Qiang Qin

Chapter 262

Updated: 2010-12-19

This time when chasing Xiang Yu, Fusu decided to take him down in one go, so he brought out the serial horses that survived the last battle.Although the weakness of these serial horses that they cannot fight for a long time on the battlefield is well known to both the enemy and us, Fusu believes that this time the pursuit of the Chu army is a sure thing.

More than a thousand serial war horses lined up in several rows, and rushed towards the opposite Chu army at the fastest speed. This time, Fusu also learned the lesson of the last battle, and did not let these men and horses rely on their thick armor and slow down. Fighting slowly made the war horses overwhelmed in the end, but let them launch the strongest attack from the beginning, crushing the formation of the Chu army in one fell swoop.

Xiang Yu turned around and saw these serial horses rushing up, his heart was cold. Now that he has not enough troops and horses, and he let the soldiers see the strength of these cavalry without any precautions, the Chu army will definitely lose. The will to fight, then they will have only a dead end.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yu clenched the long knife a little more, and then looked around, trying to find a place where he could deal with the galloping serial horse.And the soldiers of the Chu army around him have already partially recognized what it was. Even if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they had heard about it in the battle a few days ago. Now thinking of the horror of the serial horse, everyone The sergeant's face changed instantly, and some people even had the idea of ​​running away.Just when Xiang Yu was about to kill the serial horses, one of them suddenly said: "Overlord, the general sees that the enemies here are connected by ropes. As long as our army retreats into the dense forest, these cavalrymen will definitely not be able to escape." I'm chasing you in." He pointed to a dense forest to the east.

At this time, Xiang Yu was already in a hurry to go to the doctor, and when he heard this, he ordered the army to go east without thinking.All the Chu soldiers knew that if they left the team, they would definitely become the ghosts of the Qin army, so although they were terrified, they followed Xiang Yu to the east.Because of their sudden change of direction, the serial horses that were catching up couldn't turn around for a while, which also gave them enough time to retreat into the woods.

The woods were not very dense, but they blocked the direction of the serial horses, so they had no choice but to stop outside the woods, waiting for Fusu to catch up with the army.When Fusu caught up, he was also surprised to see that he had not fought against the Chu army as he thought, but when he heard that Xiang Yu led his men and horses to hide in the forest, his heart relaxed.What he was afraid of now was that Xiang Yu would flee with his men and horses, and he would have to fight in this Chu land for a few months, but now that he and his men were here, he could catch them all in one go.

Fusu immediately gave an order: "The whole army obeys the order, surround this forest of books on all sides, and don't let the Chu army escape." Then he paused, as if making up his mind, and then said: "The crossbowmen obey the order, Wrap the crossbow arrows in a cloth and ignite them, follow my orders and shoot together into the forest, no matter how powerful Xiang Yu is this time, he will not be able to escape this catastrophe." It turned out that when Fusu heard that Xiang Yu had entered the forest, he thought Now it is late autumn, everything is dry, and it is the best time to attack with fire.As long as the forest is set on fire, the Chu army inside may not be able to escape.

When Han Xin heard Fusu's order, he admired him greatly, but at the same time, he also felt a sense of fear. What he respected was that Fusu could think of a way to defeat the enemy in a short period of time, but he was afraid of him. murderous heart.When the fire started, the tens of thousands of guards in the woods would be wiped out, but Fusu didn't even bat an eye when he gave this order. "I have always regarded the best as a person who will do whatever it takes to win. I didn't expect the emperor to be more so." Han Xin thought to himself as he watched the soldiers of the Qin army start to move, and the arrows were already on fire.

In fact, he wronged Fusu a little bit. At this time, Fusu didn't even think about what would happen if the fire went down. He only thought about how to calm things in Chu as quickly as possible, so as to rule the world.Fusu raised his hand slowly, as soon as he lowered his hand, all the Chu soldiers in the woods would be burnt to charcoal.

At this time, suddenly a Qin soldier ran over and shouted: "Your Majesty, the Chu army suddenly rushed out from the north and went west!"

"What?" Fusu raised his hand and forgot to put it down for a moment, and asked in surprise, "What happened?"

It turned out that when Xiang Yu led his men and horses into the woods, and when the horses' hooves stepped on the ground covered with fallen leaves, he suddenly thought that if the Qin people attacked with fire, they would suffer disaster.So he immediately issued the order to leave the forest.But it was very difficult for these many people to go back out of the forest, so in the end Xiang Yu had to order the whole army to continue moving forward, and at the same time sent scouts to investigate the situation outside.Soon the scouts brought the news that the Qin people had surrounded the woods, and at the same time they brought news of the crossbow bolts that were about to be ignited.Xiang Yu was anxious, so he ordered the whole army to be ready to rush out of the forest at any time, and he sent scouts to investigate the situation of the Qin army encircling the forest.After this investigation, he knew that the Qin army had deployed heavy troops on both sides of the southeast to prevent the Chu army from breaking through, and the west was the direction for them to enter the forest. At this time, the Qin army must be guarding there, so the only way to go north was So Xiang Yu decisively ordered the whole army to march north, and broke through as soon as it reached the edge.

Indeed, everything was as Xiang Yu thought. The Qin army never thought that Xiang Yu would come out here, so there were not too many troops deployed here, which gave the Chu army a good chance to kill and killed thousands of people. After the people, the remaining Chu army rushed out of the woods and headed west.

"His original purpose was to go to Kuaiji to solve the crisis there, but now he is heading west in the opposite direction. I predict that he will come back." Fusu judged, and then ordered the whole army to go to Kuaiji according to his own judgment. There are troops on all the roads, and Xiang Yu and his troops must be found.

But Xiang Yu had already guessed the arrangement that the Qin army would make, so when he rushed out of the tree and headed west, he didn't stop the army, and then turned back to the south. Instead, he led the army all the way to the northwest.This made the Chu army who followed him unable to understand. Finally, after walking for two days, someone raised his doubts.

Xiang Yu said: "Now our purpose has been completely grasped by the people of Qin. If we want to go back to Kuaiji, it will be impossible, so I plan to do something that the people of Qin can't think of, that is, to take back the original city of our Chu State. This is Chenjun. The Qin people thought they had us under control. The first few cities like Chenjun would not have many troops left to guard them. Once our army arrives, those cities will fall. We have it." Seeing that everyone still didn't understand what he meant, Xiang Yu had no choice but to continue: "If Chen County can be captured by us, then Dang and Dong County will certainly be no exception, and once these three counties return to us In my hands, I can cut off the food supply of the Qin people, how will the Qin army with more than [-] food shortages fight us?"

Only then did the generals realize that this was a dangerous move that Xiang Yu wanted to win in defeat. Of course, it was also forced out by various situations.But someone still asked worriedly: "Overlord, although this strategy is a good way to turn defeat into victory, if our Kuaiji is occupied by the rebels or the Qin army, then I will..."

Xiang Yu said: "Now we can only hope that Mr. Fan can wipe out those rebels and hold Kuaiji at the same time, but now we can't rush there." They all agreed to Xiang Yu's strategy and marched towards Chen Jun.

After Fusu asked other troops to deploy everywhere, he also brought a large army to station at a critical intersection. Now he has some regrets for letting Lianhuanma chase the Chu army together. Xiang Yu would not run away as soon as he saw Qin Jun.Maybe in that case Xiang Yu would have been lost in his own family.After waiting for a few days, the Chu army did not come back, and the troops deployed everywhere did not send news of the Chu people. This made Fusu doubt his own judgment again. He looked at Han Dao: "Han Qing, where do you think these Chu troops will go? Have they already given up Kuaiji?"

In the past few days, Han Xin has been thinking about this question. Obviously, the Chu people will no longer bite the bullet and come here, so where will they go?Han Xin pondered for a while and then said: "Your Majesty, after the Chu army broke out that day, the soldiers came to report that they broke through from the west to the north. Isn't our northwest side Chen Jun? Do you think he Xiang Yu will go to the north?" Did you bring your troops there?"

"Chen Jun...Chen Jun..." After Fusu murmured twice, his face changed, "No, we didn't have many troops left in Chen Jun. If Xiang Yu really attacked it, then Chen Jun It is bound to be impossible to defend. And once he captures Chen County, he will definitely take advantage of the situation to take down Dang and Dong County, and then our food, grass and luggage will not be able to enter."

Han Xin's face was also tense: "The emperor is right, but now Xiang Yu has been gone for several days, I'm afraid..."

Fusu walked back and forth in the tent and said, "It is impossible for us to save those three counties now, so we simply send troops to take Kuaiji, and let Xiang Yu's Chu army become a lone army!"

Han Xin couldn't think of a better way, so he agreed to Fusu's proposal, and the army began to prepare to go to Kuaiji.

Everything was exactly as Xiang Yu and Fusu imagined. When the Chu army arrived, the Qin soldiers in Chenjun only resisted symbolically, and then abandoned the city. Then Xiang Yu continued to lead his troops to the other two cities.

When Xiang Yu brought his men and horses to the city of Dangjun, he saw an army of no more than [-] people attacking Dangjun. Xiang Yu was very surprised: "Is there such a team in Chu?" ? I don’t know why.”

But Xiang Yu didn't know that the army attacking the city on the opposite side was the enemy he wanted to rush back to Kuaiji to eradicate—the rebel team led by Zhou Bo and others.

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