Chapter 60 Extraordinary Insight
Almost everyone in Hainan and Xiangyang didn't react. Their attention was still using their movements to attract all the defensive Mu Shenyi, until the crisp sound of the ball when the shot was blocked.

Mu Shenyi also stopped in surprise.

When he and Ah Shen were misaligned just now, Ah Shen clearly had his back to Lin Dong. How did he find that the ball had moved?
Lin Dong slapped Ah Shen's shot away, and when he fell down, except for Ah Shen who was blocked and subconsciously turned around to chase the ball, no one else could react at all.

Lin Dong's speed was obviously much faster than Ah Shen. Even though he started with the last step, he was already parallel to Ah Shen who was chasing the ball in two or three steps.

With his arms stretched out, he easily took the basketball in his hand and went straight to the Hainan basket.

Lin Dong seemed to have endless energy to vent today, and he still dunked against Kong Lan.

The shaking basket seemed to indicate Hainan's precarious fate, and also ignited the cheers of the audience.

The score on the electronic scoreboard jumped.

6: 0.

Lin Dong looked in the direction of Mu Shen, who was a little dazed, and smiled at him.

Mu Shenyi shuddered slightly.

The other party is actually actively provoking me?
He could finally see that Lin Dong was born with an unruly nature, and he was not the kind of person who cared about the status of his seniors.

What's ridiculous is that before the game started, he actually wanted to use his status as a senior to suppress his opponent.

Mu Shenyi's mouth opened slightly.

It feels really unpleasant to be taught a lesson by a first-year junior, but...

With Lin Dong's strength, he had been fully mentally prepared before the game, so it was expected that he would not be able to compete in a one-on-one match.

He must be consumed first, and this does not mean that Hainan will definitely lose!
It's time to expand my skills. I originally wanted to save this move for the national competition... But in order to defend Hainan's honor for the past 17 years, even if it is exposed in advance, it is worth it!

Mu Shen made a gesture in the direction of Gao Touli on the sidelines.

"Hainan substitution!"

No. 5 Kazuma Takasago, No. 9 Masa Muto, No. 8 Heiichiro Suga, and No. 15 Miyazaki Yoshinomo!

"The formation has changed." Taoka Shigeru in the stands brightened up at first glance, but then he was a little stunned: "Why are there... so two of them?"

Two short players.

No. 8 Heiichiro Suga is slightly shorter than Nobunaga Kiyota, about 175 centimeters, and No. 15 Yoshino Miyazaki is even shorter. With a height of 160 centimeters and a thin figure, he looks good in this arena full of people. It's almost like a kindergarten doll.

Are you giving up?

"Hahahaha!" Sakuragi Hanamichi's stomach hurt from laughing: "How can you say that a king is less useful than Lingnan!"

"Asshole..." Uozumi Jun on the other side had black lines all over his head. If he hadn't known that the red-haired man was very arrogant, and if he hadn't felt that Xiangbei had the same problem as him, he would have wanted to stand up and hit someone.

"Facing Xiangyang's long lineup with an average height of over 190 centimeters, Hainan is already at a disadvantage due to its height. Now it actually replaces the team's tallest main center and main power forward with two short men?" Taoka Moichi frowned.

Mu Shenyi and Ah Shen didn't play. Hainan didn't look like he wanted to give up the game, but what was the point of having two short guys come up?
"Do you want to run and gun? If those two short guys are both shooters and take advantage of Xiangyang's movement speed to run into the open space, then you will lose your hit rate. Maybe you can also force Hanagata to pull to the outside to defend, and then Give up part of Xiangyang's advantage at the basket..."

"Hehehehe." Coach Anxi laughed: "Faced with the shortcomings of his height, he simply gave up completely and turned to a small lineup to expand his advantage in movement speed. It is a very thoughtful lineup, and it is extreme. Yes, it’s just..."

Coach Anzai looked at Lin Dong who was communicating with Hanagata Toru on the court, and seemed to be directing the tactical arrangements to deal with this small lineup.

"Small versus big lineup is a double-edged sword, it hurts others and hurts yourself." Coach Anxi said slowly: "Lin Dong seems to have his own will he deal with it?"

The ball changes sides.

It was still Mu Shen who slowly passed the midline with the ball, but what was different from before was that the remaining four players in Hainan all slipped to the outside three-point range.

In addition to Lin Dong who came up to face Mu Shenyi, Xiangyang's defense seemed to have problems when facing Hainan's play style of not entering the inside line.

Hasegawa is still keeping an eye on Kamizouichiro, but with the running ability that Kamizouichiro has shown before, which is far superior to Shohoku's Mitsui Hisashi, it doesn't seem to be difficult for him to run into the open position.

Taku Ito defends No. 8 Heiichiro Suga, and Shoichi Takano is responsible for facing Nobunaga Kiyota. Although both of them have height advantages, their foot movements are obviously one point slower.

When Kiyota Nobunaga and Suga Heiichiro didn't stop, they kept crossing each other on the outside. Ito reluctantly followed, but Takano Shoichi was a little uncomfortable chasing.

And the shortest one, Gong Yiyifan, with a height of 160 centimeters, stood directly near the baseline three-pointer.

Toru Hanagata, who was guarding the basket, seemed to have no intention of leaving the basket, so that Yoshino Miyazaki actually directly created a natural vacancy.Lin Dong intentionally or unintentionally turned sideways towards Yoshinomo Miyazaki, obviously noticing the three-point gap and blocking the passing route.

It's now!

Mu Shenyi's eyes flashed with brilliance, as if he was telling the truth.

Compared with Sendō Akira's gorgeous passing skills, Mu Shenyi's passing is less concealed, but with the impact of strong physical fitness to pull Lin Dong's defensive focus, coupled with Gong Yiyifan's open threat, This makes Lin Dong's defensive center of gravity obviously shift to the left, making his seemingly obvious straight pass more difficult to intercept.

With the help of Suga Heiichiro's pick and roll, Kiyota Nobunaga got rid of Takano Shoichi to catch the ball.

Mu Shen immediately moved to the right, trying to pull Lin Dong to the weak side of Hainan's attack.

At the same time, facing the switch of defense by Ito and Takano, Kiyota Nobunaga threw the ball in the direction of Miyazaki without hesitation, and shouted excitedly: "Miyazaki-senpai!"

This is a tactic that Hainan has practiced many times over the past week.

Use Mu Shenyi to bring Lin Dong to the weak side of the defense. If Lin Dong dares not to follow up, the ball will be in Mu Shenyi's hands.

The small one beats the big one, and while taking advantage of his footwork, Toru Hanagata didn't dare to make a save even if he was right. And if he really dared to make a save, once Xiangyang's basket was empty, Nagato's inside advantage would be gone, and that would be even worse. Hainan's small lineup dominates the world.

Gong Yiyifan, although he is not tall and his athletic talent is not strong, he is already proficient in open three-pointers.

Players who can serve as the first choice in Hainan must either have balanced strength or have unique skills.

The three-point shooting rate of more than 70% in the open position, even if it gives up rebounds, is enough to help Hainan bite the score first!

Gong Yiyifan caught the ball and started shooting without hesitation. However, he had already prepared the shooting posture and before the basketball was released, he heard Mu Shenyi's late shout: "Be careful!"

Gong Yiyifan was startled, and the basketball came out of his hand. Then he felt a figure jumping up from the left front, overwhelming all his sight.

This is no longer a hat.

The stretched out super long arms directly picked up the thrown basketball in the air.

No. 13, Lin Dong!

Gong Yiyifan's face was full of surprise.

Hasn't he been following senior Mu Shenyi?how……

"It was fake with Mu Shenichi, but it was real to deceive Nobunaga Kiyota who was holding the ball!" Rukawa Kaede's eyes were like fire: "Nobunaga Kiyota had already started running before he started passing the ball, as if he had predicted Kiyota early in the morning. It will definitely be passed on to Gong Yi in that position..."

"Terrible insight." Akira Sendō thought deeply. He had already seen this guy's insight during the game last week.

In a flash of lightning, Makoto Shinichi had already returned to defense in advance. Lin Dong rushed forward with the ball, throwing away Nobunaga Kiyota and Heiichiro Suga who were chasing after him, and formed a one-on-two with Makoto Shinichi and Kamizou Ichiro under the basket.

The three people jumped up one after another, taking advantage of the geographical advantage. Four big hands attacked from the front and back, blocking Lin Dong's view of the basket and his shot path.

Mu Shen was secretly happy. Thanks to Ah Shen's cooperation and the timely return to defense, he had a slight advantage in taking off.

The angle of the ball has been completely blocked. As long as Lin Dong can be blocked or prevented from scoring, it will definitely bring back great morale.

But next second...

Lin Dong grabbed the ball with his outstretched right hand and suddenly pulled it back. While keeping his body rising, he had already changed the ball to his left hand.

Change the lever?

Mu Shen was startled, and then he felt that Lin Dong's body seemed to be rising...

No, wait!

It's not that he is still rising, but that he and Ah Shen have exhausted their jumping power and are already falling, but the guy still maintains the posture of gliding in the air.

At this time, Lin Dong had completely surpassed the height of Mu Shenyi and Ah Shen, as if he had stood out from the double team.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Dong's body turned slightly in the air, using his shoulders to withstand Mu Shenyi's physical interference, and his left arm hooked upwards took the initiative to meet Mu Shenyi's raised hands.

Mu Shenyi's pupils shrank suddenly, and it was too late to shrink his hand.

The basketball was dunked back by Lin Dong and slammed into the basket. Along with the crisp sound of a thug in the air, it instantly shocked the entire audience.

(End of this chapter)

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