Qiang Qin

Chapter 326

Updated: 2011-02-19

The past year was indeed very difficult for the Huns.Although the 3 horses led by Zidu were almost besieged and killed by them in Shanyu's tent, they were finally rescued by people who didn't know where they came from.After the pursuit failed, Maodun sent out a lot of cavalry to look for the whereabouts of these Qin people on both sides of the southeast. He thought that the thousands of cavalry who suddenly charged were also Qin troops, and they were just responding outside. .But he didn't expect that this group of people would be Yuezhi people coming from behind him.Of course, this is also because the clothes worn by the Qin army in constant battles on the grasslands are almost the same as those of the herdsmen, and the Yuezhi cavalry along the way were also dressed as herdsmen. Such a big courage to kill his own hinterland.So the search on both sides of the southeast was of course fruitless.

And because of this reason, the Huns dare not send troops to the Central Plains or the Yuezhi people to plunder easily, because once their army leaves their grassland, if the missing Qin army reappears, other people on the grassland The shepherds will suffer.And because Zidu killed and destroyed the grassland for several months, the Huns suffered great losses. They burned the fertile grassland to white ground, many cattle and sheep were killed, and many adult herdsmen also died. , In this way, the materials that the Huns can feed themselves will be even more scarce, and they will not be able to plunder others. The Huns can only suffer through this whole year.During this year, on the one hand, the Huns were always on guard to prevent the Qin army from coming again, and on the other hand, they were also carefully looking for the whereabouts of the disappeared Qin army.

When the winter passed and spring came again, all the tribes of the Huns suffered a lot. Of course, they all died of hunger or cold.Seeing that the people of the various tribes were already suspenseful and couldn't even get through this spring, Mouton had no choice but to send troops to the Central Plains again to plunder the supplies they needed from the Central Plains people to survive the current catastrophe.Of course, this was the decision they made when they believed that Zidu's troops had already left the grassland. After all, an army of tens of thousands of people couldn't spend a casual winter on the grassland.And the reason why Mouton did not choose Yuezhi, a relatively weak opponent, was that the Yuezhi was also a nomadic regime. After the winter, they did not have much leftover supplies. It must not be enough for the Huns to pass this test. of.

Tens of thousands of Xiongnu cavalry are ready to go again. This time they yearn to kill the Central Plains more than ever before, because they urgently need food and clothes there. Of course, there are also reasons for hatred. Many of their relatives are dead. In the hands of an army sent by those Central Plains people.

3 horses headed south again under the leadership of Mao Dun, and the rest of the horses stayed among the various tribes on the grassland to prevent the Qin people from appearing on the grassland.They didn't dare to attack those larger cities this time. Although they used tactics to attack several cities last time, the final outcome proved that siege is not what these Huns are good at.Their target this time was some small towns and villages located at the junction of the grassland and the Central Plains, from which they seized the supplies they needed, and then returned to the grassland immediately.Of course, in the confrontation, Maodun still said as before that he was going to attack the city of the Qin people, in order to enhance his own momentum.

It has been a long time since the Huns have never invaded the Central Plains, which made the people on the border full of trust in the court and the defenders again.That year they also saw the Qin army fighting the Huns on the edge of the grassland, and they were defeated and fled. Then there was the emperor's order to exterminate the Huns, and a cavalry News that has entered the grassland.This made the people on the border even more rejoicing, and more people came out of the big cities to hunt some prey on the edge of the grassland to subsidize their families.The common people seem to have forgotten that there is a powerful and fierce Xiongnu in the north of them.

In spring, everything revives, and some animals that have been hiding in the cave for a long winter come out one after another to find fresh food.Several hunters held bows and carried arrows on the edge of the grassland looking for their prey.The moment he saw a gray-haired hare rushing past, one person quickly bent his bow and shot an arrow.The arrow hit the very fat hare in the neck, and it struggled and died.The few people who followed the hunter praised repeatedly: "Lao Li's arrow skills are really good. In fact, with your ability, you can serve in the army and eat a bowl of military rations. Why do you hunt here for a living like us?"

That old Li smiled honestly, stepped forward and held the hare in his hand: "You don't know why my mother-in-law doesn't agree with me joining the army, saying that it is a matter of narrow escape, or here to plow the land and hunt Well, although life is a little bit hard, there is no need to take risks after all."

The few people walked forward looking for prey while talking and laughing, and they had arrived at a place more than ten miles away in the grassland before they knew it.There are obviously more prey here than in the place behind them, and it is quite rewarding for a few people to fly with their bows and arrows.When a few people were filled with joy when they saw that they had returned home with a full load, that old Li's expression froze suddenly: "No, there is the sound of horseshoes in front, and it's the Huns coming towards us!" Hearing what he said , The faces of the hunters also changed suddenly. Although they hadn't seen the Huns in the past few years, the brutal appearance of the Huns was still deeply in their minds.

"How many people came? If there were only a few people, with our ability, maybe we could shoot them and avenge our dead relatives!" asked one of the young people in their twenties. The horror of people is not very clear, he only has hatred for the Huns in his heart.

Lao Li immediately lay down on the ground and listened carefully. He jumped up in a blink of an eye and said, "Hurry up, there are no less than a thousand Huns attacking this time, and they are very close to us." Thousands of people immediately turned around and ran back, even the prey they carried on their backs and hands was thrown on the ground by them.

Their movements were still too slow, before they could run far, rows of black shadows appeared behind them.The Huns cavalry at the front saw these hunters suddenly appearing in front of them, and without anyone's orders, they quickly rode up and surrounded them.Several hunters held the bows and arrows in their hands tightly, and their faces were already pale. Looking at the ferocious Huns on horseback who surrounded them, they didn't even have the ability to resist.

"Tell me, how far is it from the nearest village?" a general of the Huns asked them.These thousands of cavalry were just the vanguard of the Xiongnu's invasion of the Central Plains. Their task was to find out the situation near the grassland so as to prepare for the plundering of property by the army behind.

Before that old Li could speak, the young man who just said that he wanted to kill the Huns opened his mouth and told the truth: "There is a village less than ten miles south from here. Please spare me!" He who seemed to be filled with righteous indignation just now has Became a coward.

Hearing the location of his village, the faces of Lao Li and the others changed drastically. They knew that their relatives and friends might be killed by the Huns.Several people looked at the young man with resentment. If they hadn't been surrounded by the Huns, they would have killed him long ago.

"Very good, kill them all. A village doesn't have any defenders, so let's go and attack that village, so that the army behind can have a foothold." The general sneered.

After a few screams, these hunters fell into a pool of blood, while the Huns cavalry stepped on their bodies and continued to go south.Half a day later, this village with a population of over a hundred was occupied by the Huns. The men in the village were killed, and the women were gathered together, waiting for the cavalry to arrive for the entertainment of the chiefs.

Zhou Xing in Yunzhong City is training a new army team. These people are only in their twenties, but everyone is very strong. This is also the advantage of the people here in the north. Bow, get on the battlefield.Guarding here for many years, Zhou Xing's hatred for the Huns is not weaker than that of any soldier or commoner, so although he has received the emperor's order and knows that they will eventually get along with the Huns in a peaceful way, he has just sent Chao Ang and his party left this place and headed north, but he still couldn't relax a little bit, Ren Jiu wanted to select strong people from among the people to become part of the defense of the city.

Seeing them rushing back and forth on the school grounds with high morale, Zhou Xing showed a satisfied smile on his face. He knew that as long as there were a few more battles with the Huns, these recruits would be able to become soldiers that even the Huns were afraid of. This is the advantage of this area in the cloud. Many people here are from Orion origin. Using bows and weapons to fight wild beasts is a means of survival for them.

Just when Zhou Xing was confidently thinking that these people would fill up the 1 horses who followed Zidu into the grassland and never returned, a scout hurried over: "Report to the general, something is wrong!"

"What's the matter?" Zhou Xing motioned for the lieutenant to command for him, and he came to the scout.

"When we went out to inspect the city today, we found that several villages around our Yunzhong City had been looted, hundreds of people had been killed, and all the property in the village had been removed." The scout road.

"What? There is such a thing? But the Huns did it?" Zhou Xing was furious and asked repeatedly.

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