Age of Mythology: I use simulation to become the lord of all realms

Chapter 122: The First Emperor and the Blasphemer Hundreds of millions of people watched the life of

Chapter 122: The First Emperor and the Blasphemer Tens of billions of people watched the life of the Supreme God King!
"So that's it." A sudden realization flashed in Chu Bai's eyes. It turns out that he needs to conduct in-depth research on the meteorite in order to contact the strange evil god behind the meteorite?
"But." Chu Bai rubbed his chin, with a strange look on his face. Just by looking at it, the good brother's body exploded, and the soul marks in every cell exploded together. Green-level immortality was useless...

This lethality, tsk tsk...

"The most important thing is that the other party has no killing intention. I got too much information just by looking at it... I couldn't bear it and exploded... Um, I remembered Yug Bubble for no reason." Chu Bai rubbed his temples and said Inwardly complaining.

However, Chu Bai was also a little curious at this moment, what is the strength of this evil god?In terms of senses, he is on a completely different level from the Blood Moon Evil God... maybe even...

"...Tianzun level?" Chu Bai pondered, but he was a little unsure because, at present, he had not really had any experience with the Tianzun in his heyday.The only thing I saw... was the projection of Demon Tianzun who had been slashed countless times and couldn't pull it anymore...

"Two thousand immortality? I bought it!"

Although the intensity of this immortality revealed in The Sims is truly breathtaking.But who gave him the advantage?

"But now I...ah? Damn it, the destiny points have increased to 500 million?" Chu Bai was stunned, how long has it been?

"Is it because the Jin Yiwei and the strong men from all over the country are still robbing the Demon God's strong men?" Chu Bai forced himself to calm down and scratched his head. However, it can also be seen that the last time he reported in Zishi, all the Demon God's apostles were killed. They were some very low-level practitioners, otherwise the fate points obtained at that time would not be so touching.

Well, considering that the big cleanup was mainly cleaning up small counties, it was all right.

Chu Bai, who was still tossing and turning in bed and couldn't fall asleep, rubbed his eyebrows and simply went to another world to remove the Taiyi God. After returning, he used the simulator to start the simulation of life again.

"It's too troublesome to do this all the time...and soon, it will be upgraded to Liuhe or above! Then simulate it a few more times."

Chu Bai first continued to simulate and figure out the Purple Mountain incident, and understood the whole process of this incident bit by bit.We even gained an in-depth understanding of the mental state and background of those deeply involved in this incident.

After simulating it dozens of times, and having basically understood it completely, Chu Bai then just started to simulate it for fun.One moment he went to Rome for in-depth research, another moment he went to Qi State, another moment he traveled to Wei State, and sometimes he ran away from the demon clan...

These Sims are no longer focused on enhancing their strength.It's just a matter of traveling and playing, snooping for information...

There were even many random simulations in which, while marrying the Empress, he lived for more than a hundred years, died peacefully, and was finally buried with the Empress...

When the sky dawned, Chu Bai finally closed the white jade book. He took a long breath, with a vague sigh of vicissitudes of life in his eyes, and his temperament was different from before.

He himself had forgotten how many times he had simulated... Anyway, after simulating for one night, he chose to fuse when his memory was valuable...

"This world is so amazing!" Chu Bai sighed with emotion, his eyes a little deep, "And this time, I did get a lot of... very useful and important information!"

It has been basically determined that the human race Heavenly Lords in this world are: Moral Heavenly Lord, Confucian Heavenly Lord, Demonic Heavenly Lord, Yuanshi Heavenly Lord, Buddha Heavenly Lord, Fighting Heavenly Lord, Lingbao Heavenly Lord... a total of seven.

The reason why it is said that there are a total of ten Heavenly Lords known is because there are three Heavenly Lords who were born before the Moral Heavenly Lord and can also be called the Demon Clan Heavenly Lord.Of course, demon is actually a very broad concept.

When humans were not powerful, the alien races other than humans were called Wanzu.But later on, a human race god named Zun Tianzun rose up and became too powerful. In turn, he forced the alien races to unite together, and this was how the concept of demons was formed!
In other words, the demon race was actually born because of the human race, and is the collective name for all intelligent creatures except the human race!

The three demon clan heavenly beings are named Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin!
"Actually, it's quite interesting! My sister is undoubtedly an existence at the level of Heavenly Lord... However, no Heavenly Lord can match my sister." Chu Bai twirled his fingers. There are two explanations. One is that although his sister is a Heavenly Lord, she was artificially wiped out. Went to information.

This kind of erasure is very thorough that even the powerful Nine Palaces don't know, or most of the Nine Palaces powerful don't know...

Another possibility is sister is indeed not Tianzun!But maybe you have become a Heavenly Lord in some sim, or even an extremely powerful being among Heavenly Lords. You can use Destiny Points to temporarily borrow the Dao Fruit of your best friend... At certain key points, the Heavenly Lords suffered a big loss. !Even being kicked out of this world... of course the chance is very small...

"Qi State, the inherited traditions are mainly those of Douzhan Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun." Chu Bai's eyes twitched. After all, Qi State was actually created by Lingbao Tianzun, or Emperor Taizu of this dynasty. vassal state.

"However, I still don't know which Heavenly Lord the Holy Bishop is!" Chu Bai's expression was subtle.In fact, he was very suspicious. It was very possible that...more than one Heavenly Lord had used the vest of Holy Lord God.

Yes, he doubted that the Holy Lord God was actually a common vest among the Heavenly Lords.The key to this idea is that the pilgrims of the Holy Bishop are actually very random.

It can be called a hodgepodge in it, including Taoism, Buddhism, Immortalism, Demonism, and even Confucianism... it has everything!However, the holy bishops also have their own logical logic for this, that is, their holy master god is an omniscient and omnipotent existence, so they can naturally embark on all paths.

But... for those who are not holy bishops and know the principles of Taoists, this is outrageous... the kind that can destroy the worldview!

"No wonder, even Sister Xiaoya doesn't know who the Holy Master God is! There is such a thing..." Chu Bai shook his head.

After thinking about it, Chu Bai went out to have breakfast. Then he realized that someone in the group had liked him. He glanced at it and found that it was Cai Longkun. "Is it time to join the mission? It seems that Lao Cai is also telling the truth. Can’t wait…”

The group was extremely lively at the moment.

"I have no problem! I want to participate." Yang Jiao spoke immediately.There is even a bit of impatient taste...

"Add me one!" Han Feizi nodded quickly.

"And me, and me!" Fusu said quickly, fearing that Chu Bai would leave him behind.

"+1!" Fahai sent a dog-licking emoticon.

"Don't abandon me, master." Zhang Mingyu looked serious, as if he was fighting a strong enemy.

On the ruins of a holy land, Shi Fan was suspended calmly in the sky, feeling the fear and admiration of the many living holy land disciples below, like a great devil.

He smiled coldly and sent messages frantically in the chat group, "Brother Taibai! I haven't gotten in the car yet! Don't be in a hurry to drive..."



"Good guys... everyone is participating!" Chu Bai didn't know what kind of expression he should show for a moment.

Moreover, they all bubbled up immediately, without Lao Cai's attention one by one... emmm, he was very suspicious that the people in the group had not slept all night.

"I just don't know what their expressions would be like if I said I wouldn't participate now?" Chu Bai's expression became strange, but he didn't take it too seriously and sent out the news to tease many group members.

He just posted an emoticon of Jack taking off his glasses that he made himself.

"I really can't do anything to you.jpg"

"Now that the people who are going to participate in the mission have been selected... let's start the mission!"

The moment Chu Bai clicked to start the task, the pure white luster suddenly bloomed.


The world of blasphemers.

imperial capital.

The biting cold wind cannot dispel the gloom in the hearts of the people in the imperial capital and even the entire world.

Cai Longkun's body was controlled and he walked to a huge square.

On the ancient stone platform, there are crosses.Tied to the cross is a statue of the Reverend King.On the high platform.

The First Emperor sat expressionlessly on the dragon chair at the top. He looked down and cast his gaze on the many kings.

"Today, we will be here! Judge the source of the trouble in the world."

The Great Sacrifice Ceremony was established by the First Emperor.But this doesn't mean that he likes seeing the Human King, or on the contrary... he hates these guys!Because in his eyes, the divine power of these human kings all grew out of the seeds he sown.

These human kings are thieves!While he was practicing hard, he secretly copied and took away his divine power.Even if he wanted to, he could corrode these human kings and make them become like gods, his lackeys...

However, the First Emperor is not short of these subordinates, and the gods of many pantheons are already very abundant as dogs!In addition, I really disliked them, so I tied them all here... and used their blood to please him a little!
Deafening applause broke out.

The 10 people in the square all stretched out their hands and applauded with expressionless expressions.No one wants to applaud, but the body is out of control...

Of course, most people are like Cai Longkun, and their brains no longer move. After all, thinking is a kind of torture.

Only a very small number of people were filled with grief, anger and pain, and were unwilling to watch those human kings, those human kings who were the only ones who could be called the last hope, being killed one by one.

"Execution! Let's start with Cai Hai in China." A happy smile appeared on the face of the First Emperor. There were now ten human kings in the world, and they were all captured by him.

He was prepared to kill one a day.

He knows that there are still many people who regard these human kings as their hope of resisting him!
The First Emperor said that he would kill them bit by bit!Murder and heart-wrenching!Let them completely despair...make them powerless in regret and pain, and finally be unable to even struggle...Hahahaha!
The cross behind Cai Hai was hung high. He stared calmly at the people below, the people of China that he once protected... He even saw a large number of his own descendants...

"...Is it over?" Cai Hai looked at the judicial god Yang Jian who came to him and asked himself in his heart.


He watched the body of the God of Justice suddenly stiffen, and then struggle on his face. Finally, he suddenly let go, and the three-pointed two-edged sword was no longer pointed at him.

The God of Justice looked ferociously at the First Emperor on the high platform.

It's not just him.The gods who were guarding the First Emperor all looked evil and ferocious at this moment!Staring at the First Emperor.


What happened?Confusion appeared on Cai Hai's face, or was the First Emperor playing some kind of cat-and-mouse game again?This kind of drama where the gods under his command rebelled and went fishing was actually done by the First Emperor many times!
They were very happy at first, and some people even jumped out to cooperate with God... But in the end, they found out that the First Emperor was just playing!Three human kings were arrested because of this.

Cai Hai and almost all the human kings have now completely seen through it. The tyrant Shi Huangdi completely regarded the entire world as his own game.


The most confused person at the moment was the First Emperor, his brain just shut down.He had always been accustomed to taking everything into his own hands, and now he wanted to ask: What happened? !
"Zhang Yu, your Tiantiao system is very good, but now it's mine!" A voice with a little playfulness sounded.

At this moment, the First Emperor's expression changed drastically and he stood up in a state of confusion.How could anyone in this world know his real name? !
At the same time, tens of billions of people all over the world discovered in confusion and ecstasy that they had briefly gained freedom.

Moreover, a kind of pure white light flows into their bodies along the rules of heaven that restrain them, making their minds peaceful, allowing their brains to operate quickly, and they can quickly return to normal...

This is naturally Chu Bai’s handiwork!After obtaining the memory of the previous simulation, Chu Bai knew that although the simulator had not mentioned it, when he untied the shackles of Tian Tiao, it actually caused very huge casualties.

At that time, millions of people chose to commit suicide as soon as they gained freedom!After all, Lao Cai can tell how life was worse than death for them before...

In the Imperial Capital Square.

"Who are you, or you, you?" The First Emperor gradually restrained his rude expression, straightened his waist gradually, and stared expressionlessly at the majestic figures who appeared in the crowd with pure white light. people.


Chu Bai, who had borrowed Daoguo, the good brother of the God King, obviously had no intention of explaining the current situation to him one by one.Although borrowing the Bagua Dao Fruit actually doesn't cost much, at least it's not much for his current destiny point balance of over 7000 million... But no matter how small the money is, it's still money!

"Don't you know your old friend?" Chu Bai's body exuded a faint luster, and the corners of his mouth raised an inexplicable arc, "It doesn't matter, I will use familiar actions to let you remember or know everything!"

The God-King brothers had actually gained control of Tian Tiao... So as soon as Chu Bai borrowed the Dao Fruit, he very smoothly took away at least half of the control of Tian Tiao from the First Emperor.It's as smooth as if Tian Tiao was created not by the First Emperor, but by him...

The most important thing is that due to Chu Bai's deliberate actions, those who were connected to him because of the rules of heaven... gods and people around the world, countless pictures naturally emerged in their minds...

It is clear that the life of Divine King Chu Bai... was about him rising from the mortal world, killing gods and becoming the king of men, finally overthrowing everything, and even killing the First Emperor in the end...

This is also an important part of giving birth to hope in the hearts of these people, stabilizing their emotions as much as possible, and preventing the suicide rate from soaring.

Of course, because the First Emperor still had half of the control over Tian Tiao... so the First Emperor could also see the life of the Infinite God King! !

A dead silence.

Those who were ecstatic to be free, those gods who were furious and intent on killing...the First Emperor who felt that even if an accident happened, everything was still under control...

Everyone stopped talking.

Everyone was dumbfounded as they felt the life of the Infinite God King being forcibly blasted into their minds almost in a breath...

They were so shocked that their minds went blank.

Then, Chu Bai took action.

In The Sims, the Supreme God King practiced for a long time after killing the First Emperor, and his strength actually experienced a qualitative change.Therefore, at this moment, when he attacks the First Emperor, he can only say that he is crushing him...

The First Emperor's body exploded!It turned into countless blood mist... and then sharply gathered in the next moment, triggering the conditions for resurrection... And because of the powerful characteristics of Heracles' divine power, it was immune to the method that killed him last time!
In response, Chu Bai just took action again.Divine light intertwined, and many reflections appeared on his body, which was the manifestation of divine power!

Tao, Buddha, Demon...the Twelve Greek Gods...Nordic Gods...Indian Gods...

Every reflection symbolizes a true side of Chu Bai.There were too many, the scene was so shocking that it cannot be described in words!
It is as if He has become the source of all myths in the world.

The divine power intertwined and collided, turning into an unimaginable huge millstone, constantly crushing and destroying the First Emperor who was resurrected again and again.Just like grinding beans...

What about the divine power that was immune to killing him?Chu Bai has too much divine power, and he can kill him ten thousand or one hundred thousand times using different methods!

The entire world, tens of billions of people, who had just sorted out the information about the Supreme God King, naturally saw this scene through Tian Tiao.

They were stunned again. They finally matched the information that suddenly appeared in their minds with reality. They finally realized that...the memory that suddenly appeared was not an illusion...

Then, it exploded, and all tens of billions of people exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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