Age of Mythology: I use simulation to become the lord of all realms

Chapter 175 The atavistic dragon! Group members’ discussion about Taoist Emperor and Chakra Tree!

Chapter 175 The atavistic dragon! Group members’ discussion about Taoist Emperor and Chakra Tree!

Chu Bai's mood was complicated, and he was instantly stunned. Even before he could react, he was killed instantly...and this was even when the empress and An Xiaoya were standing by to protect him...

"Wait, the self-sealing didn't work?!" Chu Bai discovered the blind spot. Logically speaking, in the state of his self-sealing of the three talents, the fighting power of the Nine Palaces strongman who attacked him should be suppressed to the same level as him. The realm is right...

"Furthermore, looking at this situation... is one of our good brothers dead, or is Empress An Xiaoya and the others all doomed?!"

Chu Bai's brows furrowed tighter and tighter. If they were all dead...and it was almost instant kill, crushing death...

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Chu Bai's forehead, which was enough to prove that the person facing him was either one of the top people in the Nine Palaces... or... considering that the self-seal did not work, it was possible that Tianzun took action. Rising again...

"Speaking of which, is the demon world within my sister's plan?"

Chu Bai was pacing back and forth in place. If he was not there, it meant that Tianzun could walk in the demon world... Then all the previously unbelievable situations could be explained.

Thoughts were swirling in his mind, and finally Chu Bai chose to fuse memories. He lowered his eyes slightly and obtained a lot of details, which allowed him to solve some of his previous doubts. For example, it was confirmed that the demon world was indeed not within his sister's layout... But at the same time, It also brought him some new doubts...

"I foiled the conspiracy of a certain Heavenly Lord in Purple Mountain... I should have formed a grudge against him! If possible, this Heavenly Lord should take action against me? However, the person who took action before was probably not the one involved in the Purple Mountain Incident. The Heavenly Lord behind."

It's a very simple reason. If so... he should have been killed as soon as he entered the demon world... instead of being killed after he devoured the demon world's energy!

"The most important thing is that what he shot was an extremely huge dragon claw..." Chu Bai's mouth twitched slightly. If it weren't for the fact that he had received the inheritance of the ancestral dragon in his previous life, he was sure that the ancestral dragon was dead. He even doubted whether it was Zulong Tianzun himself who took action...

It's really confusing...

Rubbing his brows, Chu Bai thought about it over and over before making a decision. With a stern look in his eyes, he started to simulate again.

【The first day...】

[On the 172nd day, you showed your true dragon status and successfully blended into the demon world dragon camp! 】

[On the 175th day, you have inquired a lot of news. You have learned that a returnee of the ancestral dragon bloodline is suspected to have appeared in the dragon clan of the demon world!

He is also a strong contender for the Ancestral Dragon inheritance! You and I are old enemies. 】

[On the 180th day, you are hunted! 】

[If you die, the simulation ends! 】

Choosing to fuse memories again, Chu Bai's expression became wonderful after sorting out his thoughts.

"The Ancestral Dragon... even fused with the weapons left behind by the Ancestral Dragon, thus being able to harness a certain amount of the Ancestral Dragon's power! Release a blow that is close to the Heavenly Lord?!"

It’s not surprising…this can all be explained!

Tianzun-level power, even if it is only close to Tianzun-level power... can still break the three talents seal arranged by my sister to a certain extent!

After all, no matter what, my sister is already dead... and the place where Chu Bai encountered danger is the demon world. This world is the great world created by Zulong Tianzun in his heyday, and it contains the world that is more friendly to the demon clan and dragon clan. The power of law... Although the law created by my sister is useful in this world, it will inevitably be affected and suppressed to a certain extent!

Chu Bai pursed his lips, his expression becoming more solemn. Although the Ancestral Dragon is still far behind Tianzun...but it can be regarded as one of the top existences under Tianzun!

Moreover, according to the information obtained from this life simulation, it is very difficult for the atavistic dragon to use a power infinitely close to that of the Heavenly Lord!

Because normally, he needs to use that weapon to guard the demon world... so as not to let the powerful gods in the void invade the demon world!

Every additional use of Tianzun's power...for the ancestral dragon, the price is very high...

"Finally the mystery is solved."

Chu Bai's eyes narrowed slightly. As long as he didn't use the Chakra Fruit Tree to forcibly absorb the world's energy and touch that guy's bottom line, that guy wouldn't take action against him directly at any cost...

Afterwards, Chu Bai conducted several more simulations to gain a deeper understanding of the situation of the dragon clan forces in the demon world...

Time passes bit by bit.

Chu Bai was awakened by the sound of the phone, and after taking a glance, he realized that it was An Xiaoya who called. When he answered the phone, he found that the other party invited him to dinner, and he did not refuse.

After the meal, Chu Bai returned to the room and lay lazily on the bed. After thinking for a long time, he did not continue the simulation, but called up the chat group and found that the group members had obviously finished watching the video he sent and were having an intense conversation at the moment. are having discussions.

"Chakra fruit tree... is it so awesome?!" Fusu said that his scalp was numb, "As long as you take it... you will reach the sky in one step! And the production of this thing is much easier than the Perfection Emperor Pill!" "It's just a hammer!" The corner of Fahai's mouth twitched. "Obviously, if you use this thing, you will become a mortal enemy of the world... Do you dare to use it in your own world? I'm afraid if you don't use it, a thunderbolt will strike it down on the spot! I will send you to reincarnation!"

"Indeed, the reason why the Seven Fairies World is usable... I feel that the state of the Seven Fairies World is very strange!" Ye Yi rubbed his chin, his eyes focused, "That world... In fact, I doubt whether the world consciousness has died. Yes! Does it all work by instinct?"

"It's not unreasonable..." Lin Cheng looked strange, "After all, all the creatures in the world have turned into ghosts... It is very reasonable for the world itself to turn into ghosts!"

[Ziweixing] Shi Fan: "... Damn it, world ghost? When you say that, I get goosebumps! I feel like I may not be able to sleep at night..."

"???" Zhang Mingyu was speechless, "Brother Shi, are you worthy of your future name as the Emperor of Heaven? You are actually afraid of ghosts..."

"...What can I do! I was scared before time travel!" Shi Fan said plausibly, "And there are no ghosts in the world of Ziwei Star. I want to see more ghosts, but I can't even increase my resistance!"

"...I really want to say that all living things in the world have died, and the world has become a ghost. It's weird to come from Lin Cheng's mouth!" Fusu's expression was subtle. If he remembered correctly, it seemed that all living creatures in Lincheng world were dead...

"The most outrageous thing is Brother Taibai." Han Feizi sighed, "The chakra fruit tree that was originally exhausted and could only create Liuhe Star-Destroying Powerhouse was suddenly changed into this by him... It's so strong, it's too him Mom is strong!"

"Indeed!" Liu Xie nodded in agreement, "This is true. Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at it in silence, and the Sage of Six Paths shed tears after seeing it!"

"But I still think that the most outrageous thing is actually...Brother Taibai worshiped Sanqing as his master, but in the end he took Sanqing away!" Li Qianqian covered her face and asked her soul, "I'm very sad I want to know how Sanqing Tianzun was feeling at that time..."

"Indeed!" Xu Yourong nodded with deep approval, "When I saw the middle part, I always felt that... Sanqing Tianzun should in turn worship Brother Taibai as his disciple! Sanqing's move is completely greedy for heaven. Oppose Tiangang!"

"Li Liyuan is so amazing... Whenever I think I see Brother Taibai's limit, Brother Taibai will give me two big slaps... and then tell me that my vision is too small after all!" Fusu sipped. Pursing his lips, "MacArthur once said: As long as you give Brother Taibai a little chance, he can make a complete comeback! He is such a terrifying man with no limit to cheating."

"Good guy, there is MacArthur here too?!" Fahai's eyelids twitched and he hit a six.

"! The worlds merge and collide!" Yang Jiao's expression alternated with sadness and joy, "Grandma, the time traveler is okay... The worlds merged and collided. This must be the first time in the group, right? This is the first time. I ran luck..."

"Shut up! You are the guy who escorted Taibai Brother Huang Liang to the late stage of Bagua in his dream!" Shi Fan complained.

"?? You still have the nerve to say this?" Yang Jiao's eyes twitched, and he felt mixed emotions in his heart. "Why don't you tell me that with the help of Brother Taibai, you were directly promoted to the emperor level through the Conferred God System..."

"..." Shi Fan was silent. He actually wanted to say that even without Brother Taibai's help, he had already reached the level of Heavenly Emperor by his own cultivation. But after thinking about it, he had to admit that Brother Taibai had given him a great deal of help. Big, let alone Yi Meng Huang Liang... Even in reality, if it weren't for Brother Taibai's life experiences, he would not have been able to obtain the support of the three major gods.

In the end, Shi Fan sighed quietly and could only say, "You are right!"

Chu Bai raised his eyebrows, a little surprised by Shi Fan's speech, but he didn't dwell too much on this aspect, and quickly changed the topic and addressed Yang Jiao, "I can spare time at any time to go to your place. Solve the problem! Oh, by the way..."

Suddenly remembering something, Chu Bai had an idea and uploaded the Sanqing Kung Fu that he had modified. Because it is just a simple exercise, no insights have been added, and it has not been modified according to the physiques of different people in different worlds... so he did not upload it to the group mall, and group members can download it freely without spending destiny points.

"You can give these skills to Taoist Master Sanqing!" Chu Bai said calmly, "With your current connections, this shouldn't be difficult."

"...Thank you very much for your help!" Yang Jiao was silent for a long time before speaking in a low voice.

"These methods are so terrifying!" Shi Fan was speechless after downloading and comprehending.

He said from the bottom of his heart, "Brother Taibai is awesome!!!"

Although Shi Fan cannot practice these kinds of techniques, the ideas and background revealed in these techniques can allow him to vaguely glimpse the depth and terror of Chu Taibai's ideological field... which is of indirect and huge help to him... ...At least, now he has been inspired to create a lot of ideas!

(End of this chapter)

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