priest dad

Chapter 109 Mo Ji: That’s my Brother Lu! !

Chapter 109 Mo Ji: That’s my Brother Lu! !
"Just spend your time, be sure to pay attention to your health."

Lu Ming gave a few more instructions, and then went back to the house to sleep. Father Lu and Mother Lu were also used to this kind of routine, and they quickly went back to the house to sleep.

Before going to bed, Lu Ming secretly added Light Healing and God's Will to his parents and Lu Xuan so that they could sleep more comfortably.

Silent all night.

The next day, Lu Ming still got up early in the morning and started practicing as usual.

However, the place at home was too small to perform the Bull Demon Cultivation Technique. Lu Ming simply went to the martial arts hall downstairs and spent the whole day practicing and chatting with Fang Qingxue.

What surprised Lu Ming was that throughout the whole day, he actually consumed two primary life potions, which meant that he now needed more resources to recover after reaching his limit.

The day went without any twists and turns. In the evening, Lu Ming and his family went to the inner city for a meal. After returning home, they went to bed early to recharge their batteries for tomorrow's S group.

October [-]st.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Lu Ming took a Yuaneng bus to the Inner City Education Department.

The so-called Education Department is a specialized compound with many buildings and a square where students from Group S, Group A, and Group B gather.

When Lu Ming came to this square, it was already full of students, and acquaintances were chatting and laughing in groups. Lin Shanghao and others also gathered together to talk.

"Brother Lu! Here! Brother Lu!!!"

After spotting Lu Ming in the distance, Lin Shanghao shouted excitedly, Brother Lu, while waving his arms vigorously, which immediately attracted the attention of many students to Lu Ming.


Lu Ming hurriedly walked towards Lin Shanghao and the others, and said helplessly: "Shanghao, don't be so excited every time. You remind me of the rhubarb I raised when I was a kid. It's like this every time I go home."

Lin Shanghao looked at Lu Ming resentfully and said, "Brother Lu, it's not impossible for me to be Dahuang."


Fang Qingxue covered her face and chuckled.

"Is everyone just waiting here?" Lu Ming asked with a smile.


Lin Shanghao nodded and said: "The time the principal mentioned before was not eight o'clock. Someone would not come to pick us up until eight o'clock. Now it is seven fifty, so we can only wait for 10 minutes."

"Well, let's wait a moment."

Lu Ming smiled and stood on the edge of the square with Lin Shanghao and the others, waiting for the arrival of the staff without saying a word. In fact, he secretly chatted with Fang Qingxue on the Tiandao panel.

Not far away, a group of students looked at Lu Ming and others curiously. They were attracted by Lin Shanghao's voice, and then discovered that Lu Ming turned out to be an acquaintance they met the day before yesterday.

"Hey, look, isn't it the same table where we ate at the grilled fish restaurant the day before yesterday?"

"Yes, it's them. That girl is very discerning and so beautiful."

"They can't really be from Group S, aren't they bragging yesterday?"

"You are considered a cabbage in the S group. I asked, there are so many perverts this year. Mo Ji, do you know that even he, who is number one in our cram school, didn't get into the S group?"

"Hiss, it's so difficult."

These students are all in Group B, which is the 11-100 students in the school. Their strength cannot be said to be too weak, but they are not very strong either. They are still far away from the top.

While they were discussing, Mo Ji came over curiously.

"What do you think of me?"

Mo Ji asked curiously.

"Cough cough."

Several people felt like they would be caught gossiping about people behind their backs, especially since Mo Ji's reputation was not very good, so they hurriedly explained: "I didn't mention you, Brother Mo. We were talking about some braggarts we met at dinner the day before yesterday. "

"Huh? Tell me about it?" Mo Ji became interested.

"Those are the ones who said during dinner that day that they would definitely be able to enter the Divine General Camp in Group S. The one called Brother Lu also said that he could get the title of Yunzhou Divine General. This is not outrageous. It is the most outrageous. What’s interesting is that he actually has the confidence to reach the extreme realm, isn’t this just bragging?”

Several students from Group B directly blamed Lu Ming and exaggerated slightly, fearing that Mo Ji would find trouble and punish them.

"Who is so awesome? How dare you call me Brother Lu like me, Brother Lu."

Mo Ji sneered and looked in the direction that the students from Group B were pointing. Then his eyes widened and he said in surprise: "Damn it, it's really my Brother Lu!"


Several students in Group B were stunned.

They were from the same martial arts school as Mo Ji. They were used to seeing Mo Ji, Lin Fei and Shang Wu bullying his classmates in the martial arts school. They had never seen Mo Ji call someone brother. Is the sun rising in the west?
"Brother Lu, that's my brother Lu!"

Mo Ji said excitedly: "He's not bragging. I can testify that he is from Group S, and I think he can definitely get the title of Yunzhou Divine General in the Divine General Camp, and Jingjingjijing is not a boaster. He If you want to brag, I, Mo Ji, will cut off my head and use it as a ball for you to kick."

"Brother Momo, is he really not bragging?" Several students in Group B were already confused.

"Not really."

Mo Ji nodded: "He is the number one in our school. He went from first in the rocket class to No. 1 in one month. During the monthly exam, his intelligence was directly 2500. He also killed the boss in the beast tide trial by himself, right?" .”


At this time, the students in Group B swore at the same time, and their eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

The monthly intelligence test is 2500 points, and you can almost kill the boss alone?
What kind of pervert is this?
They thought Lu Ming and others were bragging at the grilled fish restaurant the day before yesterday, but now it seems that they are sitting back and looking at the sky, they are really big guys.

"This is such a big deal!" the students exclaimed.


Mo Ji nodded and said with emotion: "Now I am no longer worthy to talk to Brother Lu. Alas, work hard, one day I can catch up with him."

"Brother Mo is awesome! Brother Mo can definitely do it. You were originally in Group S, but this time you just got unlucky. If a student from Group A challenges a student from Group S, you can directly enter Group S! Brother Mo can definitely do it!"

The students in Group B were not very interested when they saw Mo Ji, so they hurriedly complimented him. This has almost become their habit.

Usually in the martial arts gym, anyone who doesn't say a few nice words to Mo Ji will be isolated by Mo Ji and feel very uncomfortable. There is no point in suing the martial arts master, because the martial arts gym is run by Mo Ji's family.

"You don't need to compliment me so much. I have changed. From that day on, I vowed to be a good person." Mo Ji smiled gently, trying to make his domineering mechanic temperament more approachable. After speaking, Mo Ji Shi Shiran left and greeted other classmates he knew with a smile.


Several students from Group B were stunned, wondering why Mo Ji had taken the wrong medicine and why he was so abnormal today.

But no matter how abnormal Mo Ji is, Brother Lu should be the real boss. After all, he is the one who can make Mo Ji, who is arrogant and domineering and bully his classmates, even call him brother.

And it seems that Mo Ji's abnormality is inseparable from Brother Lu.

"Hey! Lao Lu! Xiao Wu, you are here too! Have you entered Group B?"

An exclamation rang out, causing Lu Ming, who was secretly chatting with Fang Qingxue on the friend channel, to come back to his senses. When he took a closer look, he saw a familiar figure standing in front of him.

Before Lu Ming could speak, Zhang Xiaowu beside him said excitedly: "Are you Wang Han? Long time no see!"

"Yes, it's me!"

Wang Han smiled and nodded. There were several students beside him. They all seemed to be in the Rocket Class and were quite strong.

Lu Ming then asked who Wang Han was. When they were young, Lu Ming, Zhang Xiaowu and Wang Han all lived in the same community, and they were doing well. However, when they were in elementary school, Wang Han's parents became professionals and moved to the inner city. Cheng, and we haven’t contacted each other since. It is said that he went to the High School Affiliated to Linda, and Xiaopang’s family moved away when he was in junior high school. Then he went to the same high school as Lu Ming, which is why Lu Ming and Xiaopang have a good relationship. My relationship with Wang Han, a young boy, is just average.

Xiaopang wanted to explain that he was in the S group, but after thinking about it, it seemed a bit pretentious, so he held back and asked Wang Han about his current situation.

Wang Han said with a smile: "I'm in good condition. I got into Group A by luck. It's not worth mentioning."

"Very good."

Lu Ming praised.

"Oh, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning. Those who can enter the S group are the real geniuses!"

Wang Han said mysteriously: "Laolu, Xiaopang, I have some gossip. I have information about the members of Group S in each high school. Because of our old friendship, I can share it with you, and you can choose when the time comes." Let’s challenge the weak ones, and if we can win, we can directly enter Group S.”

"Is there any such gossip?"

Lu Ming and Xiaopang became interested and expressed their curiosity.

Fang Qingxue, Lin Shanghao and others looked strange and came over curiously, thinking that they were all members of Group S. How could this friend, Brother Lu, not recognize them if he had information about members of Group S?
"Hey, Wang Han, don't tell them. I bought this all from my uncle in the Department of Education."

Before Wang Han could speak, a girl next to him became unhappy. They looked like a young couple.

"Oh, Xiaoling, we are all friends, there is nothing we can't say. Xiaopang and Laolu are my idols."

"Then you have to give me money, 100 Daxia coins!"

"OK then."

Wang Han was helpless.

Seeing this, Lin Shanghao handed over a Daxia coin carelessly and said curiously: "Here, here, we all want to know, tell us quickly."

"Okay, I can talk to you now."

Xiaoling took the Daxia coin and patted Wang Han on the shoulder.

After getting his girlfriend's consent, Wang Han started gossiping enthusiastically and said: "Lao Lu, Xiao Pang, and these friends, let me talk to you, but don't spread it out. These are all secrets."

"Okay, never tell anyone!"

Lin Shanghao said enthusiastically.

"This year's S group, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, is very powerful. There are five terrifying geniuses with S-level talents."

Wang Han whispered mysteriously: "We already have specific information on four of these five S-level geniuses. Coincidentally, these four geniuses are all beings with particularly outstanding attributes. "

As he spoke, Wang Han pointed to the distance. Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and their eyes focused on a tall and strong man who was as tall as an iron tower. If it weren't for the uniform of No. [-] Middle School, it would be difficult to identify him. a student.

"This is Luo Qianfeng. His talent is related to strength. His profession is an exorcist. He has already reached the second level. His strength attribute is very, very high, one dimension beyond the same level. He should be a force driver. His moon In the test results, the strength attribute has reached 2200, which is terrifying."


Lin Shanghao and others took a deep breath. They didn't expect this guy to be so powerful, with a strength attribute of 2200 points!
Lu Ming was also shocked. He didn't expect that there was such an outstanding person. However, thinking about it, this guy came from a professional family and had no shortage of resources since he was a child. He probably never thought about the extreme realm and broke into the second level early. Turned, and his talent must be to increase strength. It is not surprising that he has this strength attribute after practicing all the way.

"The difference between him and other geniuses is that he does not consider the extreme realm, and does not waste a day from the extreme realm. After completing the first-level double magic, he goes directly to the second-level. The same is true for several other geniuses with S talents. "

When Wang Han said this, he couldn't help but laugh: "Well, in fact, many people don't expect to be in the extreme realm and have stronger strength. Unfortunately, they can't recognize themselves. They really think that anyone can break into the extreme realm." , three or four months wasted in the extreme realm, this time is enough to cultivate more than 1000 attributes."


Qin Xuanjian and Cheng Qiuyun looked at each other and nodded in unison.

This is the fact. If they had not met Lu Ming, they might have ended up like what Wang Han said, wasting several months in the First Realm, leading to being surpassed by many of their peers.

"Look at that one again. That one is Shi Qianjun from No. 2000 Middle School. He has physical talents and is a shield warrior. According to his monthly exam results, his physical attributes are as high as [-] points. His defense power is extremely terrifying. He is also a first-class genius."

"That's Qin Wanli, his profession is Wind Knight. He is very fast. His agility attribute during the monthly test is also as high as 2000 points. The most important thing is that his natural talent can convert speed into impact damage similar to a charge effect. Combat power The star rating is frighteningly high. When he has equipment and pet beasts in the future, his upper limit should be the highest."

Lu Ming and others glanced at Qin Wanli in the distance and kept this fierce man in mind. These were the competitors they would face if they wanted to enter the God General Camp.

"There is another one, Lin Keke from the second experiment. Her profession is a blood mage. Her intelligence is very high, with a full 2000 points. She also has an extremely cold and indifferent personality. Don't mess with anyone."

Wang Han pointed at a little loli wearing a black mage robe in the distance, a little frightened: "This guy is from our school, don't conflict with her."

"it is good."

Lu Ming nodded and wrote down these four powerful enemies. He took them very seriously. He wanted to get the title of God General to treat his sister's illness, so no matter what, no one could stop him from entering the God General Camp. No one could To prevent him from obtaining the title of God General, he must surpass these four powerful enemies.

"As for the last one, it's more embarrassing. You have the same name as Lao Lu."

Wang Han scratched his head and said: "The fifth one is also called Lu Ming. His talent is unknown, but he is probably also intellectual. His monthly intelligence test is as high as 2500. The most important thing is that he seems to have reached the extreme level. Unfortunately, his profession is auxiliary. As for his profession, his combat power is probably not strong.”


Fang Qingxue couldn't help but laugh.

Lu Ming also smiled awkwardly.

As for Wang Han, he really thought that he just had the same name as Lu Ming, and never thought that the monster with an intelligence of 2500 would be his lover Lu Ming, because he knew that Lu Ming's family conditions were very poor, and he was He only awakened as a professional a month ago, so he must have the same name.

(End of this chapter)

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