Back in 84, he became Jordan’s lifelong enemy!

Chapter 71 The second shooting guard is on pins and needles!

Chapter 71 The second shooting guard is on pins and needles!
"Our interior defense needs to be strengthened, especially at the basket. Next, Qiqi, Michael."

In the Trail Blazers' locker room, Jack Ramsey took out his tactical board and gestured, planning to heavily guard the interior in the second half and engage in regional defense.

Before the head coach called his name, Drexler was on pins and needles, with thorns in his back and a lump in his throat.
He was afraid that the coach would scold him for lagging behind in the first half as soon as he came back, and would get rid of the starting lineup.

In the first half, except for the first two or three minutes when Su Wen took him to the ditch, he spent the rest of the time defending very hard. However, the opponent was unreasonable and used his talent to crush him, scoring 3 points on himself.

And what about him?
He only defended for a few rounds, and the rest was spent watching others score, and he only scored 6 points.

Fortunately, Jack Ramsey almost didn't look at him and directly arranged the tactics for the second half. He was relieved.

Especially when he heard that he also had a place in the interior defense, he was overjoyed, and the villain in his heart yelled 'yes!' crazily.

Obviously, as long as the performance is not particularly poor, the head coach will not change the lineup within a game and disrupt the pre-game arrangement.

Being 7 points behind at halftime is not a score that cannot be recovered. They still have time.

At the same time, as the visiting team, the Sonics' locker room is a little shabbier than the home team's, but it has all the functions it should have, and it's not cramped inside, so it won't be treated differently by the home team.

It's just that the sanitary conditions are poor.

Suvin sat under his locker and listened to coach Lenny Wilkens' tactical arrangements.

"Move the ball more, cover more, and run more. We can't relax even a little bit in the second half."

"We must also pay attention to our opponent's defense. They may increase intensity and even press in half-time, so we must move the ball faster and not let the ball stay in our hands for too long."

"Next, let's do this."

Su Wen listened and listened. In the arrangements for the second half, he became the arrow on the offensive end again. He always had to be active at the free throw line, waiting for opportunities to attack.

He always has to be the offensive hub of the team.

Since his first three games, he has been doing this kind of work, and it has become a habit. He does not need the head coach to emphasize it, and he is confident to do it well.

"The gap of 24:6 is too big!"

"Poor Clyde is busted!"

"I knew there was a gap, but I didn't expect it to be so big. It's unbelievable."

"Compared with the opponent's Su, Clyde seems so mediocre."

"24 at halftime, not 50 for the whole game? What a terrible rookie!"

"If Su is replaced by Clyde and paired with Qiqi, we will definitely become the most powerful contender for the championship. It's a pity."

During the halftime break, when the scoreboard showed a comparison of the two sides' statistics, it caused a burst of discussion.

The fans of the home team were all surprised by Su Wen's performance. They were so disgusted with Drexler that they wanted to switch their jerseys and make Su Wen a member of the home team.

Just as they were discussing and expressing their feelings, both parties filed out of the player tunnel.

The second half is about to begin.

I want to work hard!

I want to work hard!

Be sure to guard against that guy!
During the warm-up, Drexler looked at Su Wen in the other half and secretly encouraged himself.

Compared to Su Wen, he was also a rookie at this time.

It's just one year ahead of the latter in the league.

His aura as a future second shooting guard in the league has yet to be developed, and his mentality at this time is as low-key as possible.

In this game, he faced Su Wen with the same mentality as if he was facing off against an active superstar, and did not dare to have any paralysis.

During halftime on the SuperSonics side, without noticing Su Wen's gaze, he kept quietly warming up with his teammates to warm up his hands.

When Tom Chambers came close to him and shot a ball, Su Wen said: "Tom, I may encounter heavy defense next, and I will encounter a lot of difficulties when cutting inside."

"You have to pay attention to my movements and watch the pass at all times."

"no problem."

Chambers' chest clapped loudly and he replied confidently: "Put it on me!"

"The Vandeweghe opposite is not as good as you in my opinion. You have to work harder and don't let him compare." Su Wen thought for a while and then said.

"Hmph!" Speaking of King Qiqi, Chambers looked arrogant, "You don't need to say anything, I know he is not as good as me."

"Watch me beat him in the second half!"

"As long as you have confidence!" Su Wen smiled and walked back to the sideline spontaneously.

The two sides changed sides and fought again.

This time, the Sonics won the scrimmage.

Tim McCormick, who was well prepared, touched the basketball immediately and did not choose to shoot it to Brad Davis in the backcourt. Instead, he shot it to Su Wen's side.

He seems to know very well that Su Wen's jumping is better than his opponent Drexler, so he should be able to win the ball.

In fact, just as he thought, Su Wen got the ball with one jump and grabbed it with one hand, easily controlling the basketball.


The fans at the scene were slightly shocked when they saw this.

"Catching the ball in mid-air with one hand? His hands are so big."

"The guy's hands were like suction cups and he grabbed the basketball easily."

"Oh my god, he actually has such big hands! If he grabs me here, I won't be able to survive, I'm going to get wet."

Su Wen won the ball, glanced at his teammates' movement, and when Drexler approached, he suddenly swung forward. The basketball was like a cannonball, instantly penetrating the Blazers' defensive players and reaching Chambers. in hand.


Almost at the moment he caught the ball, Chambers didn't wait for King Qiqi to react. He cut to the basket and succeeded in a layup.

Right from the start, they hit their opponents head-on. The two men's eyes met and both smiled.

Su Wen's organization is not good, and he may not be qualified to serve as a point guard.

But his passing is absolutely accurate and he can definitely allow his teammates to catch the basketball comfortably.

Because he can always leave enough advance and angle for his teammates, he can attack the frame by receiving the ball appropriately.

Chambers caught the ball and made a layup. It felt like a subconscious layup after cutting inside the basket, and he easily scored two points.

Lanny Wilkes, who was sitting with his arms folded on the sidelines, was very satisfied with this situation.

He sometimes wonders whether he can make Su Wen a point forward, or simply put him at the No. [-] position and let him organize the ball.
But just think about it.

Regardless of whether it is a formal game or daily training, Su Wen has never shown his organizational skills.

He doesn't have any tendency to direct his teammates' movements and execute tactics.

Otherwise, turning Soda into a tall point guard would be a good choice.

Being tall means you have a wide field of vision, can receive updates from your teammates at any time, and can organize attacks better.

What was unexpected was that King Qiqi returned to the offensive end, only with his back to Chambers, turned around, and threw the latter away, and also succeeded in a layup, which was very smooth.


Chambers felt annoyed at how easily he had lost his position and waved his fist bitterly.

Brand Davis advanced with the ball. While observing the movements of his teammates, he methodically controlled the ball without being disturbed by his opponent Darnell Valentine.

The team's main point guard has a strong psychological quality and protects the ball very well. Players without the ball always protect the front to prevent the opponent from invading.

When he entered the area where he could launch an attack in the frontcourt, he felt the intensity of the Blazers' defense.

When the opponent walked one meter beyond the free throw line, every player, except for Drexler who was leading the defense on Su Wen, suddenly retracted the defense, shrank into the inside, and blocked his advance route.

He just glanced at it and saw that the opponent had someone assigned behind Drexler. While guarding Al Wood and also eyeing Su Wen covetously, he knew that Su Wen had definitely been made a targeted defensive deployment. .

as predicted.

He just casually controlled the ball towards Su Wen, and the opponent's defensive formation moved accordingly, forming a triangular defensive formation.

The tip was facing Su Wen.

If he passes the ball to Su Wen and Su Wen rushes in, he will inevitably be double-teamed.

So he gave up the idea and brought Darnell Valentine back.At this time, McCormick put up the screen, and he rushed in along the gap created by the opponent's screen, and passed the ball to McCormick before the opponent could shrink his defense.

McCormick was unmarked, but he did not have a stable long-range shot, so he could only continue to dribble the ball inward.

For a man as big as 211cm to dribble the ball and rush in, he will definitely not be able to act like a defender. How could the Trail Blazers miss the opportunity to encircle and suppress him?Wrap it up immediately.

Unexpectedly, McCormick immediately stopped and passed the ball to Su Wen, who was coming forward.

As Su Wen received the ball, the Blazers had to change their formation again, including Su Wen.
At this moment, he suddenly jumped up high and threw the ball into the basket and into the hands of Chambers.

The latter was vacated because King Qiqi and his teammates double-teamed Su Wen.

Immediately he sent the ball into the basket without any ceremony.

It wasn't a dunk, because King Qiqi was not far away from him. He only needed to turn around and get back in position. He could only use the inertia of the bottom of the basket to accelerate for a layup.

After failing to successfully defend the ball, the Trail Blazers were not discouraged and continued to execute their own tactical moves on the offensive end.

Under the cover of teammate Michael Thompson, Drexler got the opportunity to cut inside and shoot. He didn't hesitate and took a jump shot without waiting for Su Wen to catch up.

Compared with Su Wen and Danzi, who often sit high in the air to shoot, his take-off height is shorter and his posture is not cool. In addition, he looks ugly wearing the Blazers' black jersey.

But the beauty has nothing to do with whether the shot is successful or not. He still put the ball into the basket smoothly and got his eighth point of the game.

Brand Davis continued to advance. This time, he rushed in when the opponent was just in position, trying not to give the opponent more time to prepare for zone defense.

He was extremely fast and passed Darnell Valentine in two or two passes to the receiving Al Wood.

After receiving the ball, Wood ran to the other side with his defender. When Chambers put up the screen, he suddenly made a short body and cut to the basket in an instant.

The Blazers didn't expect him to be so decisive. When he wanted to rush to the basket to make up the position, it was already too late.

Wood threw the ball into the net the next moment.

But when Brad Davis still wanted to do this in the next round, the Blazers' zone defense tightened more resolutely and decisively. They double-teamed him as soon as he broke into the paint. Anyone who cut inside would be watched closely. , it is difficult to be as smooth as the previous one.

Similarly, due to the increased intensity of defensive treatment, offensive efficiency has been greatly reduced.

After Davis was double-teamed, he failed to pass the ball in time, and the Blazers immediately seized the opportunity to counterattack.

Su Wen broke into the paint and was double-teamed, passing the ball to McCormick, who turned around and attacked the basket, but was stubbornly resisted by Thompson and missed the shot.

Chambers was double-teamed by two people, missed the opportunity to pass the ball, and missed the strong shot.

Su Wen wanted to rely on his personal ability to cut inside without the ball. Just as he was about to catch the ball, Drexler slapped the ball away.

The Sonics' offense suffered repeated setbacks, and the Blazers instantly launched a 13:2 offensive climax to reverse the score.

Seeing himself go from a 7-point lead to a 4-point deficit, Lanny Wilkens finally couldn't sit still and handed over the timeout in his hands.

The tactics he deployed in the midfield were only executed smoothly for the first two or three rounds before suffering serious consequences.

"Tom, pull it out, you pull Vandeweghe out, you can't let them continue to fill positions easily inside."

"Al, be smarter about the timing of your moves. Don't wait for the opponent to be ready before running. At that time, they can keep up with you and switch defenses at any time."

"Su, if you have the chance, do it yourself, and your teammates will help you cover it!"

"Tim. Forget it, stay inside and attract some defensive pressure."

"Brad, you should pay more attention to other people's movements in the top arc. You can't wait until they are double-teamed before handling the ball."

"Be more decisive and be faster!"

"Also, even if the opponent pushes for a counterattack, you must defend it as much as possible. Fast break counterattacks are what you are good at, not your opponent."

"Don't let your opponents play tricks on you!"

“Go ahead and fuck them hard!”

After saying that, he waved his hand and sent him off to the field without waiting for the players to hear it.

Returning to the court, Su Wen took a deep breath, then looked at Drexler, and then exhaled slowly.

Damn, tonight's defensive intensity was the strongest since the first three games of the season.

In the past, whether it was the Utah Jazz or the Suns, they could handle it calmly. The offense at that time was rarely so difficult.

It finally happened tonight!
The teammates are still not ready to be defended by others with high intensity inside.

Is this kid going to come by himself?
Seeing some changes in Su Wen's demeanor, Drexler was fully on guard at the moment.

But when he followed Su Wen and took two steps in, he was suddenly blocked by someone.

Looking back, he turned out to be Tom Chambers, the opponent's core inside player.

Delexler was about to avoid the opponent and continue to defend, but Su Wen had already charged.

When his teammates put up the screen, Su Wen cut directly inside.

At this time, Davis's passing was also more decisive. As soon as he rushed up, the basketball was passed in his direction. By the time he caught the ball, it had already reached the free throw line.

The other Pioneers saw this and quickly wrapped it up.

But Su Wen did not give up. He looked like he was going to pass to Chambers. After shaking King Qiqi away, he rushed to King Qiqi's original position, pulled up and threw.


Two point hit.

The Trail Blazers returned to the frontcourt, Darnell Valentine's sudden score, King Qiqi encountered a strong physical confrontation from Chambers, and missed the shot.

After Chambers grabbed the rebound, he passed it directly to Al Wood on the outside. After the latter received the ball and rushed past his defender, he and Su Wen, who was passing quickly, made a two-pronged attack and both rushed forward.

The Blazers' pursuit of defense was slow, but they still gave up midway.

Because they couldn't catch up with Su Wen, who was running fast with his hands empty-handed, Su Wen rushed into the free throw line in an instant, followed Wood's pass, and staged a dunk.

After scoring two goals in a row, Lenny Wilkens on the sidelines finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But as soon as he sat down, the Blazers seized a gap where Davis delayed forward and immediately launched a quick attack. The score difference was still 2 points.

Fortunately, all members of the Sonics were not confused by this and continued to push fast breaks.

Brad Davis passed the frontcourt and passed to Suvin who was running.

After Su Wen crossed the center line, he saw Delexler approaching and passed his backhand to Al Wood on the other side.

Wood received the ball as if it was hot, and sent it inward, to Chambers who had already inserted himself inside.

Chambers didn't stop the ball. After hitting the basket, he passed the ball back to McCormick.

At that time, when the opponent was taking care of his teammates, the goal was wide open and unmarked.

He immediately slammed the ball into the basket with one hand.

The two sides drew again.

20 seconds later, King Qiqi passed through the blocker of teammate Thompson, turned around and slipped into the basket and dunked, continuing to score.

On the SuperSonics side, Tom Chambers also responded.

He didn't wait for the opponent to get into position, and before double-teaming, he already caught the ball and made a move, turned around and hit a layup.

Drexler once again got a screen from his teammates, fended off Suvin, and succeeded in hitting the basket. When he came back, he failed to guard Suvin. The latter inserted the ball into the basket and passed the ball to Chambers, who scored from close range. .

Since the SuperSonics have strengthened the ball control, moved the ball faster, and used more pick-and-roll cooperation, the Blazers' interior zone defense has slowly lost its effectiveness. The two sides have officially entered into a back-and-forth, playing against each other. divided into stages.

At the end of the third quarter, the score difference between the two sides was still 2 points, and this time the SuperSonics led, 88:86.

When the two sides returned to the court to rest, the fans, who had been immersed in the wonderful offensive and defensive battle in the second half of the quarter, also recovered from the suffocating game and sincerely sighed: "Oh my God, this quarter is watching. So nervous.”

"Who would have thought that the third quarter would be so exciting? The following fourth quarter would really test my heart."

"It was a really intense match. Both sides seemed to be equally matched in strength. No one had the ability to surpass their opponent."

"After Clyde experienced the chaotic start of the first half, he played better and better. Especially his defense against Su, he did a great job, which really surprised us."

"Come on, kill Supersonic!"

No one expected that after three quarters of a game, the winner had not yet been decided, and the winner would not be known until the critical moment. Such a tense atmosphere made the entire audience feel very excited.

If they were in the lead at this time and were leading by more points, they would be even happier.

(End of this chapter)

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