Qiang Qin

Chapter 198

Updated: 2010-10-22

On this day, the servants and maids in the Xianyang Palace saw a scene that left them dumbfounded. They saw that the emperor who had just ascended the throne and had always maintained his dignified side ran quickly in the palace. Even his As he ran, the black dragon robe was hooked and torn by the branches, and he ignored it, just kept running towards the harem.Behind him is a group of servants who are chasing after him.It was not long before they learned that the emperor's only wife was about to give birth.But they still don't understand why the emperor lost his composure. After all, in their eyes, no matter what the man's status is, his wife needs to hurry away when she is about to give birth.

But they don't understand Fusu's mood. As a person whose soul is completely modern, although he has begun to accept everything in this era, there are still some shadows of modernity in his bones, such as when he learned that Zhujiao was going to be his father. Excited.If he didn't know that he couldn't just break in casually, Fusu would have broken into the door long ago when he heard Xiaotao's hoarse cry inside.Now he can only walk around outside the door like all fathers who are waiting for their children to be born in the hospital, unable to calm down.Hearing Xiaotao's cry from inside, Fusu's heart became tense, and he felt that he had never been so nervous and hesitant when Zhujiao attacked Xianyang City.

"It's been almost half an hour, why hasn't the baby been born yet?" Fusu murmured in his heart, the worry on his face became more serious, even the water brought to him by the servant who followed him here was thrown away by him He didn't even notice that his sleeve was on the ground, his heart was completely in that closed door.

Suddenly there was a loud cry of a baby from inside the door, and Fusu rushed to the door with one stride, and walked in.I saw those midwives who had already been invited into the palace were putting a little person into the hot water to wash, while Xiao Tao was lying on the couch beside her with a pale complexion, her eyes were fixed on the baby. Little man, he didn't show a weak smile until he saw Fusu walking in, and called out softly: "The emperor."

Fu Su quickly walked up to her and hugged her, saying: "Don't move, your body is too weak now, the only thing you should do now is to lie down here, other things will be arranged by others." of."

Xiaotao nodded, obediently responded, and then remembered to ask: "Mother-in-law, are you male or female?"

When the midwife saw Fusu coming in, her movements were stiff and she didn't dare to speak, because she was just an ordinary citizen, and she never dreamed that she would see the emperor. She didn't answer tremblingly until she heard the question: "Return to Madam, is it true?" A dragon son." While speaking, she had already wiped the child's body clean with a cloth.

Xiao Tao said: "Hold me and let me see." The midwife carried him to the couch and placed him beside Xiao Tao.Fusu looked carefully, only to see that the little man was holding his hands tightly, his eyes were closed tightly, and his hands were clenched tightly. At this time, he had stopped crying because he had come to his mother, but Fusu still couldn't see it. It is clear whether he is smiling, after all, he is too small.Xiaotao affectionately rubbed her fingers gently on the child's face, the child seemed to enjoy this feeling, and let out a small sob from his throat.Fusu looked interesting and stretched out a finger to touch the child's body, and the child yelled in cooperation, which made Fusu laugh heartily.Unexpectedly, when Fusu smiled, the child suddenly opened his mouth and burst into tears, which made Fusu annoyed the boss. "What's wrong with him? Could it be that he's hungry?" Fusu, who was completely inexperienced, opened his mouth and asked.

The midwife saw that he loved her child more than ordinary people, and the fear in her heart eased a lot, and she replied: "It was the emperor's laughter that startled the child. A child cannot be frightened just after it is born."

Fusu held his breath when he heard this, and nodded: "I understand. You have made a lot of contributions to the birth of my prince, and I will definitely reward you a lot." When all the midwives were overjoyed, they all knelt down and asked for help. thank you.Fu Su waved his hand and said: "There is no need to be too polite, so as not to quarrel with my son. These days, you have to serve the wife and the prince well, and then I will reward you very much." The midwives answered in a low voice, and then He backed out, leaving the space for Fusu's family of three.

Fusu smoothed Xiao Tao's messy hair just now with his hands, then looked at her quietly for a while, and said: "Xiao Tao, thank you for letting me finally have a son who can inherit the great cause. "

Xiaotao became embarrassed by Fusu's scorching eyes, and said coyly: "I just did what a woman should do. The emperor can treat me and the child like this, even if I die, I can still smile. By the way, Let the emperor choose a name for our son now, so that it can be registered in the register, and let the people all over the world know that the emperor is happy to have a dragon son."

Fu Su was at a loss for words, and he really never thought about what name he would give his newborn child.At this time, Confucianism had not yet fully spread, and genealogy and other things were not too important, so there was no rule that a certain generation should have a word in its name. It's difficult for Fusu.Suddenly he thought of a word - "Wei", which was his name in modern society, and now Zhujiao uses this word as his son's name, as a commemoration of himself who has died thousands of years later Bar.So Fusu said: "I named him Yingwei, what do you think of this name?" , and he was not born by this Fu Su) the son was officially named Ying Wei, and it was announced to the world after the child was full moon.In this way, Fusu's throne can be regarded as truly secure, because there are even successors.Then Fusu teased Xiao Yingwei with Xiaotao for a while, and after seeing that both mother and son were tired, Fusu got up and left, let them rest well, and ordered the maids to wait on them.

In the next few days, besides dealing with some important matters, Fusu spent more time with Xiaotao's mother and son. Of course, he also invited Zhang Liang and other confidants to drink and celebrate. The boundary between the monarch and his ministers is not too clear, and a small part of it is that he is a friend.And Fusu is also happy that he is not really a loner, and he will definitely rush to go as soon as he receives the invitation.

During this period of time, not only Fusu's family affairs made him very happy, but also the state affairs were flourishing. Those counties and counties that were just waiting and watching saw that the officials who surrendered to Fusu were not convicted but were rewarded. Su's regime moved closer.Gradually, Fusu has more and more land under his control. Coupled with the beauty of the weather, this spring has a good weather and a good harvest of grain, which makes the people feel at ease.And Fusu's tax has been reduced by [-]% compared to before, and now people have enough surplus food in their families. For a while, the counties and counties where Daqin is located are singing the praises of Fusu, which also makes more people begin to believe in Fusu. Ability, more talented people come to Xianyang in order to show their strengths.

All these matters were handed over to Zhang Liang, Chen Ping and other officials.He himself put more energy on armaments.After all, Chu is still staring at the south, and the Xiongnu still don't know what they think, so training their soldiers well is the best way to ensure the regime.However, recruits are recruits after all, and their combat effectiveness cannot be compared with the original soldiers. Only after they have experienced several brutal battles can they truly grow into qualified fighters.Seeing these new and old soldiers alternately, Fusu couldn't help thinking of Zhang Han who went to call the original Qin soldiers to join him.He has been there for a month, and he should come back with his troops.

When Fusu was thinking about this matter, as if God was helping him recently, a guard came to report that Zhang Han was listening to the announcement outside the palace.So Fusu immediately ordered someone to call him into the palace, and met Zhang Han in his study.Fusu looked at Zhang Han's dusty appearance and said, "General Zhang has worked hard all the way, why don't you come to see me after taking a rest first?"

Hearing Fusu's concerned words, Zhang Han felt ashamed, knelt down and said, "I am guilty, I have insulted the entrustment of the emperor."

Fusu's expression became tense, and he asked, "What do you mean? Don't these soldiers want to surrender to me with the general?" Surrender yourself.

Zhang Han hurriedly said: "That's not true. After the last general left, he told them how powerful he was. Most of them still agreed to follow me back to Xianyang to submit to the emperor. But Bai Ban refused to surrender, so he resolutely brought his cronies Nearly 3000 people left the army. I knew that I should send troops to wipe out this rebellion, but after all, they are brothers who have always been with me. I really couldn't do anything. In the end, I had to let them go and give them some food. I am really ashamed of my trust in the emperor by letting Baiban and Sana's thousand troops go without authorization, and I ask the emperor to come down!" Zhang Han said and kowtowed to Fusu.

Fusu asked, "What about the other horses?"

"The other people, Ma Chen, have already brought them, and now they are stationed outside Xianyang City, and they dare not let them in until the emperor gives permission." Zhang Han said.

Only then did Fusu heave a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "General Zhang let go of 3000 troops by doing this, but it showed me that you are a person who is willing to tell me the truth. Tens of thousands of warriors have done a great job, why should I punish you? Bai Ban refuses to submit to me, Daqin, it is a helpless thing, you don't have to take it to heart. You have worked hard these days , let’s go down and rest now, I will send someone to bring those soldiers into the city.”

Zhang Han kowtowed gratefully and left.

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