attract O'Neal's attention.

The person was still in the air, but O'Neal's mouth was already open, looking up at the basketball that passed over his head.

But I saw the basketball drawing a perfect arc in the air.

dong dong dong...

The basketball hit the net and O'Neal landed. Lin Dong gritted his teeth, tightened his back muscles and fell down, preparing to use his back to the ground and his muscles to cushion.

But a pair of big hands hugged him from behind in time, accompanied by an excited voice: "Brother Gao Ren!"

Lin Dong couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. If he had to carry his back on the ground just now, it would definitely feel uncomfortable, and he might even be injured... It must be Sakuragi, this guy is like his own shadow, always He appears when he is needed most... Having this guy on the court is really reassuring!

At the same time, there was also the referee's voice: "The goal is valid, the Lakers' No. 34 thug fouled, and there is an extra penalty!"

(End of this chapter)

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