Qiang Qin

Chapter 32 Offense and Defense

Updated: 2010-05-31

Zhao Changke led a group of defeated troops and fled all the way back, and it seemed that they had reached the Beidi Canyon.Now there is only one thought in his mind, that is to flee back to Xianyang, he never imagined that Meng Tian and his troops would be so powerful, only tens of thousands of horses can beat people five times his size like this.Just when he ran into the valley in a panic, he suddenly heard someone calling himself, but when he turned his head, it was Pang Wanyou.

Pang Wanyi was also in a panic at this time, his helmet had fallen somewhere, and the armor on his body was loose with the running of the horse below him, and he only held a sword without a scabbard in his hand.He saw Zhao Changke hurriedly patted his horse and came to him and said, "General, we can't retreat, this will make the rebel army's momentum stronger, and it will be difficult for the imperial court to deal with them again. Besides, when our [-] troops come out, now But if we go back like this, I'm afraid it won't look good for you and my Lord Zhao in front of the emperor."

After Zhao Changke heard this, he knew that what he said was reasonable, but looking at the soldiers who had no fighting spirit, there was nothing they could do. At this time, hundreds of people had already run into the long valley. "Now that the morale of the army has been slackened, is it still possible for us to fight the enemy?" Zhao Changke said authentically.

Pang Wanyou looked at the back and found that no one was chasing him, and said: "Although our army has suffered heavy losses, it is not that we are completely incapable of fighting them. As long as the general gathers up his troops and reorganizes, we can still fight together." Fighting. Moreover, our army’s food and grass will arrive in a few days, and then we will be able to make up for the lost food and grass. This time we can step by step and fight a war of attrition with them.”

"But the morale of the army..." Because of these two major defeats, Zhao Changke's psychology underwent a 180-degree change, from extreme arrogance to cowardice.

"As long as the general can restrain the army, the army's spirit can still be united. Please trust me, general."

Zhao Changke reined in his horse and hesitated for a moment, said: "Okay, then we will go to the other side of the valley to camp and fight again with the whole army." He wanted to camp on the other side of the valley because he was afraid that Meng Tian would send people to attack again. The enemy can be found earlier after a valley is separated; the second is because many soldiers have already run into the valley, so it is better to join them in the past at this time.

Now that Zhao Changke has agreed to fight again, Pang Wanyou will naturally not object to his idea.In fact, the main reason why he wants to fight again is for himself.Because he knew that if the crusade failed this time, his sin would be great after returning to Xianyang, and Zhao Changke would have nothing to do because of his relationship with Zhao Gao. It's not like he won't give up easily.

Under the strong restraint of the two, the army finally settled down and began to organize the team.In fact, the substantive damage caused by the night attack this time was far less than what they imagined. It was only the attack at night that caused the sergeants to panic, which is why there was a greater rout than during the day.

The army stepped into the valley in an orderly manner in the dark, because most of the luggage was left in the camp, so there was no fire.Just when the whole army had entered the middle of the valley, there was a bang of clappers on the hillside above.With the sound of shouting and killing, arrows shot down from above, and stones rolled down from above.Caught off guard, hundreds of soldiers on both sides of the army fell down at once.

The team, which was already in lingering fear, was in disarray once again after it had just adjusted its formation. The first reaction of many soldiers after being attacked was to run forward and out of the valley.The soldiers behind also began to squeeze forward after learning about the situation ahead. Some soldiers were already red-eyed, and brazenly stabbed their weapons at their own robes in order to escape for their own lives.The fear of death shrouded the hearts of these soldiers. At this moment, they could only subconsciously wave their weapons and run forward. If there was anything blocking their progress, they would destroy it.In an instant, the valley became a hell. Zhao Changke's army trampled and killed each other. If it weren't for the protection of their own soldiers, the two generals would have killed their own people.Of course, the arrow stone above did not stop, which made them feel even more frightened. The chaos continued in the valley for a long time, and the screams resounded all over the field.

When Zhao Changke and Pang Wanyou ran out of the valley, they found that there were only about 2 people around them, and half of them died in the valley.Looking at the terrified soldiers, Pang Wanyou knew in despair that he was really doomed this time, this time it was a real defeat.The two rushed back to Xianyang with [-] remnant soldiers like bereaved dogs.

In fact, there were only a few thousand people ambushing on the hillside. They never imagined that they would beat tens of thousands of horses so badly with just a few attacks.Seeing that the other party had escaped from the valley, someone from here went back to Beidi County to report victory to Meng Tian.

"Unexpectedly, the enemy was defeated by us like this." When Meng Tian saw the scene in the valley, he said with emotion, "Leave 1000 people to clean up the battlefield, and the rest will follow me back to Beidi City, and tomorrow I will send troops to support Shangjun."

Just as Beidi County was victorious, Fusu and the others were engaged in a new round of offensive and defensive battles with Baiban.After the new defense weapon designed by Fusu withstood several attacks, Bai Ban finally gave up the battle of ascending the tower, and turned to the tactic of storming the city gate again.This time, Bai Ban made full use of his advantage that he had more soldiers than Fusu, and launched a wheel attack on the city gate of Shangjun. He sent 2 people to attack the city gate every hour, day and night, and he wanted to drag down the city alive. defenders.

However, with the spiritual support of Fusu and the strict defense of several generals, Shangjun City resolutely stood upright for three days and three nights. During these three days and three nights, both sides suffered a lot of casualties, but generally speaking, the casualties of the day squad that attacked the city were the most.But such a delay caused Fusu's new city defense weapon to be useless, because it was impossible to install that device on the section of the city gate.

Seeing the soldiers fighting bloody battles, Fu Su really wished that he could have a heavy machine gun in his hand, so that he could attack all the enemies he would commit in the future.But the reality is that the city gate can only be defended by the soldiers' bodies and blood.The city gate of Shangjuncheng had already been smashed by the enemy who rushed in front of him with a ram, but fortunately, he was prepared and piled up a high pile of earth and rocks behind the gate, which blocked the enemy's crazy attack.

Night had already fallen on the earth, and Fusu stood on the top of the city and watched the enemy attack him again. He didn't know how long the soldiers could last. Only now did he truly feel that the victory of the first battle was exhausted.Seeing the brave enemy rushing forward, Fusu unconsciously sighed.

"Prince, you should go down and have a rest, we are here." Zhou Xing also walked over from the side wearily and said, he hadn't closed his eyes for two days.

"My Great Qin has so many warriors, but why do they want to kill each other?" Fu Su said with no emotion.

"The throne is like this." Li Heng's hoarse voice came from behind. He hadn't rested for two days. It wasn't because he needed to command the battle, but because he was treating the wounded soldiers.

"I hope General Meng can repel the enemy as soon as possible, and then come to support, otherwise we may not last long." Fusu looked at the bloody soldiers and felt that he was the murderer who killed them, and felt very uncomfortable.

However, Zhou Xing knew that if it was fought like this here, then the number of soldiers in Beidi County would be much smaller than here, and it would be an extravagant hope to win, but he still comforted him: "Prince, don't worry, General Meng will definitely Arrived on time as agreed."

At this time, the sound of Mingjin came from the enemy army, and it was obvious that Bai Squad was about to attack again.But taking advantage of this short moment, the soldiers also fell down, and now they rest as much as they can.

Suddenly Fusu saw a commotion behind Baiban's camp, and then he saw that Baiban did not send anyone to attack Shangjun City, but instead had troops rushing to the back.

"General Meng is really here!" Zhou Xing shouted after seeing this scene.He didn't expect that Meng Tian could really defeat the enemy and come to the rescue.

"Hurry up, quickly remove the earth and rocks at the gate of the city, and we will go out to attack the Baiban army with General Meng!" Fusu also woke up, commanding loudly with a sense of mystery.

In fact, why should he order at this time, some soldiers have already started to move away the earth and rocks blocking the city gate.After the city gate was unblocked, the soldiers rushed out like fierce tigers and pounced on Bai Ban's army. They wanted to vent all the grievances they had suffered these days.

Bai Ban never expected that his rear would be attacked. When he hurriedly dispatched troops to defend, the Fusu army had already rushed out of the city, and immediately formed a front and rear flanking attack.

The real bloody battle began. There were no tools for defending the city, not a surprise attack, but only blood and punches. Both sides began the final battle with their lives as the bet.

Fusu still stayed in the city, and he hurriedly ordered the cavalry who had been resting in the city and hadn't fought to move out as soon as possible.Because it is the responsibility of the infantry to defend the city, and it takes much longer to train a cavalry who can adapt to the stirrups than to train an infantry, so Fusu did not ask the cavalry to defend the city, but this is the time to play the role of the cavalry up.Ten thousand cavalry rushed into the Bai squad's army like lightning, and they rushed straight into chaos. At this time, the benefits of attacking from front to back also appeared.The failure of the day shift appeared.

But Bai Ban is also a famous general after all, he knew that he had already recovered from such a situation, so he resolutely launched a breakthrough.In Fusu, they led the team to break out of the siege in the direction of Taiyuan County before forming a siege.In this way, the loss of his team was minimized in the end, but this time the crusade was a complete failure.

Fusu and Mengtian joined together, when the soldiers still wanted to take the opportunity to chase and kill them, Fusu stopped them: "We and they are all warriors of the Great Qin, don't kill them all, maybe one day they will become my Fusu just like you." Su's warrior."

A big battle came to an end, but the problem of post-war arrangements also appeared in front of Fusu immediately after the battle.

ps: 20 words, finally wrote 30 words!I never imagined that I could stick to so many words before, but because of your support, I can keep writing. Thank you everyone who read this novel, and please support me as always, I will be more Hard work, 100, [-]. . . . . .Until [-] million, as long as I have your support, I will work hard!

At the same time, my book finally has a cover, shhh (wiping sweat) I'm ashamed, there are only [-] words for the cover

Finally, I wish everyone a happy Children's Day in advance~~~~~~

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