Chapter 275 Two-Headed Chimera

The mason carefully put down the worn and shiny leather bag around his waist, and selected a suitable knife from it. His rough hands flew up and down dexterously, like a butterfly playing with flowers.

Crown was slightly surprised to realize that the mason had the strength of a first-level transcendent.

Relatively speaking, masons are more humble than blacksmiths. If a blacksmith can become a senior blacksmith, he has a promising future, but masons can only deal with stone and soil all their lives.

Stone chips flew everywhere, and the useless stone skin was scraped off, revealing more of the bright yellow warm jade body.

The stonemason would stop from time to time, observe the original stone with his eyes, and operate it carefully.

Rivergaz nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "This is the most skillful stonemason I have. He will never waste a single bit of material."

Theo wanted to fill Crown's wine glass, but found that the barrel was empty, and his eyelids drooped:

"These stones that can only be used as utensils can be sold for gold spirit coins. Isn't it too expensive?"

He wanted the big merchant to bring out an extra barrel of such high-quality Stormstout. If he hadn't come with a silver-ranked bishop this time, he wouldn't have received such a standard of hospitality.

"very good,"

As time went by, more and more Evil God's Familia would wake up from their slumber, and he found that he still couldn't relax.

"Oh, okay," the businessman responded and said to the stonemason standing beside him:
"Go on down, you'll get double the pay for today's work."

Croun stretched out his index finger and touched the inner edge of the jade bowl. It was like turning on a faucet. Sunfire liquid shining with a faint golden light gurgled out, and he immediately took the bowl.

Gold spirit coins are also a strategic resource that can speed up the recovery of spiritual power. He needs to hoard more gold spirit coins, which can at least make the spirit control battle last longer.

This time he did not do it himself, but summoned a metal clone, because the clone could change into various shapes as needed, and could make mechanical movements more accurately than himself.

He took out a stack of talisman paper and a writing brush, dipped them in the Sun Flame Liquid and began to swipe them.

This time it transformed into three hands, and its lower body was a disc-shaped whole.

The most beneficial way for him was to use the Sun Flame Liquid to refine the Sun Essence. The gathering of cultists in a harsh environment made him wary.

He walked out of the room, whispered something to the guard at the door and returned to his seat.

Water drops are constantly dripping from the small holes, cooling the hot jade.

The metal clone has amazing efficiency. It only took ten minutes to complete the work.

The stonemason's skills were very good and he could cut the jade into pieces completely in half an hour.

Then he shut himself in the room and started cutting jade.

This is a big business, and the profit is secondary. The most important thing is to get on the line with a strong silver man. You may not be able to get much more than today's income anytime soon.

"Definitely, I will stay in Bly for about a month, and then I will definitely go to the Rhineland Diocese to visit Your Excellency."

The moment the Sun Thunder Seal was completed, golden fireworks lit up on the talisman, and the talisman turned into ashes.

With a smile on his face, Theo poured half a glass of wine and tasted it. He suddenly felt that the wine that was so delicious before was missing a bit of flavor.

Crown took out the gold spirit coin he carried with him and said:

“I am currently based in Hamersstadt in the Rhineland parish and would welcome the Good Luck Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce to do business there.

Kroun was speechless and could only change another brush.

Rivergaz was convinced after receiving the invitation. Although the business route of their chamber of commerce only traveled to and from the capitals of various kingdoms, other shareholders would definitely agree to this journey if they could get in touch with the silver powerhouse.

'He' first clamped the jade, created a wire saw made of iron essence, and began to cut the jade. With the third hand, he lifted a wooden bucket filled with clean water and drilled a small hole in the bottom of the bucket.

. . . .

These ordinary talismans are completely unable to withstand the power of the Sun Thunder Seal, even if the material used is Sunfire Liquid.

"Haha, what Your Excellency Theo said is wrong. You have a saying that it is hard to buy something you like with money. Your Excellency the Bishop likes it, it's just some gold spirit coins."

Rivigaz took the jade presented by the mason and asked with a smile:
"Sir, do you need us to help you polish it into the corresponding shape?"

If you can get a larger and better quality clear yellow stone, I will also buy it. "

He plans to hold a meeting tonight to inform other responsible persons of the good news.

Most of the brush in his hand was immediately burned off, and it didn't stop until it reached the point where he held the brush. He felt the burning sensation of the flames.

He can purify ordinary spirit coins, but it requires the consumption of golden light talismans. If possible, he wants to establish an industry that can completely separate himself from the stability and obtain gold spirit coins in large quantities.

Rivigaz took out the scale he had prepared, weighed it carefully, and finally came to the conclusion:
"Sir, the net weight is 40.56 pounds. The fraction is a discount. Calculated based on 40 pounds, the total is 200 gold spirit coins. In addition, I will give you a 160% discount, which is a total of gold spirit coins."

Rivergaz glanced at Theo, who was playing with the empty bucket, and suddenly understood, and said with a smile:
"I sent someone to fetch another barrel of stormstout, but the wine brewed entirely from golden hops is gone."

"Thank you," the mason said thanks and left.

The reason why he cultivates power and industry is that he wants these to feed him back, allowing him to have more energy to focus on improving his hard power.

Crown returned to the Laurel Hotel and first found Flanders, telling him that he had important things to do and not to disturb him if there was nothing important.

After trying a few more times, I was able to draw the Sun Thunder Seal with just one stroke.

The guard quickly came in with a wine barrel, placed it respectfully on the table, and then took away the empty barrel.

Of course, you have to do it yourself before cutting it into a jade talisman. Croun shook his head: "No need, I will slowly polish it myself."

This piece of warm jade only got one usable high-quality jade charm and two ordinary jade charms. There were also leftover materials to polish a jade bowl as big as a baby's palm, and the remaining ordinary materials were carved into some exquisite gadgets. , ready to be given away for later use.

The other party can be regarded as an 'international' channel. After establishing contact, it can help you collect the rare things you need, or sell special products in the industry.

After making sure that he could draw the talisman smoothly and correctly, he took out a fiery red talisman pen.

This is a talisman pen he made from the spiritual hair on the tip of the fire fox's tail. It was specially made to draw the sun thunder seal.

Crown summoned the golden wall and glanced at the level of the talisman drawing skill.

[Character: 6237/10000; Level ]

Nowadays, drawing the Golden Light Talisman and the Pure Heart Talisman no longer increases proficiency. If you want to gain experience, you can only draw the Taiyin Thunder Seal and the Sun Thunder Seal. The cost is too high. Fortunately, this level of skill is enough to draw the Sun Thunder Seal.

After cleaning the jade bowl, Kroun carefully took out a few drops of Japanese essence, and then drew the Sun Thunder Seal on a lower-quality jade talisman. He wrote smoothly without any hesitation, and another Sun Thunder Seal was formed!
Golden light flashed in the room, and the sun essence seeped into the inside of the jade talisman, and the light flickered in it.

After completing the first real Sun Thunder Seal, Crown continued his efforts and came up with the best quality jade talisman.

Just like the Taiyin Thunder Seal, if the jade material carrying the Talisman Seal is too poor, the Sun Thunder Seal will not be preserved for long. It is best to wait until it is needed to make it temporarily.

However, if you do this, the power of the thunder talisman will be reduced. It is better to get more high-quality warm jade, so that you can draw more talisman seals that can be stored for a long time.

Another Sun Thunder Seal took shape in his hand, and Crown placed the jade talisman solemnly.

Things are going very smoothly, and now they only need to discuss a plan to support the Rhine City Diocese at the Cardinals' Conference, and they can return.

Crown had no intention of staying here for too long. After returning to Hamers, he could improve his proficiency in the Golden Light Spell more quickly.

The starry sky creature in the alienated area must be made good use of, otherwise the opportunity to improve quickly will be lost when the proficiency reaches a certain height.

. . . .

Lannister stayed in the luxurious room arranged by the Holy See, bored in a daze.

The church did not restrict his freedom, but he was accompanied by a third-level bishop every time he went out, euphemistically to allow him to better understand everything about the city.

He was sure that he would be able to control the accompanying monitors with his mind spells, but he was not sure that he would not be seen through.

The essence of psychic magic is to use one's own spirituality to pollute the enemy's awareness. This is the seat of the Holy See of the Lord of Flames. There are countless magic circles inside, and there are also several powerful men of silver rank.

If any clues are discovered, even if he has the identity of an emissary of the Warlock Brotherhood, he will be burned at the stake by the church and burned to ashes in the raging fire.

He didn't want to stay here any longer, it was too restrictive, and St. Peter's Cathedral was much tighter than the Holy Fire Cathedral.

But there was no way. The Pope allowed him to go to the Rhine City, but he had to be accompanied by Flanders and others.

He was unable to resist this ban and could only wait where he was.

At this moment, he was more determined to establish a large-scale trading channel for Golden Light Potions. If the Warlock Brotherhood was far more powerful than the Flame Lord Church, he would never be treated like this.

The characteristics of the golden light potion can quickly 'create' a large number of second- and third-level spirit masters. Maybe some lucky person can go one step further and become a silver spirit master and go down in history.

. . . .

Amidst the roar, the airship advanced slowly in the white-haired wind that filled the sky.

The Rhine City ushered in the first snowfall, and the snowflakes rustled on the skin of the airship.

Visibility was extremely low, and the pilot could only judge the current altitude of the airship through the altimeter on the instrument panel.

Yennefer was leaning on the railing of the viewing room. She was wearing a black fur coat and white gloves on her hands. A touch of sadness climbed onto her white forehead.

"The weather is too bad. I think this reconnaissance may not be fruitful. If the wind and snow get worse, we will have to make an emergency landing to escape."

Geralt walked up behind the warlock, gently put his arm around her waist, and continued:
“Recently, I was looking through relevant information, and I found that the first snowfall in Faruk Kingdom keeps coming earlier.

The snow this year came one month earlier than a hundred years ago. You must know that it has been a long winter since the first snowfall.

Why don't we return? ! Flying in such horrible weather is too dangerous. "

As the witcher spoke, he greedily breathed in the scent of cloves and currants exuding from the sorceress's body.

"If it doesn't snow, it will only take us half a day at most to reach the target area. This mission is a bit difficult, but there is no need to be nervous.

This airship is the latest product of the Oddity-Making Guild and is capable of adapting to such extremely harsh weather.

The skin of the airship is made of a special material that you have never seen before. It was made manually by those crazy inventors, and it is engraved with multiple magic circles.

The purpose of manufacturing this kind of airship is to meet the needs of combat in extremely harsh environments. "

Geralt said gently: "I don't trust these machines. All kinds of accidents will always happen. Since you insist, I will accompany you."

Yennefer reached out and touched the witcher's face on her shoulder, with a faint smile on her lips. She was about to say something, when she suddenly discovered a hazy red light in the white snow in front of her.

The warlock exclaimed: "What is there?"

The demon hunter also saw the red color in the distance, with a solemn look on his face:
"I don't know, but my gut feels a hint of danger."

"Guards, inform the pilot that the right front is 22 degrees, turn on the searchlight, approach for reconnaissance, but maintain altitude and slowly descend downwards."

Yennefer gave the order. She felt that she was about to discover the secret of the church's airships that kept coming here.

The Witcher had developed amazing intuition through many experiences of life and death, so she asked the pilot to maintain altitude before descending.

The airship was getting closer and closer to the red area, and the blazing white light penetrated the wind and snow. The demon hunter saw high stone towers standing here, and those red rays of light were emitted from the stone towers.

Countless tall and deformed humanoids were busy, and many of them were followed by deformed monsters, such as a two-headed cheetah, a black bear with bone spurs on its body, and so on.

This place seems to be a forbidden land for wind and snow. The falling snowflakes disappear in the red light, and the strong wind will suddenly stop after entering this area.

"This is a camp, the territory of cultists, and I saw some creatures that are the product of flesh-and-blood alchemy.

These people have been hunted by the church for thousands of years. How come there are so many of them? "

Yennefer's eyes were filled with disbelief. There was no wind or snow in this area, and her vision was good. She could see it very clearly.

At this moment, she understood the reason why the church airship kept flying into the Andes Mountains: to 'closely monitor potential enemies'.

The demon hunter gasped and said, "Hell, I did some rough calculations. Judging from the density of people, there should be about 100,000 cultists and pets here."

He didn't say a word. Most of those monsters were of extraordinary rank. If Rhine City was attacked by these cultists, it would probably be razed to the ground, right?

While the two were talking, a two-headed monster with no feathers and wing membranes flew out of the camp.

The monster was very large, more than ten meters long, and there were two tall cultists sitting on its back.

"Oops, it's a two-headed chimera. Judging from its size, it's the top level of third-level strength."

Yennefer realized something was wrong and shouted:

"Guard, notify the pilot to climb at full speed immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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