My Liver Experience in the World of Cthulhu.

Chapter 19 You are nakedly jealous

Chapter 19 You are nakedly jealous

Crown opened the door and walked in. There was a light on here and the light was better.

He saw several mules and horses in the yard eating feed quietly in the stables. The carriages were in a circle and covered with some rags.

A tall man walked towards him. He was wrapped in a shabby coat, a black felt hat and a thick beard.

"What are you doing?" asked the big-mouthed, round-faced man, "We have taken over the backyard."

"Do business, buy something, sell something."

"Why don't you come during the day? Why are you running around in the cold at night?" the man muttered, pointing to the room with the light on: "Our people are all there, go alone, and don't get close to our carriage. If we see Your hands and feet are not clean, huh?"

Not paying attention to the strong man's tone, Crown walked to the room casually.

It was very lively inside, with words he didn't understand and bursts of laughter coming from the place.

He opened the curtain and walked straight into the house.

The sound in the room suddenly became quieter, and the eyes of the 30 people in the room turned to him.

He was slightly uncomfortable being stared at by such a person, but Croun quickly calmed down: "I want to discuss a big deal with you, and buy a pocket watch by the way."

"How big is a big business?"

An old Gisai man spoke. His hair was gray, and his face was etched with years of wind and frost.

"Ahem", the little girl held in the man's hand coughed heavily several times and buried her head listlessly in the man's arms.

The man's Farouk language was mixed with a thick and weird accent, but Crown, who has a third-level language ability, could understand it completely.

"I am a herbalist and I have made some very practical potions."

"Wait a minute, what do you mean? Herbalist?"

The man interrupted him and spoke a few words in an unfamiliar language to the people around him, causing everyone in the room to burst into laughter.

After a while, the old man stopped smiling and said in broken Farouk: "Young man, you are doing herbal medicine business with the Gysai people. Don't you know that we are also experts in herbal medicine? You'd better say what you want. Buy a pocket watch of any price."

"Experts, why can't I tell that you are experts! If your herbal medicine is really good, you can't cure a little girl's cough? I see her face is pale, she must also have a fever."

The old man narrowed his eyes and looked at the person in front of him again.

Handsome and handsome, with a touch of confidence on his face, his slightly aquiline nose destroyed the very harmonious beauty.

"What, you can cure it? Could it be that the holy water from the church was taken out and pretended to be a medicine made by you?"

Croun put down his medicine box, took out a Bupleurum medicine, and handed it to the old man: "Try this. It will take a day or two to get rid of the cough, but it can reduce the fever once. You can drink this medicine three times." , shake before drinking and serve with hot water."

The old man took the potion doubtfully, opened the stopper, smelled it, poured some more on his finger, and licked it.

The bitterness of the potion made the old man frown slightly. He tasted it carefully and picked up the bowl on the table in front of him.

He poured some hot water and poured one-third of the potion into it.

After a while, the old man tested the water temperature and gave the medicine to the little girl in his arms.

Five minutes later, a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on the little girl's forehead.

After another five minutes, the little girl was sweating profusely, and her hair was wet with sweat.Five minutes later, the little girl lay quietly in the old man's arms, snoring softly, breathing evenly, and her occasional coughing was much quieter.

Seeing this change, the people in the room started talking a lot, and looked at Croun with a hint of respect in their eyes.

The old man handed the child in his arms to a young woman beside him and stood up. He walked over and opened his arms to hug the young man. He enthusiastically brought him a chair: "My name is Lemansky, as the old saying goes, 'child of the wind.' , at what price are you going to sell this potion, and do you have any other potions?"

"Claudine Moya, I have also prepared another potion and ointment. This pink one is used to enhance a man's hardness and extend his fighting time. This ointment is used to treat bruises."

"The medicine that was used to treat fever and cough just now is called Bupleurum medicine. It costs 5 silver coins a tube. This pink medicine costs 20 silver coins a tube. The ointment costs 8 silver coins a jar."

Crown took out all the samples he had prepared and handed them to Lemansky.

The old man took the pink potion and pushed the ointment back: "We also make ointments for fall injuries. I need to verify the effect of this potion."

"Of course. I'll leave two here for free and take one at a time. I'll come back tomorrow. After you test the effect, we can discuss the details of the deal."

Crown is very confident in his medicine, and experiments on stallions have proven that this stuff works great!
The old man nodded: "Okay, how much do you have in stock of these two potions?"

"500 Bupleurum elixirs and 80 Pink elixirs. Can you take them?"

“If the effect is good enough and the price is reasonable, it won’t be a problem at all.”

After finalizing the details of the deal to be discussed tomorrow, Crown expressed his needs: "I will buy another pocket watch, just an ordinary one, and then I will buy some black sage and blue tulip petals."

"What do you want with black sage and blue tulips? You don't seem to be a super being."

The old man looked suspicious.

"Do you know about the blood boiling potion?"

"You can actually make potions?"

Lemansky exclaimed, herbal medicine is easy to learn but hard to master.Beginners need a lot of practical experience to become a competent herbalist.

If a herbalist wants to grow to the level of being able to make magic potions, he must accumulate not only experience, but also good enough talent.

In some fields, if you don't have enough talent, you won't be able to reach a truly advanced level no matter how hard you work.

"I feel like my abilities have arrived and I want to experiment."

Crown shrugged, completely unaware of how much his words shocked the old man.

"Hey," Lemansky said with a deep smile, "Do you have any misunderstandings?"

The old man felt a little disgusted when he thought that he had been a herbalist all his life and had yet to reach the point of touching magic potions.

illusion?What's the difference between saying this and saying, 'Are you sick?'
My abilities are real and my cheats never lie.Otherwise, how could the formula for the blood boiling potion come out on its own!

You are nakedly jealous. Crown curled his lips and said, "Is that possible? I want 100 grams of blue tulip petals and three black sage plants."

"Yes, our caravan's trade routes are in small places, but we Gisai people still have strong men from the mysterious world!"

Lemansky said angrily: "Petals cost 50 silver coins per gram, and black sage costs two gold coins per plant."

Crown stared into the old man's eyes and said in a low voice: "Before I came here, a friend said that you use people as pigs to slaughter."

(End of this chapter)

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