My Liver Experience in the World of Cthulhu

Chapter 245 Goodbye White Wolf

Chapter 245 Goodbye White Wolf

The Warlock Brotherhood has a certain degree of influence in the four northern countries of the mainland, and occupies a completely autonomous island of Xanderni.

The island of Sindeni is surrounded by high mountains, with only a narrow outlet to the sea in the south.

Now that the gray fog is coming, the evil fishmen seem to be able to smell the breath of humans and have launched waves of attacks on the island, but they are all repelled by the warlocks relying on the steep terrain and powerful spells.

These warlocks do not reject any means of strengthening themselves. Various machines and a large number of new firearms are also widely used. So far, the island is impregnable.

Yennefer's eyes lowered slightly. She knew that the so-called definite attitude was nothing more than making it clear whether it was war or peace.

If you don't count the suppression of the Silver Rank, the overall strength of the Warlock Brotherhood is comparable to that of a powerful kingdom.

The Brotherhood had its glory days, and there were two great wizards in history who were comparable to the most powerful gods. At their peak, their power surpassed that of any other church.

Unfortunately, the leaders both died in the last battle against the evil god, losing the right to speak as the top power, and the Brotherhood slowly declined.

That kind of golden light potion is really important to the Spirit Controller. It can completely change the balance of power. I'm afraid there will be many people who can't control their ambitions and want to take risks, even if they are against the Flame Lord Church.

Yennefer thought of another of Crown's potions, the heart-clearing potion that sparkled with silver.

This potion also has an extraordinary effect on demon hunters. If this news is leaked, it may completely ignite the madness of the warlocks.

She personally does not want to see this situation. Her attitude is consistent with Flanders: Facing the threat of the evil god, all humans need to unite, seek common ground while reserving differences, and jointly fight against the enemy's attack.

The smoke of the last war between the gods dissipated in the dust of history, and future generations' understanding of that war remained only in written records.

It is difficult to fully present the cruel truth to the world through written records. Faced with those cold statistics, many senior officials did not clearly realize that the catastrophe of the past was coming again.

She recalled the words of a senior fabricator in the Oddities Association: 'The only lesson humans have learned from history is that humans have not learned any lessons from history. '

She was deeply impressed that an ordinary person who had not stepped into the extraordinary realm could say such wise words.

Most people will stumble upon the same mistake over and over again. When the base expands to a group, this stupidity and clumsiness will be magnified again.

Yennefer sighed in her heart and said: "I think establishing a better trading partnership is more in line with the current situation. In any case, the other party is a third-order transcendent, and we cannot use him as a refining potion." Machine treatment.”

"This reason is not convincing. If we can control the inventor of the medicine, we only need to get the formula."

Feikat, who was wearing a black robe, scratched his short hair and raised objections. He once fell into the hands of Croun, which has always made him resentful. Now he has the opportunity to retaliate against the opponent. How could he give up this good opportunity to add insult to injury? !

Yennefer snorted and did not respond. Instead, she turned around and asked:

"Sir Carl Fan, I believe you must be studying the golden light potion these days. I wonder if there has been any progress. Have you determined some of the ingredients of the potion?"


Kalfan smiled rather awkwardly and said: "My ability is limited and my research has made no progress. I have not analyzed any ingredients. The only thing I can confirm now is that this potion does not contain any herbal ingredients. Maybe it is a special kind of medicine." Mineral medicine.

A few days ago, I handed over the potion to Feikat. He is a senior alchemist. I don’t know if he has produced any results. "

After hearing these words, everyone's attention focused on the short-haired black-robed wizard.

The coldness on Feikat's face froze, and he didn't research anything useful.

Seeing his expression, everyone felt enlightened.

Roger Serge said: "Everyone, the first thing we need to determine is the production level of this medicine. If it cannot be mass-produced due to raw materials, it will not help even if we obtain the formula.

If we take action, we will definitely offend the church, and even if we take action, we must withdraw from the Farouk Kingdom in all directions.

How will other churches view us?

In short, I think you should not take drastic measures before confirming the output of the medicine. "

Feikat shook his head: "How to confirm the output of the medicine? If the other party does not disclose the formula, we cannot estimate the true output of the medicine at all."

It's completely a seller's market now, and the brotherhood is the one being led by the nose.

Feili frowned and said softly: "Have you ever thought about another question? If we successfully kidnap Bishop Crown, given the importance of the potion, he will also become the core of the Brotherhood. What will happen to him then? Looking at us?

My opinion is that even if we have to take action, it cannot be done by just a few of us. "

Several people discussed it for a long time and did not decide what method to take.

"It's useless to talk so much. Even if we know how to act, we still need to get the consent of the headquarters. For such a big thing, without the support of the headquarters, no one can take responsibility if something goes wrong."

Feikat stood up, looked around at everyone, and continued: "I will personally go back to Xideni Island and state this matter to the parliament."

Feili nodded in agreement:

"Second, this is a safe decision. I still say that, even if we adopt radical measures, we cannot take action."


"Okay, since everyone agrees to do this, I will take the airship back to Xanderni Island in a few days."

Feikat felt proud. This time he must convince the high-level warlocks of the parliamentary group to capture Crown.

In fact, he is not worried about what Feili Witch said. If the top management decides to take radical measures, they will definitely squeeze the other party with all their strength, and they will not regard the other party as the core.

How dare the parliament give more trust to a third-level transcendent who holds a grudge? !

. . . .

"Boom, boom"

Lorraine knocked on the vermilion door of the room. Next to her was a blue-haired second-level warlock who held several official documents in his hands.

The official document was sent from the Rhine City, and the members of the Brotherhood who delivered the letter had just gotten off the airship.

Generally speaking, their office stationed in Hamers City will only contact the Brotherhood headquarters once a month. At that time, a warlock will be responsible for transporting information and supplies, and taking away related things from here.

Several official documents were delivered at unusual times this time, and Lorraine felt that it must be something very urgent.

"Please come in."

Lorraine opened the door, leaned forward and said, "Sir, there is an urgent document from Rhine City."

The warlock beside her stepped into the room and straightened his back: "Your Excellency, I have brought the decisions of several other Your Excellencies."

The blue-haired warlock quickly took a few steps forward and presented the official document with both hands. Lisa took the letter, nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Lorraine. Please arrange for this colleague to go and rest."

"Your Majesty," Lorraine left with the warlock.

Lisa opened the letter and then took out a warlock's tome.

It was written in cipher text and literally looked like an ordinary official letter, nothing special about it.

Only by analyzing it with the corresponding 'ciphertext' can we know the true meaning of the official letter.

She took out a pen and paper and wrote out the parsed cipher text.

After Lisa read the cipher information, she held the paper and the official letter together in her hands.

Red flames burned in his hands, and the paper quickly turned into ashes.

Finally, she scattered the paper dust and flushed it into the sewer.

The coded text described the resolution against Crown, and as she expected, the Brotherhood sent a high-ranking member to Sundeni Island to obtain instructions.

This kind of thing cannot be explained in a few simple words. The warlocks at the Brotherhood headquarters must consider it comprehensively.

It may take half a year of back and forth to get results. Before that, she could still get support from the Rhine City Brotherhood branch and obtain enough golden light potion.

Although she owed a huge amount of debt, she felt that it was all worth it.

Debts can be repaid slowly, but once the opportunity is missed, there may not be another time.

Lisa estimated that by taking two potions a day, it would take another three to four months to completely complete the purification of her own spirit.

No matter what the situation will be in the future, she has finally gotten rid of the haze.

. . . .

The noon sun was shining, and the earth was somewhat warm.

Outside Hamers City, Geralt rode a tall but fat chestnut horse and slowly moved towards the city gate.

The horse's hair was stained with dust and mud, and the witcher's leather armor was scratched to pieces by some kind of wild beast, revealing the tattered cloth strips inside.

The damage to the leather armor and clothing was so severe that it was obviously no longer suitable for wear, but the witcher was still wearing it, and it was clear that there was nothing to replace it with.

A week ago, he bid farewell to Yennefer and headed for Hamers, firstly to awaken his dormant fighting instinct in the wilderness, and secondly, to find Crown to buy potions.

He felt that his accumulation allowed him to choose to take the magic potion for the third time and become a third-level demon hunter.

The battle in the wilderness inspired his will, and with the help of the heart-clearing potion, he felt for the first time that mutation might not be so scary.

The horse carried its owner to the city gate and snorted tiredly.

The beast was very frightened when he was operating in the wild these past few days. I couldn't sleep well at night, and I had to be ridden around during the day.

In just a few days, the fat stored on its body has decreased a lot.

The guards on the city wall looked down at the weathered traveler and asked sternly: "What do you do?"

As winter approaches, Hamers City is well stocked with food and fuel.

Farmers no longer need to go out to work. Now the city gate is closed and will only be opened when the transportation convoys from the mining area come and go.

Now a traveler who has traveled a lot appears from nowhere, it is difficult not to make people suspicious.

Ground transportation is cut off, and those who can travel alone through the wilderness are ruthless.

Or maybe this traveler was transformed into a shape-shifter, which is not impossible.

The soldiers made up their mind that they would not open the city gate if the man did not have a good reason.

"I am a demon hunter. I choose to wander in the wilderness in order to hunt monsters. Please open the city gate and let me drink a glass of beer in the city and have a peaceful sleep."

"Change a place. Hamers City doesn't need demon hunters. The church's brave warriors are stationed here. No one will pay you for hunting monsters."

Geralt gritted his teeth and shouted calmly:

"I am friends with your Bishop Crown, and I also know Bishop Nick."

The guard was confused: "This man knows the names of the two bishops. Is he really a friend of the bishops? But is it inappropriate to ask the bishops about such a trivial matter?" '

At this moment, several crows were heard chirping.

'Quack', 'Quack'

I saw Fu Jin flying over with a black cat hanging from his paws.

'Yes', the guard slapped his thigh and shouted: "Fujin, Fujin."

The bishop's pet has high intelligence and can understand human speech. I will know if he is the bishop's friend just by asking.

Geralt also saw Fokine and Buster and was shocked: 'Crown's two pets are now extraordinary creatures, and they are very close to the second level. The changes in the crow are really big. '

As a demon hunter, he has his own way of judging the strength of beasts and monsters, and he is very accurate.

Fujin heard the call of the guard and landed at the city gate as expected.

'Uncle Fujin, this person is said to be a friend of the bishop. Do you know him? '

Crow tilted his head and lowered his head, looking at the people below the city.

Geralt immediately greeted: "Hey, Fokine, and Buster, do you still remember me?"

Fokine nodded, grabbed Buster again and took off. It circled above the witcher's head, leaving fresh greetings in black and white.

The witcher looked at the bird droppings falling on the horse's head, and the smile on his face froze: "Fuck."

(End of this chapter)

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