Chapter 26 Patrol Bureau, Jin Yiwei (Compensation Chapter)

Chu Bai's whole body was numb.

He had been basically certain before that the two demon cults were responsible for his death.As a result... someone actually appeared. He had never heard of it in several Sims, the Demon God Cult? ?
No matter how you look at it, this is just a piece of trash, a little transparent...

But it just so happened that he was so bold and so damn clamoring that he wanted to bring down Da Chu's empire...

The most outrageous thing is that this Demonic Cult actually issued an order from above to not harm civilians as much as possible? ? ?

Why, you still care about the people's support?Do you still want to conquer the world? ?
"Fuck you!" Chu Bai cursed.

Why, in his first simulation, the more than 1000 people in the hospital who died with him were no longer civilians, right? !

"So, you can make an exception when it comes to me, right! Good guy, what a damn good guy." Chu Bai had a cold face. After he forcibly calmed down, he reviewed the information he had obtained again, and his eyes gradually became Sharpened.

"Holy God Envoy... no, according to Da Chu's official position, should it be called Demon God Envoy?"

"Strength comes from faith...isn't it cultivation? Is there really a demon god in this world? What is Yiyuan...matching the first grade, or..."

Chu Bai fell into deep thought for a long time. He had naturally asked the demon envoy for information before, but the six men in white coats had no clue.Or……

"They are just cannon fodder!" Chu Bai gently groped the table with his fingers.After all, the power of the six people did not come from themselves. They were once, no, to be precise, not long ago, they were ordinary people.

In fact, they themselves are doctors in the hospital. If not, how could they have the channels to occupy an emergency room exclusively in the hospital?
"Furthermore, six people, no, to be precise, as long as the power of five people are combined into one, they can summon the kind of death energy that can kill ordinary people... Your mother is even more outrageous. Are you going to kill ordinary people? Really! How can they have the nerve to say they won’t hurt ordinary people?”

Chu Bai suppressed the urge to curse, shook his head, and continued reading.

[After getting a lot of information, you feel a little worried after thinking about it again and again.You are not sure about the strength of the demon envoy, and you are not sure whether you can defeat him now...

Just when you were thinking about killing someone and silencing them, you suddenly heard a very subtle, frightening exchange of sounds coming from the door, as well as the sound of calling the police.

Your expression became strange, you made a choice, you lay on the operating bed and yawned. 】

[Three hours later, the door of the operating room was slammed open. Several armed patrolmen, armed with submachine guns in their hands, roared: Surrender without killing!


They stared dumbfoundedly at you, who lazily raised only one hand, and a pile of Aba Aba's white coats lying limply on the ground. 】

[You entered the orange again. 】

[Facing the personal interrogation and severe scolding of Li Tianfeng, the director-general of the Patrol Bureau, you lightly asked him for a big brother, dialed An Xiaoya's number, chatted for a few words, and handed it to Li Tianfeng.

Under the scolding of An Xiaoya, who had already taken up his post in Jinling, Li Tianfeng became arrogant and then respectful, with a flattering smile on his face, saying that he was willing to do whatever he could for 】【But you have no time to pay attention to Li Tianfeng at this moment, because An Xiaoya, who knew the specific situation through Li Tianfeng, now wants to go back to Zishi, catch you, and drag you back to Jinling. 】

[When she asked you why you practice, she also blamed herself very much, saying that she really believed in you!I actually really believe that you don't practice... At the same time, I feel emotional and happy, thinking that you are worthy of being that woman's brother. After a few days of martial arts popularity, you are already so terrifying!Not only was he promoted to the first level, but he was also able to kill so many masters of the same level! 】

[In this regard, you have no shame, turn your back on the guest, and ask An Xiaoya what is going on with these demon cultists!What’s going on with the Demon God Religion! 】

[An Xiaoya was evasive, but you were unyielding and kept bringing the topic back. You even directly revealed that you knew that your sister was a national master.

The moment that identity was revealed, Li Tianfeng's legs trembled, and the flattery on his face turned into awe, admiration and fear.

You even feel that Li Tianfeng is going to kneel down and call you daddy.

An Xiaoya couldn't believe it. An Xiaoya had broken her guard. You had pushed An Xiaoya into a blind corner.She will no longer be able to use those weird reasons to prevaricate you!
In the end, An Xiaoya could only break the pot and say: The demon cultists have a big grudge against your sister!At that time, the national master plowed the courts and swept holes, and traveled all over the world with martial arts. The Demon God Sect was the most targeted target, not even one of them.The Demon God Sect supports local princes and even attempts to change dynasties and become the state religion.

As the younger brother of Chu Qing, there is no room for relaxation between you and the Demon God Sect!Your current situation is extremely dangerous!
An Xiaoya even used a rare commanding tone towards you, asking you to stay at the patrol station and wait for her arrival! 】

[You refused three times very forcefully, and even said it didn't matter if you died, which made An Xiaoya break her guard again. She hung up the phone without even saying goodbye to you. 】

Chu Bai was not surprised by his other choice.

For me in the simulator, what's the use of joining An Xiaoya?

The resources provided by An Xiaoya cannot be used... and they may be targeted because of the past.

Unless he uses up all the energy of the Holy Spirit's blood in the simulator and truly reaches a dead end.Only then is it possible to go to that woman!A desperate fight.

[In the patrol station, after Li Tianfeng came to his senses, he knelt and licked him in a flattering manner without concealing it, even to the point where you were almost disgusted.

He even said that he hopes to become your lackey!You refused.

You said you wanted to go outside to relax for a while and weren't going to go home.Let Li Tianfeng book a train ticket to Wenhan!You stay one night at the patrol station and head to Wenhan tomorrow.

Li Tianfeng naturally agreed repeatedly. 】

[When you walked out of the patrol station, without any hesitation, you used the weakened version of the invisibility spell recorded in the Emperor's Art, turning your sense of existence into stone.

You are not back on patrol.

In the next few days, you walked around the train station, and you felt the same evil atmosphere as before!
You are sure that your caution is not wrong - Li Tianfeng, there is indeed a problem! 】

(End of this chapter)

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