Qiang Qin

Chapter 20 The decree arrives

Updated: 2010-05-21

There was no school field in Shangjun City, and the soldiers sent to guard only practiced casually in an open place, and did not conduct systematic training.It's not that Meng Tian doesn't know the importance of military training, it's just that he is afraid of arousing the suspicion of the suspicious Qin Shihuang.However, after Fusu returned from Xianyang, he immediately ordered people to build a large school field in an open place outside the city. Although tens of thousands of people could not train internally at the same time, it was still possible to train thousands of people.

When the summer sun shone on people, there was a burning sensation. Fusu, Li Heng, Meng Tian and others rode horses and led their soldiers to the Dajiao Field.Along the way, civilians in the city greeted Fusu enthusiastically when they saw Fusu passing by. Fusu also greeted them with a smile.

Li Heng looked at all this and said to Fusu with a smile: "Prince Fusu is the only one who can win the support of the people in Daqin today."

Fusu said hello to the people, "Actually, the people's requirements are not high, as long as they have enough food, clothing and a place to live, they are satisfied. As long as we do these things, we will get their support. As the person in charge of Shangjun, I can only do so much, which is really ashamed."

"The prince really has the style of a king!" Li Heng exclaimed.

"The prince is not only good at governing the people, he is also good at governing the army." A general on the side heard their conversation and couldn't help but interjected, "Look at this thing called a stirrup that the prince came up with to sit under me. That thing called a saddle is really a cavalryman's treasure."

Fusu listened to his words but smiled and said nothing.After returning from Xianyang, he knew that he would have a tough battle with Hu Hai, so he first built the school ground, and at the same time ordered people to build thousands of saddles and stirrups to equip his cavalry.When the generals discovered this thing, they were stunned by its function.They never imagined that they could equip the horses in this way, so that the knights could not only sit more comfortably on them, but also make them sit more securely. This is a great improvement for a knight.

Meng Tian said: "Prince, I also discovered a wonderful feature of the saddle and stirrup, and I have already asked someone to implement it. The prince can take a look at it."

"Oh? General Meng has also learned how to play tricks." Fu Su smiled, and his words also aroused the laughter of the people next to him. They knew that Meng Tian's character did not like to hide it, and it was obviously a happy mood to do so now. .

A group of people came to the large school field while talking and laughing. Several generals entered the gate and went straight to the troops under their command.Fu Su, Meng Tian, ​​and Li Heng climbed onto the high platform and began to watch the soldiers of the Qin Army practice.

Teams of Qin soldiers lined up neatly in square formations and marched and retreated together with the command of the general, waving their long Ge and spears in their hands, and their movements were powerful and majestic.As soon as Meng Tian waved the command flag, the soldiers began to run interspersed. The seemingly chaotic scene was actually very regular, and no one would bump into another.As soon as Meng Tian ordered the flag to stop, the phalanx was still a phalanx, and it didn't change because of the rapid penetration.

Seeing this scene, Fusu nodded again and again, and Li Heng on the side couldn't help admiring: "General Meng really commanded well, this army can actually make the general command like a finger."

Meng Tian smiled self-confidently and said: "It's nothing, there will be more rare things later." After finishing speaking, he waved and rolled the command flag in his hand, and the infantry retreated from the middle of the school field, and then there was a rumbling sound outside. hooves.

Cavalrymen wearing light armor and holding spears rushed into the school field quickly. The speed of the horses did not slow down because of entering the school field. On the contrary, they accelerated further and turned into a sprint. .They rushed in from the entrance like lightning, and went straight to the straw figures and wooden posts on the edge of the school field.When the horse was about to collide with the straw men and the wooden posts, the spears in their hands stabbed out like lightning. Thanks to the fast running of the horse, the straw men were smashed to pieces by the spear, and the wooden posts were also smashed to pieces. It split open, which shows the power of the charge.Then, taking advantage of this stab, the knights turned their horses' heads around, and drove the horses to the middle of the school field, and then reined in the horses, pointing their spears at the sky and let out a roar.

Seeing this wonderful scene, Fusu couldn't help but let his blood boil: "General Meng didn't expect that our Daqin cavalry is so powerful."

On the other side, Li Heng saw something was wrong, and hurriedly asked, "This horse is running so fast, how can the knight on it sit as firmly as Mount Tai, and can attack with spears in both hands?"

Fusu glanced at him strangely, he had watched too many TV and movies, could it be that he could only rely on his own strength to assassinate the enemy without the power of a horse charge?

"This is the method I mentioned from the prince's stirrups and saddles to enhance the combat effectiveness of our cavalry." Meng Tian said excitedly, "Because with the stirrups, the knight's feet will have a support point, so they can The hand that holds the rein is free for the spear."

"So I didn't think of it." Fu Su suddenly realized.In fact, this is also because the TV movies he saw were all cavalry fighting with long weapons, so he watched this scene and only focused on the momentum and ignored it.In fact, before the appearance of the stirrup, the cavalry used only short weapons to fight, because he had to control the rein with one hand, otherwise he would fall off the horse as soon as he exerted force.Therefore, the stirrup greatly improved the combat capability of the cavalry.

Looking at the admiring eyes of Meng Tian and Meng Tian, ​​Fu Su felt that he was a thief who stole the achievements of his ancestors.But then he thought that it was time for him to improve his strength, and this result was exactly what he wanted to see.

After watching the practice for a while, Fusu and the others went back to the city.

For the next few days, Fusu desperately thought about other ways to increase the combat effectiveness of his soldiers. Unfortunately, when he thought of headaches, he only thought of rifles and cannons, but in this era when there was no gunpowder, he had no idea at all.Why can people work with guns and cannons when they travel, but I can only use spears and knives. . . . . .

The time passed during the drill, and Fusu also knew that the confrontation between himself and Hu Hai was getting closer, and he was ready for everything to come at any time.

It had been a hot day and it finally rained heavily. The raindrops were like soybeans, and when they hit people, they could feel pain.Seeing that the weather was so bad, Fusu suspended the drill for the day, gave all the sergeants a vacation, and at the same time gave himself a vacation.He rarely woke up until almost noon, while Xiaotao gently fanned himself.

"The weather isn't hot and stuffy today, what kind of fan are you playing, you want to make the prince sick?" Fu Su joked.

"Hmph, I'm not afraid that the prince will be bitten by mosquitoes, but you're disgusted." Although she claimed to be a servant, Xiao Tao's words already had a taste of coquettishness, and she no longer treated him with the same respect as before.

Fusu likes this kind of feeling like a friend, which makes him go back to the time when he was a student and was talking nonsense with his female classmates. "Wow, you're not chasing mosquitoes, you're clearly trying to wake me up. Well, I'll get up right away." Fusu got up from the couch while joking.Xiaotao stopped arguing with him, and hurriedly fetched the clothes for him to put on.

While the two were quarreling and washing their hands, a guard came to the door and reported, "I want to report to the prince, someone from the palace has come to convey the order."

Fusu hurriedly opened the door, walked out and said, "Where is the man, take me there quickly."

The guard hurriedly led him to the front hall, only to see a middle-ranking official sitting upright at the head, and an attendant behind him was holding a roll of yellow silk in his hand, Fusu knew that it was an imperial decree.

Seeing Fusu coming, the middle official stood up from his seat, took the imperial decree with his hands and proclaimed loudly: "Prince Fusu accepts the decree."

Fusu had no choice but to come to him and knelt down, but he kept slandering in his heart: "You dead monster actually let the prince kneel to you, let's see how I punish you in the future." But his face still showed respect , bowed down and said: "I help Su to accept the order."

"Following the fate of heaven, the emperor said: My son Fu Su was demoted to the county far away as a punishment for his crimes, but he didn't think about his own mistakes and acted recklessly. He didn't have any merit in resisting the Xiongnu, and he didn't step up the construction of the Great Wall. I really don't like it; Moreover, I have repeatedly slandered the imperial court's policy and my behavior, which is really disloyal and unfilial. Now that he is the emperor's son, I only order him to commit suicide. I respect this!" After finishing speaking, the middle official handed over the imperial decree and said: "Prince Fusu , please thank you."

Fusu looked at the imperial decree strangely, and then finally understood how Fusu died in history.If he was that Fusu, he would probably commit suicide after receiving the imperial decree.At the same time, he also knew that Qin Shihuang was dead, and now this edict was forged by Hu Hai and Zhao Gao, because Qin Shihuang had already said that he wanted to be the next emperor when he met him last time, so of course he couldn't suddenly ask for it now own life.Then a plan appeared in his mind.

Seeing that Fusu just stayed there and didn't receive the order, the middle official thought Fusu was frightened and stupid, so he called out again.At this time, Fusu had already made up his mind, accepted the imperial decree anxiously, then bowed his head and said: "Minister Fusu accepts the decree to thank you!" Then he stood up slowly, as if he had lost his soul.

Seeing Fusu's performance, the Zhongguan thought he had decided to commit suicide, and heaved a sigh of relief.He knows Fusu's character, cowardly and fearful, but he also knows the reason why rabbits bite when they are in a hurry, and he is also afraid that Fusu will suddenly take his anger out on him. Now seeing Fusu's behavior, he thinks that he has given up the idea of ​​resistance.At this time, he didn't dare to stay for a long time. Although Zhao Gao told him to leave only after he saw Fusu die with his own eyes when he came, he didn't dare. Let him be buried with Su after his death.After Yiyi handed over the decree, he left in a hurry.

Seeing his leaving back, the corners of Fusu's mouth slowly curled up. . . . . .

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