Age of Mythology: I use simulation to become the lord of all realms

Chapter 160 Morality, Yuanshi, Lingbao 3 Tianzun’s golden finger! The future ancestor Long Chubai, t

Chapter 160 Morality, Yuanshi, the golden finger of Lingbao Tianzun! Co-leader of the Dragon Clan—Future Ancestor Long Chubai

[On the tenth day, you followed the Dragon Girl to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

The Dragon Palace of the East China Sea is very different from your imagination... This is not a group of underwater palaces, but a vast world that is so huge that it is unimaginable.

Each palace contains a world comparable to the size of the earth.

Moreover, these worlds are extremely rich in spiritual energy, and their cultivation conditions are no less than those of the Bagua world you have seen before. Even the spiritual energy of palace worlds in some core places is comparable to that of the Nine Palaces world...

At the same time, the creatures living in these palace worlds are all descendants of ancestral dragons with dragon blood flowing in their bodies. But this bloodline is already very thin! But because of this bloodline, they are naturally powerful, intelligent, and capable of learning...even surpassing the human race!

Finally, you met the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The Dragon King is very respectful and reserved to you. He calls you the True Dragon and announces that he has informed the other Dragon Kings of the Four Seas about this news. In the near future, the Dragon Kings will come to visit you! You don't care about that either.

You didn't care about the many precious gifts given to you by the Dragon King, but chose to enter the library of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. And this time, you discovered a lot of information that is extremely useful to you! 】

"...No wonder the Dragon Clan doesn't bother to intervene on the ground?" Chu Bai was a little stunned. Compared with the Qilin tribe who were slaughtered like dogs by Da Chu, the dragon tribe can no longer be described as the rich second generation... It's just that the dragon tribe in the East China Sea rules countless worlds.

This... this is crazy, I feel like I am going to destroy all the human empires on the earth!

"However." Chu Bai thought of something and narrowed his eyes slightly, "There is the Great World of Yuanshi under the Purple Mountain... There are thirty-three heavens there, and each heaven is a vast universe and world... It contains countless A small world! The heaven created by the First Emperor is itself at the pinnacle of the thirty-third heaven..."

"From this perspective, the Chu Empire in its heyday...perhaps...far surpassed the Four Seas Dragon Clan in terms of the scale of its control of land and life..."

"The only thing that makes people a little strange is why it doesn't move everyone on the earth into the big world... Is there anything special about the main world?"

Chu Bai thought of a lot. He even thought about the demon clan that was madly invading the main world... After seeing the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, he realized that he had been to the demon world, where the products and resources were also quite rich...

In other words, there is actually no reason for the demon dragons in the demon world to invade the main world for resources... After all, they have made countless sacrifices for this!

This only proves that the main world is very special! So special that for something other than simple survival resources, they continued to invade with all their might...

Especially considering...the Heavenly Lords all walked in the main world before my sister took action...the meaning of this!

Chu Bai shook his head, dismissed the distracting thoughts, and continued reading with a serious expression.

[On the thirteenth day, after reading the East China Sea Dragon Palace library almost once, you finally understood roughly the life trajectory of the extremely mysterious founder of the Great Chu Dynasty, Lingbao Tianzun.

Two hundred and seventy years ago, Chen Jianxue, the founder of the dynasty, came to an ordinary farmer's family. Her birth was ordinary! But on the day when she came of age at the age of eighteen, she inexplicably ascended to the sky and directly became a master in the realm of heaven.

The records in the library are very sketchy about this. They only indicate that the day before he turned eighteen, Chen Jianxue was still an ordinary, unremarkable child from a peasant family.

As for the earth-shaking changes that happened after the birthday...there is no record of why or what happened in the middle. 】

Chu Bai's eyelids twitched, and his heart stirred up a bit. He compared his own situation with that of the Grand Ancestor one by one, and became acutely aware...perhaps when he turned eighteen, that was the day Chen Jianxue awakened to his past life memories!


"Is there any inevitable connection between awakening the memory of the past life and becoming a Heavenly Lord?" Chu Bai frowned. If so, then why did he not become a Heavenly Lord when he awakened the memory? It seems that this has not happened to my sister either?

[After becoming Tianzun, Chen Jianxue seemed to have had contact with Confucian Tianzun and Douzhan Tianzun, but it was only after Chen Jianxue turned twenty-five that he truly embarked on the road of founding a country, destroying the previous generation of the Great Chu Empire, and rebuilding the Great Chu Kingdom... …

Although he is a master of Tianzun level, Chen Jianxue still follows a very orthodox path in conquering the world. He leads the people, pacifies the world, starts the industrial revolution, and establishes many vassal states overseas as a wise ruler...

At the same time, what surprises you the most is that the book describes Chen Jianxue’s treasure. It is said that Chen Jianxue owned this inexplicably when he was eighteen years old!

The elder of the Dragon Clan who wrote this book called it a heaven-given treasure...

This treasure is a book, which Chen Jianxue calls the Book of Man. This book, the Book of Heaven of Daode Tianzun and the Book of Earth of Yuanshi Tianzun, are listed as the Three Books in the World! 】

Chu Bai took a breath of cold air. Although he had seen a new copy opened before, he realized that he might gain a lot this time... However, this gain was still far beyond his expectation...

He actually let him know the golden fingers of three Heavenly Lords at the same time...

"Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man, then here comes the question." Chu Bai pondered, why is his sister's simulator and his chat group not... huh?

"No, these two are also in the form of white jade books!" Chu Bai rubbed the book, and countless thoughts flashed through his heart, "What Confucian Tianzun possesses... seems to be a book of illusion? It can turn the recorded content into reality!"

"It seems that this is not a special case... All the Heavenly Lords, at least the Human Race Heavenly Lords, should all be golden fingers in the form of books! I just don't know who the three Demon Race Heavenly Lords are..."

Chu Bai rubbed his temples. Those three people were too mysterious. He didn't even know whether the three demon clan deities were time travellers.

"But having said that, there is currently no definite evidence that all Tianzun are time travelers... Demon God Tianzun... emmm..."

Chu Bai's eyes twitched. He still felt that this person was too abstract if he was a time traveler. “Well, the Book of Illusion can turn the recorded illusory content into reality... The functions of simulation books and chat group books are also obvious... Then the functions of the three books of heaven, earth and people..."

Chu Bai patted his cheek, tried to cheer up, and stared at the simulator interface expectantly. However, he was soon disappointed to find that the Dragon Clan elder obviously did not have too in-depth records about this...

Of course, this is normal. How could the function of Tianzun’s ultimate treasure be leaked so easily? !

[On the fourteenth day, you met the dragon clan from other four seas in the Dragon Palace.

Among them, the Black Dragon located in the North Sea is located in the northern ice sea of ​​the Northern Icefield of China... Therefore, the Dragon King of the North Sea is also the one most hostile to the human race. The Dragon King of the West Sea and the Dragon King of the South Sea have a relatively peaceful attitude towards the human race!

The relationship between the East China Sea Dragon Clan and the North Sea Dragon Clan is obviously very tense! This may be because the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea has entered into a contract with humans, while the Dragon Clan of the North Sea supports the Kirin Clan of the Northern Icefield.

Although the Black Dragon of the North Sea did not directly form a blood feud with Da Chu, it was just that.

Four dragon kings have come to pay you a visit! Especially after you showed your true dragon form and your true dragon magic, their attitude became even more excited and fanatical! 】

[On the twentieth day, the Dragon King of Beihai led his many daughters to come to see you...

His attitude is very obvious, and he hopes to marry you. As a result, the scale of the Dragon Clan continues to expand... You naturally rejected this! 】

[On the 21st, although the Dragon King of Beihai maintained his normal attitude on the surface, he was obviously angry privately. He immediately issued the Dragon King's order, forcing him to start a dragon conference with the other three dragon kings!

Of course you also attended this meeting!

After the meeting discussion, you suddenly understood that it turns out that the Dragon King of the North Sea hopes that you can inherit the power of the ancestral dragon. Even if you can only inherit part of it, in this era when the Heavenly Lord is not revealed, you may be able to become the real world's number one taboo master. .

At that time, the dragon clan can support you as the new ancestral dragon and counterattack back to the land! Defeat the human race and become the uncrowned king of this era...

The Dragon King of the South Sea and the Dragon King of the West Sea agree with this. The Dragon King of the East China Sea is very uncooperative. He cannot accept hostility against humans!

As the atmosphere became increasingly tense, Qinglongnu finally broke into the conference room and scolded her harshly!

Only then do you understand that inheriting Tianzun's power... may make Ancestral Dragon Tianzun come alive again in you! Of course, even if the Ancestral Dragon Heavenly Lord does not come back to life in you, when you inherit the Heavenly Lord's power, you will definitely inherit all the Heavenly Lord's memories!

In other words, even if things go extremely will still be yourself in the future, but you may no longer be yourself due to the erosion of tens of millions of years of Tianzun's memory.

You feel a little complicated, and you suddenly realize that even the Dragon King of the East China Sea... actually only cares about the contract with Emperor Taizu, and does not care about your life!

The only one who cares about you in the Dragon Palace is the Azure Dragon Girl! 】

Chu Bai: "..."

Quite outrageous! But after a while, Chu Bai thought that if he really inherited it, nothing would necessarily happen...

After all, Chu Bai actually has some accomplishments in inheriting the memories of outsiders... He has been washed away by memories not once or twice... Of course, if Chu Bai makes a wrong judgment... it's not a big problem, good brother Ku Yi Ku! Isn't this what good brothers are used for? !

[You stopped the Azure Dragon Girl and chose to agree to the decision of the four dragon kings, but you made a request! You want to know the information about the Imperial Master, Lingbao Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and even other Tianzun...

The Azure Dragon Girl changed her expression again and wanted to stop you, but this time the other three dragon kings except the Dragon King of the East China Sea agreed first! 】

[On the twenty-fifth day, you began to tour many dragon palaces. You spread the knowledge of Confucianism and Taoism to the Dragon Palace world group in the East China Sea, among the hundreds of billions of dragon descendants of intelligent beings... You have received an extremely large amount of Confucianism feedback, and you have gained a lot! 】

"???" Chu Bai was shocked, what the hell...a billion? ? ?

"Why is the population so huge?" Chu Bai's scalp was numb. Although he already knew from the description before that the scale of the East China Sea Dragon Palace World Group was outrageous... but this scale was still far beyond his expectation...

You know, even the population of the interstellar human empire is calculated in trillions... Although the limit here is intelligent creatures, obviously there are not many people, but this is still...

"And..." Chu Bai silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and it allowed him to spread Confucian and Taoist knowledge, and the profits were extremely huge, which is enough to prove that these intelligent beings are also good at Confucianism, which means that they are not only wise, but also mature. Confucian and Taoist education system...

If nothing else, this should be the result of Confucian Tianzun who once walked the world...!

Except for the mandatory order from a Heavenly Lord, Chu Bai couldn't figure out why these monsters had any reason to learn Confucian knowledge...

"And, there are the other three seas..." The more Chu Bai thought about it, the more anticipation rose in his heart.

He thought that in the main world, Confucianism and Taoism still had an upper limit due to population problems... At least his potential for upgrading in this world was far less than that of a world with a huge population like the interstellar world!

But now, Chu Bai suddenly realized that his situation was still small after all.

After completely digesting the main world, the creatures in the Four Seas Dragon Palace... maybe his cultivation in the five schools of Confucianism and Taoism can break through the Bagua level! Moreover, this extremely large increase caused his accumulation of Confucianism in the main world to expand at an extremely terrifying speed...

Not to mention…

"Since there is an unexpected surprise like the Dragon Clan!" Chu Bai pursed his lips, "Then in the main world, are there any other corners... where a big world like the Dragon Clan lurks?"

Chu Bai's inner emotions continued to surge, and his eyes became deeper and deeper... This is really a very imaginative question!

(End of this chapter)

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