Qiang Qin

Chapter 107 Battle of Linzi

Updated: 2010-08-21

The Chu army surrounded Linzi city, but they couldn't take it down quickly.Xiang Yu never imagined that Linzi city would be so good for defense.Not to mention that its city walls are several feet higher and several feet thicker than Xue Jun's. The moat in front of you alone is not so easy to pass.

Xiang Yu, who lives in the south, has seen many cities with moats, such as Kuaiji, such as Jiujiang, but the moats are only used to prevent the enemy from easily attacking the city, as long as a few planks can still pass through calmly.But the moat outside Linzi City is completely different. It is ten feet wide. Where did it come from? The water is very powerful, and there will often be a wave, which makes the Chu army, who has no equipment for crossing the river at all, feel overwhelmed.

At this time, Xiang Yu in the main account was asking some generals to see if there was any way for them to let the army cross the river smoothly and attack Linzi City. "In my opinion, we can't actually encircle here. The Qi people in the city must not dare to go out of the city. We only need to guard the few roads leading to the outside of Linzi City, and they can be trapped in the city, and the people in the city eat horses. Hey, the consumption of food and grass must be very high, maybe they will abandon the city and flee after a month's defense." One of the generals suggested.

"General Liu, you have never seen the granary in Linzi City. If you have seen the three huge granaries in Linzi City, I am afraid you would not say that. The grain stored in those three granaries is enough for 10 people to feed. It has been more than a year, and this time the Qi people have made up their minds to stick to it. The food in the city must be well prepared, and there may even be more than the three big granaries. Easy." Another objected immediately.

"This general has also heard that the food in Linzi city is enough for our people in Chu for a few months. If we can take Linzi down sooner, then the food will definitely be of great benefit to us." Xiang Yu also said. Said.

"It's a pity that the people of Qi have long thought that the moat is their strongest line of defense, so they have cut down all the trees within tens of miles of Linzi City. We can't cut down trees to build bridges or rafts to cross the river." General Liu looked at it. The bare ground outside the tent sighed.

"Shouldn't we let the soldiers swim over?" Another general suddenly suggested.

"This method is only thought of by you, a bastard." The general next to him laughed loudly, "Not to mention that not everyone in our army can swim, even if they can swim, when our army is on the water Do you think that the Qi army will sit back and watch such a good opportunity to kill our army? And our army is on the water, and avoiding the enemy's attack is bound to be disadvantageous. I am afraid that nearly half of the troops will fall into the water. Then why? What about fighting with Qi people?"

"If we fill up the river, although the river looks wide, I can surely fill it up with tens of thousands of horses."

"Just now I ordered people to try to throw stones and sand into the river, but the river is running water, and the smaller sand and stones have been washed away by the current, and the larger ones are not enough, and I am afraid it will not be easy to fill them up. .”

Xiang Yu listened to his subordinates discussing in a hurry, but there was no feasible solution. He couldn't help but miss the item he tried not to bring this time. Although this person is more wordy, his brain is still very fast It's good, now that the weak country has him, maybe the moat won't be a problem.

In the next few days, the Chu army began to make various attempts. Some tried to fill up the river with earth and rocks, and some tried to swim across it with good water quality, but they all ended in failure. At this time, there was only one way. Just to spend time with the Qi people in Linzi City, to see who can't stand it first.In this way, Xiang Yu had to send someone back to Kuaiji to ask the court for food and grass.

What Xiang Yu didn't expect was that his talents were sent out, and Xiang He came with hundreds of carts of grain and grass.Looking at Xiang Yu's strange eyes, Xiang explained that Xiang Liang had prepared this early in the morning, because when Xiang Liang sent Xiang Yu to attack Qi, he knew that the Chu army would be trapped outside Linzi City.

Hearing Xiang Ta's explanation, Xiang Yu couldn't help but blushed: "I contradicted my uncle so much, but I didn't expect him to still make arrangements for me. Xiang Yu is really ashamed." He told him the reason why the army was forced to stop here, and then asked him if he had a way to break it.

Xiang he followed Xiang Yu to look at the moat and said: "General Xiang told me before I set off this time that the general would be blocked by the moat of Linzi, and he was right. General Xiang had been here before. Linzi City, after looking at the moat, I concluded that this is the most difficult barrier in Linzi City. As long as the river is crossed, the high and strong walls will definitely not be able to stop the attack of the army. When Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, it was Qi who was the last to be destroyed. It was also the siege of the city for several months that made the city think that it would be the successor before opening the city and surrendering. But we don’t have as much time as the Qin people, so the general sent me four words before I left.”

Xiang Yu listened to Xiang He's rambling for a long time and finally got to the point, and hurriedly asked: "Which four words are they? Can they really help me break the city?"

Xiang Ta paused every word and said: "Da Yu controls the flood."

"Dayu controls the water?" Xiang Yu repeated inexplicably. Of course he knew the legend, but Xiang Yu was very puzzled whether the people in the legend would come to help him break it.

Seeing the confusion on Xiang Yu's face, Xiang He continued: "At the time, I was also very puzzled, but I thought about it carefully along the way. After seeing the moat today, I finally understood the truth. That is to guide, as long as If we open a canal to divert the water from the moat, then the barrier that separates us from Linzi City will no longer exist."

"But seeing how strong the current is, is it possible for us to drain the river so easily?" Xiang Yu couldn't believe that things would be so easy.

"So we need to find out the source of this moat, cut it off, and then divert the water in the river to other places. This moat will become a ditch, and a ditch can't stop our army of Chu State naturally. .” He said.

"Yes! You are right. I will immediately send people to find the source of the river and cut it off. As long as the river dries up, our army will naturally be able to march straight into Linzi City." Xiang Yu said excitedly. Went to arrange it.

As the saying goes, it is easier to do things with more people. In less than a day, the Chu soldiers found the source, and then sealed it with big rocks and sand. Then, thousands of people dug a diversion canal beside the moat to divert the river water. to other places.

Their behavior was naturally noticed by the Qi people on the top of the city. Seeing the behavior of the Chu army, the Qi people knew what they were going to do.Originally, the people of Qi wanted to use the moat and high walls to defend Linzi, waiting for the people of Zhao to come to help them. Unexpectedly, within a few days, the moat that they thought was unbreakable was broken like this.For a while, the city was divided into two voices. One was to lead the Chu soldiers to rush out to kill them by surprise while they were still working as "engineers", and the other wanted to rely on the city wall for defense and pin their hopes on Zhao's army. When he arrived, he and himself attacked the Chu army back and forth.Of course, there are still a few people who want to shoot the Chu soldiers digging ditches with bows and arrows on the top of the city, but their ideas cannot be realized at all.At this time, the ten-foot-wide moat became the amulet of the Chu army, and no bow, no matter how powerful it was, could reach it at a distance of ten feet.After several big discussions, the people of Qi still decided to stick to the plan at the beginning and continue to wait for help.Therefore, the people of Qi could only watch helplessly as the moat they relied on as a weapon to defend the city was led away by the Chu army until it became a piece of dry land.

Of course, it is not possible to divert all the water from such a large river in a short period of time, but compared to besieging Linzi, this is already the fastest way.After seven days of work, the moat dried up, so at Xiang Yu's order, the army rushed to the city of Linzi stepping on the still muddy river.

Seeing that his own support could not stop the attack of the Chu army, the morale of the defending Qi army dropped greatly. Facing the attacking Chu army like wolves and tigers, the Qi army had no choice but to parry.But fortunately, apart from the river, the city walls of Linzi City were several feet higher than ordinary cities. The Chu army could not break through the city walls for a while, so they had to retreat to the other side of the river after dark and wait for the next morning to attack again.

When the soldiers were sleeping and resting, Xiang Yu and a group of generals were still discussing how to capture Linzi in the shortest possible time. Only by relying on the desperate attack of the whole army can Linzi be taken down.Therefore, there was no result in this discussion, and everyone had to give up.

In the early morning of the next day, the Chu army continued to attack Linzi, but it was still impossible to conquer it. After another five days, both the attackers and the defenders of the city were exhausted. Now the will of the soldiers on both sides is now compared. Maybe when you give up is also the second before the enemy wants to give up.

No matter how strong the city wall was, it couldn't stand the continuous attacks. Finally, on the sixth day, a gap appeared in the strong city wall.When Xiang Yu saw it, he was overjoyed and hurriedly sent a large number of soldiers to attack the gap, and Linzi city was destroyed.

At this moment, a bloody horse rushed to the back of the Chu army's tent carrying this bloody man. The man galloped and shouted: "The people of Zhao attacked the back of our army, Dongjun, Xue The county fell, and the army of the Zhao people surrounded our Jibei county! The Zhao people attacked our army's back road, Dongjun and Xue counties fell, and the Zhao army surrounded our Jibei county!" The voice came into the tent, and Xiang Yu was suddenly startled. The Zhao people cut it off, and Ma Ke, his tens of thousands of people, became alone.So he immediately summoned the messenger who was covered in blood, hoping to learn from him how the Zhao people attacked his rear.

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