The Road to Stardom: Start as a Slam Dunk Master.

Chapter 94 A powerful enemy is coming! 5 against 6?

Chapter 94 A powerful enemy is coming!Five against six?

"Toyota! Toyotama! Toyotama!"

"Nan Lie! Nan Lie! Nan Lie!"

When the players on both sides walked out of the tunnel, the whole stadium could be heard shouting for Toyotama. For those who didn't know, they probably thought this was Toyotama's home court.

"Come on Xiangyang!"

"Damn it, where did you come from, you bastard! Do you want to die?"

"Female? What about women? Shut up, bitches!"

Finally, there were two female voices cheering Xiangyang. The Fengyu stand was filled with curses, causing everyone in the other stands to frown and look sideways. The girls who were scolded became timid and did not dare to support Xiangyang again. Come on Yang.

"Who are these people? No wonder there is such a bad team and they don't let others speak!" Yuya Ishihara was so angry that his face turned red and he glared at Feng Yu's stands, but it was obviously of no use.

The family conditions of students in public schools are indeed not as good as others... There were only three cheerleaders, and they were all girls, so they lost a lot of momentum.

"Hehehe..." Coach Anxi laughed: "Opponents on the court always have many styles, and this can be considered one, although it is not very elegant. But if you want to get to the top, you have to face everything. , just do your own thing and don’t be influenced by them.”

"Although Feng Yu's running and gun play is good, it is not a threat to you. On the defensive end, insist on playing a good positional battle and ensure the rebounds in the front and backcourt can control Feng Yu's offensive rhythm. On the offensive end, you can play freely according to your habits. Okay, if you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, give the ball to Lin Dong." Coach Anxi finally said a few more words with a smile. To be honest, before Xiangyang met Sanno Industrial, Coach Anxi felt that There is no need for me to give guidance: "Okay, let's go!"

"Yes." Everyone agreed.

Both sides took the field to get used to the basket a little bit, and at the same time, the main lineups of both sides of the game were already displayed on the electronic scoreboard.



Except for Iwata Miaki's 190 centimeters and Kishimoto Minori's 188 centimeters, the other three are all around 185 centimeters tall. Compared with most teams in the national competition, this is already a good height, but in front of Xiangyang But it still looks a bit 'little'.

While Fujima was shooting the basket, he was paying attention to the situation on Toyotama's side consciously or unconsciously.

I thought that with Toyotama's arrogance and playing style, there was a high probability that he would do something to provoke him before the game started, or he might throw a basketball at him in a deliberate quarrel.

But he didn't expect that the other side was always making layups without any problems, and he didn't even look at Xiangyang's side.

Looking back at Lin Dong, he was still shooting the ball calmly and relaxedly as usual, with no intention of looking at Fengyu, as if it was just an ordinary team.

Teng Zhen shook his head, and then suddenly realized something, feeling a slight chill on his back.

I am still too impressed.

He was worried about Toyotama's dirty tricks and had most of his attention taken away before the game started. How could he play well in the game?

It seems that he has not really come out of last year's haze. If Xiangyang is really led by himself, he is afraid that he will lose to Toyotama this year, and he may not even be able to figure out the reason for the loss...

But we are so lucky to have Lin Dong.

The referee's whistle blew and the starting players from both sides were in place.

The ones responsible for the jump ball are Iwata Miaki and Hanagata Toru. The 7-centimeter height difference makes Iwata Miaki look smaller in front of Hanagata Toru.

What's more important is that Kanagawa is actually the top center in the country. Whether it is Takenori Akagi or Jun Uozumi, they are probably strong players who can squeeze into the top five positions among centers in the country.

Even though Toru Hanagata was suppressed by these two people in Kanagawa, in the national competition, there are really not many people who can be better than Toru Hanagata at the center position.

As the referee's whistle blew, Hanagata Toru jumped high and swatted the basketball towards his own position with an absolute advantage.

Hasegawa caught the ball and passed it to point guard Fujima in seconds, and the game officially began!
Just after holding the ball halfway, a figure appeared in front of him.

"Hi." Nan Lie is 6 centimeters taller than Teng Zhen, but considering that they are about the same size, it seems that the size difference is not that big.

Nan Lie lowered his body in a defensive posture. When he met Teng Zhen's eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Do your eyes still hurt?"

He deliberately reminded the other party of what happened last year.

Teng Zhen laughed, and out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Lin Dong, who looked calm just now.

Like an old man who just went out for a walk after dinner, the pony-tailed man Kishimoto Minori was following him, seemingly guarding Lin Dong very closely, but Fujizana knew that it was just Lin Dong walking. That's all...

What is Xiangyang's true combat power?

No matter Xiangbei, Lingnan or Hainan, I'm afraid I have never really seen it.

They had only seen Lin Dong who organized the entire team's attack, but they had never seen the super killer when he was connected with them.

"You won't be able to survive this year." Tengzhen said calmly, and then he suddenly possessed himself and assumed a stance of thrusting to the right.

Nan Lie's focus also shifted accordingly, and he could feel that Teng Zhen did not really go all out for this breakthrough.

Want to change direction?

Nan Lie had just had this idea in his mind, and then he saw Fujizana flipping his wrist, and the basketball was already high over his head and headed towards the basket.

That's not a shooting motion, that's...

Nan Lie turned around sharply.

In the backcourt, a figure wearing a green Xiangyang jersey was already flying up, heading straight into the basket where Toyotama had not yet completed his defensive position and jumping high.

Number 13!
Nan Lie could only vaguely see the number on the jersey, and then he saw the man rushing across a few meters away and jumping high as if he was in no one's land. He grabbed the basketball Teng Zhen threw with one hand and slammed it fiercely. Smashed into the basket.

The Fengtama area in the stands that had been extremely crazy just now suddenly became quiet, while on the other side, there was applause from many people, mixed with the cheers of a few tourists who could not understand Fengtama's virtue.

"Is this guy's leg equipped with springs?" Jun Tsuchiya watched Lin Dong play for the first time and couldn't help but stick out his tongue: "It felt like my head was almost flat just now..."

"Look, it's just the beginning." Mu Shenyi smiled slightly.Nan Lie on the field was slightly shocked.

It's not like he's never seen an alley-oop before, but No. 13 really jumps too high and too fast.

The figure that started almost at the same time as Fujima threw the ball, in just one or two seconds when the basketball flew into the air, it not only got rid of Kishimoto Mari's personal defense, but also rushed from the free throw line area to the basket.

By the way, Kishimoto...

Nan Lie turned around and immediately saw Kishimoto sitting on the ground, talking non-stop to the referee.

Immediately, the referee's whistle sounded.

Nan Lie cursed secretly.

The two of us were without the ball just now. Kishimoto's flop was too deliberate and he wanted to ask the referee for a penalty?

They all told him not to rush yet. Isn't this a free foul? It might even be a technical foul.


"The goal is invalid!"

the referee shouted to the referee's chair.

The entire arena went slightly silent, and everyone in the Xiangyang team looked in disbelief. Even Lin Dong looked at the referee in surprise.

Goal disallowed?What I drank was so empty that I didn’t even step on any ants...

The referee turned a blind eye and made a foul gesture: "Green No. 13, personal foul, foul ball!"

There was an uproar in the arena for a moment.

what's the situation?

"Personal foul? That Feng Yu's No. 5?"

"I didn't see what Xiangyang's No. 13 did to him just now."

"That's right, it felt like Xiangyang's No. 13 had passed before that guy suddenly fell to the ground."

"Can this also lead to a foul? The referee's ears are not so soft..."

But before everyone's doubts continued to grow, many people had noticed that there was a large red patch on Kishimoto Minori's legs.

It couldn't be seen clearly in the stands, but it could be seen on the sidelines. It was on the calf, and a red mark as big as a palm was clearly visible.

Did they really hit each other?
Teng Zhen was a little surprised, but Lin Dong was instantly speechless and laughed.

Is this guy doing a full set of acting?

I don’t know if he pinched it or grabbed it just now, but the big red piece really couldn’t escape.

Pretty good...

Lin Dong even wanted to give him a thumbs up.

During the game, the referee often does not focus on the player without the ball. When he sees the player falling to the ground and seeing a red patch, he will award a foul. This is really not the fault of the referee.

However, how many times can this trick be used?

Toyotama's possession of the ball.

Minori Kishimoto hit the foul ball from where she fell to the ground.

Toyotama is good at run-and-gun tactics. In addition to his fast-break characteristics, he also plays the ball very smoothly.

Nan Lie's strength is not inferior to that of Fujima. He is very skillful in controlling the ball. After passing the midline with the ball, he started the fast break with a quick pass.

The basketball was transmitted quickly in the hands of Feng Yu's players, and they seemed to be deliberately avoiding Lin Dong's point. The opponent obviously had a certain understanding of Xiang Yang's playing style in advance.

Lin Dong single-handedly defended Nan Lie, who was also a small forward, and was pulled to the weak side on the lower left side, but the offense and ball passing were played on the strong side.

Relying on his quick running without the ball, Takano Shoichi became the breakthrough point.

Regardless of footwork, skills, agility or ball control ability, Kishimoto Mari's strength is indeed superior to him. She broke through directly with a change of direction, and then jumped high to meet Toru Hanagata under the basket.

Hanagata dropped Iwata Miaki and turned to cover. Miri Kishimoto immediately changed the layup to a pass and threw the ball to Iwata Miaki in the penalty area.

The latter did not hesitate, nor did he mean to jump up to score, but immediately took a decent shot.

He was only one step away from the basket. A normal golfer would not miss a shot from this position, and the falling pattern that had just jumped up could not interfere with his shot at all.

But next second...

A figure flew over from the left baseline. With its super long wingspan and explosion, it passed Hanagata Tohru in an instant, covering all of Iwata Miaki's sight like a cloud covering the sun. He caught the basketball before it reached its highest point. Take action.

The basketball was caught diagonally above the basket.

"Here I go, that Xiangyang number 13 jumps so high!"

"It feels like he touched the upper part of the backboard..."

"Beautiful!" Tsuchiya Junze couldn't help but slap the railing. From the defense of Nan Lie at the bottom line, he saw the emptiness of Xiangyang inside. He instantly returned to the defense and was able to send the opponent's 190-centimeter center such a good move. cap……

No, is this called a hat?

This is called grabbing!
(End of this chapter)

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