Age of Mythology: I use simulation to become the lord of all realms

Chapter 126 The Warmaster wishes his birthday! As a human being, the brilliance illuminates the beau

Chapter 126 The Warmaster wishes his birthday! As a human being, the brilliance illuminates the beauty of the universe!
"What the hell is Tony?" Chu Bai's expression was wonderful. After all, this title is so visual!
[No. 60 In four years, except when necessary, when you took people out to conquer when the military strength was tight, you spent most of your time immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

Even if you are the best in the weapons industry, you still like to learn all kinds of other knowledge!

You don't have the ambition to learn all the subjects in the Star Sea Empire...because you know that it is impossible...but you feel that you must at least have a certain understanding of all subjects.

You have set a small goal for yourself. Even if you throw yourself on an empty planet, you can still create a relatively complete technology tree of the Star Sea Empire with your bare hands! At least it must be a sapling of a technology tree...]

Chu Bai looked strange, this must be his good brother preparing for him.

[In the fifth year of No. 60, with the support of the emperor, you became the executive deputy emperor of the Star Sea Empire!
When the emperor goes out to fight, you are always in charge of national affairs.

At some point, you even had the subtle idea that the emperor was your general who conquered the evil god. 】

"Okay! Now it's Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi again." The twitching arc of Chu Bai's mouth became wider and wider.

[No.60 In the seventh year, you feel a serious decline in energy.

You know in your heart that this is because you are old. Even the top psykers have the same lifespan as normal people! And according to your research, the life span of Confucian and Taoist practitioners is similar to that of normal people. Even if you are a practitioner of the Four Symbols, you will still age when you should!
You know in your heart what is going on. This is a curse from the evil god!
This is something recorded in the textbooks. Human beings have already studied the genetic code when they stepped out of their home planet! Can put yourself on the road to immortality. However, the evil gods were afraid of the infinite potential of human beings, so the four evil gods took action together, cursing humans and giving them only a limited lifespan!

The emperor is the only exception! No one knows how the emperor escaped the life-span curse... Ever since he appeared, he has been incredibly powerful. Some people even suspected that he was born as a god. As a god, he can naturally resist the curse of the evil god!

The issue of human lifespan is a rare event in which the four evil gods reached a consensus! Under normal circumstances, the evil gods will also have internal conflicts with each other. If they can unite their will and take action together, even the emperor will not be able to protect the human race in the universe.

Obviously, cultivators cannot have an unimaginable lifespan either...unless they are as powerful as the evil god like the emperor.

However, if you want to cultivate to the Nine Palaces in just a hundred years, even you have no confidence! So you didn't think about whether you should practice or struggle... but put all your energy into studying various knowledge. 】

[In No. 70, you applied for retirement. You are too old to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the Executive Vice Emperor! Moreover, this responsibility seriously affects your ability to continue to learn more about various industries.

After several attempts to persuade him to stay, the emperor only sighed. The moment he saw you off, the emperor's eyes were so complicated that you couldn't describe it in words! He seemed to want to say something to you, but in the end he said nothing. 】

[No.70 Year, you finally heard Li Qianqian’s name.

She became famous in the Star Sea. In just a few years, she led her fleet to defeat a large number of green-skinned orcs and Star Sea Zerg, saving planets one after another! Military ranks rose rapidly.

Even now, there are vague rumors that Li Qianqian will become the captain of the new generation of Emperor ship.

Even now, through your continuous iterations, the empire's technology has made great progress compared to before! To create an emperor's fleet would take more than a whole country, but it would definitely not be easy! At present, there are only a dozen or so emperor fleets in the entire empire!
However, other than silently paying attention, you didn’t do anything else! 】

[In the fifth year of No. 70, Li Qianqian became the captain of the emperor’s fleet! At the same time, he awakened his talent and became an S-level psyker.

The whole country was shocked and excited. Your retirement made the entire human empire feel uneasy. However, the strong rise of a new generation of humans has swept away the gloom in their hearts...

Especially Li Qianqian's familiar promotion route and resume... it gave everyone a taste of a legacy passed down from generation to generation.

The emperor meets you and tells you Li Qianqian's identity as a time traveler. You pretend to be shocked. Because of the terror of S-class psykers, and the emperor's trust in you, he obviously didn't see that you already knew this.

The emperor implores you to cast a golden divine armor for Li Qianqian again. Without much hesitation, you agreed!

In fact, when you made great achievements in battle, many people already hoped that you could build more golden armors. After all, although the number of S-level psykers in the human race is very rare, there are still some... If they can all become existences comparable to you, it goes without saying that it will increase the power of the empire...

Of course you never refused. However, because the cost of shaping the divine armor was too great, they gave up in the end!
Compared to now, the Empire can barely build the Emperor alone at a certain cost... The construction of the Divine Armor still requires your full participation, and it truly requires the efforts of the whole country! 】

[No.70 In the sixth year, Li Qianqian came to your retirement residence! 】

[No. 70 In the seventh year, according to Li Qianqian’s physical condition and with the emperor’s devotion to the country’s power... you customized a set of golden battle armor for her! 】

[No. In 80, your hair turned gray, and you vaguely felt that your life was coming to an end. But you are very relieved and free about death!
Compared to you, an old guy, Li Qianqian is extremely active on the battlefield.

She has almost become synonymous with this era, and her reputation can be compared with yours!
She became the recognized war commander of the human race! The second person under the emperor to command a fleet of hundreds of millions. 】

Chu Bai: "??"

The title Warmaster is unlucky!

"But, if I remember correctly..." Chu Bai's expression was wonderful. Li Qianqian should have said long ago that she would never be a war commander, right? You will never betray the emperor? So... does this mean that Li Qianqian really has different intentions?

"It might be a joke!" Chu Bai suddenly woke up. After all, the emperor was actually a time traveler, and he should also know the story of Warhammer. If Li Qianqian hadn't given him a notice in advance... No, the name Warmaster would have been impossible to pass without the emperor's approval...


[In the fifth year of No. 80, the war commander wishes the emperor a happy birthday! The era of great rebellion began with great vigor.

Hundreds of millions of fleets were destroyed and turned into fireworks... The human race's forces were at a loss!
The Warmaster was blessed by the four evil gods and surpassed the limits of all creatures in the past and present! He truly became an existence second only to gods. At the same time, there are also rumors among the people that when the war commander rebelled, he roared: Human beings have limits! So I am no longer a human being. Of course, some people say that the last thing the Warmaster said was: Golden Emperor, I have become a god!

But no matter what she said in the end, people have already realized that it was the War Commander who felt the limit of human lifespan and was afraid of death, so he took the olive branch from the evil god and betrayed the human race. 】

"???" Chu Bai didn't know what kind of expression he should show for a moment. Did he really follow this plot line? No, this is wrong no matter how you think about it, right?
Is the emperor a fool? You all know the Warhammer show... wait!
"If the emperor has really seen Warhammer!" Chu Bai took a deep breath and his eyes became dark. Then this shockingly similar scene could only be a plan secretly discussed between the emperor and Li Qianqian. Especially the one about me not being a human being, but having become a god...

But the problem is...

"The overall situation was set up at the expense of the collapse of human power?" Chu Bai felt his eyebrows pounding. No matter how big your plan is, is the price too terrible?
But there is one thing to say, if Li Qianqian is really the kind of person who is willing to be a villain for the sake of longevity... Chu Bai feels that he should be more careful with her in the future in the group...

[No. 80 Six years later, you still live in Handu. You can feel the atmosphere inside this glorious human capital becoming more and more solemn and solemn. You heard that the emperor was injured, even seriously injured and dying! The mood becomes more and more strange and subtle.

You tried to see the emperor, but found that the emperor refused to see you! 】

[In the seventh year of No. 80, Li Qianqian, who swept across the vast universe, led an army of greenskins, Zerg, and the followers of the evil god, and began to attack the Milky Way Star Territory where Han Capital is located!

The Galaxy Empire is in chaos! In the absence of the emperor's appearance, rumors spread wildly among the people that the emperor might be dead, and the palace kept its mourning secret...

You know in your heart that this is nonsense.

But you also understand that in this situation, the emperor still hasn't come forward, so it can only be said that he really can't come forward... In other words, now that Li Qianqian has attacked the hinterland of the empire, and now that the four evil gods are watching behind him...

The empire is on the verge of extinction.

You know that you are about to die. If you take good care of your body, you may be able to live to be a hundred years old! But... a long period of time has long given you a deep affection for the empire you live in, which was created by Chinese travelers and is similar to your hometown.

You put down the book in your hand and put on the golden armor that you have continued to improve and develop over the years!
In front of the Fairy Star Pass, you and Li Qianqian fight to the death. Even though she was blessed by the evil god, Li Qianqian stood on the threshold of God! Even though you are old, you are still able to hold on...

The human empire is shocked! The vast universe is shocked.

You are an old guy who is close to 90 years old and is about to reach the end of his life!
The divine armor you are wearing is also owned by Li Qianqian. Not only is she young, not only is she an S-level psyker, but she is also blessed by four evil gods.

Before she rebelled, both humans and other ethnic groups believed that Li Qianqian was the second you! A certain number of people even think that Li Qianqian has surpassed you...

But no matter what, people think that your time has passed as you are already old.

However, you informed the world! You are different...

Countless imperial humans cried and regretted! They hate this world and make you born in the wrong era...if you are still young, if you are at the peak of your life! How strong will you be now?
If you are given more time to study...will you really be as good as the emperor one day in the future! Become another pillar of the human race? 】

"...What Huang Zhong?" The corner of Chu Bai's mouth twitched, this adjective was too immediate. There were a lot of them in the previous life, because Huang Zhong was still a top-notch military commander in his old age. I felt that Huang Zhong could challenge Lu Bu in a single fight when he was young, and there were even people stronger than Lu Bu...

However, this cannot be wrong. Chu Bai smacked his lips and said, if there is no life limit, good brothers will definitely be able to grow up to the point where they can challenge or even kill the evil god!
"This also fully demonstrates...why the evil god placed such a curse on humans." Chu Bai shook his head.

[The battle that lasts for a day and a night will almost exhaust your energy and blood!

You fought to the end of the universe, and one galaxy after another was destroyed due to the aftermath of the collision of your divine armors...

At this moment, most of the universe is paying attention to you!

Everyone knows that this is a battle that will determine the future fate of the human race, and even the entire universe!
But at the same time... everyone watching the battle also sadly knew that if the emperor did not come forward, Li Qianqian, with the Four Evil Gods standing behind him, would definitely win the final victory!

You are very peaceful, but at the end of your life, as time goes by, you also become more powerful and terrifying!
In the last moment of your life, you even broke through the blessings of the four evil gods and penetrated Li Qianqian's abdomen with the magic knife in your hand!
As a price, your heart will be completely broken by the opposite party... Li Qianqian's face showed no expression at all, but there were two lines of hot tears left in the corners of her eyes. It seemed like she was sad, but if she felt it carefully, her emotions seemed not to fluctuate from beginning to end.

You feel awe-inspiring in your heart. You once cared so much about her, so naturally she should regard you as her grandfather? It seems understandable that she shed tears for you...

But the key problem is that the followers of the evil god have no emotions... At the end of your life, your brain is spinning faster than ever before, and you notice something strange!

You make a decision and whisper in her ear: Are you really betrayed?

Li Qianqian didn't say anything, but through the empathy of the divine armor, you glimpsed the scene that flashed through Li Qianqian's mind this time.

That's the emperor! However, it is very different from the emperor in your impression... His whole body is filled with a strange and evil aura. Rather than being the sun of the human race, it is more like the fifth evil god from the negative plane!
You recalled everything, the look on the emperor's face that was too complicated to describe in words when you threatened to retire... you recalled that not long after you retired, Li Qianqian rose rapidly, and then just like the script, It has inexplicably developed to this point...

You understood everything, you smiled in relief, and you slowly closed your eyes. 】

[You are dead, the simulation is over! 】

Chu Bai stared at the simulation interface and was silent for a long, long time.

(End of this chapter)

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