Chapter 73 A false alarm

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had rushed to the bottom line along an arc.

Robles's eyes were as bright as fire.

The opponent's speed and impact are indeed very strong, and they are not at the same level as those limp Japanese just now.

This guy is no ordinary person, but he was still blocked by him after all!
"You want to get rid of me, you're too young!" Robles roared, as if he was venting his anger and anger. He wanted to prevent this Asian who dared to untie his shoelaces and tease him. Go to Java!
But next second...

When Lin Dong was approaching the bottom line, he suddenly stopped suddenly and stood up, leaning back significantly.

Robles roared angrily and immediately jumped up.

build?It cannot be covered with a lid.

Just looking at the opponent's stretched posture and backward range in the air, the height of the shot was definitely beyond his reach.

But that doesn't mean you can't defend.

With a strong and malicious attack, Robles has completely invaded Lin Dong's cylindrical range, and his body almost directly collided with him, trying to destroy the balance of the opponent's shot.

Even considering the current intensity of whistleblowing in the basketball world, this can be regarded as a very controversial defensive move.

The basketball flew out of the sky,


Although he didn't touch the ball, he did touch someone. Robles turned his head before he even hit the ground.

Lin Dong also narrowed his eyes slightly.

The ball was indeed interfered with, and the opponent's defensive skills made it difficult for him to get rid of it, but...

The basketball has been hollowed into the net.


"Never be more arrogant, nigger!"

"Lin Dong! Lin Dong! Lin Dong!"

People on the sidelines cheered, and more and more people gathered around.

And Robles's face finally showed a trace of emotion.

If the first two goals were due to my carelessness, then this one...

Unexpectedly, there are such masters among young people in Asia!Just now in the air, he must have lost his balance.

The opponent has quite good core strength and balance ability!

Robles took a deep breath and didn't get angry this time.

You can no longer think about how to win back by bullying yourself. Your impetuous mentality will only make you worse and worse.

Instead, treat the opponent as an opponent of the same level, otherwise it would be a big joke if you really lose to the opponent!
He picked up the basketball on the ground and threw it towards Lin Dong. This time, his eyes were no longer just serious, but more ruthless: "Again!"

Robles's defensive steps are quite solid. Opportunities like the one just now will not come every time. You have to use the threat of shooting to open up a certain space.

Lin Dong caught the ball and raised his hand for a three-pointer.

But unlike Fujima's lack of reaction when he was singled out, Robles' big hand had already been blocked in advance.

With absolute concentration, he can't tell whether the opponent is a real shot or a fake move, coupled with his superb reaction speed and slight height.

bumped into!
The corners of Robles' mouth raised slightly, and then he felt that the man had passed around him.

Robles immediately fell to the ground to pursue him like a heavy weight.

As expected, the basketball hit the rim and bounced high.

But immediately after, two figures had already crossed the free throw line and jumped up one after another in front of the penalty area.

So fast!

Mu Shen and others on the sidelines were shocked.

Lin Dong's speed is certainly fast enough, and he is already moving towards the basket the moment he releases the ball.

But the black man... obviously took off and started a step slower than Lin Dong, but he was still able to catch up!
When the basketball bounced off the rim, the two of them took off almost at the same time.

The two took off at almost the same height, but Lin Dong was in front and Robles was in the back.

He pressed the basketball first and then dunked toward the basket.boom!
The basketball was slammed into the basket, but what followed was that the two people collided in the air.

Lin Dong only felt the momentum behind him like a truck sprinting at high speed, knocking him so hard that he swung forward. Fortunately, he held on to the basket with his left hand, and even though he was hit, he rushed forward like a swing. , but did not fly out in the end.

But Robles, who couldn't stop the rebound inertia, fell down top-heavy, staggered back a few steps, and sat down on the ground.


At this time, Mu Shinichi, Fujima and others no longer had any fear of the so-called NBA players, and they roared excitedly to report the score.

Sakuragi Hanamichi's eyes shone with deep shock and immense expectation.

He had already experienced the power of that black man during the three-on-three fight. The so-called NBA level meant that he, the smelly fairy, and the middle-aged man combined could be easily beaten by others.

However, such a strong person still felt defeated when facing Brother Gao Ren!
He is worthy of being rated as an 'invincible' man by his father. His father said that he would let me learn from him and keep up with him... It seems that I can no longer waste time in the gym, so I moved the 2-goal shooting training to the evening. !

Starting tomorrow, I’ll go find Brother Gao Ren!Learning from the master brother might be better than learning from my father!

... Lin Dong, who fell from the basket, frowned slightly.

My left shoulder hurts a little.

The opponent's impact just now was too strong. Although the left hand holding the basket avoided more serious injuries, there was a feeling of soreness in the shoulder blade joint of the arm.

He moved his left arm in a circle, but fortunately there was no dislocation or sign of injury. The soreness and swelling mainly came from the middle glenohumeral ligament.

It's not a big problem, it's just a false alarm.

This means that I have abused myself too much... In high-intensity competitions, injuries of this level are common. Applying some medicinal wine will heal them in a day or two, but if there are such confrontations every day, it will not be possible at all. I'm afraid I won't even feel the soreness and swelling.

Sure enough, a confrontation of this level is enough!

Looking at Robles at this time, he found that the previous impatience and anger in his eyes had actually dissipated a lot, and was replaced by increasing concentration.

"Come on, boy!" Robles said coldly.

"No bitch?" Lin Dong grinned and greeted the other party.

Robles looked at him coldly and did not respond.

Continuing the matchup, Lin Dong made another shooting action the moment he caught the ball.

Robles raised his right hand to block it, but Lin Dong rushed him to the right.

Robles did not take off.

It is not that easy for a master of this level to use fake moves to ignite the opponent. This not only comes from consciousness, reaction, experience, etc., but also comes from mentality and self-confidence.

On the surface, Robles seems impulsive and irritable, and his technique seems a little rough, but when it comes to seriousness, his judgment and basketball intuition are quite sharp.

With the blockage of speed and strength, between offense and defense, the two of them rushed across a distance of several meters.

He always defended his position, but due to Lin Dong's speed and inertia, he was still rushed to the basket.

Lin Dong jumped high against the basket.

His right hand feinted, dodging Robles's raised hand, and when he changed the ball to his left hand, he shot with a lever.

Everyone on the sidelines was ready to cheer again.

But Lin Dong knew it was going to be bad as soon as the ball was released.

Robles had previously raised his defensive hand high and did not rush to take the shot. At this time, he looked back and waved his hand as if looking at the moon, and hit the backboard with great precision.

A peg board with a large cap catches the ball in hand.

Strong physical fitness and ability to stay in the air, amazing racial talent... This guy's skills are a bit rough, and his personality doesn't seem to be easy to learn, otherwise he might be able to make a difference in the NBA.

The NBA doesn’t have too many black rookies like this every year.

Lin Dong thought to himself.

Robles, who landed on the ground, held the ball in both hands, with a fierce look in his eyes: "Boy, it's my turn!"

 I can’t recommend it enough ^^. It will be released on Friday the day after tomorrow. It will be updated on Friday with a guaranteed price. Please support me.


(End of this chapter)

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