Qiang Qin

Chapter 310 Two-pronged approach

Updated: 2011-02-03

Perhaps it was because Fusu was eager to find out after seeing Yu Ziyan's name just now, or maybe it was because Fusu had been in this era for too long, and he didn't remember the famous people in history too deeply. He didn't notice the name Lu Zhi until then.After staring blankly at these two words for a while, Fusu let out a sneer and went to the harem. The servants around him didn't know why the emperor had such a strange smile, but they didn't dare to ask.

"If I remember correctly, isn't Liu Bang's wife Lu Pheasant? Unexpectedly, history has changed, but she is still there. Could it be that she wants to assassinate me like Yu Ziyan, for her own husband? Did Liu Bang take revenge? But I remember that Liu Bang was killed by Xiang Yu, why did she come to Xianyang, and in the name of running for the empress?” One after another, questions appeared in Fusu’s mind, but he broke them He couldn't think of Lu's pheasant's intentions.

When he came to Xiaotao's palace, Fusu already had a plan: since these people want to avenge their husbands and commit themselves to him, then he can simply follow their wishes and use it later. Just plan to deal with these two women.And in this way, the mouths of those courtiers who have been clamoring to accept the empress can be silenced, and they will know that it is their idea that put the emperor in danger.After making up his mind, Fusu put on a relaxed face and walked to Xiaotao's palace, he didn't want the person he cared most to worry about him.

When the news spread that Fusu wanted those recruits who were still training to go to the grassland, those soldiers were shocked at once. They are all the children of famous families in various places. Fighting, so soon some people started running outside Xianyang City, hoping to escape home.But since Fusu would spread the news, of course he had a perfect plan, and those who escaped were quickly caught back.

These people who were captured were not only beheaded in public, as an example to others, but also hung outside the barracks for three days.This action greatly deterred those soldiers who were timid and wanted to run away. From then on, no matter how difficult the training was, no one dared to say a word.This is also a method that Fusu and others came up with in order to prevent the 2 people from losing their positions as soon as they encountered the enemy, and thus the Northern Expedition failed. Judging from the current situation, this method obviously achieved its goal.

On March [-]th, Fusu finally issued an imperial decree to let the recruits, who had been trained for more than two months, go to the northern frontier, join up with the defenders there, and then the generals there would dispatch [-] elite soldiers to join them. Go into the depths of the steppe to make a final stand against the Huns.

Just after dawn, 2 people were already standing outside the north gate of Xianyang City.Although they have not been in the army for a short time, they also have the unique vigor of young people. Coupled with two months of hard training, these 2 people look like sharp swords drawn out of their sheaths, showing their sharpness.Seeing the energetic appearance of the 2 horses, Fusu showed a satisfied smile. He stood on the top of the city and said loudly to the soldiers: "Today I asked you to go to the grassland to destroy the Huns. Many people are very upset. It is anxiety. Because the people of the Central Plains have never attacked the Huns on the grassland, but I can tell you that we will be able to achieve the final victory in this battle. The Huns on the grassland are now at the end of their battles. I can no longer compete with the elite teachers of Great Qin. All you need to do now is to go to the grasslands and kill those barbarians who once killed our relatives and friends! When everyone returns in triumph, I I will go out of the city for fifty miles to meet you!" Fusu's words were spread to everyone's ears by the messenger, and those who were a little scared felt that they could indeed live in the grassland because of Fusu's words. The ones galloping on the road, thinking that once they return, they will surely be able to glorify their ancestors. Every soldier already feels that annihilating the Huns is something that he can definitely accomplish.

After waiting for all the soldiers to absorb his words, Fusu said again: "Finally, I would like to give you a sentence: The strong men eat the meat of the barbarians hungry, and talk about drinking the blood of the Huns with a smile! Mouton's head!"

This sentence ignited the flames of war in the hearts of all the soldiers. At first dozens of people, and finally all 2 soldiers shouted loudly: "The strong men are hungry to eat the meat of the barbarians, and laugh and talk about thirsting for the blood of the Huns!" Everyone completely forgot Forgot about other things, forgot that they were from the six kingdoms, and that they were the heirs of the family. Now they only think about one thing, that is to kill the grasslands, cut off the head of Maodun, and wipe out the Huns as a nation.With such a high fighting spirit, [-] horses headed north under the leadership of Zidu. They will set foot on the grassland that the Central Plains people have never really understood, and challenge the unknown fate.

When the news that these people had gone to the grassland finally reached the counties in the Central Plains, everyone was shocked.When they asked their children to go to Xianyang to enlist as the imperial army, those members of the big clan also thought that Fusu might control these people as hostages in their own hands to prevent them from making trouble.But they also thought that Fusu would recruit so many soldiers to go to Xianyang this time, maybe these soldiers would still be a surprise soldier of theirs in Xianyang, so they didn't stop those boys from going to Xianyang.But now they have learned that these children have gone to the grassland, how can this not surprise them.Among them were the discerning people who quickly saw the intention of this move. In order not to kill their children on the grassland due to the turmoil in the Central Plains, the people of these families began to use manpower and material resources Pulled out from those forces that are just around the corner.

None of these actions could hide from the eyes and ears of Fusu's spies all over the place. After knowing that these powerful families had begun to settle down, Fusu was relieved.The current Daqin can no longer withstand another turmoil, and the common people cannot afford repeated wars.As long as the current situation can be maintained, Fusu believes that with the policy of benevolent government, light corvee and low tax that he has always insisted on implementing, coupled with the upcoming imperial examination system, the world will be completely stable, and then he will truly be able to Daqin's foundation has stabilized.

Half a month after the soldiers and horses left Xianyang, all the county guards in Daqin received an edict from Fusu, ordering them to set up examination rooms in their respective counties and counties, and invite all educated folks together. It is necessary to give these people who are in the civil society and have no official position a chance, and select those with outstanding abilities to go to Xianyang.

All of a sudden, the entire Central Plains was boiling, and those who had studied all went to the Yamen to sign up, and then waited quietly for the day of the exam.It turns out that the officials appointed by Daqin were either nobles among the Qin people, or officials from a county. Those ordinary people had no chance to become officials at all, but now there is such a good opportunity in front of them. Aspiring scholars are not in a hurry to go.

As soon as this move came out, those who wanted to rebel to achieve their goals because they were talented but unable to show their strengths, and wanted to live up to their own abilities, immediately changed to the Yamen to sign up, and threw away their rebellious ideas. Went to the side.Yes, if they can realize their ambitions by following the right path, then why would they take the risk of being wiped out to do the rebellious thing?It took less than three days for the decree to come out, and there were already many applicants in every yamen.

The children of various prominent families were placed on the grassland, and the hands and feet of the prominent families who were originally opposed were bound. An imperial examination decree made a large number of talented people give up the road of chaos.With just two methods, Fusu has greatly reduced the number of rebels, and now the people who are still thinking about rebellion are mostly the original nobles of various countries, because their lives are very different now, and only they Still thinking about going back to the past.But now there are fewer and fewer people they can use. Even the people of the original countries think that the current emperor is a wise man, and they don't want any more wars.

When the exams in those places started, those people who were about to make a move also understood that the situation was completely against them. In order not to lose their lives, they all gave up their thoughts of making trouble.It was not until this time that Fusu completely reversed the fragmented situation that had been formed for hundreds of years, and the world was truly unified.

At this time, the 2 horses had already arrived in Yunzhong County and met Han Xin and other generals.Han Xin, Meng Tian and others had received Fusu's order long ago, and selected the most elite 1 horses from the tens of thousands of troops left in Yunzhong and other cities. Take it out.

With the addition of 2 veterans who have lived and died with the Huns here, this team immediately changed.The previous [-] horses only looked aggressive, but they were not stable enough. They were not a team that could fight for a long time. But with the addition of these [-] veterans, this team has truly become the hinterland of the grassland. , The best soldiers among the best soldiers who turned the Xiongnu upside down.

After resting in Yunzhong City for two days, Zidu bid farewell to Han Xin and other generals with 3 horses and continued to go north. The 3 people and [-] horses looked so vigorous under the sunshine.

Han Xin looked at the men and horses going away and sighed: "It's a pity that the emperor doesn't let me take the men and horses to the grassland. I really want to go with them to fight the Huns a few times, and let these always violate my border. The Huns have tasted the feeling of their relatives being killed and their homes being destroyed!" The other generals around him also nodded in sympathy.

ps: On the first day of the new year, I wish you all the best in the new year~~~~

I originally planned to post more, but because I have to visit relatives and friends, I can only do this, I am really ashamed~~~~

But I still ask for collections and tickets on the first day of the new year~~~~~~~

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