Qiang Qin

Chapter 14 Interception

Updated: 2010-05-13

"What? Fusu has been to Li Si's mansion? When did he return to Xianyang?" Hu Hai was questioning one of his subordinates in the lobby.

The man stammered: "I don't know about this subordinate either. It's just that the people under our surveillance found someone going out at the side door of the Prime Minister's Mansion this morning, and immediately recognized him as the eldest prince."

"A bunch of trash, even a man as big as Fusu didn't even know he entered Xianyang City. Did you send someone to follow him?"

"Prince, don't worry, we have already sent people to guard them, and we will definitely not let them slip away from our noses."

"Okay, keep an eye on him and see where he's going? Li Si is an old man. I lowered my status and went to see him, but I didn't even see me once. Fusu is lucky, and he still stays at Li Si's house. It seems that he He is determined to oppose this prince." Hu Hai said bitterly.

At this time, a middle-aged man dressed as a counselor came over behind him and said: "Prince, this is actually an excellent opportunity to get rid of Fusu. He is now away from Shangjun, and there must not be many people around him to protect him. We You can send someone to rob and kill him on his way back to Shangjun."

Hu Hai's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Yeah, this is Fusu himself looking for death, so he can't blame me for being a brother. But who should we send? The guards by his side must be He is one of the best players in a hundred, but we don't have a lot of people in our hands."

"Prince, you don't have it, but Mr. Zhao has it. Mr. Zhao has a secret weapon, the Black Cavalry, which is my Daqin's." The counselor said.

"Zhang Wenyuan really has you. With the help of Zhao Gao's men, it will be difficult for the emperor to find my flaws. Well, if I can get rid of Fusu this time, the prince will reward you very much." Hu Hai's face was already happy It's gone, the look of being angry just now because of the news that Fusu and Li Si met has completely disappeared.

"Then my subordinates would like to thank the prince, ah no, I would like to thank the prince for the reward." Zhang Wenyuan said flatteringly.

"Hahahaha..." The triumphant laughter in the lobby floated far away.

After leaving the prime minister's mansion, Fusu and the others returned to the small post to rest, and did not prepare to leave Xianyang until noon. "My lord, won't you go back to the mansion to have a look?" Liu Wu asked.

"No need, to avoid any complications, let's hurry back to Shangjun." Fusu shook his head.

"Okay, then let's go." The guards were dragged away by Li Si's family to drink after Fusu and Li Si had a conversation in the main hall, so they didn't know that Fusu had already met Qin Shihuang, so they thought He was afraid that the emperor would not dare to stay any longer when he knew that he had come to Xianyang without authorization.

Half an hour later, Fusu and his party had arrived at the city gate in the northeast of Xianyang, and there were pairs of eyes staring at them all the time behind them.

"It seems that they are going out of the city." One person said to the accomplice next to him.

"The prince ordered us to send someone to give him a message when Fusu and the others leave the city, and Lao Liu will let you go."

Lao Liu responded and hurried back to report the letter.

"With the black knight taking action this time, Fusu seems to be dead."

The winter sun was very comfortable on people. After leaving Xianyang, Fusu and his party slowed down their pace, as if they were going out of the city to play, and walked forward without rein, while admiring the snowy scenery outside the city.

"Prince, the people who followed us are still following us." Meng Kong said to Fusu.

"Let them follow. There are still so many pedestrians here, so they don't dare to do anything." Fusu looked at the people around who went out of the city to visit friends or go to the city to do business because the snow stopped.

"But being followed by them like this is not a solution, why don't we find a secluded corner and get rid of them all?" Liu Wu said murderously.

Fusu tapped his head lightly with a horsewhip, and scolded him with a smile: "Why are you so reckless? The purpose of these people following us is not clear, how can we kill people indiscriminately. Perhaps this is specially arranged by someone who is afraid that we will be in danger. protect us."

Liu Wu said with a silly smile: "Isn't this subordinate thinking of the prince's safety?"

Fusu flicked his whip lightly and said: "At first, I was not in a hurry to go back to Shangjun. After all, everyone traveled day and night when we came here. Now that the mission has been completed, we should slow down. Since someone is following, we will be ahead Let’s put things on the horse and go back to a place with less manpower.”

After thinking about going forward for a while, there were not many pedestrians on the road, so Fusu and the others stopped their horses and took out the saddle and stirrup from the luggage.After a while, these harnesses were all equipped, and everyone got on their horses and was about to gallop away.

At this moment, there was a dense sound of horseshoes coming from behind, and the speed was still very fast.It's not that the horse can't go fast without a saddle and stirrups, it's just that the time a rider can gallop on a horse doesn't last long.

Everyone looked behind curiously, only to see a group of more than fifty people coming quickly.These more than 50 people were all wearing black leather armor, and their faces were covered with hoods that only exposed two eyes, which looked very strange.

"It's a black knight!" Although Liu Wu was reckless, he had been with Meng Tian for the longest time, so he could tell the identities of this group of people at a glance.But at this time, Fusu had no time to ask him what kind of army the black cavalry was.

When the black knight saw Fusu, he reined in the reins, and at the same time took out a crossbow that was shining in the sun, and pointed it at them.

"Protect the prince!" Liu Wu had already drawn out the long sword that was placed beside the horse while speaking, and the others did not dare to neglect, and drew out their weapons one after another to block Fusu behind.

With the wave of the leader of the leading black cavalry, a rain of arrows has already sprinkled on Fusu and all the guards.Everyone hurriedly used the weapons in their hands to block the random arrows, but the arrows were fired with the force of a machine, which was much stronger than that shot by the bow. Sui Ran blocked most of them, but there were still a few people Already hit the arrow.

"Meng Kong, follow the prince first, we are here to stop them." In such a situation, Liu Wu, a seasoned general, played a role.He knew that after firing an arrow, the crossbow machine must have an interval to reload the next arrow. At this moment, he didn't dare to give the enemy time, so he hurriedly shook the reins and rushed towards the black knights.The other guards at the back saw it, and rushed to kill the enemy with their weapons.As soon as Fusu saw this scene, he also drew his sword and was about to step forward.Meng Kong hurriedly grabbed his reins and said, "Prince, the brothers rushed over to buy you time to leave."

Fu Su heard what Meng Kong said, that is, his bodyguards were no match for these black knights, and by rushing up this time, he was using his life to create a chance for himself to leave.Having figured this out, Fusu calmed down. He turned the horse's head and ran forward while Meng Kong followed closely behind him.

Liu Wu's feet were on the stirrups, so he could hold the sword in both hands, and with the power of the horse charging forward, he slashed at the front black knight with one strike.The man didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly raised the long sword in his hand to block Liu Wu's sword.But because Liu Wu's two-handed sword is more advantageous than his one-handed sword, and he didn't expect that the opponent would suddenly turn his head to attack his side, so he responded hastily and didn't have enough energy, so he just listened to "clang!" With a sound, his sword has been swung away.Liu Wu was also honest and blunt, and stabbed him to death on the horse with another sword.

But in the blink of an eye, the other knights of the Black Cavalry had already surrounded him. They had already put away their crossbows, and they were all attacking Liu Wu with shining swords in their hands.Seeing a knife slashing at his neck, Liu Wu hurriedly dodged to the right, but at the same time a sword stabbed from the right, as if he was leaning on the sword himself.

Seeing that he was about to be hit by the sword, a knife was stretched out to help him hold the sword, but the guard who rushed over with him blocked the blow for him.Liu Wu took advantage of the man's sword to be arrested, and the long sword in his hand pierced into the man's chest like a poisonous snake, but at the same time, a knife slashed into his chest.With a low growl, he fell backwards so as not to be disemboweled by the knife, but even if he relieved his force in time, a wound that was more than a foot long was dragged on his chest, and blood flowed profusely. come out.At the same time, the other guards were also facing the attack of four or five black knights. Two of them had been seriously injured, but they were still desperately resisting.

The wounded beast is the most dangerous. Liu Wu felt that after he was wounded, he was like a beast, only attacking but not defending, and every sword stabbed at the enemy's vital point.But apart from killing one person with a sudden attack and one person before the enemy successfully encircled him, Liu Wu never took any advantage.He roared again and again, his eyes were red with blood, but it just added a few more wounds to his body.The black cavalry, on the other hand, had woken up from the shock at the beginning, and began to encircle and suppress the guards by relying on the large number of people.

Originally, several people in the black cavalry wanted to bypass these guards to pursue more important targets, but they were stopped by several guards desperately. In desperation, they had to kill them first and then go after Fusu Er people.Because he believed that he would be able to catch up with Fusu and the others with his riding skills, which were good at riding on horseback and comparable to that of the Huns, not to mention that their war horses were all fast horses selected in a thousand miles.

As the number of wounds increased and blood continued to flow out, Liu Wu already felt dizzy, but a will still supported him to attack those black knights.Suddenly he vaguely heard an unwilling cry before death, this was already the tenth sound before death he had heard.He hadn't heard a single sound from the black knights since the beginning of the battle, so the sound must have been made when his brother died. "There are only two people left. I don't know who it is? How long can it last?" At this moment, he was just slashing and killing indiscriminately, and then he heard the sound of No.11's death.Immediately, he felt a chill in his chest, and then he regained consciousness. He saw pairs of cold eyes, and twelve corpses lying on the ground.Unwillingly, he slashed the last sword, but before his sword reached the opponent, a knife had already slashed on his neck.

Liu Wu only felt his body lighten, and his whole body fell off the horse. Before he landed, he had lost any feeling. . . . . . . . .

ps: I finally got over a thousand clicks, thank you all for your support here~~ I will work harder, and then beg for the collection with the cheek, if you have extra tickets, can you also click me twice? :)

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