Chapter 235 Experiment

The riot was quickly suppressed, and all the more than thirty injured were killed, except for one person with the mildest symptoms of the mutation.

His wrists and ankles were shackled and fixed on an experimental table, and his mouth was tightened with a chain. Crown was left here specifically for experimentation.

Watt and others had solemn expressions, and their hands were stained with the blood of their former comrades, which made these people feel very depressed.

Seeing that the atmosphere was very heavy, Crown walked over and patted several key members on the back and said:

"We will avenge the soldiers, but now is not the time to be sad. These dead bodies are immediately pulled out, burned and buried. In addition, check everyone to see if anyone was injured just now.

Watt, you now go and arrange the night vigil mission, tell the soldiers to wear thick clothes as much as possible, and ask the craftsmen to hide in the house and lock the doors and windows. "

Ordinary people have no resistance to this mutated toxin, and staying outside would be a burden.

"Yes," Watt responded and immediately went out to make arrangements.

After everyone left, Crown made a thick mask with silver metal covering his whole body and walked into the room where the mutants were kept.

Holy water spray is used here for disinfection, I hope it will be of some use.

He loosened the iron chain in the mutant's mouth, and the mutant immediately opened his mouth and roared.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Kroun pinched his upper and lower jaws to prevent them from closing, and then poured in a bottle of No. 2 holy water.

The mutant seemed to have drank boiling water, a string of blisters quickly appeared on his mouth, and gray smoke came out of his mouth.

It desperately tried to shake its head, but it was held tightly and could not move. After a while, the holy water was swallowed by him.

The mutant struggled even harder, but Crown still didn't let go. The little strength he had to deal with the opponent put no pressure on him.

After waiting for a while, the mutant stopped struggling, but the ferocious expression on his face remained the same.

No effect?

Crown's brows furrowed even more. Holy water was not effective in dealing with this mutation. The matter was more serious than he expected. He had to report it to the Holy Fire Cathedral for assistance.

He took out a bottle of Qingxin Talisman water and forced the mutant to drink it.

The expression on the mutant's face softened slightly, but the symptoms on his body were not relieved.

He took out another bottle of golden light talisman water and poured it into the mutant's mouth again.

Two or three seconds later, the mutant's reaction became even more violent, and the shackles on his hands and feet were pulled tightly by it.

These fine iron shackles were deformed by brute force. Black-red oil oozed from the pores on its body, and the room was filled with a fishy smell similar to seaweed.

The opponent's eyes were obviously protruding, and Kroun couldn't help but worry that the opponent's eyes would explode, so he pressed them back.

After three or four minutes, the mutant's symptoms eased, and the dark blue on his skin began to fade.

There is a way!

Crown was greatly encouraged. The relief of symptoms proved that the mutation was not incurable, and he did not have to worry too much even if he was accidentally bitten.

He breathed a sigh of relief and took out another golden talisman water to force the mutant to drink it.

One after another.

The mutant's symptoms are getting milder and milder, his skin color has returned to normal, and his protruding black blood vessels have become normal.

The cloudy and hazy texture like ground glass in his eyes disappeared, and clarity returned to his eyes.

He smiled at Crown, then tilted his head and died quietly.

Are you holding on? Crown shook the mutant who had completely lost his vital signs and sighed.

He was slightly depressed, but this emotion soon disappeared. The dead were gone, and the living needed to be strong.

To be on the safe side, he cut off the opponent's spine, leg bones, and arm bones, then wrapped the body tightly in an oilcloth and carried him outside the city.

Only the last rays of the setting sun remain, and the gray mist can already be seen in the sky.

Walking out of the city wall, Crown saw a horrifying scene.

Several people with their bodies burning with flames rushed out of the pyre and were kicked back by the soldiers next to them.

After doing this three times, the scene became quiet.

"How is this going?"

Crown asked, tossing the body over his shoulder into the pyre.

"Those who were bitten to death were resurrected."

A fire warrior next to him replied, his tone was vibrating, obviously he was greatly stimulated.

"If he dies and comes back to life, then he is no longer the same person."

Crown held his forehead helplessly. As long as he was injured in the battle with the mutated ratman, it would mean reaching the point of no return. Even if he died, he would be resurrected as a monster. This kind of thing is scary to think about.

. . . .

Gray fog submerged the earth, oil lamps were hung on the city walls, and thousands of lights were lit in the city.

Outside the city wall, there were some obstacles placed randomly, and piles of bonfires were lit.

The sanctuary in the Smelting Castle has been built, and the church above is also under construction in full swing.

When the bell tower of the church is built, there will be a high tower lighting the sacred fire, dispelling the gray fog and bringing light.

What happened in the afternoon cast a haze on the minds of everyone in the castle. Crown could feel the uneasiness of the soldiers and the atmosphere was depressing.

He raised his hand, released Fu Jin who was resting on his forearm, and ordered him to investigate the situation in the direction of the mine.

The size of the crow has increased recently, and it is about the size of an eagle. Traveling through the gray fog for a short period of time will no longer cause harm to the pet. He has fed him so much golden light talisman water in vain.

Buster watched his good friend leave and called out "meow".

Both of these pets have reached the extraordinary level, and Croun keeps them with him, thinking that in case of emergency, they will have two more combat powers.

Beforehand, he had strictly ordered the pets not to use their mouths when attacking, but only to use their claws. Ten minutes later, Fujin flew back and used a spiritual link to deliver bad news: 'A large wave of rat people is coming. '

"Ready to fight!"

Crown shouted, then summoned the Fire Cube.

The silver cube floated, layers of liquid metal wrapped around Yu Ling, and soon the metal clone appeared beside him.

'You are responsible for blocking! '

He passed the order to the clone. The goal of tonight's battle was to keep the enemy out of the castle.

The metal clone transformed into a fine iron round shield in its left hand and held a bronze giant sword in its right hand. It jumped off the city wall and walked to the edge of the light range.

"Ready to fight."

"Ready to fight."

Voices sounded one after another, which was the echo of the second-level captains.

From the picture transmitted by Fujin, Crown saw a large number of mutated rat-men marching towards them. These rat-men were unbelievably strong and even more exaggerated than Watt's description.

He clenched the weapon in his hand and squinted his eyes, waiting for the battle to begin.

Crown decided to wait until Del and others arrived here, and then immediately put the arsenal into operation.

If you can use artillery fire to clear the ground first when dealing with flesh and blood creatures, the battle will be much easier.

He was going to start studying alchemy, focusing on the research of explosives. The gunpowder was not strong enough, so he used a large yield.

It would be a waste not to take advantage of the unique conditions of controlling metal spirits.

. . . .

At this moment, Skaven was walking down the mountain in high spirits.

The sacrifice was successful. The generous gods gave it and its people stronger bodies, and the poisons on them were more deadly.

It has become the well-deserved strongest member of the Ratman clan, and this is what makes him happiest.

It was surrounded by several humans wearing armor. To be precise, they were several mutants who had lost the ability to think. These people were the second-order extraordinary beings who died in the hands of the rat men in the afternoon.

The Skaven was itching unbearably, and it was trembling with excitement at the thought of eating the two-legged creature that had a fatal attraction to it.

The scent of the other person's body was so fragrant that it thought about it day and night for several days.

When he saw the metal clones entering the battle, Crown began to unleash the Moon Spirit Shield and Golden Armor spells on the soldiers.

Now is not the time to be stingy. His contribution may save some people's lives.

The swarming ratmen suffered the first round of blows, and crossbow arrows filled the sky.

After looking at the results of the crossbow, Crown shook his head slightly.

No rat man fell during this round of attacks. Even if the blind cat encountered a dead mouse and shot it in weak parts such as the eyes, it did not take away any enemy.

Watt took a step forward, pointed at an obviously taller rat man within the light range, and said:

"Sir, that rat-man has magical abilities. It can throw bone spears and release bone shields to defend against attacks.

I thought he might be the leader of the Skaven, because all the Skaven obeyed his orders. "

"I know, I will be responsible for killing this leader later."

Crown activated his flame breath to release the source armor, and locked his gaze on the target.

Skaven raised his head and looked up as if he was aware of it. When he noticed the spy's appearance, he bared his teeth and revealed a sinister smile, sparks sparking between their eyes.

It found its target, and it looked like there would be something delicious tonight.

The battle became intense at the beginning. The rat men attacked like crazy, and the soldiers defended resolutely. Everyone knew that retreating would only lead to faster death.

A revolver appeared in Crown's hand, he aimed at the tall rat man and pulled the trigger.


The sound of the gun was masked by the sound of slashing, and the brass-colored bullet was shot out, hitting the target's eye socket.

Crown was not surprised to see the bullet dodged. If it could kill him with one hit, it would only mean that the rat man was not the real leader.

The Skaven felt insulted, growled, and charged forward.

The gods gave it a stronger body and also took away its few sanity, so it exploded with the slightest provocation.

I originally planned to use other tribesmen to consume the enemy's physical strength, but now I don't care anymore.

It roared and rushed forward with the large army.

Skaven decided to tear apart the enemy who provoked him and taste the fragrance of his flesh and blood.

Falling for the bait so easily? This thing's brain is very unclear.

Crown laughed and fired a few more shots as the enemy ran wildly.

Skaven's anger value increased again, its eyes were as red as blood, and there were crazy flames in them.

It jumped over the obstacle blocking the road, swung its claws forward, and a row of gray-white bone spurs as long as javelins flew towards Croun's position.

(End of this chapter)

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