My Ming Dynasty, I have the final say

Chapter 75 Begins to rectify the Beijing camp

Chapter 75 Begins to rectify the Beijing camp

In the evening, inside the old Yamen.

"How is Jin Yiwei's inventory going?"

I don’t know where I got a Taoist robe to wear, and Zhu Youxiao COS played the role of Emperor Sejong.

"Going back to the emperor, I checked with my ministers and found out that since Emperor Shenzong opened the imperial edict, Enyin, a son of an official, was appointed as a royal guard. To this day, there are more than [-] royal guards on the list."

"Personnel composition."

Zhu Youxiao asked with his brows twitching hard twice.

"There are five offices in the middle, left, right, front and back, plus three offices for elephant training, field training and horse army. They have the jurisdiction of royal chairs, fan hands, hoods, banners, axes and axes, luanyu, horse training, banjian, halberds, There are ten divisions of bows and arrows. According to the investigation of the ministers, there are more than [-] people."

"The six stations of Upper Middle, Upper Front, Upper Back, Upper Left, Upper Right, and Middle Back are where the elite of the Jinyi Guards are currently located. There are currently more than [-] people, most of whom are good at interrogation and investigation."

"The Experience Department and the North and South Town Fu Divisions have a total of 6000 people. The Experience Division is responsible for sending, receiving and writing official documents. The South Town Fu Division is responsible for enforcing laws and regulations and military corrections, and the North Town Fu Division is responsible for investigating major rebellion cases."

"How about getting rid of those wine bags and rice bags?"

His eyebrows twitched, and Zhu Youxiao had the urge to curse.

How did a secret service agency like Jinyiwei become so redundant?

"Get rid of the wine bag and rice bag..."

Hearing this, Xu Xianchun looked a little embarrassed.

"In addition to the 5000 people responsible for the emperor's guard of honor, there are still 2000 Han generals, lieutenants, and warriors available. In addition, there are [-] Jin Yiwei spies from various places."

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't be angry."

Trying to calm himself down, Zhu Youxiao thought about how to reform the system.

"While I have sent Luo Sigong to Liaodong, you can reorganize the Jinyiwei, integrate the first eight offices, reduce the personnel, set up another Enyin Qianhu Office, hand over the farming affairs to them, and throw in all the freeloaders. .”

"The main focus is on the Fusi and Houliu Institutes of the North and South Towns. The personnel are also reorganized. Only those with outstanding abilities are retained. The wine bags and rice bags are also thrown into Enyin Qianhu Station."

"The Jinyi Guard, or the Conglong Guard in the future, will become a military organization and throw away all the farmland and waste to me."

"From now on, the Jinyi Guards will be divided into three parts. One is for the Enyin Thousand Households, two are for ceremonial matters and guarding the imperial court, and three are for investigating major cases."

"Enyin Qianhu, I allow the existence of waste, but for the latter two, you must select elite people to fill it. After reorganization, I will personally inspect it."

"In addition, those who are incorporated into the Enyin Institute will be given priority to those who are literate and transferred to Nanhaizi. I want to use them."

"The minister obeys the order."

Listening to the emperor's arrangements for the Jin Yiwei, Xu Xianchun lowered his head and said.

"Wei Zhongxian, you are the admiral of Dongchang and will assist you from the side."

"The slaves obey the order."

Hearing this, Wei Zhongxian quickly bowed together.

"I asked you to investigate the mutiny of the Yanshan vanguard. Where did the beggar come from?"


Hearing the emperor's question, Xu Xianchun broke into a cold sweat.

"Back to the Emperor, there are too many beggars and homeless people in the capital, and I really can't find them."

"Can't find it out?"

Hearing this, Zhu Youxiao suddenly opened his eyes.


"Back to the Emperor, there are more than 4000 beggars registered in the East City Military and Horse Division in the capital city alone. The total number of beggars in the five-city Military and Horse Division is probably more than [-]."

Registered beggars are beggars. These people are organized beggars. They are idle, do not do business, and are mostly strong young people (those who are in poor health will die early). They carry a wine gourd in one hand and go begging along the street, asking for food, wine, and property, and giving them away. No., Beggars Gang.

When these people encounter robbers and bandits, they follow them.

When he was captured by the government and interrogated his accomplices, his name was unknown, his face was unknown, and he himself did not share much of the stolen goods, or even if he shared a lot, he spent it quickly, making it difficult to trace, which is a chronic problem in urban governance.

In addition to the formal beggars, there are also temporary beggars and refugees. These people lost their land either due to natural disasters or man-made disasters, and entered the capital in a short time.

After all, formal beggars still have a beggar status in the government and have a main activity area.

As for those temporary beggars and homeless people, basically no one knows where they died, let alone checking them.Moreover, behind these beggars are often the powerful people in the capital.

They secretly support these proletarian people, and whenever there is any dirty work, they will leave it to these people.

It is estimated that the mutiny of the Yanshan vanguard was caused by someone seeing the emperor mobilizing troops and making a fool of himself.

"Let's put this matter aside for now. I'll let others handle it. You can go ahead."


Hearing this, Wei Zhongxian and Xu Xianchun handed over their hands and retreated together.

After the two left, Zhu Youxiao gave up practicing cross-legged Qi. He probably didn't have the talent to practice Taoism.

Zhu Youxiao asked as he stood up from the bed and walked to the central hall.

"I heard that the capital is in a lot of trouble about me opening Enke?"

"Go back to the emperor."

After hearing Zhu Youxiao's words, Liu Shimin glanced at the emperor cautiously before saying.

"The scholars in the capital are all talking about it, saying that the emperor prefers the imperial eunuch students."

"At the same time, there are also discussions among the imperial students in the Imperial College, saying that the imperial court's encore is for the purpose of selecting officials, so many imperial students are unwilling to participate."


Hearing this, Zhu Youxiao sneered.

"The state has been raising scholars for more than two hundred years and has given them so many preferential treatments just to be able to quickly select available talents when needed. Are you unwilling to participate in favors? You are a person who is ignorant of his kindness and filial piety."

"It has been ordered to the Imperial College that all those who are unwilling to participate in this incident will be expelled from the Imperial College, and those who have merit will be stripped of their honors."

"The slaves obey the order."

Hearing this, Liu Shimin quickly bowed.

Zhu Youxiao had no hesitation at all about kicking people out of the Imperial Academy who were unwilling to participate in the scandal.

These people are the black sheep, or are too utilitarian and are of little use.

Without even thinking about it, these people must be the children of high-ranking families, academic circles, or people in the officialdom.

They are well-educated, and the difficulty of the imperial examination is much lower for them than for ordinary people.

Now the emperor suddenly came up with a different method of imperial examination, and most of the candidates were civil servants. Of course these people were unwilling.

If he is selected, wouldn't the more than ten years of hard study in the cold window be in vain?

After Liu Shimin left, Zhu Youxiao stood up and walked out of the old yamen, looking at the royal guards and eunuchs who had already lined up.

"Are you all ready?"

"Back to the Emperor, everything is ready. The Chief of Ceremonies has been sealed."

Wang Chaofu came forward with Fuchen in his arms and talked to Zhu Youxiao.

"Then let's get started."

"The slaves obey the order."

Upon hearing this, Wang Chaofu immediately turned around and said to everyone.

"Set off."

As Wang Chaofu finished speaking, teams of imperial guards and eunuchs mounted their horses and headed toward the capital with the imperial edict, entering the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, the Ministry of War, and the Beijing Camp to read out the edict.

At the same time, the British Duke Zhang Weixian and the Chengguo Duke Zhu Chunchen personally took charge of the Military and Horse Division of the Five Cities. The whole city was under martial law and no one was allowed to go out except the soldiers.

Then, under the supervision, or escort, of the eunuchs and royal guards, the commanders of each battalion transferred power to their fellow commanders, and all the commanders and deputy governors came to study under Yang Hao.

After entering the Wulue Courtyard, Yang Hao held an imperial edict and led [-] elite soldiers to directly blockade the Wulue Courtyard, not even a fly allowed to fly out.

In this way, only the commander Jianshi, Tongzhi, and the lower-level positions of Qianhu, Baihu, General Banner, Xiaoqi, etc. were left in the army.

Then, another group of military eunuchs came with silver grain and quickly calmed down the commotion.

ps: I can’t write anymore, so I’ll stop here today and continue with four chapters tomorrow.Another new book title: My Ming Dynasty, I am in charge, how does it feel?

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(End of this chapter)

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