Qiang Qin

Chapter 142 The Beginning of Chaos

Updated: 2010-09-17

In Xianyang City, Hu Hai was looking at the battle report sent from Chu.After throwing the bamboo slips with only a few hundred words in his hand on the dragon case with a "snap", Hu Hai said a little annoyed: "Zhang Han took my [-] elite soldiers to the expedition, but unexpectedly, he only took down the three cities at the beginning. Encountering the resistance of the Chu people, it is difficult to make an inch of progress, and the city of Surabaya blocked him for several months. Could it be that I think too highly of his ability to lead troops?"

Hu Hai's words seemed to be talking to himself, and they seemed to be speaking to Ziying who sent him the battle report.Ziying looked at Hu Hai's face, and then said carefully: "Emperor, in fact, the Chu people are indeed brave, and I heard that this time the Chu people even gathered 20 people, so it is difficult for General Zhang to win. It is very natural, according to my opinion, the emperor should send another army to help, so as to help General Zhang quickly pacify Chu."

"But now we don't have many troops available in Great Qin, and even though that Fusu has negotiated peace with us on the surface, his heart is still unpredictable. I have to deal with it carefully, and where can I find another strong army?" Where are the soldiers for Zhang Han?"

"Has the emperor forgotten the elite soldiers in Hangu Pass? There are tens of thousands of them, and their combat effectiveness is the highest among all the troops in Daqin. Why don't you send them to help General Zhang at this time? " Ziying suggested.

Hu Hai was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said: "The elite soldiers in Hangu Pass are the last guarantee of our Daqin territory, how can they be easily transferred out? The reason why the six countries couldn't do anything to my Daqin back then, besides the strategy used by my Daqin, The steepness of the Hangu Pass and the death of the guards are also crucial. My ancestors of the Great Qin Dynasty have left a message that the elite soldiers of the Hangu Pass should not be allowed to go out until the time of danger. I cannot break this rule."

"Emperor, didn't General Zhang use Chen Sheng, Wu Guang and other rebels last time?" Ziying continued to persuade.

Hu Hai explained: "The last time the rebel army was close to Hangu Pass, it was right for them to leave the pass to get rid of the enemy, but this time the Laoshi expedition completely moved the foundation of my Great Qin to Chu, which is too much. It’s a risk.” But it was obvious that Ziying’s words had more or less moved Hu Hai, and after explaining, he said, “Let me think about it again.”

Ziying saw that Hu Hai's face was a little disturbed, so he stopped pressing and told him what happened in other counties.It wasn't until it was getting late that he left the palace and headed for his mansion.

In Zhao Gao's mansion, Zhao Gao listened to someone telling him the conversation between Hu Hai and Ziying. He smiled and listened to the whole thing, and then said: "It's rare that Hu Hai can still maintain his sobriety, but he It is absolutely impossible to keep the tens of thousands of elite soldiers as the last barrier. Hangu Pass is only a few days away from Xianyang. If they get the news and come, my plan will come to nothing. Now only Tell him to move this army away from Xianyang as soon as possible, so that my plan can be successful." Speaking of which, he said to the visitor: "Go back and tell your master that no matter what, let the emperor send this army away. Transfer it out, otherwise there is no need to mention everything."

The visitor hurriedly nodded in agreement, and then left the Zhao residence.Zhao Gao looked at the battle report in his hand and said, "Zhang Han, now the old man can only hope that you can maintain this invincible and undefeated state in Chu for a little longer!"

Jiang Huan marched forward again with 5 horses, but the current Qi Bing was completely different from the lazy look when he came.When they came, they were only ordered by the king of Qi to help the Chu people. When they arrived, they had no idea that they would fight the wolf-like Qin army. In addition, they were not fighting for their own country but for a When fighting against his own enemy just now, the morale of the whole army was even lower.But because the king's order was hard to disobey, they had no choice but to come no matter how reluctant they were. They just delayed along the way, so it took them nearly half a month to arrive from Kuaiji to Surabaya, which was only a few hundred miles away.But now I heard that the Qin army led the army back, and they went to chase and kill them. Of course, they will not miss this kind of good thing, and they can get rewards after defeating the Qin army, so their footsteps have also become faster. When they got up, 5 horses headed west as if only 5000 horses.

After a day of running around, they finally saw the sky full of dust and dust in front of them. It was obvious that two troops were fighting.Jiang Huan looked overjoyed and said: "It seems that the Qin army has not been completely wiped out by the Chu people. We are rushing up now to deal a fatal blow to the Qin people!" The Qin army in the distance launched an attack.

Liu Bang and his troops have been fighting the Qin people for three days. During these three days, I don’t know how many Chu soldiers died here, but now he doesn’t care about this time. He has to grit his teeth and hold on to the end to save his life. .At this time, Liu Banggang ordered a group of people to go around from the side, trying to attack the Qin army's rear, so that the Qin army could not attack him from the front with all its strength.In the first battle with the Qin army that day, their fish-scale formation almost cut their own army of more than [-] in two during the frontal assault. If they hadn't thought of countermeasures in time, they might have been defeated by the Qin army.So after that, Liu Bang didn't give the Qin army the right to attack from the front, and constantly sent troops to attack the Qin army from the other side and from a distance, so that they could not use their soldiers' superiority in combat power to win an overwhelming victory.Fortunately, the Chu army has more people than the Qin army, otherwise, after these few days of attrition, the Chu army would also be defeated by the Qin army.

After Liu Bang sent out a team, he sat down on the spot and closed his eyes to rest his mind. In the past three days, the two sides never stopped fighting at all, and as the chief general, he couldn't even have a moment of rest.At this time, he was exhausted, so he took a rest before the Qin army attacked.But as soon as he closed his eyes, a soldier said to him loudly: "General, a scout came to report that there was a sudden cry of killing from the rear of our army. The smoke and dust that it brought up may number tens of thousands."

"What?" Liu Bang was startled by these words, his whole body went limp, and he almost fell to the ground, "Isn't the Qin army only one hundred thousand, why are there tens of thousands of horses behind? Is it true that I, Liu Bang, am really going to die here? Pessimistically thinking about his fate, Liu Bang hurriedly followed the scout who came to report and ran to the rear. He still had a fluke in his heart. If the reinforcements from Chu State came, then he would be able to defeat Qin. army.Although he also clearly knew that there were no more soldiers in Chu State who could go to the battlefield.When he arrived at the rear, the first thing he saw was the dust all over the sky, and at the same time he heard the screams of killing, obviously they were not far from here.

At this time, a scout who risked his life to wait and see ran back and shouted after seeing Liu Bang: "The general is overjoyed, it's Qi's reinforcements that have arrived! It's Qi's reinforcements that have arrived!" Hearing this news, Liu Bang only felt that he was as lucky as crawling out of the pile of dead bodies, and hurriedly said, "Take me to see the general who led the army." The banner with the word "Qi" hurriedly rode up to meet it.

Jiang Huan also came forward, and before the two had time to exchange greetings, Liu Bang had already said, "General, you came in a timely manner. Our army is fighting the Qin army inextricably. These Qin soldiers were defeated."

At this time, Jiang Huan has also seen that the situation is not as optimistic as he imagined. Not only did Chu Bing not have the advantage in the situation, but he seemed to be being suppressed by Qin Jun. Hui stood aside to watch the two armies clash, so he was not polite, nodded and said: "General, don't worry, my Qi army is here to help you drive the Qin army away." The soldiers lined up and prepared to charge.

"Wait," Liu Bang hurriedly stopped him and said, "General, your Qi army is now the key to the victory or defeat of this battle. We can sneak attack from the flanks before the Qin army notices your presence. They, as long as you and I cooperate properly, the [-] Qin army will surely be defeated."

Jiang Huan was right when he thought about it. If he led his troops to attack from the flanks, then the Qin army's defense would definitely not be too important, and his own casualties could be smaller.So he listened to Liu Bang's suggestion, and quietly changed direction with 5 horses, heading towards Qin Jun's side.

After three days of fighting, Zhang Han has discovered that the generals on the opposite side cannot compete with him strategically. As long as he fights a few more battles, he will be able to fully grasp the opponent's formation techniques, and then he will be able to wipe them out in one fell swoop, so his My heart is still very relaxed.At this time, he was talking to the captured Xiang Liang: "General Xiang, you have also seen that although you Chuhe has a large number of people, you still can't compete with my Great Qin army. I advise you to surrender my Great Qin. Then go out and recruit those Chu soldiers, and this general will definitely ask the emperor for your credit." For the past few days, Zhang Han has been persuading Xiang Liang to surrender, but Xiang Liang's response to him was only cold looked at him with eyes, without saying a word.

"General, a team of the Chu army has gone around to our rear, obviously trying to sneak attack us from behind while our army is not paying attention." A soldier came to Zhang Han and said.

"Hmph, I ordered Bai Squad to take 5000 people to deal with them." Zhang Han said casually, and then looked at Xiang Liang: "General Xiang, you have also seen that your main general of the Chu army only has this move. See In less than three days, I can kill them all." As soon as he finished speaking, another soldier rushed in and said, "General, an enemy army of tens of thousands of people suddenly came from our army. Attacking from the right, General Wang Li is almost overwhelmed."

"Could it be that the Chu people are going to put all their eggs in one basket? They actually sent nearly half of their troops to attack from the side. Well, the general will use the army to defeat you head-on." Zhang Han said and walked to the front of the army.

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