Age of Mythology: I use simulation to become the lord of all realms

Chapter 41 The world chessboard of the Demon God Religion

Chapter 41 The world chessboard of the Demon God Religion
[On November [-]th, you weighed the demon blood and swallowed it without hesitation.

A lot of knowledge poured into your brain. Contrary to your expectations, you didn't feel your spirit was polluted this time.

You naturally master the power of hypnosis!
It's like this power does not come from the devil, but from you. 】

"Sure enough." Surprise appeared on Chu Bai's face.

[On November [-]th, you started to use your divine source to practice.The power of the devil's blood is very magical. It can naturally integrate into your body over time without any effort on your part! 】

[On January [-]rd, you reached the early stage of foundation building. At the same time, the demon blood was completely integrated with you. You have the ability to transform blood! 】

[On January [-]th, you went to the hospital and, while concealing your true appearance, used your hypnotic ability to make many demon cultists surrender themselves!

This triggered a major earthquake in Zishi! 】

[On January 25, you successfully broke through the middle of the foundation building period. 】

[On February [-], you successfully blocked Li Hai near the patrol station without having any contact with Li Tianfeng and Jin Yiwei. 】

[Key plot turning points have been detected...]

Chu Bai clicked to enter.

The next moment, he found that the surrounding environment had changed drastically.

This is a park.

In the distance, there was an old man wearing a Chinese tunic suit that had been washed until it turned white, smiling as he watched the children playing in the distance.No matter how you look at it, he is a kind old man.

Chu Bai's eyes glowed with blood, and he glanced around.Obviously he didn't do anything, but the children around him, the parents accompanying them, and the old people playing chess all got up and left inexplicably.

And during the process of getting up, they still communicated casually, as if they were not aware of their own movements.The whole process is extremely weird.

Just a few minutes later, only two people were left on the sunny lawn of the park.

Li Hai did not leave. He stared at Chu Bai in surprise. After thinking for a moment, he cupped his hands and said, "Holy Cult, second-level divine envoy! Codenamed Feitian Legs. May I ask, sir, which divine envoy from which diocese?" "

Chu Bai had no expression on his face, walked slowly to Li Hai, and raised his hand abruptly. The unimaginable energy surged in his body and was released at this moment.

Li Hai never expected that the colleague in front of him would do such a thing, and it was too late to resist.He looked panicked and even wanted to forcefully transform blood, but Chu Bai also had the power to transform blood.

"Bastard! Damn bastard!" Li Hai was tied up tightly and thrown to the ground. His face showed fear, his eyes flickered, and he glanced around, obviously thinking about how to escape. At the same time, he shouted, "Holy Cult" Colleagues, please don’t kill each other! By acting like this, aren’t you afraid of being chased by the superior angels?”

"If those two Sancai adults from Tongnan City take action! You have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth... If you let me go now, I can still pretend that this has never happened!"

What binds Li Hai is the only taboo weapon that Chu Bai has smelted in this life simulation, the spiritual rope.After all, in the last life simulation, this rope played a certain role.

"You know what you have done to betray the Holy Religion!" Chu Bai lied verbally, while his eyes were slightly narrowed with blood. He wanted to see if he could hypnotize Li Hai.

"Impossible!" Li Hai looked panicked for a moment. As a demon cultist, how could he not be careful and do something that goes against his superiors?
But the next moment, he felt a stabbing pain in his brain and his pupils contracted.

"Are you hypnotizing me? No." Li Hai finally noticed the contradiction in Chu Bai's behavior before and after, and said in disbelief, "You don't know anything at all! Who are you? Impossible, except for people from the Holy Religion , how could someone control the blood power of Lord Holy God... you! What are you..." The hypnosis failed, and Chu Bai was not disappointed. He had been mentally prepared for a long time, and he even prepared a No. [-] registration.

He raised his hand, and it was a youth version of the soul-searching hand.

Li Hai's body stiffened and his spirit was greatly traumatized, but he obviously managed to hold it together... Then Chu Bai continued to use hypnosis.

With the two-pronged approach, Li Hai was no longer able to resist!
Chu Bai used the power of his spiritual mind to sense the surroundings and ensured that no one was peeping around. He sat cross-legged on the ground and asked Li Hai questions, "First of all, let me introduce the two adults in Tongnan City! And the specific situation of the Demon God's blood. .”

Although he obtained Li Hai's spiritual fragment last time, the information contained in it was too fragmented.

For example, Chu Bai didn't collect much information about the Demon God Sect last time.

"Tongnan City, I don't know what the purpose of those two adults... was! They ordered me to kill as many martial arts students as possible. Finally, they tried their best to frame the killing of martial arts students on Li Tianfeng. The local Jin Yiwei! The local patrol bureau..."

Chu Bai's heart stirred up, and he suddenly realized that if such a scandal really broke out.No, if it’s not just Zishi, but the entire Tongnan, and even all over Dachu, there are scattered news about Jin Yiwei patrolling and killing martial arts students...

As long as public opinion is slightly manipulated, it is easy for ordinary students to feel fear of martial arts students and become unwilling to transfer.

"Think about it this way, in my life as a technology boss! It seems that there are indeed rumors that the official promotion of martial arts is actually that young students who practice martial arts can smelt powerful medicines."

Chu Bai rubbed his temples.He couldn't remember clearly. After all, in his life as a technology tycoon, he was an ordinary person. It was already remarkable to have a vague impression of information from decades ago...

Moreover, the rumors did not break out this year at all, but spread widely a few years later. By then, he had already become a disciple of the academician... Therefore, he did not respond to this matter before.

"So, the Demon God Sect wants to use this to hinder the spread of martial arts as much as possible?" Chu Bai had a guess.

"I don't know much about the holy religion and power. I'm just a low-level person..."

"?" Chu Bai's eyelids twitched. The Liangyi Demon God Envoy, who is comparable to the fourth or even fifth grade, is he at the bottom?

This Nima...

If so, what level of beings are those two in Tongnan City considered to be in the Demon God Sect?Medium level?
And what Sancai said.Is it comparable to seventh-grade, eighth-grade, or even...

Chu Bai's eyes were fixed, and he asked a few more questions.

The more he asked, the more frightened he became.Many official figures in Zishi and rich people among the people were all given psychological hints by Li Hai.

Strictly speaking, Li Hai can even be said to be the uncrowned king of purple stone.

"If a purple stone is like this, what will happen to the whole world?" Cold sweat broke out on Chu Bai's forehead. He realized that he had greatly underestimated the strength of the Demon God Sect.

This is the case now in the trough period. The Demon God Sect in its peak period... is simply unimaginable!
No wonder An Xiaoya evaluated him as one of the princes who had the best chance to win the world ten years ago.

"How on earth did sister get rid of this thing that can be called a bug to a mortal?" Chu Bai said that he couldn't understand.

Suddenly thinking of something, Chu Bai turned his head and stared at the old man in front of him, and said cautiously, "Is there anyone or force in this world who wears white clothes and specializes in hunting down demon envoys?"

(End of this chapter)

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