Chapter 351 Win G2
It was obviously impossible for the fans in the arena to hear this scream in the hustle and bustle of the scene. At this time, cheers were everywhere, celebrating another goal from the Sharks.

But the players on the field could hear it, and the coaching staff on the sidelines could also hear it.

Chandler's screams were really loud, and the shrillness made everyone worried in an instant.

O'Neal was also shocked. He had been pushed forward by Sakuragi just now, and he was still full of anger. When he fell, he crushed Chandler, using the 216-centimeter big man as a flesh pad. There was still something in his heart. Then the pleasure of revenge comes for a moment.

Hey! You all asked for it!
But he immediately heard the screams of the guy beneath his body, which instantly woke O'Neal out of his venting thoughts.

He quickly got up and glanced at Chandler, his face suddenly turned pale.

At this time, Chandler was seen paralyzed on the ground in a very irregular way. His left leg and calf were directly disconnected and turned over at an exaggerated 90-degree angle. He was pressed under his body by his own thigh. He obviously landed on the ground. He was unable to support the weight of his own body and O'Neal's.

Such an injury does not require a team doctor to diagnose it, everyone can see it at a glance.

Broken tibia!

Even the bone tip of his calf's tibia pierced the skin and poked out a small piece. It was bloody and bone-white, which was shocking.


The players may still be immersed in grief for Chandler's injury at this time, but for team managers and coaches, they need to consider more things.

O'Neill composed himself and took a deep breath.

O'Neal, who was still blaming himself for breaking Chandler's calf, obviously no longer had those boring thoughts of jealousy.

The expressions on the faces of McMillan and Bob on the sidelines were even heavier.

The referee promptly paused the game with a long whistle.

If he hadn't held O'Neal under the basket, there would have been no talk of Sakuragi's double attack, let alone the restriction on O'Neal in these two games...

Beneath this guy's rough exterior, he has a kind heart.

Respect, battlefield...

He breathed heavily through his nostrils, gritted his teeth, and stared at Chandler's broken bone with wide eyes, which had poked out of his skin, and huge beads of sweat kept sliding down his forehead.

Lin Dong and Payton rushed over: "Pause! Pause!"

But at this moment...

Not only has his ability in all aspects firmly surpassed Pedrague's first line, but more importantly, his flexibility is far better than that of ordinary traditional centers, and he can adapt to the requirements of Supersonic run-and-gun and rotation defense.

But the inside line is always indispensable. Perhaps it can only be regarded as a cornerstone under the skyscraper, not the main part of the building. But without this cornerstone, can the building still be stable?

The stadium is like a battlefield, this is never just a sentence.

But in fact, Chandler was also the real hero in these two consecutive games.

The two team doctors immediately carefully lifted Chandler onto a stretcher and fixed his waist and legs with belts.

And if it was still the first half of the game, O'Neal might have thought proudly, 'Didn't this guy take the initiative to talk to me? '.


The first two victories seemed to come from Lin Dong's continuous scoring and Payton's iron-blooded defense. The two stole all the light. Even if there was a little left, they were restrained by Samaki Walker. Sakuragi Hanamichi, who has the remaining energy to flank O'Neal and Kobe Bryant, is ready to make up for the team's mistakes at any time.

"The game is not over yet, this is our battlefield! Fighting with all your strength is the greatest respect for those who carry you down!"

If it were the last game, O'Neal might have scorned Kobe's reminder, or might have been disgusted and disgusted.

The camera on the big screen focused on Chandler's broken bone that pierced the skin. Many female fans covered their eyes in fear, while the men stood up, covered their mouths, or held their heads.

With such an injury, considering the current medical conditions, it shouldn't be a big problem to resume action, but if you want to return to the court to play, it is probably already on the line, and your entire career may be reimbursed.

The referee took over the previous penalty.

After two seasons of training, Chandler has undoubtedly become the most relied upon inside gate for the Sonics.

Not only him, Sakuragi Hanamichi was also stunned.

Let alone the current SuperSonics, McMillan and Bob know very well that even if they look at the entire league today, they are afraid that they cannot find another center who can adapt to the requirements of the SuperSonics' running and gunning rotation. The SuperSonics have struggled to practice this season. The run-and-gun system may fall apart or change again due to Chandler's injury...

Injuries are always a player's biggest natural enemy. They come as suddenly as they say.

"Team doctor! Team doctor!" A worried McMillan ran up with the team doctor, and the arena that was so cheerful just now became quiet at this time.

There is no need to check this directly. The tibia and fibula are fractured at the same time, and the entire lower leg has been severed.

The players on the field watched as Chandler was carried away, not to mention their own players. Even the Lakers players, no one had any expression of gloating or happiness on their face.

"Hi! Hi! Look at me!" Kobe pulled his neck and said coldly: "This is just an accident, you have to cheer up!"

Sometimes, things are so amazing.

What hangs on the faces of the players is either the dullness and self-blame like Sakuragi Hanamichi, or the pain and worry on the faces of Lin Dong, Iguodala, Desmond and others, or the looks like Payton. Such silent sorrow, or the heaviness on the faces of opponents such as O'Neal and Kobe Bryant.

And even if you put aside those distant thoughts, just look at the series against the Lakers.

O'Neal was suddenly startled. The resentment he felt toward Chandler for this whole little act disappeared in an instant. He quickly wanted to do something, but at this time, it was best not to do anything.

A rabbit dies and a fox grieves when something harms its own kind.

"Hi!" Kobe finally took the initiative to walk up to O'Neal, whose eyes were a little dazed: "The game is not over yet! Shaq!"

Speaking of which, Lin Dong and Payton are the core players of this Sonics. Even if we want to talk about the third core, it is Hanamichi Sakuragi who can make up for the team's deficiencies on the defensive end.

O'Neal said frustratedly: "I can hold on in advance..."

O'Neal's overpowering of Chandler was obviously just an accident, and Hanamichi Sakuragi blocked the shot from behind, causing him to lose his balance. This certainly cannot be blamed on O'Neal.

But Sakuragi's thugs are correct.

O'Neal stood on the free throw line. It could be seen that his mood had calmed down a lot at this time, and the scene was still immersed in grief for Chandler's injury. There were no fans to boo and interfere with the free throw at this time. The entire arena seemed Extraordinarily quiet.

But the first free throw hit the rim and bounced high.

O'Neal's mind couldn't help but saw Kobe walking forward and extending his hand to him.

O'Neill was startled.

If when Kobe took the initiative to talk to him earlier, he was still immersed in self-blame and did not realize that this was the beginning of reconciliation, then at this moment, the action of reaching out and giving him a high five completely removed him from the emotion of self-blame. Pulled back to the playing field.

O'Neal reached out his hand and gave Kobe a high-five quite naturally.

He took the basketball thrown by the referee and patted it, then held the ball with both hands, slightly bent his knees, and looked towards the basket.


O'Neill took a deep breath.

This is a battlefield. A real warrior does not need pity or condolences from his enemies. Correspondingly, as an opponent, the only way to give the opponent the best salute is to fight with all his strength.

The basketball was thrown steadily and hit the net hollowly.

The light in O'Neal's eyes flashed and he looked at the electronic scoreboard.

The SuperSonics made substitutions, No. 7 Tyson Chandler came off, No. 14 Pedrag Drobiak came on, and the game restarted.

SuperSonics possession.

After regaining his composure, Payton controlled the ball past halftime. Lin Dong went around to the left to catch the ball, followed by Kobe.

At this time, the atmosphere on the court has changed greatly from before Chandler was injured. The players on both sides seemed relatively silent, but they could feel that a secretly held energy was bursting out.

Obviously, the Lakers knew that without Chandler, there would inevitably be some problems. This gave the Lakers some hope of victory that no longer existed.

The pressing at this time was extremely crazy.

With the help of Payton's pick-and-roll, Lin Dong caught the ball. Payton forcefully blocked Kobe, but at the moment of mismatch, Fisher came up closely.

Fisher, who was only 185 centimeters tall, obviously couldn't effectively block Lin Dong's shot, but his victory was due to his powerful tonnage, which suppressed Lin Dong and made it difficult for him to jump up.

Before Lin Dong could choose to break through, Fox next to him immediately attacked from a flank.

The Sonics are constantly flanking O'Neal under the basket, and the Lakers are actually flanking Lin Dong at all times.

At this time, Iguodala was already free on the outside. Lin Dong hit the ground and passed the ball, while Iguodala caught the ball and shot.

But it seemed that due to the psychological impact of Chandler's injury just now, the ball deflected a little far and bounced off the board without even hitting the frame.


Pedrague held O'Neal firmly under the basket, hoping to play a benchmark role like Chandler, and then Sakuragi Hanamichi came up from the flank to fight for the rebound.

It's a pity... Chandler may not be able to do the work he can do.

With a height of 211 centimeters, Pedrague undoubtedly looks smaller in front of O'Neal. Although he has the tonnage, his strength and positioning skills are far inferior to Chandler. O'Neal sat on his back and his whole body was stunned. It felt like a mountain was pressing down on him, squeezing him away like air.

Without the restraint on O'Neal, Sakuragi's fight in front would be meaningless.

One-on-one, he is no match for O'Neal.

The Lakers got the rebounds, stabilized the rhythm, and turned to positional warfare.

The SuperSonics' blockade on the perimeter remains the same. Payton runs desperately, and the restrictions on Kobe are more stringent than before, but the problem is at the basket...

Kobe faced Payton's defense with a high pass. Pedrague, who was trying to squeeze into O'Neal's position under the basket, was immediately pushed away. It was completely different from the situation where Chandler could at least hold him for a few seconds.

But without these few seconds, Sakuragi, who was desperately attacking, was helpless against O'Neal who had already taken off. Just when his hand was on O'Neal's arm, the opponent's flight had already reached its peak.

Alley-oops, dunks, and a thug for free!

"The goal is valid. SuperSonics No. 10 player fouled and received an extra penalty!"

McMillan frowned on the sidelines.

Pedrague seems to be able to serve as Chandler's substitute, can take over Chandler's duties, and can handle ordinary centers in the league, but when the opponent is O'Neal, the situation is completely different.

There is a gap between him and Chandler compared to O'Neal, but Chandler is at a level that can barely block two shots and survive, but Pedrague? That's not even qualified to compete. What's even more troublesome is...

McMillan subconsciously opened the tactical board and saw that Sakuragi Hanamichi had committed five fouls.

As a strong player in the team who makes up for leaks and defends, if even Sakuragi is kicked out of the game, the SuperSonics will be in big trouble.

The reason why Payton was able to restrict Kobe to this extent was largely because of Sakuragi's ready support.

Now without Chandler, the basket has been completely lost. If Sakuragi Hanamichi is missing, it will be a huge defeat.

O'Neal miraculously hit another free throw, 85:96, only 11 points away!

O'Neal roared and high-fived Kobe. This time it was O'Neal who took the initiative.

The ball was passed really well just now, and the two suddenly felt like they had found some tacit understanding.

The Lakers' morale suddenly boosted. Although they only recovered 3 points, these veteran players who have been on the court for a long time can feel that luck and momentum seem to have returned to the Lakers. There are still 6 minutes left, there is a chance!

"Sakura, control the foul!" McMillan shouted on the court and looked at Lin Dong: "Lin!"

Lin Dong looked at McMillan and just nodded.

He knows what the coach means.

There is no way to adjust the inside line for the time being. O'Neal's offense will be unstoppable, which will inevitably cause Sakuragi and the Sonics' defense to shrink further inside, and the Lakers' outside opportunities will also come out.

To adjust their defensive strategy, without Chandler, the Sonics may have to undergo major surgery, which is obviously not something they can adjust in the short six minutes left on the court.

At this time, we can only score points with the Lakers and use points to defeat their confidence!

SuperSonics possession.

Payton, who held the ball across the midline, handed the ball to Lin Dong immediately.

Kobe's eyes were burning with fighting spirit.

It's only 11 points, and there are still 6 minutes left. As long as we seize the opportunity of this wave of momentum, we have a chance to change the outcome of the game.

Although basing his victory on his opponent's injury was not a scene he wanted to see, there was no doubt that the opportunity had come, so seize it.

And this ball is the key to the outcome of the game. The opponent will most likely continue to choose the pick-and-roll, maybe Sakuragi Hanamichi or Payton. I have to stop him no matter what!
But the idea just turned around in Kobe's mind. This time, before Sakuragi or Payton could come back to pick and roll, Lin Dong made a quick breakthrough with a tentative step as soon as he caught the ball.

Probably because he was accustomed to Lin Dong's pick-and-roll approach, the sudden one-on-one made Kobe a little confused, his center of gravity was thrown away, and then he saw Lin Dong's sudden braking step back.

It was too fast and too sudden. At this time, it was too late to shift his focus and return to defense. Kobe only had time to glance at Lin Dong's retreating feet.

Beyond the 3-point line...

The next second, his feet lifted off the ground and he stood up.

All the fans in the entire arena stood up nervously, because everyone felt the obvious change in the direction of the wind. They felt that the Sonics were demoralized because of Chandler's injury. They felt that the Sonics were in big trouble inside. They also felt that the SuperSonics were in big trouble inside. The Lakers are gaining momentum.

Is this ball available?
The fans are anxiously looking forward to it.

But Lin Dong's eyes were like a falcon's and his heart was like still water.

Has the wind changed? Is lady luck starting to favor the Lakers? Is the balance of victory and defeat beginning to tilt toward the Lakers?
Only the weak think about those things.

To defeat this Lakers and end the battle as soon as possible, you need not only to score, but also to defeat their belief.

Chasing points?

Don’t even think about getting back even 1 point!
If you can't even hold on to the 14-point advantage you had when Chandler was injured, then just retire where you are!
At this moment, the basket seemed to be infinitely wider in Lin Dong's eyes.

The basketball is thrown steadily and hits the net hollowly.

85:99, the score difference returned to 14 points!
A trace of annoyance flashed in Kobe's eyes. O'Neal, who was waiting for a rebound under the basket, bared his teeth in frustration, while Fisher quickly rushed to the baseline and fired the baseline ball.

The Lakers' momentum of chasing points cannot be interrupted. Time is running out, so we must hurry up!

He made a long pass and wanted to pass it directly to Kobe who had already run back for a fast break, but... snap!

Kobe's first move has obviously exposed the Lakers' intention to pass the ball. Lin Dong, who had just retreated to midfield, jumped up high. With his stretched posture and terrifying bounce, he intercepted the pass high in the air. down.

At this time, the Lakers were still returning to defense, and Fox, who was closest to Lin Dong, was more than one meter away.

Lin Dong held the ball without hesitation and quickly went down. The Lakers behind him could not catch up. Fisher wanted to make up for it, but was directly passed by Lin Dong with a step around his back. He made a three-step layup and scored 2 more points.

85: 101!

Looking at the ever-increasing score on the scoreboard, he looked at Lin Dong who was retreating back with no expression on his face.

Fisher's face was full of helplessness, Kobe and O'Neal were breathing heavily, and the comeback light that finally rose in their eyes gradually disappeared.

McMillan on the sidelines breathed a sigh of relief, while Phil Jackson sighed secretly.

I only saw the momentum of the Lakers, but I forgot that this is the Seattle SuperSonics after all. I forgot that this team still has the invincible devil who was at the peak of his fast with this SuperSonics, and want to be ahead of them. Next, it is easier said than done to chase a full 5 points in just 14 minutes?

The Key Arena, which had been silent for a while, finally became lively again until this time.

"Lin! Lin! Lin! Lin!"

Lin Dong's sudden outburst cut off the Lakers' last thoughts.

The Lakers relied on O'Neal to score three times under the basket, but Lin Dong immediately retaliated and recovered the lost points, including another 3-pointer, to further widen the point difference.

It was not until 3 minutes and 25 seconds left in the fourth quarter that the Lakers, realizing that they could no longer catch up, finally gave up their resistance.

Phil Jackson replaced the main players such as O'Neal, Kobe and Fisher, and replaced him with a full bench lineup.

McMillan also immediately replaced the main players. Chandler's terrifying scene is still vivid in his mind. The SuperSonics cannot have any more injured main players.

The score difference has been widened to 17 points, and there is only more than 3 minutes left, which has completely turned into garbage time.

When the main players came off the field, there was a round of warm applause. Countless fans chanted the names of Lin Dong and Payton, and also congratulated the home team for winning another victory.

The scene was still noisy, but it was still less joyful than before.

Chandler's broken bone that poked out his flesh is still deeply lingering in the minds of all players and fans until now.

101: 115.

When the buzzer sounded at the end of the game, the SuperSonics players stood up silently from the bench.

This helpless second victory was won, but no one could take it easy, because the soldier's legs were probably very difficult to recover from.


Virginia Mason Medical Center.

Although the team has a team doctor and a complete medical department, serious injuries like Chandler's tibia fracture will ultimately require a large hospital, and Virginia Mason is the best hospital in Seattle.

At this time, McMillan, Bob, Lin Dong, and Payton were all in the attending doctor's office. No one else was allowed to come. Chandler needed to rest, and the hospital was not a suitable place for a bunch of people to come and make noise.

The operation last night was successful, but the patient needed to rest and not be disturbed, so everyone came here again today.

The operation was a success, and everyone was obviously more concerned about Chandler's subsequent recovery.

"The psychological counselor has had a simple communication with the patient. Although there are not many questions and answers, the assessment given is that the patient's mood is stable and relatively optimistic, which is very helpful for recovery."

George, the chief physician who cooperated with the team, seemed to have a relatively relaxed demeanor. Just the smile on his face made everyone who was waiting for the news feel relieved.

"Based on his age, physical condition, etc., it will take about half a year. I guarantee that he will definitely be able to return to normal levels within half a year. He can walk, run and jump without any problem, but as for whether he can still play on the field..."

"Actually, fractures are mostly just scary to look at. With the current medical conditions, young people's bones recover very quickly. It is not impossible to completely recover to before the injury. But after all, that picture is easy to leave people with. It’s a psychological shadow, so it depends on the patient whether he can still play as before.”

"We will try our best to give patients psychological guidance," George said with a smile: "But to be honest, this kind of psychological problem is not as easy to overcome as imagined. Of course, the physical problem also requires persistent exercise from the patient. Anyway, half of it Half."

Everyone went to see Chandler in the ward, but they did not disturb the boxing champion who was still in a weak state for too long. They just said something to let him rest peacefully and have a good rest. The doctor said that he had a good chance of recovery and the team would definitely wait for him. Class words.

No one mentioned the game because they were afraid of reminding him of it, but Chandler took the initiative to ask about it.

When he learned that he had won G2, the 'Boxing Champion' had a smile on his face, and he didn't seem to be shy about talking about the Lakers and the game.

"Kill them!" Chandler waved his fist at Lin Dong and Payton, laughing and said: "The SuperSonics will win!"

When they came out of the hospital, everyone felt a little more relaxed. After all, there was basically good news about Chandler's recovery.

However, when we put Chandler's recovery aside and think about the next game against the Lakers, no one can laugh anymore.

Without Chandler, relying on Pedrague or Vladimir inside, it would be a waste of time against O'Neal.

This can be seen from Pedrague's performance on the court in the fourth quarter of G2. Even if there is a foul, these two may not be able to pull down the monster.

Once the control of O'Neal inside is lost and he is allowed to get whatever he wants, the offensive and defensive balance established by the Sonics in the previous two games will be immediately broken.

Although they can give up the defense at the basket to score points with the Lakers, the Sonics' scoring ability is not intimidated by the OK combination, but if they think about suppressing the Lakers with hard power like they did in the previous two games, it is undoubtedly a fantasy.

Originally, they could barely limit O'Neal by relying on the inside, allowing the SuperSonics to securely beat the Lakers as a whole, but now it has become a bit inconsistent.

The Lakers should still be unable to restrict the SuperSonics' perimeter and Lin Dong, who is paired with Payton and Sakuragi, but the Sonics can't restrict O'Neal either.

In terms of superstar ball, both sides are evenly matched. In terms of tactics, the Lakers' triangle offense is more proficient than the Sonics' run and gun.

In addition, there are two Lakers home games next, so the situation is not optimistic.

"With two away games, it would be good if we can play together." Bob joked: "Ha, Schulz should be satisfied now, we can sell tickets for one more home game."

The other people smiled awkwardly and did not answer his cold joke.

Lin Dong suddenly said: "What do you think of Sakuragi?"


Lin Dong nodded: "Let him defend O'Neal alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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