The Road to Stardom: Start as a Slam Dunk Master.

Chapter 67 It's summer vacation

Chapter 67 It's summer vacation
Sanno Industries, Coach’s Office…

The videotape shows the game between Xiangyang and Hainan.

Mu Shenyi's embarrassment is clearly visible in the video, and he was beaten into a colander on both offense and defense...

Bang bang bang!
After the knock on the door, without waiting for an answer, a middle-aged man wearing a baseball cap opened the door and walked in.

"Oh! You're so serious, Coach Domoto, the national competition hasn't even started yet, and you're already studying your opponent's videotape?"

Goro Domoto pressed the pause button on the TV.

"There's a great new guy coming out of Kanagawa. Let's get to know him in advance and maybe we'll meet him."

"Is that Lin Dong from the Dragon Kingdom? I've heard about it too." The man in the baseball cap asked with interest: "Have you watched the video, how do you feel about it compared with my Eiji?"

"Let's not talk about that for now." Goro Domoto smiled, but did not answer him immediately: "Have the procedures for going to the United States been completed?"

"Not yet. Thanks to you, Coach Kitano has already written me a letter of recommendation, but it may take several days to fax it and wait for the reply."

"Then you have to hurry up and sign the contract first if you can." Goro Domoto said with a smile: "Don't wait until after the national competition."


"Now that we have contacted him, the other party should also pay attention to Eiji's performance in this national competition. In previous years, with Eiji's strength, this can certainly be an extra point in the eyes of Lanphier High School, but Now...I'm afraid that it will become an obstacle for Eiji to go to the United States."

The man in the baseball cap was stunned for a moment, then realized what the other person was referring to.

He involuntarily turned his head to look at the paused TV screen, the young man wearing the green No. 13 jersey.

"Do you think he poses a threat to Eiji?"

"No..." Goro Domoto looked into the other person's eyes: "It's not a threat, it's a dimensionality reduction blow."

The baseball cap's eyes narrowed slightly.

"His strength is far superior to Eiji. In the same No. 3 position, if they really meet, Eiji may not even have a chance to fight back."

"Let's watch the video together." Goro Domoto said with a smile: "You also know basketball. After watching it, you will know what I mean."

So there was a man in the room, and the video on the TV started to play again, until more than half an hour later, the video was paused again...

The baseball cap's eyes were in a state of deep shock, and he still hasn't come back to his senses.

"If Xiangyang's No. 13 is Japanese, I would suggest Eiji to stay in Japan, use him as a benchmark, and train for another year or two." Goro Domoto said slowly: "But I have seen some of his interviews, It feels like Japan’s high school basketball world won’t be able to keep him for too long, unless the Japan Basketball Association comes forward to naturalize him... But this possibility is very low, and without him, it makes no sense for Eiji to stay in Japan.”

"So... now that I have received a letter of recommendation from Coach Kitano and have contacted Lanphier High School, let's sign the contract as soon as possible. Taking advantage of the fact that he is now the number one high school student in Japan, he should be able to provide some guaranteed appearances in the contract. The time clause, maybe 5 minutes or 10 minutes, is very important to Eiji's development...but if we wait until after the national competition, I'm afraid there will be no room for this condition."

"I understand, thank you for reminding me." The man in the baseball cap stood up, obviously understanding the stakes: "I'll make a call right now to check on the situation."

He turned around and opened the door, but stopped when he was about to go out.

"Eiji may lose, but Sanno will not lose, right?" The man in the baseball cap asked: "If we don't even win the national championship in the end..."

Domoto Goro was startled, and then he laughed.

He has been watching Xiangyang's video for two days. No. 13 Lin Dong is indeed unstoppable, and his level is not at the same level as that of the Japanese High School League.

Whether it was Eiji Sawabita, Kazunari Fukatsu, or Sanno's defensive expert Ichinokura, no one could guard him.Not to mention single defense, even two defenses and one defense may be enough!

"Don't worry." Goro Domoto said with a smile: "Basketball is a sport for five people after all."

“This year’s Mountain King will definitely surprise everyone!”


The winter and summer vacations of Japanese high schools are flexibly arranged according to the region.

In cold northern regions like Hokkaido and Nagano Prefecture, the winter vacation is relatively long and the summer vacation is relatively short. The vacation usually starts in late July.

But in hot southern areas near the sea, such as Kyushu, Osaka, and Kanagawa, the summer vacation is relatively long. The rest is usually 7 to 8 weeks, and the vacation starts in early July.

The holiday in Xiangyang is from July 7rd to the start of school on September 3st, a full eight weeks.

During the two days when reporters from Basketball Weekly were tossing him around in the gym, many people in the school were running to the basketball gym.

Whether you are watching the excitement or watching idols, there is always something to watch, and there are always people who hope that if they are interviewed by a reporter, they will be included in newspapers or basketball weekly?

This made Xiangyang's team training a mess these two days.

However, this chaos only lasted for two days. As the reporter's interview ended, the school board once again set up the arena as an area where no one should approach.

Defeat Hainan and win the national championship. This honor is almost within reach in the eyes of the Xiangyang School Board. For this reason, no matter how special privileges are granted to the basketball team, it is worth it.

In the next few days, training became 'normal'.

Without having to go to class and staying in the gym around the clock, I can do more training. Of course, there are more and more sighs in the team.

The devil's three rounds in the morning, 5 kilometers of weight-bearing in the morning, 500 shots every day, and in the afternoon if a few seniors were in a good mood, they would have to play an intra-team game or something, which made all the substitutes complain.

Lin Dong's training continued as usual, and the weight during training did not continue to increase.

Although the lack of continued improvement in training intensity has made the current training effect completely stagnant, it is not advisable to blindly gain weight in pursuit of results.

16 years old is still an age when the body is growing. Strength training should be done in moderation. Excessive weight-bearing will affect height development to a certain extent. Considering the balance of development, the current level is considered to be the limit.

If you want to continue to improve, you either need to compete at a high level, or you still have to start with professional coaches and trainers.

Ishihara Yua asked her father to inquire about the trainer but there was no reply.

Although the school board had invited two trainers to come over in the past few days, after meeting with Lin Donghui, they were rejected by him.

The school leaders were also depressed. After all, they had verbally promised Lin Dong before, and the honor of the national competition had to be counted on this little ancestor, so they had no choice but to follow his wishes.

But this is indeed the best trainer they can find in the Kanagawa area. Regardless of qualifications or level, there is no one better than them, but...

Lin Dong's reasons were very simple and not high enough.

It is better to be deficient than excessive, this is Lin Dong's consistent standard.

If this kind of thing can't be rushed, now we can only look forward to the coach Kitano who once drank foreign ink and has a huge network of contacts.

(End of this chapter)

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