Age of Mythology: I use simulation to become the lord of all realms

Chapter 109 The co-master of the Old God and the Outer God!

Chapter 109 The co-master of the Old God and the Outer God!

Chu Bai's brain was shut down. He thought about many possibilities, but he really didn't expect that such a thing would happen.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Bai stared at the simulator closely.

[The Blood Moon Evil God has conveyed his will of surrender to you.

After a brief shock, in order to test the credibility of the other party's surrender to you, you immediately ordered the other party to completely withdraw from this world.

Blood Moon Evil God agreed without hesitation!The surrounding buildings, as well as the strange blood-colored substances, began to slowly dissipate.

Even the Blood Moon Evil God began to slowly submerge into another world.

You confirm that the other party is not pretending, stop her immediately, and ask why the other party surrendered.

The Blood Moon Evil God said that you have the aura of being deeply soaked by two large terrifying fragments.

Except for the alien gods who were born crazy, most of the old gods who were transformed later in life and still have reason will unconditionally surrender to the messenger who possesses the fragment.

And in His view, even if you don’t have it now, at least you once had those two great terrors! 】

"Two dollars?" Chu Bai was stunned for a moment, his brows gradually furrowed, "It's... a chat group and a simulator???"

After thinking about it, it seems that only these two can match.This would also fit in with what The Evil One said about Good Brothers once having... because in The Sims, Good Brothers doesn't really have either of those things.

"But, if that's the case! Then, the chat group simulator... no, there are also those senior time travellers." Chu Bai's eyelids twitched, and there was an uproar in his heart.

Could it be that all golden fingers have the same origin? ? ?
What is that origin...the master of the evil god?The strongest and most invincible evil god?Azathoth?

"Probably not!" Chu Bai quickly denied this.

After all, the background of his chat group administrator is that he has jumped out of the Three Thousand Weird Worlds, and the chat group admits that the Three Thousand Weird Worlds are not as good as the Dao Realm...

Furthermore, if he is really the master of the evil god, why would he want to save the world?
And why can chat groups help and benefit each other and trade with each other in a sense relative to the world?

"However, since I am so loyal... then why am I beaten by the Evil God's followers? And that weird Eye of the Evil God has contaminated me at a glance... The weird one in the mythical world doesn't take me seriously either... Could it be Yes, the evil god must see me in person? As for the one in the zombie world, is he the crazy alien god?"

Chu Bai didn't know what kind of expression he should show for a moment.These are my subordinates, aren’t they my subordinates?

[The Blood Moon Evil God told you a lot of information, and you were frightened by it.

The reason why she said that most of the old gods will surrender is because there are a small number of rebellious ones. They may attack you even more violently because of the aura on your body, and force the terrifying fragments out of your mouth at all costs. The whereabouts of...

However, Blood Moon Evil God himself admitted that the chance of this is very small!
Because, in the endless void, under the joint hunting of the Lord of the System and the Lord of Reincarnation, the number of the Old Gods has declined to a pitiful number!They can only lurk in some lower worlds...

And among these evil gods who are already very rare, the chance of encountering a rebellious one... is pitiful! 】

Chu Bai's expression was extremely wonderful. The previous simulations of different worlds made him think that the evil god was the well-deserved overlord of the void world.After all, which world is full of weird things...

But look at this description...good guys, lower world? ? ?
"If you think about it carefully, my previous Holy Spirit life was so powerful that it shook the universe! It seems that I really didn't notice any strange traces?"

"And..." Chu Bai subconsciously thought of Li Qianqian, who had just joined the chat group.The game between the emperor and the evil god in his mouth seems to prove this!
"But the system and reincarnation seem to be my enemies too!" Chu Bai pulled up his hair, "So the system and reincarnation are good? It's not like that. Although they don't force the world to be destroyed, they don't seem to be willing to do it. Deliberately protect the world!”

"On the contrary, it is a chat group. It feels like we are always deliberately protecting the world..."

Chu Bai thought about it for a while and finally understood.

The chat group and the world should be on one side.

The world and the evil gods, the Old Gods, the Outer Gods are supposed to be enemies.

The system, reincarnation, and the evil god are enemies...

The relationship between system reincarnation and the world is strange and neutral. It may destroy the world, or it may save the world...

The evil god may have surrendered to the source of chat groups and simulators...

But the chat group... and the master of the system, the master of reincarnation, and the evil god are all enemies...

"The situation in the endless void! It's so complicated." Chu Bai was too lazy to think about why the evil god surrendered to the two golden fingers, and the golden fingers also hunted the evil god.The information he has is limited, and...according to the scene he saw of the bald eagle harvesting its younger brother in his previous life...

The boss can’t hold it anymore, so it seems normal to eat the younger brother...

[The Blood Moon Evil God sincerely informs you that if you go to some high-level worlds in the future, please be careful of the tricks that the System Lord and the Lord of Reincarnation may arrange in those worlds!
They are the natural enemies of the Old Gods and may work against you.

After receiving the message, you order the other party to leave completely, and the other party's figure completely disappears in the tunnel.

You sit cross-legged in front of the tunnel for one day, two days, three days... Finally, you are completely sure that the other party will not kill you!Your brain was a little confused. You turned around and glanced at the huge earth. After thinking about it, you decided that it would be difficult for you to continue practicing in this world.

Because your theory has reached a certain level of perfection, perhaps the number of people studying your theory will increase exponentially hundreds of times in the future, and the feedback of Confucianism may be of some help to your practice...

But at that time, the number of people practicing your many methods was at least tens of billions!But even so, it may only be helpful... because you vaguely feel that when the world has not advanced, carrying the current you is already the limit... and without a chat group, you cannot help the world advance at all.

You figured it out, and you decided to go to the void, to a wider world to find further opportunities... At the same time, you also want to know the information about the fragment of the Great Terror in you!

You enter the tunnel and leave the world of Confucianism and Taoism.

The simulation is over! 】

"...Is it over when you leave the world?" Chu Bai pursed his lips, "Speaking of which, if you were expelled from the world after completing the mission before, it will also end automatically!"

"Is the endless void a restricted area for simulators??"

Thoughts were flowing in Chu Bai's mind, or does the current simulator still need to evolve?

"But think about it, my sister has never been to other worlds!" Chu Bai held his chin, "But the chat group seems to have the ability to travel between different worlds? Strange..."

Chu Bai thought about the information he got from the evil god again...

Pieces of the Great Terror, if that really refers to Goldfinger, does that mean that the simulator and the chat group are just part of some great horror?

In other words, they are all incomplete and only have partial authority... The simulator cannot set foot in the void, but the chat group can? ?

"No, in the future I need to confront the senior time travelers... to pick out their golden fingers, right?" Chu Bai thought about it, and his expression suddenly froze, "Could it be... This is the sister and the seniors who are suspected to be mortal enemies?" The essential??"

After Chu Bai knew that the Heavenly Lords were suspected to be senior time travellers, he wondered why his sister could not form an alliance with these Heavenly Lords who were time travellers.As fellow villagers, we should help each other when we can, this is what we should do!
Although there were many incidents in the past life of being cheated by fellow countrymen while traveling overseas, which led to the famous saying that when fellow countrymen meet fellow countrymen, they shoot each other in the back... But at least when there is no conflict of interest, they should help each other and cooperate.

Now it seems……

"Fortunately, the Heavenly Lords were kicked out of the world by my sister! Otherwise, I would be in trouble if I wanted to get up." Chu Bai shook his head.He realized that his sister's rise to prominence would probably be a hell-level difficulty even if he didn't bear the buff of a world curse...

"Then, fuse memories!" Chu Bai's body shook, and countless information was intertwined in his mind. When he opened his eyes again, he had a deep demeanor, "'s really interesting!"

"Then there's the holy throne... Well, because it's a complete holy throne, it requires one thousand destiny points?" Chu Bai looked a little weird.This price... can only be said to be so cheap that it makes him feel abnormal!

For Chu Bai, whose current balance exceeds [-] million, one thousand is a hammer, so he bought it all!

Naturally, Chu Bai reached the pinnacle of the three talents in the newly created theories of miscellaneous family, famous family, and peasant family.

This is not an exchange of cultivation, this is the influence of the New Confucian system created by Chu Bai. As literary attainments deepen, cultivation will naturally improve.

With seven-star memory, he has the highest attainments in these areas, so he has been directly pushed to the upper limit of the strength that Confucianism can naturally increase.

"What a pity, Qixing!" Chu Bai said with regret.If possible, he really wanted to exchange it for a few famous Confucian farmers... But unfortunately, his good brother's cultivation level is too high...

"At present, there is actually no threat to the world of Confucianism and Taoism... Blood Moon, in fact, should be the kind of evil god who lies relatively flat! He is too lazy to mess with the world. If I were to go there in person, I would probably give the order and he would retreat... But if it’s really over, I’ll have to simulate it a few more times! Maybe the evil god will go crazy?”

Chu Bai rubbed his chin, "Also, it seems that it is an important limit for good brothers to break through the Seven Stars... Maybe I was attacked by the Eye of the Evil God in the zombie world before because I could not be recognized by the Evil God until I broke through the Seven Stars!"

Shaking his head, Chu Bai took out the simulator again, with a serious look on his face, "Let's continue the simulation... Let's not touch the monk this time! Let's see what Confucian Sword Immortal is all about."

[On the first day, you asked An Xiaoya about the current address of Confucian Sword Immortal... As expected, it was on Purple Mountain!
You followed the information and found a school building deep in the Purple Mountain.

You heard the sound of children reading happily in the school club!
You stand quietly outside the door and listen carefully to the lecture of the old man inside.You know the old gentleman already knew you were there, but the old gentleman didn't stop!You didn't bother either.

At night, the old gentleman announced that get out of class was over, and the students cheered!I was shocked when I opened the door and saw you.

The old gentleman asked you to wait while he cooked for the students with a generous and gentle smile on his face.He indeed has a deep love for these children...

Next is evening self-study!
The old gentleman teaches all categories of classes by himself.Watching these kids fall asleep at the end...

Under the moonlight, the old gentleman finally pulled out from exhaustion and sat on the ground to talk to you!
You guys kept talking to each other, you know, these children are all orphans, a total of 230 children.

The old man said that his ability was very limited and he could only support the orphans he met.

You are a little shocked, and you can't imagine that the person in front of you is the Confucian Sword Immortal... You can clearly feel that everything this old man said is true, and his moral character and good deeds he has done are indeed worthy of his reputation. The name of the Lord of Jinling Palace...

Finally, you couldn't hold it back anymore and seriously questioned him: If that's the case, then why did you cooperate with the Demonic Cult... or even join the Demonic Cult!To set off the fall of the gods?Don't you know that this will cause chaos in the world and create more orphans? 】

(End of this chapter)

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