Age of Mythology: I use simulation to become the lord of all realms

Chapter 80 The attention and curiosity of the virus evil god

Chapter 80 The attention and curiosity of the virus evil god

Chu Bai's figure turned into blood, and the divine energy in his body surged at an incredible speed.After a few breaths, we arrived at Su City next door.

"According to what Lin Cheng said in the chat group, this place should be the lair of the zombie king who attacked him?" Chu Bai threw down the three zombie kings.

"Go and spread the virus on your body to as many surroundings as possible..."

The zombie kings nodded seriously and then dispersed.

Chu Bai observed seriously and kept testing, "Sure enough, the new zombies infected by these zombie kings are also under my jurisdiction. In this case..."

Chu Bai looked confused. He was thinking, should he simply turn all the zombies in this world into zombies under his command?

It's not that he has any expectations for the combat effectiveness of these zombies... but that Chu Bai feels that he can gain a lot of destiny points by doing this.

"Well, it's worth a try!" Chu Bai rolled up a few more powerful zombies and jumped into the air.He dropped new zombies over a densely populated zombie city.

It took a whole night of work.

On the second day, as the sun slowly rose, Chu Bai looked at his increasing destiny points and fell into deep thought for a long time.

"It's already five hundred points, and basically every minute it goes up by a few points..."

Chu Bai made some calculations in his mind and finally decided that if he stayed in this world for a few days, at the current rate, he might be able to gain [-] destiny points.

"Many times, I always have the illusion that destiny points are actually not difficult to earn." Chu Bai was filled with emotion and bought three pieces of talisman jade with great enthusiasm.After pondering for a while, he refined them and integrated them into his own divine sea.

In this case, if you want to use it in the future, you can trigger it with a thought.

"The remaining destiny points... let's simulate it once!" Chu Bai patted his cheek. Although judging from the world rating, it should be [-]% sure, but he must be careful to sail the ten thousand year ship.

Chu Bai used the destiny points obtained from the biochemical world to start a talentless simulation.

[On the first day, the new zombies you released across Asia are constantly infecting the old zombies. 】

[On the second day, you received news from Fa Hai that dense zombie monsters appeared on the ocean, and these monsters swarmed toward them like crazy!Not afraid of his own death. 】

"...Have you been discovered by the followers of the evil god?" Chu Bai's thoughts flickered in his mind. Through the simulation of the previous life in Shattered Void, he knew that this world had unabashed malice towards real living humans.

[With Fa Hai showing off his might, the enemy was defeated!
But you know in your heart that they are in great danger if they are discovered by the evil god's followers!After all, Fahai's current evaluation is only in the middle of the third level.

You immediately chose to return to the Magic City! 】

[On the third day, you tried to teach Confucianism and Taoism knowledge to the intelligent zombies you infected and domesticated, as well as the intelligent zombies under Lin Cheng.

You are shocked to find that the Confucianism gifted to you by heaven and earth can reach the level of Liangyi! 】

"Hiss!" Chu Bai took a breath of cold air. Damn, is this really possible? ?

God knows, Chu Bai just tried it casually.

"However, barely Liangyi." Chu Bai fell into deep thought. In the world of Confucianism and Taoism, the merits sent from heaven directly lead to the peak of Liangyi... while in the main world, it is the peak of the three talents... Therefore, worlds of different levels are very important for the creation of Confucianism and Taoism. Are the rewards given...also different?
[On the fourth day, you break through the early stage of the Golden Elixir!You have ushered in a terrifying thunder disaster in this world.Your body has become more powerful and terrifying due to the tempering of the thunder tribulation! 】

"It's good to have a successful breakthrough." Chu Bai breathed a sigh of relief, with joy on his face.

[On the fifth day, the zombies emerging from the ocean became more and more terrifying!
There are even some huge zombie monsters whose strength is comparable to the three talents.It just lacks in speed!

You didn't kill them, you used the zombie virus to infect them!Turn the enemy into your own subordinate.

You followed their guidance, dived into the sea, and found the terrifying descendants of the evil god.Your old enemy!
You start a fight with it!
Your terrifying virus, as you continue to open new wounds on the bodies of the Evil God's dependents, pours into the bodies of the Evil God's dependents.

The Evil God's Familiar went crazy, and the Evil God's Familiar roared, as if He had received some kind of terrifying provocation!

You take your time, and the rhythm of the entire battle is completely under your control.

And you are well prepared to break through the realm of the Four Elephant Martial Spirits and solve it if something unexpected happens midway! 】

[On the sixth day, the number of viruses you injected into the bodies of the Evil God’s followers reached a quantitative level!

After the evil god's retinue howled miserably, he actually stopped attacking you. His eyes looked at you, switching back and forth between piety and ferocious hatred.

You beat him unilaterally for another ten hours, and finally, the Evil God's family completely surrendered to you.

However, when you stepped forward to see the condition of the Evil God's Familiar, the strange magic pattern on his forehead that looked like a tentacle actually came to life.

Illusory tentacles poked out from the magic lines, and there was an illusory eye at the beginning of each tentacle!Eyes on you.

He is curious about what is similar to Him in you, but has stronger power than what He gave to the followers of the evil god.

You look into the eyes of the tentacles, you feel a tingling sensation in your brain, you feel fear, you are crazy! 】

[You are dead, the simulation is over! 】

Chu Bai: "???"

What Gou Ba?Those magic patterns...couldn't they be symbolizing the evil god behind the evil god's family, right?Can that evil god extend his tentacles into this world? ?Then this is still a hammer! !
Chu Bai's scalp was numb, and he was even thinking about it. Otherwise, he would first infect all the zombies in this world into his subordinates, gain [-] destiny points, and teach Confucianism and Taoism in this world at the early stage of breaking through the golden elixir. Then just moisten it quickly...

"No!" Chu Bai forced himself to calm down, sorted out the known information, and immediately discovered the subtlety, "If the evil god really values ​​the evil god's family, it is absolutely impossible to throw him into this world... After all, everything in this world All living things have been infected and turned into zombies.”

How could the boss leave his favorite subordinate unused?And just throw it away for decades, or even longer?
Furthermore, whether it was Shattered Void I or this simulation... when the Evil God's followers were beaten to death, the Evil God did not bubble up...

"Approximate power? Higher level?" Chu Bai re-read the simulation, and finally stared at the description in the white jade book, keenly aware of a possibility, "No way? If this is really the case, it would be too unlucky. Already..."

After repeated thinking, Chu Bai made up his mind and started the second simulation.The only difference between this simulation and the previous simulation is that no virus was used on the Evil God's followers, only simple attacks and seals.

Seeing the simulator being kicked out of the world at the end, Chu Bai let out a breath, "It seems that as long as he doesn't use his green talent to attract the evil god's attention, he won't die."

(End of this chapter)

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