Qiang Qin

Chapter 208

Updated: 2010-11-01

Mao Dun glanced at Ji Du strangely, not knowing why he lost his composure, but he still explained: "It's not that I don't want to lead troops to attack the Central Plains, but the current situation does not allow me to attack the Central Plains with all my strength. This time only More than 1000 Central Plains cavalry went deep into my big tent without being found, which shows the weakness of our defense on the grassland. If we don't take this opportunity to wipe them out, when we lead the army to fight the Qin army There will inevitably be major incidents in our rear. Even if we win, the defeat in the rear will inevitably cause hatred among the various tribes. This is the first point. The second point is that after this incident, as the great order If the leader of a small tribe like Natak dares to treat me in a submissive manner, and even wants to control me, how will the leaders of other big tribes react? Now I have to call my own troops back to fight against me. Only by completely eliminating that Central Plains army can I re-establish my position on the grassland. So this time I can only put aside the plan to attack the Central Plains, and wait until all the tribes know how powerful I am before sending troops.”

Slowly, Ji Du also calmed down, he knew that what Mo Dun said was right, he was really too impatient just now.After these years of fighting with Maodun on the grassland, Ji Du has already understood the law of survival on the grassland, that is, the weak eat the strong, and there is no such thing as loyalty here. As long as you are strong enough, there will be many people attached to you You, obey your orders, and work hard for you, but if your strength is weak, these people will leave you, and even replace you in turn.These things happened from time to time on the prairie, and the people on the prairie also thought it was normal, and it was because of this rule that Modun could become the Shanyu of the Huns besides his father Touman.If it was in the Central Plains, those who dared to do this would have to cover it up, and some courtiers would be loyal to one person until death.Having figured this out, Ji Du nodded in understanding and said, "What the Great Chanyu said is true. Now it is indeed necessary to unite our Huns before going to the Central Plains. But I don't know when these warriors will catch up. Come? I'm afraid that Tucker will be disadvantageous to Da Shanyu at any time."

Mao Dun lifted a corner of the curtain of the tent and looked out before saying: "I think that Tucker should be very hesitant now, and he doesn't know how to treat me. Although I don't have a single soldier on hand now, I have The reputation of breaking out on the grassland is still there, and he doesn't believe in his own strength, so he doesn't dare to attack me. But if I are allowed to meet with my army, he is a little unwilling, so He must not be able to sleep well tonight. Hahahaha..." He laughed out loud at this point, as if he didn't care about his situation at all.

Ji Du also laughed, it was the first time he knew that this Mao Dun was not a reckless man who only gained power by force as he had seen before, it turned out that he was also rough and fine.Now that he has been completely connected with this Maodun, he can only try his best to help him fully control the power again.

As expected, Tucker fell to the ground but did not fall asleep, as Mo Dun said, because he couldn't tell what he wanted to do.Although he is ambitious, he is lacking in ability and resourcefulness. In addition, he does not have enough troops, so he has no confidence at all to replace them with others. However, the greed in his heart still makes him order to secretly kill the others. Dun and his men took care of him, but they didn't dare to do anything to Mao Dun.So now he can only be in such a stalemate, he really hopes that there is someone who can teach him what to do, but unfortunately this request cannot be fulfilled.

This delicate relationship existed for more than ten days. When Tucker was hesitating, a group of people came to make a decision for him.There are more than 5000 people here, and they are one of Maodun's troops. They left the tent for the shortest time, so Wutu found them first and asked them to rush back, while Wutu continued to go south. Go, go and bring the other troops back.As soon as they arrived, Tucker knew that he could only choose to continue to be loyal to Mouton, but what he didn't expect was that he had been sending people to secretly monitor Mouton and his few remaining people, and he didn't notice them leaving at all. Someone still rushed back.But this issue is no longer important. Tucker only knows that his decision not to take action against Maodu is still correct, otherwise these 5000 people may kill all his men and horses as a sacrifice for Maodu.

After seeing these 5000 people, Mo Dun really felt relieved. He also pretended that he didn't find Tu Ke's strange intentions, and he was still very grateful to him, and promised that when all the tribal leaders came back, he would be in public reward him.It wasn't until this time that Tucker knew that not only Mo Dun had brought back his own troops, but also people from other tribes had been called back by Mo Dun, and he felt even more grateful for his hesitation.

Not long after, people from all walks of life rushed back one after another. They had already heard about the attack on Shanyu’s tent on the way. Although they despised Modun because of this incident, they still obeyed his order and rushed out. back.After all, he is still the largest Shanyu on the grassland, and he has the most troops on the grassland.If you don't obey the transfer order, your own strength alone is not enough to fight against the prepared Qin army.

A few days later, those leaders who were close to Maodu came to his big tent first. Seeing that everyone was almost back, Maodu gathered all the leaders together to tell the whole story, and then re- Rewarded the families of those guards who died fighting for them, as well as those who did not die.At the same time, he also fulfilled his promise and rewarded Tucker with a pasture full of grass and water.After the reward was announced, Mao Dun's face darkened: "Our Huns' cavalry rely on their speed to come and go so that the Central Plains people will change their colors when they talk about us. I don't want this Central Plains cavalry to imitate our behavior, so we They must be killed, otherwise our Xiongnu’s face will be lost." Seeing that the leaders also gritted their teeth and talked about the Baiban group, Maodun assigned tasks while the iron was hot, ordering each tribe to be in charge of an area, and to find The men and horses of the day shift, thus annihilating them.This time, the Xiongnu finally made up their minds to kill the Central Plains people who had gone deep into the grassland, no matter how much they paid.

At this time, Bai Ban was hiding in an inconspicuous hill with the remaining less than 800 people.The grasslands are not all flat grasslands as far as the eye can see, there are also high mountains and rivers, here is a hill that is not too high.Bai Ban and the others had completely lost the vigor of the previous days. They were defeated twice in a row, and they were defeated so badly that the soldiers no longer had the confidence to fight the Huns on the grassland.

Now they have no food, they can only rely on hunting some wild animals in the mountains to satisfy their hunger, but after these few days, there are not many wild animals in the mountains, and the mood of the soldiers is even more depressed, and some of them have even begun to regret themselves I followed Baiban into this grassland, whether I left the team in the Central Plains or returned to Fusu with Zhang Han, it was much better than now, but now there is no way to turn back.

Bai Ban also knows what the soldiers are thinking, but now he is not qualified to reprimand them. He is the one who should be most responsible for the two failures.Sitting listlessly on the ground, Baiban was staring at the sky in a daze. He thought about how majestic he was back then, but since Fusu appeared, he has basically not had a good life, and he always seems to be suffering from defeats. Now It was even reduced to a situation where he hid in the mountains and dared not go out. "Fusu is really my nemesis, Fusu, Fusu, even if my Baiban really dies here, I will not let you go if I become a ghost!" Baiban thought in his heart.

At this time, he suddenly felt that the danger was approaching, this was an ability he had acquired after experiencing life and death on the grassland, he immediately got up from the ground, waved to two soldiers, and asked them to follow him quietly. Go out and have a look.When I got to the foot of the mountain and looked out, I saw a group of black people walking towards here in the distance, and they looked like they were searching for something.When Bai Ban saw this situation, his face turned pale. It was unexpected that the Huns would be so relentless this time, and they would search so carefully after so long.Seeing the Huns getting closer, Bai Ban knew that his final battle might be fought here.

"The Huns actually retreated? What's going on? Did they just want to scare us?" Fusu was very surprised when he heard the news of the Huns' retreat from the north.

Although Zhang Liang is far-sighted and resourceful, this matter really puzzled him: "Looking at the movement of the Huns a few days ago, it seems that they will not retreat so easily. They are different from our Qin army. They have to be drawn from various tribes on the prairie, and it takes far more time than ours. It should be impossible for them to spend so much energy but only put on the border for a while. Even if they see me It doesn't make sense for the Qin army to retreat there, and they can make a decision after fighting our army."

Han Xin, Meng Tian and other generals also looked at a loss. They even suspected that this was just a trick of the Huns, just to let themselves relax their vigilance.

Seeing that everyone lost their opinion, Chen Ping reminded Fusu: "Your Majesty, we have also deployed spies on the grassland, maybe we will receive news from the grassland in a few days, and then we can also There is no need to be in a hurry to react according to the situation. Moreover, the emperor has already planned to send people to the Yuezhi, so he can send envoys there before the battle begins."

ps: A new month has begun, and I have finally signed a contract, please support~~~~~~

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