Qiang Qin

Chapter 175

Updated: 2010-10-03

In order to break Xianyang City as soon as possible and send troops to rescue Shangjun City, Fusu ordered his soldiers to step up the attack.Under the command of Han Xin and Meng Tian, ​​the 6 troops were divided into two waves to attack the city in turn, but the Qin army defending the city was completely reckless, and they often completely exposed themselves to the crossbowmen of the Soviet army. Under the arrow, he chopped the weapon into the body of the Fusu army who had attacked the city, and repelled the Fusu army's offensive with all his life.But now Fusu has no way out, and can only let the soldiers attack with all their strength, hoping that the morale of the defenders in the city will be shaken by the continuous killing.

But Fusu still misjudged the power of the Qin army composed of common people. When they faced death, they had to use all their strength to seek a way out for their relatives in the city.The two sides fought bloody battles for several days, and the city was full of mutilated corpses, but Xianyang City still stood there.

Fusu also thought of other ways to break through the city besides a strong attack, but this place neither has other trails to lead to the rear like Sanchuan County, nor can it fly down from the mountain like Hangu Pass.Fusu even tried to dig tunnels, but water was dug outside the city. Obviously, a tunnel leading to the city could not be dug here.

Over the past few days, Fusu looked at the topographic map around Xianyang City, thinking that there was no way to break through the city, so he could only let the soldiers rush up and attack, hoping to find a breakthrough and then attack the city.As a result, the army has lost more than 1 people, and many people have lost the ability to continue fighting because of heavy injuries.Seeing the soldiers continue to fall, but he has no clue at all, Fusu's heart is even more anxious.He tried Zhang Liang's idea of ​​asking those Qin soldiers who had recently surrendered to go to the city to persuade them to surrender, but Ziying had already prepared for it. His life is in danger, and even his family members will be killed along with him.So even if it was their former friends or even relatives who persuaded them to surrender, they still used weapons to talk to them, because there were more relatives in the city.

After these few days of fighting, Han Xin began to have doubts about whether he could take down Xianyang City. Now what he saw was no longer a city, as if what he saw was a fortress made by soldiers and civilians. This is what bothers him the most.If you meet these people on the plain, even if there are 10 people, Han Xin is sure to defeat them with 3 to [-] people, because the Fusu army is much higher than them in terms of equipment and training, but this is why This kind of siege warfare depends not on equipment and daily training, but on endurance and firm confidence.Obviously, the defenders in the city are very strong in these two points, leaving Han Xin completely helpless.Seeing that it was getting late, he ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops and attack again the next day.And he came to Fusu's big tent and reported to him the battle situation of the day.

As soon as he walked outside, he heard Fusu's anxious voice from the main tent: "What did you say? How much food is left?" Fusu lowered his voice, but Han Xin could still hear clearly. "Isn't our army's food and grass always sufficient, why is this happening now?" Apparently Fusu didn't want others to know, so there were no personal guards around the main tent.Without Fusu's permission in the army, no one would approach his big tent, but Han Xin had to report the battle situation every day, and he was used to it, so he heard the news that Fusu didn't want to spread.

Driven by curiosity and responsibility, Han Xin walked to the tent door and listened attentively.I only heard a voice inside saying: "Prince, originally our army was not worried about the lack of food and grass, but you just received those [-] soldiers a few days ago, which greatly increased the consumption of the army. The grain and grass cannot be transported, so there is really not much food in the army now." In order to enable the soldiers to fight with all their strength, Fusu did not bring much grain with the army, and the follow-up grain and grass were all relying on the people sent by Shangjuncheng delivered.In the past, because Fusu used a steady and steady method, the food delivery was very smooth, so Fusu didn't take it seriously. Unexpectedly, this time Zhang Han sent troops to attack Shangjun. Fayun came to Fusu.This is a beneficial effect that Zhang Han himself did not expect.

Fusu asked, "Then what about the grain reserves in Shangdang, Sanchuan and other counties I captured? Aren't there a lot of grain in those places?"

The man smiled wryly, and said: "After the prince took down the city, he opened a granary to release grain. More than half of the grain was given to the people in the city, and only a small amount of grain went into our army's granary. And if it weren't for these few Our army may not be able to survive the food in the city."

When Han Xin heard this, he secretly thought that it was not good. If the army lacked food, the soldiers would definitely be hungry. At that time, it would be a trivial matter to lose the morale of the army, and it might cause a mutiny.Because the storming of Xianyang in the past few days has made many soldiers resentful. If they can't eat enough, then this army may fall apart overnight.

At this time, Fusu in the tent took a deep breath and asked, "According to your estimation, how many days are the grains stored in the army enough?" The man thought for a while and said, "It should be less than three days. It’s enough.” Fusu continued to ask: “Then if the food for each person is halved, can we last for five or six days?” “Yes, but this will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction of the whole army.” The man said worriedly.

Fu Su smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about that, just do as I say, maybe Xianyang City will be destroyed in five or six days, and then we don't have to worry about food issues." The man listened to Fu Su's tone If you are determined, you have to take orders and go.Although Han Xin had a lot of doubts in his heart when he heard this, he knew that it was not the time to ask Fusu, so he also left there, wanting to come back to Fusu later and tell him the battle report.But Fusu fell into deep thought in the tent, he knew that he had indeed made a mistake in taking in those tens of thousands of horses, but now that the big mistake was made, he could only carry on with it.He waited for the man to go away, and then said softly: "I hope this despicable method can really solve the urgent need at the moment. Otherwise, you will die with regret."

Because he knew in his heart that the food in his army was running out, Fusu was even more eager to capture Xianyang in a short time.So in order to inspire the morale of the army, Fusu personally put on his clothes and rushed to the front to attack the city.This move frightened Han Xin, Meng Tian, ​​Zhang Liang and others half to death. They hurriedly ordered the most elite soldiers in the whole army to surround him to defend him from the crossbow arrows and bullets thrown from the top of the city. Wood and stone.Although this frightened the generals, it really aroused the desperate heart of the whole army.Seeing that Fusu, as the prince and the chief general, would rush forward, those soldiers were moved and completely put their own life and death behind them.They looked at the oncoming arrows and stones, rushed forward bravely, and soon built ladders one after another on the city wall. Countless soldiers climbed on the ladders and climbed towards the city wall.Although the arrow rain of the Qin army at the top of the city was very dense, it still allowed them to break through the blockade and reach the city wall.

Because of Fusu's actions against Shishishi, the army actually set foot on the city of Xianyang for the first time.This not only made Fusu unexpected, but also the morale of the whole army was shaken suddenly.However, although a few soldiers went to the top of the city, they were quickly killed and thrown down by the Qin army because of their small number and dispersion.But this is already a great breakthrough. As long as one person can go up to the city, a second or third person will soon go up, and by then the city wall will no longer be able to resist the Fusu army.

Although everyone understands this truth, but this day has passed, so the tide-like offensive of the Fusu army stopped temporarily, and the Qin army at the head of the city also breathed a sigh of relief. Today is the first time they have produced their own method. The feeling of being able to hold the wall.

When it was time to eat, the soldiers found that their rations had suddenly dropped by half, and they were very puzzled, but because the fighting was so brutal that day, everyone was exhausted, so they didn't take it to heart. Mistake.Everyone ate in a hurry like this, and fell asleep.

But when they came back from the bloody battle the next day and found that the food was still only half of what it used to be, the reckless among them couldn't help it, and complained to their generals one after another.The generals themselves wondered why there was only half of the food. At this time, they could only appease everyone's anger, and then raised it to Zhang Liang, who was in charge of logistics.

Zhang Liang didn't dare to be negligent when he heard about this matter, so he hurriedly went to find the grain officer, but the grain officer had been ordered by Fusu long ago, and only said that it was his own negligence, and promised that these things would never happen again, so Zhang Liang believed him Then, together with all the generals, he explained to the soldiers.Seeing that it was the military adviser himself who came to explain, the soldiers followed his advice and endured it for another day.

The third day was another bloody battle, and hundreds of people had already attacked the city of Xianyang. Perhaps in just one or two more days, the city of Xianyang would be captured.Just after the soldiers happily returned to the camp, they saw that the food was still halved. At this moment, everyone quit, and all gathered together and came to Fusu's tent to complain to him.

Han Xin watched them come to complain in front of the perpetrator, and felt that they had found the wrong person.Unexpectedly, Fusu was furious after hearing the words, and immediately said that he would investigate the matter thoroughly, and soon brought the grain official Wang Hou into his tent for interrogation.All the sergeants waited outside the tent, waiting for Fusu to give everyone an explanation.

"Prince, now the soldiers are resentful, what should we do?" Wang Hou asked uneasily as soon as he entered the tent.On the way he came, he saw that all the soldiers were staring at him, and he was really afraid that these soldiers who didn't have enough to eat would eat themselves raw to fill their hunger.

Fu Su smiled and said, "I've already thought of a solution, so don't worry. But I need something from you."

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