Age of Mythology: I use simulation to become the lord of all realms

Chapter 72: The great man is Zhongliang, the great man’s last conscience Dong Zhuo!

Chapter 72: The great man is loyal, the great man’s last conscience—Dong Zhuo!
"You, you, you..." Cai Yong was extremely shocked. He suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes.

He, and even the whole world, had always thought that the prince in front of him was an ordinary person who had never practiced cultivation.

As a result, this powerful rain of arrows that could kill the world's top military generals, the man in front of him didn't even move, and easily made them lose their lethality.

No, the person in front of me can not only protect himself, but also protect him and his daughter. This method...

Cai Yong didn't dare to think any more.The Huangfu Song and Lu Zhi he was familiar with might be able to do this kind of thing, but it was absolutely impossible to do it so easily... This was simply unbelievable.

"Old Caitou, I'll come as soon as I go." Chu Bai smiled and nodded to Cai Yong.

[Qian went to the outside of the mansion and saw the elite Han soldiers.

When the person on the other side saw you, he obviously felt the pressure and began to do his best to prepare for the second wave of arrows.

You march directly to the military formation and start killing.Halfway through the kill, you suddenly thought of something. After a moment of hesitation, you mixed the zombie virus into your attack.

Nearly a hundred warriors from the Han Dynasty turned into your zombie army in a matter of seconds.Their faces were ferocious, and their bodies were dripping with blood, like evil ghosts crawling out of hell.

After testing, you breathed a sigh of relief and confirmed that the zombie virus on these warriors would not spread even if you issued a ban! 】

"?" Chu Bai's eyes went straight. Damn it, can't he only control zombies?Damn it, can you control the released virus?This is no longer a question of being a dick or not.How is this done?Does the virus have intelligence? !

"Green level, so scary!"

[You enlightened the wisdom of the zombies in front of you, and their bodies gradually returned to normal.

You led them into the general's mansion.

That day, the imperial city was stained with blood, and all the guards loyal to General He were turned into zombies by you!The number of intelligent zombies under your command has exceeded a thousand.

You personally took action, broke General He's limbs, and forcibly injected the virus into him.But you are surprised to find that a strong person in Liangyi can actually fight against viral infection.

You waited for half the night and found that General He still refused to give in. In the end, you could only frown and kill him.

You led the army and entered the palace! 】

[When the sun rises slowly the next day, you become the new emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty. 】

"You can't actually use it against high-level experts?" Chu Bai took a deep breath. Most of his previous plans fell apart.

After thinking carefully, a wry smile appeared on Chu Bai's face, "It seems so. The zombie virus, especially when it can be controlled... is simply an enhanced version of the undead natural disaster! After all, this thing can also enlighten wisdom."

"If there are no restrictions, any strong person of any level can be infected...then this thing shouldn't be green level at all, but should be purple level, or even gold level!"

Moreover, in the general zombie world, many people will survive after the virus breaks out.Those people are just ordinary people... The physiques of cultivators are much higher than ordinary people and cannot be infected, which is indeed quite reasonable.

[When Cai Yong went to court on the second day, he was completely stunned.You can come and go as you please. Do you want to be an emperor in love?Although he knew that this world was magical, he still couldn't accept it being so magical!

You enter the prison and transform a large number of ordinary prisoners who have committed capital crimes into intelligent zombies.

A thousand-person Guard zombie army and hundreds of prisoners... After turning into intelligent zombies, they will bring you a large number of zombies' own superpowers and talents from the Three Kingdoms.

You gain 78 superpowers and 230 seven talents.Although most of the talents and superpowers are unremarkable.

You gave many orders.With the help of intelligent zombies and many strong men loyal to the royal family stationed in Luoyang, the world has begun a vigorous transformation!
You forcefully collect and register the talent information of all practitioners.And all practitioners were forced to be included in the officialdom, and instructions were given to them with the emperor's orders!

You use the talents of various cultivators as a combination to forcibly increase the productivity of the Eastern Han Empire!
At the same time, you equip an army of intelligent zombies with the most advanced weapons to start a massacre against cultivators and local bigwigs who disobey management.

You have distributed a large amount of resources to the people at the bottom through intelligent zombies as supervision!

In terms of coordination, you are now fully displaying your talent for good weather, so that the climate in the core territory of the Han Dynasty becomes mild, and there will no longer be widespread famine caused by climate problems——

You restored some vitality to a world that had almost completely collapsed after the Yellow Turban Uprising. 】

[Countless literati and bureaucrats regard you as an executioner and a tyrant no less inferior to Qin Shihuang!All the many literary names you have established have been forgotten by them.

Cai Yong went to the palace more than once to persuade him that your actions might cause the whole world to rebel!
You scoffed at this.You firmly believe that the weak landlord class will only surrender in the end under your powerful butcher knife! 】

[In the ninth year, with the support of the royal family’s abundant resources, your cultivation has broken through the middle stage of the third talent!
You boldly used Cao Cao, Liu Bei and other emerging talents who are regarded by the world as stupid and grassroots.

At the same time, because of a large number of local powerful people, they were forced into the capital and were infected by you as new intelligent zombies!The manpower you can trust and use is becoming more and more abundant.

You started to transform the world even more crazily! 】

[In the tenth year, after hard training, you reached the peak of the three talents.

You heard that Dong Zhuo from Xiliang came from the west with his cavalry, under the name of upholding the legacy of the late Emperor Liu Bian and driving out the foolish king!

For a time, the world was full of food and scenery.

Countless literati wrote articles and poems praising Dong Zhuo of Xiliang.Call him the last loyal minister and the last conscience of the Han Dynasty!

On Dong Zhuo's eastward expedition, countless cities descended upon hearing the news.

He reached the outside of Luoyang City with overwhelming force...]

Chu Bai: "..."

Chu Bai's eyes straightened, "Good guy, Dong Zhuo has become a great man and a loyal man!"
However, Chu Bai was not too surprised, although he did do countless things that benefited the people at the lowest level.But to put it bluntly, the people at the bottom of the Han Dynasty received very little education...

The cultivators of the Han Dynasty, the top strong men, the great Confucian scholars and literary giants, the group of people who truly controlled the power of a country... all were offended by Chu Bai!
Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that a large number of cities are losing their jobs if they win.

However, with intelligent zombies as the basic base, as long as Chu Bai defeats all resisters, the success of the reform is almost inevitable.

[You personally took action and killed Dong Zhuo on the spot, and then you realized something was wrong.

At the moment of death, Dong Zhuo's body turned into terrifying black mud!The black mud spread unbridled. After being soaked in the black mud, the warriors of the Xiliang army all improved in strength and became crazy mentally.

Lu Bu, the adopted son of Dong Zhuo, was soaked in black mud, and his body strength increased at an extremely terrifying speed!

You sense a sense of crisis and engage with it.

Lu Bu broke through the four elephants in the battle. 】

[You are dead, the simulation ends. 】

(End of this chapter)

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