priest dad

Chapter 105

Chapter 105
Because the Department of Education visited the Lu family before and proposed to help poor families with outstanding students, and also took Lu Xuan to see a doctor, Lu's mother probably knew that Lu Ming was very good in school.

But Lu Mu never expected that Lu Ming would be so good.

He immediately ranked first in the school!

This is too much. Mother Lu looked at Lu Ming excitedly, feeling extremely proud in her heart.

Lu Ming smiled at Lu's mother, then stood up and bowed slightly, responding to everyone's applause.

The applause gradually fell, and the principal continued to read: "The No. 2 student in the school for this monthly exam is Fang Qingxue from Class 99, Grade 2. She got a perfect score in liberal arts and [-] points in martial arts. Let us congratulate Fang Qingxue from Class [-], Grade [-], for getting this diploma." Ranked No. [-] in the school in the next month’s exam, and qualified for Group S, and received a second-class scholarship at the school level.”


There was another round of applause in the auditorium.


Lin Shanghao thought that his boss and his sister-in-law were first and second. They were a match made in heaven, so he couldn't help but screamed strangely. As a result, he was immediately glared hard by Lin's father and quickly closed his eyes. mouth.

Not only Lin Shanghao had this idea, but other students basically thought the same way.

Lu Ming is very good, and Fang Qingxue is also very good. One is first and the other is second. They are a perfect match. Besides, except Fang, the school beauty, no one seems to be worthy of such an excellent Lu Ming.



The principal announced the top five in one breath, and they were all students from Class [-], Grade [-]. Many teachers from Grade [-] and Grade [-] paid attention, staring wide-eyed at Wu Shangfeng on the high platform.

The top five in the school were all rounded up by the first class of senior three?

This is a little too outrageous.

Wu Shangfeng sat on the high platform and applauded, grinning almost to the back of his head. He also winked at Lou Qixiang next to him from time to time, which made Lou Qixiang angry.

"The No. 6 in this monthly exam is Shi Jin from Class [-], Grade [-]. I would like to give you some encouragement here."

Li Yinghong said with a smile: "Shi Jin and Lu Ming are both students who were transferred from the ordinary class to the rocket class by me. Originally, I just had a trial mentality, hoping that they could face the difficulties and do it. The result is obvious, they all achieved it! Student Shi Jin’s results are equally outstanding, let us congratulate Classmate Shi Jin with applause!”


Another round of applause and encouragement.

Shi Jin, who was under the spotlight at this time, had red eyes and excitedly held the hand of the old man next to him.

"Grandpa, I did it, I did it."

The old man next to Shi Jin is short and looks very thin. The skin on his face is like dry tree bark, but his eyes are very sharp. It seems that he was not an ordinary person when he was young. At this moment, he is smiling happily, and the wrinkles on his face are Huddle together.

"Xiao Jin, thank him."

The old man patted Shi Jin's hand.

Hearing this, Shi Jin let go of the old man's hand beside him, stood up, and bowed in the direction of Lu Ming, Class [-], Grade [-].

This bow was his thanks to Lu Ming.

If it weren't for Lu Ming, he might have been kicked out of the Rockets class, not to mention getting many scholarships and ranking No. 6 in the school.

Lu Ming smiled at Shi Jin.

Li Yinghong's voice continued: "The person who won No. 7 in this monthly exam is Zhang Xiaowu from Class [-], Grade [-]. He is also the only ordinary class who ranked among the top [-] in the school in this monthly exam. student."

"Everyone can see Zhang Xiaowu's hard work. He is now at least three times thinner than when he started school."

The principal made a rare joke and said: "Let us congratulate Zhang Xiaowu with applause."



Zhang Xiaowu was shaking with excitement, and his parents were surprised. They didn't expect that Zhang Xiaowu could get such good results.

Then, Zhang Xiaowu, like Shi Jin, stood up and bowed in the direction of Class [-], Grade [-].

Class [-], Grade [-], was at the front of all the classes, so it seemed like Shi Jin and Xiaopang were bowing to the front and didn't attract too many people's attention.

However, some people who know the specific details, such as Lin Fei, Shang Wu, and Jiang Bonian, all know that Xiaopang and Shi Jin are thanking Lu Ming. Without Lu Ming's light focus, they would not have achieved anything after working so hard for a month. Dazzling results, but definitely not as dazzling as they are now.

At this point, the top seven in the school have been rounded up by the additional training group.

Wu Shangfeng and Qin Fei smiled happily at the same time. They watched with their own eyes as these seven children worked hard and grew up little by little until they finally reached the extreme level.

Next, Li Yinghong continued to announce the remaining rankings.

No. 8 is Lin Fei from Class 9, Grade 10, No. [-] is Jiang Bonian from Class [-], Grade [-], and No. [-] is Shang Wu from Class [-], Grade [-].

At this time, Lu Ming suddenly realized that the ranking in the monthly exam seemed to be not only based on the liberal arts and martial arts test scores, but also the performance in the beast tide trial. The performance of Lin Fei and Jiang Bonian is definitely not better than that of Jiang Bonian, who is in the second rank.

After that, the principal continued to read out the remaining quotas for Group A and Group B. Group A had a lot of people, and the 11th to 100th place in the school could enter Group A. They were all Rocket Class students, while Group B had relatively few people. Yes, only the top ten students in the ordinary class except the rocket class can enter, and there are only ten students.

For example, Mo Ji could have entered the S group, but because he performed too much in the beast tide trial, he only entered the A group, ranking 18th in the school.

After the results were read out, some were happy and some were sad.

"Next, students who have won scholarships will go on stage to receive their scholarships."

Li Yinghong said.

The monthly exam is a large-scale exam, and this time it is a joint exam for the whole city, so the scholarship standards are very high. The top ten in the school, the top ten in each class, and the top ten in progress will all have their own scholarships.

After a piece of impassioned music sounded, Lu Ming and others walked down the stairs from the auditorium and climbed to the high platform in the center.

Li Yinghong smiled and took out the well-packaged gift boxes and handed them to Lu Ming and others.Lu Ming weighed it and smiled instantly. Good guy, it’s not easy to get it.
Scholarships can be obtained through repeated calculations. This time, Lu Ming got the first scholarship in the school and the first in the class. In addition, the standard of the monthly exam has been raised to the level of the final exam, and the scholarship has also been raised accordingly. What was given to Lu Ming were ten high-level life potions and a hundred intermediate life potions!
After taking the group photo, everyone returned to their seats, but Lu Ming was left behind by Wu Shangfeng because the next session was a speech by a student representative.

"Next, I would like to invite Lu Ming, the No. 1 student representative in the school, to give a speech."

Li Yinghong looked at Lu Ming with a smile and said gently: "Student Lu Ming, you have achieved such excellent results, which must be inseparable from your usual hard work. Not only that, you also performed a heroic act and told your classmates Tell me a few words about your thoughts."

Lu Ming was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that there was still a speech part.

Wu Shangfeng told him in the morning, but his attention was quickly attracted by going out to dinner with Fang Qingxue at night and partying with everyone at night. He never thought about this matter until now. Started a talk show without content.

Lu Ming is a bit big-headed, but his intelligence is very high, which means his thinking ability and thinking ability are powerful.

Soon, Lu Ming thought of the topic for his speech, nodded and said, "Okay, principal."

Countless pairs of eyes looked toward the high platform and focused on Lu Ming, who was wearing a black standard martial arts uniform. This martial arts uniform was considered the school uniform of No. [-] Middle School and there was no problem wearing it on such occasions.

Lu Ming cleared his throat and spoke slowly: "Everyone, classmates, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you a point of view from ancient times."

"In the year 98 of the New Era, archaeological research unearthed bamboo slips from ancient centuries, which recorded the words of several saints."

"Although the deeds and lives of saints have been buried in the long river of history, since they can be named saints by that era, they are definitely not such simple figures. The words of saints have a significant enlightenment effect on our lives. .”

“One of the sages said that he who knows is the beginning of action, and he who practices knowledge is the beginning of success.”

Lu Ming paused and continued: "When your heart knows that hard work is important, you will definitely make efforts, fight, and take struggling actions. If you are still playful, it means that your heart You still don’t understand the importance of hard work. But when you force yourself to work hard, practice, and overcome laziness, your heart actually already knows the importance of hard work.”

"Knowing is the beginning of action, and action is the completion of knowing. The two cannot exist alone, so: the unity of knowledge and action. The leader of Daxia also once said that if you can achieve the unity of knowledge and action in everything, you will be far away from the ancient times. The realm of saints as people call it is not far away.”

Hearing this, the parents in the audience looked sideways.

Fang Qingxue's parents, Cheng Qiuyun's parents, Qin Xuanjian's parents and other top class parents couldn't help but widen their eyes. They carefully considered Lu Ming's understanding of the saint's words, and their evaluation of Lu Ming went up several notches. .

Especially Fang Qingxue's mother looked at Lu Ming with more and more satisfaction. Unexpectedly, Lu Ming also studied the culture of ancient centuries.

The older people get, the deeper their understanding and understanding of Lu Ming’s words about the unity of knowledge and action.

As for the junior students and junior high school students, they couldn’t quite understand what Lu Ming said, but they felt that it was very mysterious and unfathomable, so they admired Lu Ming even more. Lin Wanrong brought the A few girls even regarded Lu Ming as their male god.

"Well, it seems that classmate Lu Ming has some research on ancient century literature, which is rare. I think you young people like to collect some divine generals and get stuck more often."

Principal Li smiled slightly and asked: "Speaking of the God General Card, in fact, many of the heroes on the God General Card have sacrificed their lives. They sacrificed themselves and achieved everyone's success. I don't know, Lu Ming, what do you think about heroes and sacrifice?" view?"

The parents in the audience looked at Lu Ming.

Heroes and Sacrifice. It’s really a sharp question to raise at the coming-of-age ceremony, and the parents of Rocket Class can see that the principal’s question has a special meaning, because Lu Ming just made a heroic act during the beast tide trial and chose to sacrifice. Protect others from yourself.

Lu Ming thought for a while and said, "Well, what I want to say is that everyone wants to be a hero in Daxia, but don't forget to go home and help mom wash the dishes after being a hero."


Hearing Lu Ming's answer, there was a burst of good-natured laughter in the audience. Li Yinghong also smiled and nodded in approval to Lu Ming.

"Classmate Lu Ming is right, so this coming-of-age ceremony should end here."

Li Yinghong said with a smile: "I hereby wish all senior high school students to become heroes in the future, but don't forget to go home and help your mother wash the dishes. Haha, give your parents a hug again. I want to hug you in the future." Otherwise, there would be no suitable reason like today."

Hearing this, the scene was filled with emotion again.

Lu Ming stood on the stage and couldn't hug his mother, but Lu's mother didn't care. At this time, her heart was filled with pride and relief. Her son was already much better than she imagined. It's a pity that Lao Lu didn't come today. , I couldn’t see with my own eyes how outstanding and radiant my son is now!

On the other side, Fang Qingxue's mother hugged Fang Qingxue and said with a low voice, "You have good taste."


Fang Qingxue's face turned red and she pretended to be stupid: "Of course. If you study with self-disciplined people, you will become self-disciplined. I know that Lu Ming is a self-disciplined student."


Let's see how long you can keep pretending. Mother Fang cursed in her heart and was immersed in the battle of wits with her daughter. She was sure that Fang Qingxue was interested in Lu Ming, but she would not give up until she saw Fang Qingxue admit it.

The more Fang Qingxue refused to admit it, the more fun Fang's mother found it, and she wildly teased her newly in love, slightly shy daughter, deeply amused.

Not long after, at ten o'clock in the morning, the coming-of-age ceremony officially ended. The students and their parents separated and left in order. The students returned to their classes for self-study. School ended at [-]:[-], and the parents were sent away from the school by the school's special bus.

Of course, when the parents left, many of them excitedly chatted with Lu’s mother. After a while, Lu’s mother was being talked to more often than when she was young and beautiful. It was simply outrageous.

Especially the parents of the students in the additional training group all said that they would visit Lu's house in the next few days to express their gratitude. This made Lu's mother look confused, wondering what earth-shattering thing her son had done, and why such a big shot wanted to do so. How about a visit to thank you?
In the end, Lu's mother dealt with everything one by one, thinking that she would ask clearly when Lu Ming came home.

[-]:[-], Class [-], Grade [-].

Wu Shangfeng greeted several teachers with a smile, then returned to the class and said with a smile: "Well, Lu Ming, Fang Qingxue, Lin Shanghao, you guys from Group S, go to the principal's office of the Academic Affairs Office, he There is still time to tell you about the position of Group S."

"Good teacher."

Lu Ming and others hurriedly left the classroom and headed to the Academic Affairs Office.

Wu Shangfeng began to talk to the remaining students in the class who were selected to enter Group A about the location and training time of Group A.

When Lu Ming and others were on their way, they met Xiaopang, Shi Jin, Lin Fei Shangwu and Jiang Bonian, so they went to the Academic Affairs Office to find the principal.

A few minutes later, everyone came to the principal's office.

The office was still as clean as new, without any dust, and the books and documents were arranged meticulously. The principal was sitting in the office drinking tea. When Lu Ming and ten people came, Li Yinghong put down his teacup with a smile.


Li Yinghong cleared his throat, waved his hand to summon ten chairs, and then arranged them very neatly, and said: "Everyone, sit down. I will tell you about the precautions for participating in Group S."

(End of this chapter)

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