Qiang Qin

Chapter 224 Night Battle

Updated: 2010-11-17

Dozens of soldiers stood outside the camp of the Chu army, and they all dozed off listlessly with their spears.These people were all arranged by Fan Zeng. He knew that Xiang Yu would not order his soldiers to watch the night outside the camp at this time, so he issued the entry order himself.However, these soldiers were also like Xiang Yu's thinking. They didn't pay attention to the few Qin people in the city who had lost their morale. In addition, they were really tired for the past few days, so they didn't pay attention to the night watch. keep your eyes open.So they didn't even notice the Qin soldiers and horses who had slowly touched in front of them, and they still closed their eyes and dozed off there.

After sneaking near the camp of the Chu army, Han Xin ordered the nimble men among them to touch it first and get rid of the Chu army who were keeping watch at night.These people went up cautiously, not daring to slack off in the slightest, only to see those soldiers of the Chu army who had no defense at all.So they were not polite, and strode up, the sharp blade in their hand cut off the opponent's throat, and then stretched out their hands to gently support the fallen corpse, and put it on the ground without making any unnecessary noise.In just one cup of tea, more than 30 Chu troops outside the camp who were guarding in various corners were all killed by them.

After receiving the report from one of them, Han Xin showed a look of contempt, and he said in his heart: "I only think that Xiang Yu is capable, but it turns out that's nothing more than that." So he waved his hand and ordered the soldiers to light He picked up the torches that he carried with him, and following his gesture, the crowd shouted and rushed up. Before reaching the Chu army camp, the torches in the hands of the soldiers had already been thrown out with the speed of running.

As soon as the torches touched the tents made of cloth and leather, they were quickly ignited. In an instant, the entire Chu camp was illuminated red by the flames. The soldiers of the Chu army who were sleeping were suddenly awakened by the shouts of the Qin army. They came over, and when they sat up, they found that the tent they were in was already on fire. They didn't care about taking the weapons around them, and they didn't have time to put on the armor, so they all ran out naked and screamed.

But at this time, the Qin army had already rushed into the Chu camp. Seeing the unarmed and panic-stricken Chu army, his subordinates were even more merciless, stabbing all the Chu soldiers to the ground with one blow.On the one hand, the Qin army killed the Chu army who had escaped from the tents one by one, and on the other hand, they continued to light the unburned tents. This way the journey went smoothly, but only a few rows of tents in front were burned, and the tents in the back were burned. The Chu army rushed up with their weapons.

After all, the number of the Chu army is greater than that of the Qin army in the city. Although the Qin army attacked at night and added fire, it can only play a temporary role. Xiang Yu gave orders, and rushed to kill them all.

Han Xin didn't expect that the Chu army who had been raided could organize a resistance so quickly, and he didn't feel admiration in his heart, but at this time he still had an advantage over his own side, so he ordered his soldiers to continue burning tents and killing the enemy. It made the Chu army's morale shaken.After Qin Jun took the order, he continued to kill without hesitation, and finally met those well-prepared Chu troops head-on.

The number of the two armies was not much different at this time, and the morale of the Qin army was high. In addition, the Chu army watched their tents burning, and the screams of their own robes came from the tents, so they were killed in a short while. Qin Jun was forced to retreat again and again.Their retreat allowed the Qin army to continuously ignite the tents in the middle of the Chu camp. After a while, half of the Chu camp was caught in the flames. It seemed that the Chu army was doomed this time.

When Xiang Yu received the sergeant's report that the Qin army was attacking, he had already heard it. Only after hearing the news did he realize that he had indeed underestimated the Qin people guarding Hanoi County and fell into their tricks.He was very angry in his heart, but these years of military career made him deeply understand that at this time, he should not act impulsively, but should calm down and beat the enemy back first.Thinking of this, he hurriedly ordered those generals behind the barracks to lead them to his main tent, and after gathering, he followed him to the front.Those generals didn't dare to be negligent after hearing about this matter, they rushed to the front with people led by Xiang Yu.They were all the Chu army who had not been affected by the fire, so the army was neat and tidy, and there was no panic at all.

When this group of Chu troops went up to kill, they just ran into their own troops that had been beaten back again and again by the Qin army, so they made way to let their own people pass, and then rushed up to fight with the Qin army who was chasing behind. World War I.

Under the leadership of Han Xin, the Qin army was chasing the fleeing Chu army and setting fire to the tents. When Zhengshuang suddenly found a neat and murderous Chu army rushing out in front of him.They didn't say much, just like fighting with those Chu troops just now, they killed them.But once the two armies clashed, Han Xin felt that this Chu army was different from the Chu army just now. They were obviously not as flustered as the Chu army just now, and their formation was rigorous, not only blocking their own attack but also relying on their superiority in numbers conducted a [counterattack.As soon as the Qin army encountered a setback, it became clear that the opponent was not easy to deal with, so instead of just attacking desperately as before, it began to lay down a formation and combine offense and defense.

Xiang Yu saw those Qin people who burned half of his camp with fire in front of him, and the anger in his heart burned again, but because he knew that the most important thing at this time was to repel the enemy first, so he restrained himself Stop yourself, don't let yourself take the lead and kill the soldiers, but direct the soldiers to move forward slowly.Under his order, the more than 2 Chu troops began to counterattack the Qin army in an orderly manner. After a long while, the Chu army already had the upper hand in the situation.

Seeing that the Chu army was not in a hurry to fight him, and did not send anyone to put out the fire, Han Xin felt a little puzzled.Immediately, he found that the number of enemies blocking him was at least three times that of his own, and the uneasiness in his heart became even stronger.Since the Chu army is far superior to them, there is no need for them to fight so steadily. An idea suddenly popped into Han Xin's mind, and he hastily ordered: "The former army desperately blocked the attack of the Chu people, and the others quickly retreated to the city. If there is something flammable, ignite it immediately to stop the Chu army."

Those Qin soldiers were very puzzled when they saw that although they could not gain the upper hand, but they would not fail, their chief general ordered to retreat.

Xiang Yu saw that the Qin army started to retreat, and with a wave of the long knife in his hand, he led his own soldiers to charge forward.Since I want to achieve the strategy of completely annihilating the incoming enemy, then use the absolute superiority of troops to defeat them.It turned out that after the confrontation between the two sides, he had already seen that the number of the Qin army was not large, and it was only by virtue of the advantage of the surprise attack and the cover of the night that he could rush left and right in his tent, which made him even more sure of the Qin army in the city. Certainly not many people.So he ordered the soldiers to continue to fight with the Qin army, so as to slowly spread his own people around them, and when the time came, they would encircle them together.Unexpectedly, the enemy had already discovered the encirclement without success, so they had to order the Chu army to attack with all their strength.

Xiang Yu took the lead and rushed into the Qin army's formation like a god of killing. There was basically no general in front of him, and he was killed all over his body.It was easier for the Chu army in the back to have him, the great killer, charge for them, and it was easier for the Qin army. After a while, the hundreds of people who stayed behind were all killed by them.

But Xiang Yu hadn't finished venting the anger in his heart, and he was still urging the black-tailed horse to go forward. When he was about to chase, suddenly the two tents beside him and in front of him were burned for a long time. And fell down, just blocking his way.Although the black horse has been battle-tested for a long time, its fire-fearing nature is still there. Seeing the two balls of fire smashed down, "Herod" stood up and did not dare to move forward.The Chu army at the back saw that the general was no longer moving forward, but when he found that there was an ambush from the Qin people in front of him, they also stopped. Finally, they had to watch helplessly as Han Xin returned to Hanoi County with his troops.

In this night attack, the Chu army lost 6000 to [-] troops, and nearly half of the tents were burned to ashes. Fortunately, their food, grass and luggage were placed in the rear camp, so they did not suffer losses, otherwise the Chu army had to withdraw first.But this made Xiang Yu very angry. He had never suffered such a big loss since he led the army. He immediately swore in front of all the Chu soldiers who died in battle and the soldiers who died in battle: "I, Xiang Yu, will definitely break through this city. Kill all the Qin people in the city!" Seeing his annoyed look, Fan Zeng hurriedly advised him to attack Hanoi County after a few days of recuperation.Xiang Yu also knew that this time it was indeed because he was too entrusted with the situation so that the Qin people could take advantage of it, so he listened to Fan Zeng's suggestion and did not send troops temporarily while feeling ashamed.

After Han Xin returned to the city, he counted the troops and found that there were thousands of people lost. He looked at the camp of the Chu army outside the city and couldn't help sighing: "This Chu army is much more powerful than the previous one. If you can counterattack so quickly and want to take advantage of the situation to wipe us all out, this feather is really good at using troops." He was still very worried, fearing that the people of Chu would be angry and immediately send troops to attack the city, so he decided to He ordered some soldiers to go to the city to guard immediately, ready to fight offensive and defensive battles with the Chu army at any time.

But until it got dark on the second day, the Chu army did not send troops to attack, which made Han Xin more cautious, because he was sure that the enemy he was facing was not a reckless person, but also a person with extremely high military talents.And he also began to worry, the Qin army guarding the city is far inferior to the Chu army outside the city, and now he just wants those troops transferred to the north to come back as soon as possible, so that they can truly defeat the Chu army.

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