My Ming Dynasty, I have the final say

Chapter 221 Water transport comes to your door again

Chapter 221 Water transport comes to your door again

The fate of the Nanhaizi prisoners was decided by the emperor Zhu Youxiao after careful consideration.

Initially, he planned to send these people to Xishan to mine.

But in the end, after thinking about it, I gave up.

The place in the mine is still too dangerous. If a person dies, it's like a dog dies.

If a few of these people died inexplicably, then he, the emperor, would be at a disadvantage.

After all, these people made mistakes, not crimes.

If they commit a crime and want to kill these people, just drag them out and chop them with a knife.

But making mistakes is different. If you make a mistake, you still have the opportunity to make amends, so it is called reform through labor.

On the carriage back to Beijing, Zhu Youzheng was playing with a blunderbuss.

Especially when he is willing to give money to the craftsmen.

Ming Dynasty has no shortage of skilled craftsmen.

"Your Majesty proposed that it can be placed on a table, and you can step on it to drive the needle and thread to sew on the cloth on the table. It hasn't been worked out yet."


The projectiles are also cast iron pellets.

"This matter is not urgent. It doesn't matter if it can't be done. If they do, I will reward them each with ten thousand taels of silver."

The starting point of the first industrial revolution was from the emergence of the spinning jenny to the large-scale use of steam engines.

After playing with it for a while, Zhu Youxiao kicked the gun into his waist.

Letting someone use the sewing machine was just a small task that he arranged casually when he had nothing to do.

Don't worry, it's not filled with medicine.

"I heard that craftsmen are now mainly worried about how to prevent two needles threaded with thread from colliding together when sewing."

After thinking about yesterday's visit, Zhu Youxiao always felt that something was missing, so he looked at Liu Shimin and asked.

But in fact, the essence of the industrial revolution is the energy revolution. The emergence of steam engines replaced inefficient "machines" like humans.

After hearing Liu Shimin's words, Zhu Youxiao waved his hand after thinking for a moment.

After hearing the emperor's words, Liu Shimin bowed and thanked him.

Narrowing his eyes and leaning against the carriage, Zhu Youxiao began to think.

"How's the sewing machine I had someone do?"

After hearing the emperor's words, Liu Shimin shook his head helplessly.

"This slave will thank the Emperor on behalf of the craftsmen."

"It's not done yet."

The flintlock gun uses gunpowder that has been wrapped in small oil paper in advance - it is custom-packed.

The reason was that the small workshop-style handicraft industry at that time could not meet the ever-expanding market needs.

The current Ming Dynasty is in a state of excessive labor force and does not have the conditions required for the industrial revolution.

Moreover, even if it is found, the civil servants will probably consider banning this thing.

When people with vested interests face new things, their first reaction is to reject them, and their second reaction is to stop them.

The third reaction is to think about how to adapt to the trend of the times and make the times.

However, when they began to seek change, they were three beats behind the times and could only be ruthlessly run over by the wheels of the times.

As a time traveler, Zhu Youxiao will certainly not stop the development of the times.

"Your Majesty, we have arrived in the palace."

Just when Zhu Youxiao was thinking about the issues of the times, Liu Shimin's voice sounded in his ears.


Hearing this, Zhu Youxiao opened his eyes, stepped on the small stool that had been laid out, and got out of the carriage.

Next, it’s time for daily review of memorials.

Just when the emperor in the capital was trapped by daily memorials, Tongzhou.

Looking at the people from the Caoyun Yamen who came to his door, Zuo Guangdou had helplessness written all over his face.

"Servant Zuo, we have no control over your recruitment of young men, but you even recruited away the trackers from our water transport yamen. I have to come and talk to you about this."

The person standing in front of Zuo Guangdou is Zhao Yukui, the inspector of water transport in Beizhili.

He escorted grain from Tianjin to the capital.

The grain was unloaded and it was time to return, but the tracker disappeared.

"You and I can't afford to miss this year's water transportation."

"Your Majesty has set the rules, and there's nothing I can do about it. You can't let me drive those people away." Zuo Guangdou was also helpless about recruiting strong men and recruiting trackers.

Having stabilized the big households in the Gyeonggi region by renovating river channels, the water transport yamen came to visit again.

But this is really beyond his control.

The emperor ordered farming, and the court exported grain, tools, and seeds. This policy was very attractive.

"You ask me for someone, and I can't give you an answer."

Looking at Zhao Yukui in front of him, Zuo Guangdou immediately acted like a rogue.

"I am doing something according to your orders. If I spend your Majesty's money, I can see the results."

"Hey, you're such a good boy."

Pointing at Zuo Guangdou, Zhao Yukui took a few steps on the spot, turned around and said.

"I don't want the trackers anymore, but you want to give me back my canal soldiers."

"Go find that Zhao Shujiao or that Zu Dashou. I really have no say in this matter."

"If I can get it back, do I need to come to you?"

When he heard Zuo Guangdou kicking the ball, Zhao Yukui glared at him.

"I can't even get into the military camp."

"Don't look at me, I can't get in either."

Hearing this, Zuo Guangdou shrugged his shoulders.

"The current Jingying camp is very similar to the Xiliu camp of the previous Han Dynasty. I went to those two people and sent letters asking them to come out."

"For this matter, you can only go to Xiyuan to see His Majesty."


After hearing Zuo Guangdou's words, Zhao Yukui was silent for a while and then asked.

"There are rumors in the capital that His Majesty is murderous."

"You have met His Majesty alone. Tell me whether you can get along well with His Majesty."

"Not that serious."

After hearing this, Zuo Guangdou recalled the scene when he met the emperor that day and analyzed it to Zhao Yukui.

"Your Majesty cares about civil affairs and doesn't like empty talk. He likes people who can do things."

"Whether you are admonishing or impeaching, as long as it is not groundless and you can give reasonable reasons, His Majesty will not be angry."

"As for being murderous."

Having said this, Zuo Guangdou was silent for a moment and considered his words.

"Your Majesty just likes to use cruel methods to kill people who deserve to die. If the crime does not lead to death, punishment is the main method."

"The rumors are not credible."

Listening to Zuo Guangdou's analysis, Zhao Yukui nodded and started thinking.

Of course, he didn't believe everything Zuo Guangdou said.

A group of officials went to Xiyuan to block the gate and asked the emperor to send 20,000 bricks to Nanhaizi.

You call that punishment?

"Brother Yi Zhi's advice is like being showered with nectar."

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yukui saluted Zuo Guangdou and said with a smile.

"Brother Zhao is so complimentary."

After the two said some more words, Zuo Guangdou sent Zhao Yukui out of the temporary residence.

Watching the other party's leaving figure, Zuo Guangdou narrowed his eyes.

What does Zhao Yukui mean by coming to him?

Is the Caoyun Yamen short of people?

What about the liar?

You can just pay someone to hire someone when there is no one left, so why come to him?

Don't think he doesn't know how much fat there is in Caoyun Yamen.

Li Sancai, the big boss of Donglin, worked as governor of water transportation, which made the Li family fat.

Although he was not involved in this matter, he still heard about it.

At this moment, Zhao Yukui didn't know what Zuo Guangdou was thinking.

He only knew that he had to go see the emperor.

Without enough trackers, not to mention continuing to transport grain to Beijing, even water ships cannot return to Tianjin.

After getting on his horse, surrounded by his entourage, Zhao Yukui frowned and thought on the way to Tongzhou Caoyuncang.

"This memorial needs to be revised again."

(End of this chapter)

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