Age of Mythology: I use simulation to become the lord of all realms

Chapter 58: In the spotlight of the whole world, the sainthood of various families is gathered toget

Chapter 58: In the spotlight of the whole world, the sainthood of hundreds of schools of thought is gathered together! (Additional updates for further reading)

[On December [-], with you secretly using hypnosis to fuel the flames, many media outlets in Zishi County broadcast stories about you on TV.

Moreover, perhaps because the real imperial figures are paying attention to Zishi County, after realizing that you wanted to be high-profile, the national media and Qingbei University sent reporters and professors from various disciplines to evaluate you.

Full marks!All are perfect scores!
And after you easily solved three of the top ten mathematics problems in front of the professors in Qingbei, the professors in the Department of Mathematics in Qingbei almost went crazy!

He thinks you are no longer a problem for the country’s top pick!You are a rare person in a thousand years, the uncrowned king of mathematics!
In particular, the talent you have shown is not just in mathematics.In the fields of physics, electronic information and other fields, his attainments are also unfathomable...

A bunch of Qingbei professors have sent you invitations, hoping that you will join them and make many promises to this end.In order to snatch you as a student, they even got into a fight in an extremely disgraceful way and were filmed by the national media!
With the help of national media, and the fact that professors from the northern Qing Dynasty fought on the spot to recruit disciples, it was so dramatic... Your name instantly resounded throughout the land of China.

After you solved many world problems and published them in world-class academic papers, even the academic circles of Qi State, the Roman Federation, and many other smaller countries across the sea were shocked, and the news even spread from the academic circles to the people.

Suddenly, the whole world is praising your name!
All the top ten universities in the world have sent you invitations to enroll.You can choose from all the famous universities in the world, and they have promised you extremely favorable conditions!

You have become the focus of the world!

You are even praised by the world as a super genius comparable to Ayton. 】

"..." Chu Bai's eyes were a little straight.Ayton, a super wizard who appeared in Qi 100 years ago, is roughly comparable to Einstein and Newton in his previous life.

But he is dead now!

"But what about the operations of the simulator brother! Wait... can you tell me!" Chu Bai's expression changed uncertainly.After all, they were the same person, and he had already vaguely realized that his good brother was about to perform a shocking trick.

[On December 31st, the day before the country was about to announce the ninth level of martial arts, you happily agreed to the national media’s live interview request!

Under the live broadcast of the national media from Wenhan, you narrated with a serious look: After you continued to delve into ancient doctrines and solved the world's problems one after another, you felt that you resonated with the world and gained power beyond the ordinary.

The media reporters were confused and even thought you were crazy.

This is a national live broadcast!How can you allow the interviewee to be nagging?
Just when the live broadcast reviewers were thinking about whether they should cut off the media on the spot...

In the official live broadcast for all people in China, and even many overseas people, you gently recited Li Bai's "Xia Ke Xing" in the previous life.

When the Confucianism in your body is pulled, a real and true shadow of a knight is condensed above your head, showing a terrifying and cruel murderous aura...

The reporter was stunned!
The reviewers behind the scenes were dumbfounded.

The audience watching the live broadcast were all silent.

The next moment, there was an uproar! 】

[On January [-]st, due to the will of an unspeakable figure in the empire, the picture of you showing strength has not been harmonized!
As a result, the news spread throughout China and even most of the world at an extremely terrifying speed.

Countless people, in every corner of the world, discuss the extraordinary power you have displayed.

In fact, a large number of rich people and celebrities with unimaginable wealth came to Zishi County, a remote county, by car, rushed to your door, prepared generous gifts, and hoped that you could accept them as your disciples!impart extraordinary knowledge.

To your surprise, on this day, the Ministry of Rites did not announce any information on martial arts training. ] "It seems that the Ministry of Rites was stunned by our good brother." Chu Bai couldn't laugh or cry.He understood the situation completely.

Obviously, the other self wants to create hundreds of schools of thought in the main world... Based on his experience in the world of Confucianism and Taoism, it is impossible to be low-key in creating hundreds of schools of thought.

One of the necessary conditions for the cohesion of the holy throne is to become a prominent school... Although the requirements for condensing the prototype of the holy throne are not so outrageous, it at least requires you to show that the school you founded has the potential to become a prominent school.

For example, novelists and thieves from the world of Confucianism and Taoism... Although they have also summarized specific theories, it is obvious that they cannot be on the stage and cannot become mainstream.Therefore, it is impossible to condense the holy position!
Therefore, it must be high-profile!Only by being high-profile and attracting the attention of the whole world can you continue to advance your layout.

"However, the risk is very high." Chu Bai sighed, hoping that the emperor's forged identity would be really powerful and there would be no flaws.

[On January [-], you once again accepted the official media’s live broadcast invitation. The number of viewers of this live broadcast has exceeded [-] million worldwide from the very beginning!
You talked freely about the various schools of thought during the Warring States Period, and by the way showed the methods of Taoism, Legalism, Confucianism, Mohism, and military strategists, which attracted constant exclamations.

And you publicly stated that you have reached a cooperation with the National Publishing House and will officially sell the classic secret books of the five companies in the near future. You seriously stated that as long as you read through any of the five secret books, you can touch the extraordinary power. .

When the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar and went crazy.Everyone who heard the news bought the five secrets at all costs.

Except for the Legalist secret books, the other four are directly plagiarized. The saints you traveled through are the foundations of sainthood in the world of Confucianism and Taoism!
If you stand on the shoulders of giants, there is no reason to fail. 】

[On January [-]rd, in another live broadcast, you gathered the prototypes of the four holy families in full view of the public.

Heaven and earth send down terrible merits. Your tongue blooms with lotus flowers, your feet step on golden lotuses. You are divine and transcendent, and your purple energy hovers for thirty thousand miles!
The terrifying purple energy is enough for the people of China, and even most of the world, to witness it with their own eyes!

This makes those who doubt whether you are doing some magic or deceiving the world speechless.

With the help of merit, you directly broke through to the pinnacle of the Jinshi realm, which is comparable to the three talents!And there is still surging merit flowing in your body.

You have no doubt that if you digest all these merits and become a Hanlin, it will be easy...even the realm of Confucianism is not unreachable.

You have even thought that as long as you are given five years, you may be able to become a saint from the five families! 】

"...It's too strong, it's really too strong." Chu Bai murmured, and then he frowned, "But, sure enough, opening a new path and gaining God's blessing! Obtaining merit...absorbing these merits will not Cursed by God?"

[You returned to the five-star hotel where you were temporarily staying, sitting cross-legged, wondering if you could break through the golden elixir with the blessing of heaven?
However, you still sense a fatal sense of crisis!
The most outrageous thing is that even if you step back and no longer want to break through, but want to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice, you still feel a sense of fatal crisis.

You raised your head and resisted the urge to curse God! 】

Chu Bai was speechless.The world consciousness of the main world belongs to the dog, right? !

There is no doubt that the laws of the Confucian and Taoist world that he brought with his holy throne are beneficial to the world will of the main world. It is not clear whether it is more or less... but it must be there.

There is no merit and there will be no merit!
Good guy, you have given me merit, so it’s no problem to smoke it.But you can’t inhale the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, right?

What is given to you is yours. If it is not given to you, you cannot take it away? !
"Who conscious!" Chu Bai cursed in his heart and continued to stare at Bai Yushu.

(End of this chapter)

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