Chapter 30 Monument to Humanity!

"...Have we finally reached this point?" Chu Bai looked confused.

Every method in the world has its limit... And Chu Bai in the simulator, relying on the Holy Spirit's vision and a flash of talent, has undoubtedly deduced the martial arts system represented by Mingyu Gong to that limit.

If you want to go further, you can only turn to other methods.But……

Chu Bai shook his head. He had originally thought about modifying the techniques from Ye Yi's world to the point where people from Zhang Mingyu's world could practice them.Then pass it directly...

But after repeated thoughts, he finally dropped it.The reason is simple, the world level does not support it!
Ye Yi's technique absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which is too terrifying. A lower world cannot withstand such plunder.This is not about upgrading the world at all, this is about killing the world...

Only the upgrade of the power system born from the world itself can make the world most suitable, complete and natural upgrade...

in other words……

Not surprisingly, this is the limit of Zhang Mingyu's world!

"Speaking of which, the peak of the Xiantian realm is benchmarked against the peak of the Qi training realm! So the benchmark for the Grandmaster realm should be Foundation Establishment? The benchmark for Shattered Void is Golden Pill?"

Chu Bai thought about it, his expression suddenly became serious, and his heart suddenly stirred up.

"Wait, so the Peak of Shattered Void is... a ninth-grade warrior??"

Chu Bai was horrified. The pinnacle of martial arts in the real world is the ninth level, and the peak of the martial arts world he performed in the other world is also the ninth level.

Is it a coincidence, or is it?

After thinking for a long time, Chu Bai continued to read.

[In No. 18, you have seen all the suffering in life, and finally you can't bear it. You have saved too many people over the years, but compared with the people in troubled times, they are still pitiful.

You think of a sentence from your previous life: "Although I have no intention of competing, I know the suffering of the people."

Spanning worlds and time, this sentence perfectly fits your state of mind at this moment.

After rescuing several more orphans and sending them to a nearby shelter, but knowing that they wouldn't last long in this troubled world... you finally made up your mind.

You wiped out the zombies in a coastal city and called on all the surviving people in China, and even the world, to come to your city if possible!

You will preserve the last piece of pure land in troubled times for mankind. 】

[In No. 19, your city’s population exceeded one million, and the world called you a god.But you didn't care, and instead spread the skills you learned!
You are called the God of War by the world. 】

[In No. 20, your city’s population exceeded 500 million, and the sprouts of martial arts were growing prosperously on this land!

You start to make tentative modifications, but in the end you sigh and discover that the exercises conflict.

If you want to practice the Holy Spirit Emperor Technique, you can only destroy all the techniques on your body!Then start from scratch, which is unacceptable to you who currently need to protect the common people. 】

[In No. 20, after using your spiritual sense to sense the situation in the surrounding cities, you discovered with great concern that the zombies actually began to evolve at a rapid rate.

You keep killing these zombies with evolutionary tendencies, but at the same time you know it’s useless!Because there are too many zombies in the world. 】

[No.20 In the second year, the population of your city exceeded [-] million. You sighed and realized that this should be the majority of the world's population.

It was also in this year that you discovered traces of the shoe cult in your city.

They kill people to sacrifice to an evil god!
You get furious and start cleaning up. 】

[No.20 In three years, three out of ten zombies you encountered have been born with wisdom, and their body shapes have gradually become normal.It has even begun to form a zombie civilization...

You have considered allowing you to build a city and have normal contact with the zombie civilization. However, the zombies only have hostility and appetite for humans.

As a last resort, you issued a killing order!Countless people who practiced martial arts, determined to continue human civilization, began a decisive battle with the zombie civilization. 】

Chu Bai's brows wrinkled tighter and tighter. He probably understood why Lincheng World was like that.

Without the arrival of this human god of war, the human civilization in that world would have been destroyed!

Moreover, if Lin Cheng hadn't turned into a zombie and still maintained his intelligence... it would have been difficult for him to survive in that world for long.after all……

Zombies and humans, the only choice is life or death!

[No. 20, you accidentally discovered a person who had come back from the dead. His name was-Lin Cheng!You were a little curious about the fellow time traveler, but you didn't have any contact with him. You just watched his growth silently from behind.

His martial arts talent and talent are very high!In one year, he has reached the middle stage of acquired cultivation. 】

[No.20 In five years, you suddenly felt the deadly aura.The danger comes from the depths of the ocean...]

[No. 20, countless zombie lives from the ocean invaded crazily!Screaming to destroy everything.

When human civilization is in danger, you once again save the building from collapse and put an end to the disaster!Saved human civilization.

But among the cheers of the whole city, you are the only one who is worried.

You stand on the top of the China Pearl Tower late at night, overlooking the ocean.

You have realized that an unprecedented monster is breeding in the ocean...but there is nothing you can do to stop him!
You cannot leave the city under your protection, and even if you go to search, you can only cover a few hundred miles of divine thoughts, and it is almost impossible to find the monster in the endless ocean. 】

[No.20, you once again solved the resurgent shoe cult, but at the same time, you keenly discovered that the shoe cult was related to the monster in the depths of the ocean.This religion is called Oceanism! 】

[No. 20, the monster you were afraid of was finally conceived.He led endless zombies and began an attack on the last city of mankind...

It was an extremely terrifying monster that looked like an ocean octopus!

You fought bloody battles with him, and the more you fought, the more terrifying he became. You discovered many of his problems.

This thing is not a zombie at all!
You finally understand that the root of zombies in this world is this monster... but he is not a native creature of this world!

In the war, the information in your mind meets him. This is exactly what you once learned from the chat group, the enemy of the world.

Through the bewitching voice in your ears, you vaguely determined that the other party was a descendant of the evil god of viruses and plagues among the enemies of the world. 】

[No. 20, you fought for a whole year instead!
A descendant of the evil god, you are immortal, but you will eventually get tired and your blood will dry up.

At the same time, the final city of humanity behind you is also fighting against the ocean zombies coming from all directions. The zombies on the road have a decisive battle, causing heavy casualties! 】

[In the year No. 30, everyone in the city died.

You are the last person alive.

Since you no longer have anyone worth protecting, maybe you can choose to leave the battlefield and go somewhere to recuperate?
But you are tired.

And even if you leave now and destroy your cultivation, it is almost impossible to practice the Holy Spirit Emperor Technique and reach beyond the golden elixir stage again while being chased by the monsters in front of you...

There is no way to go further and come back for revenge... What's the use of escaping now? 】

[No.30 For one year, you did not eat or drink, fought bloody battles, and fought against the followers of the evil god for three years. Your energy, energy, and spirit were all extinguished!

You welcomed your end with a calm expression.You stand on the top of the Pearl of China and become the last monument of mankind. 】

[You are dead, the simulation is over! 】

(End of this chapter)

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