Age of Mythology: I use simulation to become the lord of all realms

Chapter 5 Chu Bai: Bitter 1 Bitter Ye Yi, Infamy

Chapter 5 Chu Bai: Kuyiku Ye Yi, infamous...

Chu Bai took a breath of cold air and felt his scalp numb.I even subconsciously feel that the life simulator is playing with myself?
More than 500 people died suddenly at one time?This... this is impossible, right?

Ever since the Imperial Guard came to power ten years ago, pacified the eighteen princes, and reunited the world divided by warlords, cities have not been massacred at every turn... and mass casualties have occurred at every turn.

In this era of gradual peace, even without the Internet, such a huge casualty at one time would be a earth-shattering event!It's impossible to hide it... huh?

Chu Bai frowned suddenly, and suddenly thought of the newspapers he had seen in the past, and the gossip he heard from his classmates when he was in school.

"Plague?" Chu Bai's eyes were deep. Throughout his life, he had heard from time to time that a plague broke out somewhere, causing a large number of casualties.

However, this kind of news usually only appeared in the corners of newspapers, and was rumored among the people. In addition, the number of casualties was basically not exposed, and the troubled times had just been calmed down, so he never paid attention to it in the past.

Come to think of it now.

"This world is much more dangerous than I thought..."

With a dinging sound, a simulated summary appeared on the white jade book.

【You will gain nothing in this life!Do you want to import this simulation memory for free?Warning: If the imported memory is too large, your personality may change slightly. 】

Chu Bai: "?"

Just practice for a few minutes and lie on the hospital bed for the rest. What the hell is this called having a huge memory? ?
The corners of Chu Bai's eyes twitched. He had enough reason to suspect that the simulator was mocking him!

"But it's free to import." Chu Bai rubbed his chin, which is a good benefit.

As for the memory being too large, causing personality changes... this doesn't seem to be a problem.It's as if the person he is now and the person he was when he was born are two different people in terms of worldview and values, but he doesn't feel that he is not the same person in the two time periods.

"As expected, Black Mist has extraordinary power. It kills so many people at once. The level of this extraordinary power seems to be quite high... Also, is there something wrong with Miss An?"

Chu Bai thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong... He made a phone call, and the enemy arrived in 3 minutes.Could this be a coincidence?

Chu Bai actually also thought about whether it was because of his own cultivation and absorption of spiritual energy that caused trouble.However, he absorbed spiritual energy and lay down at home for three hours, but he didn't see any enemies coming to his door.but……

"Oh, it's useless!" With a long sigh, Chu Bai closed the life simulator, not planning to do it again in a short time.Then……

"Huh?!" Chu Bai looked at the life simulator with a strange expression, which was still refreshing.

Several CG pictures were printed on it.

They are: [Seriously injured and dying] [Dark fog in the hospital]

After thinking for a while, Chu Bai waited silently for two hours, then opened the chat group of all realms, manually shot CG pictures, sent the group direct Aite [Great Wilderness] Ye Yi, and started outputting frantically.

Take the family tree as the radius!Use mom as an adjective!Get full coverage!
[Great Wilderness] Ye Yi: "???"

[Myth] Fahai: "What a good guy...he went straight to the hospital! Awesome."

[Xian Qin] Fusu: "I can't understand, but I'm shocked! What happened to you... This doesn't look like a ghost, it's weird. I feel like you were hit by a dump truck."

[Urban] Chu Taibai: "Tmd! This is obviously... practicing the Emperor's Art. Something happened! Otherwise, I will curse people casually? I haven't found any of the [-] star points above."

[Great Wilderness] Ye Yi: "Huh?! Damn it, damn, I almost forgot. It's not physical time travel! People in our different worlds have different bodies... numb." [Great Wilderness] Ye Yi: "Brother, I Wrong! Brother, don’t force me to kneel down and beg you not to die... Damn, damn, I found it, I found it... Send me a red envelope!"

Chu Bai looked suspicious, no, just send a bomb or other dangerous items directly from the opposite side, right?Chu Bai always speculates on others with the worst possible malice.

Then, the next moment the question arose, the answer naturally appeared in my mind!

The various chat groups will independently filter dangerous items in red envelopes.It is guaranteed that no harm will be caused to both parties who send and receive red envelopes.

"Quite humane!" Chu Bai muttered, and then chose to accept it.He still believed in the chat group...or rather, if he didn't believe it, there was nothing he could believe.

[Great Wilderness] Ye Yi: "Touched! Thank you brother for being so severely injured... and trusting me so much. What I give you is the third-grade Phoenix Blood Pill, which can cure the pain of a monk's broken arm. For a mortal... basically It can cure any disease in the body, and by the way, it can also extend your life by ten years.”

[Great Wilderness] Ye Yi: "Well, although I do bad things with good intentions! But I own the fault, and I owe you a favor!"

Ye Yi behaved very humbly.On the one hand, it's because he was educated in his previous life, and he has to make up for his mistakes!On the other hand, I am also afraid that if I don't make up for it, I will lose my reputation in the group.

Chat groups from all realms, the devil knows how deep the water behind them is.If others think that he is deliberately trying to deceive others and deliberately exclude him in the future... Damn, thank you!After all, the skills were not given to Chu Bai alone, but to all members.

Moreover, maybe the group owners and administrators who are suspected of being big bosses will also see the exchange.By that time, he will no longer be the most numb, only more numb.

Suddenly reacting, Ye Yi quickly deleted the exercises he uploaded to the group file.Silently wiping away the cold sweat!
"What a wealthy man." Chu Bai looked at the jade bottle in his hand.The body of the bottle is carved from a huge piece of pure and flawless jade. He feels that it is a bit like the imperial glass species from the previous life... Of course, it is just a feeling, and he does not study this.

However, if it is true...

"It's a pity that jade doesn't seem to be speculated in this world." Chu Bai looked full of regret. Of course, if this is really an imperial glass, it can be sold for money, but it is definitely not as outrageous as the one sold in the previous life. This is really that kind of jade, let alone In the previous life, it was probably sold for tens of millions... right?But in this world, it would be nice to find a buyer.

Opening the bottle cap, Chu Bai smelled a smell like the sun and felt refreshed.He looked at it again, looking a little stunned.


According to Ye Yi, one can cure all diseases of a mortal and extend his life by ten years.The monk was asked to regenerate his severed limbs, but eight of them were given away... and the rest were made as an apology?

"The royal family is the royal family... Why don't I be reincarnated into the royal family?" Chu Bai sighed. He really wanted to experience this. Drink a glass of soy milk and pour it... Ahem, take pills one by one and throw them away. Life.

Then, Chu Bai plugged the bottle cap and carefully placed it in his inner bag.In the group, Aite Ye Yi sent a thank you...and then nothing happened.

He didn't tell Ye Yi whether he had recovered from his injuries or what the situation was.

Just kidding, he doesn't eat do you know the symptoms of eating!Wouldn’t it be possible to get tricked out of someone just by saying a few words in a group?

Anyway, in the eyes of others in the group, he was seriously injured. After scolding people, even if he was cured, he was low in energy and too lazy to speak in the group. That was normal and logical.

The only person who might be worried is Ye Yi. Chu Bai thought about it and said regretfully that it would only be a bitter experience for Brother Ye... Anyway, Brother Ye would have to bear the name...

 Before it was put on the shelves, two sticks a day.

  After it is put on the shelves, it will start at [-] words a day!

  If not, you will cut off my head and use it as a chamber pot!

  ——Li Yunyu
(End of this chapter)

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